The NetLetter For Air Canada Retirees
November 13, 2010 - Issue 1140 5471 Subscribers
First Issue published in October 1995!
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The NetLetter Web Site |
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ACFamily Obituaries |
Greetings! |
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair, etal. and share your experiences with us!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!
Terry & your NetLetter Team
Donation Request |
 We wish to thank those who have already donated in the last week since we placed our request in the Nov 6 issue of the NetLetter. We forgot to mention that if you pay by cheque can you please include your email address with the cheque as we would like to acknowledge donations to you and on our web site as well this year. We need your help - Once a year in a few of our November and December issues we request your assistance in helping us defer the costs of producing the NetLetter each week. Believe it or not, we now estimate that it costs over $2500/year to produce our "NetLetter", which is kindly funded and sponsored by the ACFamily Network. If you haven't already recently donated to us then now is the time to do so. Please note that a donation is not required in order to continue to receive the NetLetter. It is our pleasure to produce this publication for our faithful readers. If you would like to donate (any amount) then please click on "Donations" image above or the PayPal image below to donate by Credit Card or send a cheque made out to the ACFamily Network to: ACFamily Network #800 - 15355 24th Ave Suite 523 Surrey, BC V4A 2H9 To pay by credit card or PayPal, please click the "donate" button below.

We would like to thank all of you who have generously donated in the past as well.
The donations are placed in a special account used to pay for ongoing expenses for the ACFamily Network, the NetLetter and other airline related web projects. Sorry, we cannot issue tax receipts as we are not a charity.
Thanks in advance,
Terry, Alan, Bill - Your NetLetter Team
Upcoming Events - Compiled by Alan Rust |
Quarter Century Club - YVR |
The November scheduled meeting of the club is on Tuesday, November 16, 2010. The club includes airline employees from all areas of aviation meeting as friends to share their experiences and memories. If you wish to join the club, you must have 25 years in aviation (any airline, any job) and the membership fees are $20/year. Guests are welcome, you are not required to join the first time you attend. Click on image or link below for directions. When: November 16, 2010, Social - 17:00 hours, Dinner - 18:00 hours Dinner: Chicken, Schnitzel, dessert, and coffee, (buffet style) plus tip is included. Cost: The cost is $25per person including tips and taxes. Beer, wine is extra. Guest Speaker: John Lang, will be speaking about Aerial Fire FightingWebsite:
Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |

1941 - May 10 - service commenced between Toronto - New York. |
Star Alliance News - Compiled by Terry Baker
Star Alliance |
Lufthansa increased fuel surcharges. European flights will increase from €21 ($29.77) to €24 and on longer routes the surcharge will increase by €5 up to €82, €87 and €97 depending on the distance. (Source: Air Transport World) Star Alliance took yet another step in its dynamic expansion Wednesday by announcing it has officially invited Avianca-TACA and Copa Airlines to join the grouping. 

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by.
Issue dated - June 1981 Extract from the "The L10A Sentimental Journey"
Service between Toronto and Montreal commenced July 18th 1939, and here in this photo, the western and eastern crews meet up. Left to right: F/O Stuart Foley, Stewardess K. Harding, Captains Jack Wright and A. Edwards, Stewardess Annette Brunelle, and Captain Ronald George. |
Issue dated - June 1981 Extract from the "Horizons" magazine -
Under the heading "Stephenville plays international airport for a day". A recent bout of bad weather gave the company's 15 employees in Stephenville, on the west coast of Newfoundland, the chance to work at an international airport for a day. The visitors diverted from Gander included two Aeroflot jetliners, two Flying Tiger 747s, four Hercules aircraft carrying passengers and cargo, two private G-2 executive jets, an Air Canada freighter plus six Eastern Provincial Airways flights.
Air Canada's two regular flights that Stephenville handles each day were also serviced and dispatched as usual. As Air Canada is the handling agent for Stephenvitle, more than $13,000 was derived in incidental revenue. The staff also earned a good deal of satisfaction from meeting the challenge.
Under the banner "Who's minding the shop in Sri Lanka" is this story - The Air Canada team pictured on the tarmac in Sri Lanka from the left, Jim MacDonald, Toronto; Bert Schep, Montréal Dick Florence, Toronto; Dick Palmer, on temporary from Montreal; Everand McCauley, Toronto; Claude Broduer, Montreal; Rob Palmer, Halifax, Air Lanka Project Manager; and Dave Piper, on temporary assignment from London, Eng.
More than a century of service. General Manager, District of Montreal, Bruno Fragasso, joined by fellow Eastern Region employees at a service pin presentation and reception held recently at Dorval. The group celebrating a combined total of 110 years service are, from the left: Jacques Lussier, 15 years; Bruno Fragasso, 20 years; Jean Dozois, 30 years; Celine Comtois, 15 years; Michel Langlois, 10 years and Bob Burnett, 20 years.
On May 10th, 1941 - a snub-nosed 14 passenger Lockheed Lodestar took off from Toronto for the two hour flight to New York's LaGuardia and won the prestige of being the first foreign flag carrier to fly into LaGuardia. Crew members were, from the left: Barney Rawson, Frank Young, Bob Dodds (DoT) and Walt Fowler.
40 years later, on May 1981, a B727 arrived with the following crew, from the left: Capt. E.R.Cartmell, F/O G.R.McLeod, S/O P.Eyles, all from Toronto, Purser W.Cirko, F/A's L.Parker, A.Crutchfield, M.Quaglia all from Halifax.
The banner reads "Toronto people meet face to face", with more than 90 passenger and baggage agents from B cycle who gave up a day off to attend "Face to face '81" at the Cambridge Hotel in Toronto. "Face to face" was designed to provide an opportunity for agents to get together with fellow employees and meet representatives from other departments in a social setting.
Above we have a photo of the Toronto Passenger Service Communications Committee, planners and organizers of "Face to Face". (Unfortunately the committee did not either plan, organize nor communicate the identities - anyone? - eds)
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan Rust |
Mid-Air Tire Change - 1920's Flight Engineer
Talk about nerves of steel ... !!!
Can you imagine anyone trying this today? Of course, biplanes didn't fly too fast in the 20s which helped. But by any measure, this video is incredible.
Gladys Ingles was a member of a barnstorming troupe called the 13 Black Cats in the 1920s. Ingles was a wing walker; in this film, she shows her fearlessness in a classic barnstorming fashion to save an airplane that has lost one of its main wheels. Ingles is shown with a replacement wheel being strapped to her back and then off she goes as "Up She Goes," a duet from the era, provides the soundtrack. In the video, Ingles transfers herself from the rescue plane to the one sans main gear tire. She then expertly works herself down to the undercarriage only a few feet from a spinning prop. It's certainly a feat many mechanics wouldn't even try on the ground with the engine running.
I'd hate to take away from this aerial feat as it looks to me that it is genuinely filmed, but it was obviously staged as the cameras are in place on both aircraft. Also, not sure of the existence or portability of "moving" picture cameras in those days. Still a very good film of wing-walking. You're feedback is welcome.
Gladys Ingles - Wing Walker |
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Art McCarville has donated several photos of old aircraft. Here are a few - Ford Tri-motor CF-BEP at Charlie Lake, west of Fort St. John. |
Fokker Super Universal CF-AJB built 1929 owned by Starratt Airways withdrawn from use by CPAL in November 1942. |
Fairchild 71 CF-ANX built 1935 owned by Wings Ltd damaged beyond repair at Deschamault Lake Saskatchewan July 4th 1945 when floats collapsed during landing after an engine failure. |
Barkley Gow CF-BMW built 1939 owned by Yukon Southern Air Transport with CPAL Jan 8th 1943. Sold to Associated Airways of Edmonton December 8th 1949. |
Issue dated - March 2000 Extracts from the "Canadi>n Flyer"
With the amalgamation of the Canadian and Air Canada staff, there are several families who had a "foot" in each camp.
Here we have three such instances. Canadian's Joan Alderdice and husband Brian with Air Canada. |
Canadian's Pam Sarkissian and twin sister Lorna Holmes with Air Canada. |
Air Canada's Bill and Julie Gray with Jack Gray of Canadian. |
A joint educational project which began in 1996 between Canada and China, has concluded with approximately 1,000 students from Beijing's Civil Aviation Institute receiving first hand knowledge of North American management styles. Here we have this photo of the final visit by the instructors. Left to right: Dennis Merrigan, Lorraine Merrigan, Lin Hong (CAMIC), Andy Palak, Edwina Shuster, Linda Andrews, Lynne Foster, Heather Morton, Rick Livingston, Ding Mei (CAMIC) |
This is a photo of James Ternan who had accumulated 44 years service and was Canadian's longest serving employee at the time this photo was taken. |
Help Wanted |
We received this appeal from Dan Clark, -
I live in Canada and am interested in documenting the unique Vanguard 952 as operated by TCA/Air Canada. I am trying to find certain photos of TCA and Air Canada Vanguards, particularly of the passenger cabin and would be interested in anything from professional to amateur. Perhaps retired Air Canada crew who may have worked on the Vanguard and have taken b/w or colour photos of the inside and outside.
I am working on various Vanguard and 1960s period TCA/Air Canada projects featuring authentic passenger cabins Colour cabin photos are extremely rare, mainly because the people who hold these are unwilling to share I would appreciate any help.
Regards, Dan Clark This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently. For a 56 year photographic retrospective journey of the T.C.A. Super Constellation CF-TGE fin 405, dastammer suggests you visit this web site We received this correction referring to NetLetter nr 1139Dear Sir, That PWA DC-9 looks more like a DC-3! Regards, Dave Townson Toronto. This information from captaindishwasher aka K.Clark regarding the photos in NetLetter nr 1139 G'day folks, Nice work you do and much of it. Thank you. A minor trivia correction regarding photos taken by the gentleman from England: The pictured BC Airlines Headquarters was located at YVR ( west of CPA, PWA, West Coast, BNP (MacMillan Blodel) & Staron east of Harrison Airways, south of the terminal and Department of Transport, and north of the floatplane launch / dock now the Flying Beaver. The history of BC Airlines is remarkable in the industry but I shall leave that for ex employees to share. Passengers could park at the terminal building, board Mallards, a Goose, even a Widgeon, (plus others) and enjoy the short ride into the river. Thereafter, depending on destination they might be landing on pavement. Many past and present employees have memories cultivated around the location. The photograph is close to where the CPA B707 (yes 707 but not CPA crew) killed the DOT employee as it crashed into the terminal. Someone might even share a photograph of the outstanding historic wall mural in Port Hardy's terminal. The PWA aircraft is a DC-3 sitting where Dr. Doughty had an office, near the button of runway 07 (now 08). Looking immediately across the field is where Air Canada built hangers, the RCAF loaded their Yukons (previously North Stars & later B707s) at VR for the continuation of the free (twice a week I believe) cross country flight. This was beside the home of Yellow Bird Air and BC's corporate sector. Yellow Bird ceased operations when someone figured out Cliff was well below limits taking off to disperse the fog so Air Canada Viscounts could fly to YJ and CP stretched 8s demonstrated "balanced field" take-offs to a crowd of spectators on departure to Japan. DC-9s were never owned by PWA, and derive propulsion from a different and mysterious source in a different era. Toodles captaindishwasher E.&O.E.
Dave Robinson has sent us this information identifying the people in the photo of the opening of YHZ which was in NetLetter nr 1138 - Here we have the updated version on the photo.
The picture of George Hees is flanked by TCA Stewardess Ann Standish (my wife) and the other lady that could not be identified was TCA Stewardess Dawn Messer. A nice trip down memory lane, thank you.
Respectfully, Dave Robinson Capt Retired
Odds & Ends - Compiled by Terry Baker
Sometimes we receive articles or information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. When we do, we place them here!
Colorful Aircraft Paint JobsBrian Dunn, who issues the YYZNEWS has sent us this PowerPoint of various colourful aircraft. Click on the image to go to the web site. On the web site, click on "Full" in the lower right corner for the full size images.
Check Brian's web site at for aviation updates.
November 14th will mark a 100 years of naval aviation. In 1910, the first plane to fly off a ship was the Ely-Curtiss pusher aircraft. Bob Coolbaugh pushes a replica 1910 Ely-Curtiss pusher airplane into a hangar at the Norfolk Naval Station on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010. The aircraft, built by Coolbaugh, replicates the first plane to fly off a ship, thus beginning naval aviation.
After six years of effort by a dedicated team the Historical Flight Foundation Douglas DC-7B N836D made its first post-restoration flight on July 4th from Opa-locka, Florida for a 40-minute flight. Delivered in 1958, this aircraft had a seven-year mainline career with Eastern Air Lines, then served with the Nomads and Twentieth Century air travel clubs before being parked at St Paul, Minnesota, for more 25 years. To book a flight on the DC-7B, visit:
The science and practice of aviation accident investigation and prevention owe much to Dr David Warren who died in Melbourne, Australia, on July 19. Born on March 20, 1925, to Christian missionary parents at a remote aboriginal station on an island off Australia's Northern Territory at a young age 'Dave' Warren showed an aptitude for engineering through his interest in crystal radio sets and 'wireless' communication.
Later, as a principal research scientist with the Aeronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) in Melbourne, Warren- who was also a fuel chemist-continued to indulge his fascination for electronics.
But it was the fatal crashes of de Havilland Comet 1 airliners in 1953 and 1954 that led David Warren to conceive and develop the idea for an onboard device to record cockpit conversations. His primitive 'ARL Flight Memory' tape recorder unit subsequently evolved into the world's first cockpit voice recorder (CVR). Along with allied, compactly-packaged equipment for recording various technical and aeronautical parameters, Warren's flight data recorder (FDR)-popularly known nowadays as the 'black box"-became an invaluable tool for investigating aircraft crashes.
UK musician James Bunt set a new world record for the highest airborne 'gig' when he performed to a 150 strong audience on a privately chartered B767 at 42,000 feet above the North Sea. Titan Airways supplied the aircraft. Passengers on the one and half hour flight out of Stanstead Airport included a Guinness World Records adjudicator who conformed the 'gig' broke the previous high concert record by 1,000 foot.
Jack Stephens has sent us this enquiry, and looking for answers -
Just wondering if you could help Brian Johannesson with this mystery. Brian Johannesson's father, Konnie was a flying pioneer, and my father knew him.
The letter follows -
Jack- Do you remember anything about a Transair Canso landing in a plowed field right beside the sewage treatment plant on north Main St. in the middle 50's? I remember driving by it on my way to the U of M every day, for most of the November and December of that year. The story was that they were ferrying the aircraft from Lac du Bonnet to Winnipeg for repairs and ran out of fuel, with just enough time to put the wheels down before the mud arrived.
I believe it sat there until the field froze hard enough to dig it out and take off. There was a picture in the paper at the time, it must have been the Tribune, because I have searched the Free Press archives on line with no result.
Brian Johannesson.
The other is a reply from Norm Penner who used to work for TransAir (Winnipeg). He was part of the crew on the Air Canada/TCA. lease to them of Viscount CF-TGI.
Hello Jack: Its the first time I've heard this story. It happened a little bit before I started working for TransAir. I started working for them in 1962. I would really like to read the newspaper article, good chance the pilots names would ring a bell with me. Thanks for sending me the message.
Norm Penner. |
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker |
Singapore Changi airport said transit passengers will be charged a S$12 ($9.32) fee starting in April 2011. It said the ticket tax is needed help it recover "aeronautical costs." About 30% of the airport's passengers are in transit B & B in France ( from the U.K. Pionairs monthly newsletter) Bed and breakfast "Petit Pont/Chambres D'hotels"- South Vendee, France. Charming B and B in peaceful rural surroundings. Just 45 minutes from La Rochelle. Ideal for relaxing, walking, cycling, bird watching. Run by friendly and outgoing couple - Liz and Andrew. Liz used to work for Air Canada in London. For info check website or phone 33251876323. The address is 'Petit Pont', St. Valerien, Ligne, France.
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.
From the "Between Ourselves" issue November 1961 - Heard the latest from the ramp? They are telling this one on the Ramp at Montreal these days. And it really happened!
It concerned a stretcher case going out on an evening flight. When the ambulance arrived, the attendants requested that the stretcher he brought to the rear of the ambulance to make the transfer with the utmost ease and care. The diminutive elderly man was moved from stretcher to stretcher as though very ill and/or fragile. The attendants struggled up the stairs, taking care not to disturb the patient, and made their way to the waiting seat. The little old man suddenly jumped up and exclaimed "nature is calling" (This is a liberal translation of the man's actual remark - Editors), whereupon he scurried down the aisle. A few minutes later he returned, got onto the stretcher and looked around for someone to strap him in.
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.