The NetLetter For Air Canada Retirees
October 23rd, 2010 - Issue 1137 5476 Subscribers
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We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC etal. and share your experiences with us!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!
Terry & your NetLetter Team
Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |

1958 - Dec 16 - Antigua added to the system
- Jun 1 - Jet service between Canada and the UK commenced.
- Dec 1 - Commenced serving hot meals on all in economy class on the trans-Atlantic jet services.
- Dec 31 - C.D.Howe, founder of Trans-Canada Air Lines, died suddenly.
- Jan 2 - Jet service between Canada and continental Europe commenced.
- Super Constellation aircraft retired from scheduled trans-Atlantic service.
- Winnipeg personnel complete 54-seat Viscount conversion job.
Star Alliance News - Compiled by Terry Baker
Star Alliance |
Lufthansa now offers year-round direct Montreal-Munich service beginning October 2010.
Ethiopian Airlines will become the third Star Alliance member carrier on the African Continent, joining EGYPTAIR and South African Airways.
Air Canada Related News - Compiled by Terry Baker |
This winter from Vancouver, Air Canada will offer daily non-stop flights to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo Narita, Tokyo Haneda (beginning January 29, 2011), Seoul, Sydney Australia, London Heathrow, and Mexico City (weekend service begins November 1, with daily flights effective December 1, 2010).
Daily non-stop flights to Frankfurt and three times weekly non-stop flights to Auckland are offered on a code-share basis with Star Alliance partners Lufthansa and Air New Zealand, respectively. Cutting Debt ---the airline is forgoing replacing aircraft as it tries to repay almost C$1billion of debt in the next two years while Canada's corporate bond market begins to outperform the rest of the world. The flagship airline, which issued $1.09 billion of senior secured notes in July, wants to reduce debt using cash generated by improved operations, Chief Financial Office Michael Rousseau said Sept. 23 at a CIBC World Markets conference in Montreal. The company will delay adding new planes until Boeing 787s are delivered sometime after 2012, he said. (source YYZNEWS) Mexico Expansion --the government of Canada has given Air Canada additional route authority to Mexico as follows; Regina-Cancun, St.John's-Cancun, and Montreal-Cozumel. These new routes are over and above the existing network to Mexican cities from other points across Canada. (Source YYZNEWS) Air Canada becomes first airline in South America to offer mobile check-in from Santiago, Chile's Arturo Merino Benitez airport. On Wednesday, September 29, we boarded our first passenger in SCL, using our new locally launched mobile check-in service, thereby becoming the first airline in South America to offer this innovative and convenient service.
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 A sad note for those who were based in YQM from 1940 to 1980...
Jean Mayer began her career in the food service industry working with her parents at the CNR Station on Main Street in Moncton. She remembered selling sandwiches to the troops on the trains as they passed through Moncton on their way to Halifax. I remember visiting the first "Flight Kitchen" in downtown Moncton where sandwiches were being prepared for the Lockheed 14 and 18 aircraft. Many will remember the Flight Kitchen that she operated at the "old" Moncton airport and later the newer one on the Dog Patch ( or Lakeburn) side of the field. Jean was a friend of every youngster in "The Patch" - she never had any trouble getting rid of her "broken" Peak-Frean cookies. She retired from CARA Operations after 45 years of service. She died Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 at the tender age of 106. Had she lived until December the 3rd she would have been 107. She attributed her longevity to "onions and vinegar", her treat at the end of a busy day. The funeral was held in Moncton September 29, 2010.
Regards, Allen McKenzie (from Dog Patch)
We are indebted to Doreen Blakely who very kindly donated a very large number of "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" dating from the mid '40's though to the mid 90's, via the efforts of Roy Reaville and delivered by Gordon Russell.
Issue dated - March 1968 Extracted from the "Between Ourselves" magazine
 FINANCE TOUR - Local and out-of-town formation managers were given a tour of the Winnipeg Finance department recently at the invitation of Henry Keil, Comptroller. In this photo, Cliff McWho, Manager, Data Processing Centre explains the function of a computer to a local group.
From the left ore: Bob Echols, Assistant Comptroller, Data Processing; Ken Chapman, Engineering Superintendent; Bill Norberg, Director, Maintenance Base; Al Johnston, Station Operations Manager; McWho; and Bert Thompson, Flight Dispatch Manager.
 This photo shows, from the left: Mert Maines, Station Operations Manager, Saskatoon; Sid Blacker, Chief Internal Auditor; Vern Bower, Station Operations Manager, Regina; Leo McIntyre, District Sales Manager, Saskatoon; Jack MacLean, District Sales Manager, Regina; and Ed Kumko, Key Punch Supervisor.
Issue dated - October 1958
 YARDS AND YARDS of tickets were issued by the Vancouver Ticket Office to Mrs. Dorothy Neen, Supreme Queen of the Daughters of the Nile.
Mrs.Neen and her 22-foot ticket left Vancouver September 2nd on an extensive tour of Canada and the USA, visiting all the Temples of the Daughters of the Nile. Her itinerary involves 8 airlines, 65 flight segments, 9 bus legs and 37 train trips. Shown from the left are: Jim Allen, Ticket Office Supervisor, Jerry Haag, Mrs. Jackie Hcrn, Ken Niven, Mrs. Neen, Mel Scott, Miss Mary Watson and Neil Campbell. (Imagine the amount of paper with e-tickets now - eds)
 SIGNING OF THE lAM Agreement which covers 4,000 TCA employees in Maintenance & Overhaul, Station Services and Stores, took place in July.
Shown are the negotiators,
from the left, seated: V. J. Rungenius, B. T. Horan. F. C. Eyre, N. A. Radford.J. G. Kennedy.
Standing: E. A. Smith, A.J.Cotton, M. A. Nabozniak. G. T. Waite, I. McGilp, K. Domaratzki, C. L. Forman, S. G. Sheldrake, C.W.Hodgson, G. R. McKiIIop, A. H. Mckay. H. S. Square.
Issue dated - November 1958
 "MEN OF MANY HATS who represent TCA at Rouyn in Northern Quebec are, from the left: Rod Brady. Station Manager; Len Gauthier, Station Agent; Guy Mainguy, Station Attendant and Andy Beauchesne, Station Agent. The four, plus one more station agent, handle all the functions of the airline at Rouyn. |
 ONLY THREE of the nine-man staff at Val dOr are shown in the photo. Station Manager Roger Mirault is flanked by Station Agents, Stuart Nye, left - and Lucien Guillaume. Three employees are posted to Val dOr as full time weather observers, maintaining 24-hour weather observation.
December 16th a new seating arrangement introduced for the Overseas Super G Constellation. The new arrangement will accommodate 71 passengers. Four "siesta" sleeper; seats are assigned for Deluxe passengers complete with curtains. First class seating will be in the rear of the aircraft to accommodate eight passengers plus a lounge. The other 59 seats will be Economy Class with Tourist class discontinued.
Issue dated - January 1961
 TCA'S ANSWER to long-distance walker Dr. Barbara Moore, is the Montreal Mail Room staff pictured.. The boys, seldom pictured as a group because of their duties, are shown here in front of one section of the 175-slot sorting rack. From left to right are: Wayne Weidrick, Charlie Cattle, Dick Lapierre, Peter Gauthier, John Press, Brian Watson and Supervisor, John Soumelidis. (This job, although important, ranks at the lower level - it may be interesting to know how these boys ended up within the company - eds) |
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan Rust |
Origin of the Pilots "Checklist" Do you ever wonder how and why certain procedures are setup? Usually the origin of any set of rules and procedure comes from a bad experience that could have been prevented if a "proper" method was followed.
I'm sure all of you have come across this, but sometimes you may not be aware of why these came about. Most notable to me is when I go out the door; keys "check", wallet "check", watch "check", cellphone "check", etc. How many times have you returned from the driveway... yeah, I know, too many. Me too!
In the airline industry, especially, we have numerous checklists. Here is the grandaddy of them all.
On October 30, 1935, at Wright Air Field in Dayton, Ohio, the U.S. Army Air Corps held a flight competition for airplane manufacturers vying to build its next-generation long-range bomber. It wasn't supposed to be much of a competition. In early evaluations, the Boeing Corporation's gleaming aluminum-alloy Model 299 had trounced the designs of Martin and Douglas. Boeing's plane could carry five times as many bombs as the Army had requested; it could fly faster than previous bombers, and almost twice as far.
A Seattle newspaperman who had glimpsed the plane called it the "flying fortress," and the name stuck. The flight "competition," according to the military historian Phillip Meilinger, was regarded as a mere formality. The Army planned to order at least sixty-five of the aircraft.
Model 299 Demo Flight |
A small crowd of Army brass and manufacturing executives watched as the Model 299 test plane taxied onto the runway. It was sleek and impressive, with a hundred-and-three-foot wingspan and four engines jutting out from the wings, rather than the usual two. The plane roared down the tarmac, lifted off smoothly and climbed sharply to three hundred feet. Then it stalled, turned on one wing and crashed in a fiery explosion. Two of the five crew members died, including the pilot, Major Ployer P. Hill (thus Hill AFB, Ogden, UT).
Model 299 crash |
An investigation revealed that nothing mechanical had gone wrong. The crash had been due to "pilot error," the report said. Substantially more complex than previous aircraft, the new plane required the pilot to attend to the four engines, a retractable landing gear, new wing flaps, electric trim tabs that needed adjustment to maintain control at different airspeeds, and constant-speed propellers whose pitch had to be regulated with hydraulic controls, among other features. While doing all this, Hill had forgotten to release a new locking mechanism on the elevator and rudder controls (called the "gust" lock). The Boeing model was deemed, as a newspaper put it, "too much airplane for one man to fly." The Army Air Corps declared Douglas's smaller design the winner. Boeing nearly went bankrupt. Still, the Army purchased a few aircraft from Boeing as test planes, and some insiders remained convinced that the aircraft was flyable. So a group of test pilots got together and considered what to do.
They could have required Model 299 pilots to undergo more training. But it was hard to imagine having more experience and expertise than Major Hill, who had been the U.S. Army Air Corps' Chief of Flight Testing. Instead, they came up with an ingeniously simple approach: they created a pilot's checklist, with step-by-step checks for takeoff, flight, landing, and taxiing. Its mere existence indicated how far aeronautics had advanced.
In the early years of flight, getting an aircraft into the air might have been nerve-racking, but it was hardly complex. Using a checklist for takeoff would no more have occurred to a pilot than to a driver backing a car out of the garage... But this new plane was too complicated to be left to the memory of any pilot, however expert With the checklist in hand, the pilots went on to fly the Model 299 a total of 18 million miles without one accident. The Army ultimately ordered almost thirteen thousand of the aircraft, which it dubbed the B-17 Flying Fortress.
B-17 Flying Fortress |
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Issue dated - May 1993 Extracted from the "Info Canadi>n" magazine
Fire training 1993. |
A new fire training system was developed to replace the usual halon substance with water. A carbon dioxide cartridge makes the water simulate gas when released. The waler-based system cut costs by 99 per cent and allows crew members to use as many extinguishers needed to complete the training as needed. It's also another step forward in Canadian's commitment to the environment because halon, although an excellent fire fighting agent, is harmful to the ozone.
Aircrew Training: Back row from left, Jim Stewart, Eric Oass, Christine Holliday, Yolauda Ford, Kate Mills and Dan Pettit;
front from left, Anne Hutton, Pennie Goodridge, Rebecca Brown, Bruce Burden, and Catharine Covey. Missing from the photo: Lisa Marak, Larry Syvret, Frances Montpetit and Gord Petri. |
 The introduction of Qik-Res last year at the Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal reservations offices moved Canadian to the leading edge in reservations technology. But the work didn't stop for the Qik-Res team when it completed the installation and training for the system. Team members continue to review suggestions from reservation agents for improving the system- they've processed more than 5,000 suggestions to date.
The 18-member team played a major role in modifying the American Airline/Qantas reservation system for Canadian. As well, the team installed, trained and supported the transition successfully with minimal interruption to internal and external customers. Qik-Res is a user-friendly reservations system. By greatly reducing the number of keystrokes, it allows agents to concentrate on using their sales skills with customers rather than remembering keystrokes.
Qik-Res: Back row from left, Gerry Williams, Manny Suhr, Wayne Stites, Henry Wendels and Jack Kilgour; middle, Rob Simpson, Peter Cvitkovich, Doug McLachlan, Karen Erickson, Jerry George and Kevin J. Jenkins; front, Kirk Fox, Sharon Palagain, Caroline Hagan, and Jennifer Moir.
The Quality of Working Life is a group of 10 volunteers from Cargo Accounting dedicated to improving their workplace.
Their success in 1992 included surveying the 47 employees who work in the department for their views on working conditions. They also improved their supply ordering process, saving $5,000. Conditions obstructing good working relations were identified so improvements could be made. The group organized reward and recognition celebrations. They also advised the section management team on development of policies and procedures. They are constantly inviting suggestions from their colleagues for improving their work area.
Quality of Working Life Group: From 1eft: Veronica Fong, Ivy Choung, Cecilia Point Steve Dee, Terry Oldman, Suzette Galloway, Wayne Bellamy, Reine Durksen, Marg Coates, Loretto Almonte.
Issue dated - December 1998 Extracted from the "Canadi>n Flyer" magazine
Terrance 1998 |
The last B737 (CP556) left Terrace on October 24th 1998 with a tip of its wings and a few tears. Thanks to CDN Inflight crew members - it has been fun working for you.
In this photo from left to right we have Jason Ellis, Debbie Minhinnick, Gail Morrison, Marg Bovens, Jacquie Hancock, Doreen Goodwin, Anne Blazosek, Diane Moroskat, Donna Folmer, Les Kutenics, (missing are Ron Marleau and Grant Casper)
Prince George 1998 |
October 24th 1998 marked the end of an era for Prince George. One hundred and forty five former employees and friends celebrated the end of 30 years of B737 service, replaced by F28 service via Canadian Regional Airlines.
Employees attending were from predecessor airlines PWA, CP Air and CPAL, and included Ron Hilde, who was a Junior Agent for CPAL in 1946. Also in attendance three previous Managers, including Ralph Sharp, who opened the Reservations Office in 1966, Jim Langridge and Ian Blacktock. Eleven of 19 counter staff will remain with CRA, three have chosen retirement and five have chosen to relocate.
Prince George was a very senior base; many of the employees have worked together for as many as 32 years, and it was with sadness that they watched the departure of CP567, the last B737 to depart Prince George and the start of a new era. (Unfortunately we do not have any identifications - Anyone care to let us know - eds)
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Fred Coyle has been in touch with Bob Bogash regarding the Super Constellation CF-TGE, and thought you may want an update
Here is the very happy ending to the story of TCA's Super Connie, CF-TGE. Bob Bogash sent it to me this evening and gave me permission (after I asked him) to send it to The Netletter for sharing with your subscribers. When I visited Bob and Dot in their home near Seattle in the fall of 2008, Bob told me at that time that it was his plan that our Super Connie would be displayed in a place of honor and he has certainly made that plan come true. He had a lot of headaches to overcome before the plan came to fruition. CF-TGE is now, as Netletter readers will see, on the ramp beside Air Force One and the Concorde. That Air Force One is the first jet Air Force One and was originally President Eisenhower"s airplane. It is the airplane on which Lyndon Johnson rushed to Dallas following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an historic airplane to be sure. Years ago, Bob Bogash wrote to BA and asked them for a Concorde for the Museum of Flight when the fleet was to be retired from service. He received a commitment from the Chairman, Lord King, that an airplane would be given to the Museum. By the time the fleet was to be retired, Lord King was also retired and the BA administration of the day was reluctant to honor that commitment. Bob followed up with Lord King. Thanks to Lord King the commitment was honored and the airplane was flown to Seattle. So now CF-TGE has joined these two magnificent aircraft on the ramp and it more than holds its own in that place of honor. It is a thing of great beauty. It will be seen by thousands over the years ahead; maybe millions. We should all be grateful to Mr. Bogash for his vision and his persistence against all odds to get the job done. I know that Air Canada Pionairs have recognized Bob's great contribution and have written to him acknowledging it. That takes care of recognition from the retirees. I would hope that in one way or another, the present management of our company would also recognize Bob's contribution and find a way of thanking him, if they have not already done so. Kind regards, Fred Coyle Victoria BC Here is the information Fred received -TCA Super G Constellation CF-TGE was moved during the wee hours Saturday and Sunday from Boeing Plant II to the Air Park of the Museum of Flight. The airplane is open to the public - but not the interior. It's been a long ride. Bob Bogash  The following web page provides a photographic recounting of the move, and answers some questions about the final reassembly. Click here or on image for web page.
(On behalf of its readers, the NetLetter wishes to thank Bob Bogash and his fellow workers for their efforts in keeping the TCA Super Constellation alive - eds)
Otto Staffeldt has sent us some information regarding the photo of 5 employees wearing the new uniforms in NetLetter nr 1133, Otto even recognized himself -
There was 2 pictures in your recent issue of the Netletter of unidentified Employees modeling the new Uniform in Nov. 1969. I can help you with some names. Top photo of 5, the man on the left is Kieth Alvey, and the man on the right is the undersigned, Otto von Staffeldt. I joined TCA in June 1962. retired in Feb. 1990, worked mainly in YZA, but also in Victoria BC. from 1970-75. In the 2nd. photo, the male agent in uniform is John Cannemyer.I am sure others will be able to identify some of the girls.
Best regards, Otto.
John Cannemeyer also recognizes himself, and others, and sends this information -
Hi, I know some of the staff members in new uniforms back in 1969. The fellow in the mustard yellow jacket is Mr Otto von Staffeldt ( 1st picture ) The girl in the red uniform is Sandy Gott (both pictures) The fellow in the green uniform John Cannemyer (2nd picture) Together with Marie Bray behind the counter and Sandy Gott speaking to Ralph ...... forgot his last name Hope this helps you a bit.
Blessings John
Odds & Ends - Compiled by Terry Baker
Britain's Newest Aviation AttractionThe vintage operator Air Atlantique Classic Flight at Coventry Airport, UK has revealed AIRBASE a new aviation center, which will be home to Britain's largest collection of flyable vintage jets and piston-powered transport and trainer aircraft.
A pleasure flight in a Dragon Rapide and Dove or possibly a 'Back to the Fifties' taxi experiences (complete with high-power engine runs) in a four-engined Douglas DC-6 (G-APSA) with cabin crew wearing period uniforms. Other aircraft on view include DC-3s, Lockheed Electras, an Avro Shackleton and a newly acquired Hawker Siddeley Nirmrod. A second DC-6 is being transformed into the 'DC-6 Diner' which will also be open during the evenings.
AIRBASE is open from 10.00-18.00 daily and from 10.00-21.00 on Fridays (or sunset if earlier) on Tuesday to Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays. Admission is £8.00 for adults and £4.00 for the under 16s.
TSA plans to deploy as many as 1,000 body-scanning machines by the end of 2011
US Transportation Security Administration Assistant Administrator-Office of Security Technology Robin Kane said the agency has installed "just under 250" advanced-imaging technology body-scanning machines at passenger checkpoints at 60 US airports and plans to deploy around 250 more "by the end of this calendar year." (Source ATW News)
(Guess we should all start dieting to get back to our svelte figures - eds)
Ted Beaudoin sends this follow up to the article regarding the trilogy mentioned in our NetLetter 1134
While I had hoped to complete the manuscript at summer's end - in September, I find myself still pounding away at the keyboard on the final manuscript draft, and hope to complete it very soon now ... two publishers in England have invited the manuscript when completed, Pen and Sword and Crecy. I'd like to get it published conventionally rather than be my own publisher, which I am with the first book in the trilogy, Pilot of Fortune ... it has been available on-line since December 2009, and is being offered for sale through conventional retail book stores and on-line in 24 countries. ("Walking on air" and "Pilot of fortune" are both available at Chapters - eds)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker |
Air France will deploy an A380 on daily Paris Charles de Gaulle-Montreal Trudeau service from May 2011. YUL will be the fourth destination served by the airline's A380s after New York JFK, Johannesburg and Tokyo Narita. (Source: Air Transport World) "Barcart" posted the following information on the f orum -New Airline Discount CompanyJust received this. It was started and developed by one of our own AC Employees. In its infancy, it has potential. It's also a great place for those amongst us who have B&B's or rental spots, as the free membership also includes a category for owners and such to register and place a listing. Do check it out. Registration is easy and does require an employee number for validation.
Stayed at the Travelodge near the YVR airport, with shuttle every half hour, room was ca$79.00 plus taxes and with a 10% coupon for the "Pantry" restaurant next door. Note that, upon arrival at YVR, there is no bank of phones to call a hotel for a shuttle, only to make room reservations. To call for a shuttle, you need to cross the road to where the shuttle pick ups are located and there is a phone with all the hotels listed, just press the correct button for the hotel to enquire about the shuttle frequency.. When planning to drive around the UK, budget gbp1.19 per litre for gas (today that is ca$1.95) Italy has second thoughts on body-scanners.Italy reportedly is abandoning the use of full-body scanners for security checks at airports. The AIF for passengers connecting through Toronto Pearson will decrease from $8 to $4 effective January 1, 2011. This is believed to be the first decrease to an AIF in Canada. (Source YYZNEWS) New airport shuttle to downtown YVR.YVR Aeroshuttle offers direct route to various downtown hotels for as little as ca$25.00 round trip. Aeroshuttle is located in the ground transportation area at both terminals, simply follow the signs. No reservations required. www.aeroshuttleyvr.ca1-877-921-9021 Interline travel - changes in ZED fares. ZED airline members have recently completed their annual review of ZED fares. Effective October 1, 2010, when you book for travel on Other Airlines, you will notice a change in the fares. For more information, visit the Employee Travel Website. The new Fares Grid can be found under Policies/ Personal Travel OAL. Family Affair Special to New Orleans. Looking to travel to one of our new exciting US destination; New Orleans? Why not take advantage of a great Family Affair special, featuring confirmed travel. Travel is permitted between October 30th and December 15th 2010. This Family Affair discount represents 20% off the current SFAMILY fares. This offer is only available until November 1, 2010. Details on Family Affair are available on the Employee Travel Site under News & Policies. (Source the Daily) Extracted from the forum on -LHR and London Hotels Having just returned from a trip to the UK (two years in a row), here are my comments on "ARNK's" advice dated Oct 5, 2009. The previous year (2009) I had stayed exclusively at Travelodge properties, LHR Central Bath Road, Bicester and Birmingham and found them very reasonable, clean and value for money. I was most impressed by the Travelodge Heathrow Central, Bath Rd (near Hounslow West Tube station) Hounslow. From Terminal 3 you can travel on a Hoppa bus almost to the door of the hotel, or travel free from the Central Bus Station on any London Transport bus going past the hotel. The hotel was modern, clean and very friendly. Even the breakfast was excellent value for money. Hounslow West Tube station is very close where you can purchase and use your Oyster card depending on the zones you have purchased. I had bought a 7 day Oyster card for zones 1-6 for £53. It might sound expensive but I saved a bundle. This year (SEP 9 - 18) in advance I reserved the Holiday Inn Aerial for £31 per night for two nights. I was very impressed with this revamped property. The front desk service was excellent, the room was perfect with TV, nice bathroom/shower, tea/coffee in room and even a facecloth. The only negative was the food and beverage prices that were expensive. I suggest that you don't eat at the hotel but stop at the Marks and Spencer shop, just outside of Customs (on the left hand side) and pick up some snacks/sandwiches/salads/milk etc to eat in the room. After the Holiday Inn I transferred to the Travelodge in Feltham. I agree with ARNK that it was good value for money but don't take the breakfast that they offer as ARNK pointed out, you can buy a breakfast at "The Moon on the Square" which opens at 7am for £3. The evening meals there are very good. Transport to and from the hotel was very impressive, and you can use your Oyster card on British rail at the station. The rooms were clean but with no ventilation (no air circulation or A/C). The reception staff were overwhelmed with the workload and were very sharp and uncaring to their clients.
I, once again, agree with ARNK that the hotel is situated in a very convenient area for shopping but the critics I have is that the area is a concrete jungle with low cost housing apartments surrounding the square. I was not impressed.
Overall, my recommendation is the Travelodge Heathrow Central where you can purchase accommodation for between £19 - £32.50 per night in advance (and when you make the reservation, your credit card is immediately charged).
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.
Edward C. Freckleton a Mechanic at Winnipeg had this published in "Between Ourselves" issued January 1961 -
A Mechanic's Dream Sometimes I stand beneath her gleaming wing, And dream that I perchance could fly, This slim sleek creature of the sky Oh Lord! To hear her slip-streams sing.
I'd sit up front with power at my right hand, Her smooth, strong whisper in. my ear, We'd climb up through the cloud where air is clear And there amid the Gods we'd stand.
We'd roar across the heavens on our own, We'd twist and turn and rent the air with joyous scream, We'd paint giant contrails on God's screen That day would be for her and I alone.
But here I stand beneath her wings, A man whose dreams must come to naught, Like humble page at some royal court She is my Queen, and other men the Kings.
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
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