The NetLetter For Air Canada Retirees
November 20, 2010 - Issue 1141
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
ACFamily Donations |
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Greetings! |
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!
Terry & your NetLetter Team
Donations Update - Alan Rust |
We'd like to thank the many NetLetter readers who have donated to us so far. It's still not too late to donate! We have kept the donation link up in the left column and may remind you once more in another few weeks for those that missed our requests in the last few issues.
We have had many responses, both through PayPal and by Canada Post. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is appreciated very much.
Your NetLetter team
Upcoming Events - Compiled by Alan Rust |

The 10th Anniversary Christmas Luncheon of the Vancouver Old Farts will be held on Thursday, December 9th, 2010, at the Floata Seafood Restaurant, 3rd Floor, 180 Keefer Street, Vancouver.
YVROldFarts has over 250 active members, all of whom have reached the ripe old age of 50, with a minimum of 25 years in the travel and tourism sector. The Club includes airline, travel agent, tour operator, cruise line, railway, hotel, car rental and many other employee sectors, and has two meetings per year, one in June and the other in December. If you wish to join the club, please visit, fill out the online Membership Application Form, as well as the Luncheon RSVP form and plan to attend one of the best industry events in Vancouver. Come and meet friends and associates whom you haven't seen in years. The Club was formed by Leonard Zurkowski (CP/QF) and Stephen Elmy (AC/QF/SA) ten years ago and has grown in leaps and bounds every year. There are just a few seats left at this 10th Anniversary Christmas luncheon, so don't delay if you'd like to join. There are no membership fees to be part of this illustrious group. When: December 9, 2010, Social - 11:00, Luncheon - 12:00 Dinner: Deluxe 9-course Chinese Luncheon. Cost: $35 per person including tips and taxes. Beer, wine is extra. Website:
Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |

1961 - Feb 1 - Service between Canada and Denmark suspended due to costs. Oct 16 - ReserVec switched on for Toronto and all stations out to the west coast Oct 18 - ReserVec started up in Montreal and Ottawa, and Nov 1st all points east of Montreal. |
Air Canada Related News - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Air Canada adjusts checked bag policy for domestic, Caribbean and Mexican travel.
They have announced that they we have adjusted the checked baggage policy for domestic Canadian, Caribbean and Mexican travel to align themselves with prevailing industry practices. Economy Class customers will still be able to check one bag for free in addition to permitted carry-on baggage.
Customers purchasing Economy Class tickets starting November 11, 2010 (Tango, Tango Plus and Latitude fares) for travel on or after January 19, 2011 on domestic Canadian, Caribbean, Costa Rican and Mexican flights will now be charged $20 for a second checked bag, in line with other carriers.
Our second bag policy for flights to and from the U.S., Europe and other international destinations remains unchanged.
The fee for a second checked bag will not apply to Air Canada Prestige, Elite, Super Elite members or Star Alliance Silver and Gold members. Executive Class and Executive First customers continue to receive an allowance of three checked bags on all flights, regardless of destination.
AVMAX Great Falls, MT have completed C-2 check, bridging inspection and paint on the first ( c/n 4165) Q400 's prior to delivery to Air Canada.
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by.
Issue dated - Janruary 1981 Extracted from the "Horizons" magazine -
The first of the company's L1011-500 rolled out of Lockheed's assembly plant at Palmdale, California in December 1980. Our photo shows the emerging aircraft led by Valerie Bell, Flight Attendant, Toronto, Capt. Frank Chowhan, Toronto, Roger Gregoire, Flight Service Director
The Laing's are another Air Canada family. Here in this photo are left: S/O Jim Laing, Capt. Al Laing, S/O Alan Laing. Daughter-in-law Caroline is a Flight Attendant based in Toronto |
The 1981 Pionairs A.G.M was held on April 30th at the Orange County ballroom of the Marriott Hotel in Anaheim, California.
This was the fourth annual general meeting and some 500 retirees braved the tight flights and loose itineraries to enjoy socializing for three days.
Here we have a photo of the outgoing executives from the left: John McFarland, Mary Brown, Joe Lorimer, Avon Lorimer, .Martin Betts, Frank Millman. and below is a picture of the new executive. |
From the left: , Donald Murphy, Hudson Connolly, Austin Candy, George Fox, Joe Lorimer, Bill Spratt. |
What about the Flight Attendant chorus line? Here they are - from the left: Christine Scott-Randall at the microphone, Elizabeth Armitage, Gloria Dillion, Marilyn Bartman, Velma Hughes, Marilyn Mackay, Edna George-Clayton, Cherry Woodworth-Vassal, Shirley Blaine, Dell Finlay, Barbara Bolton-Cooper, Ruth Leslie-Heenan. Not shown is pianist Jean Trory. |
We have received a quantity of "Between Ourselves" magazines from Richard Vandam, which are greatly appreciated and provides us with more memories to share. |
Issue dated - May 1960 Extract from the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
This photo is a view of the first TCA Vickers Vanguard on the production line in Weybridge, Surrey, UK on March 30th 1960. |
Issue dated - November 1961
Under the title "Engines achieve phenomenal life" is the story of the Rolls-Royce Dart engine which powers the TCA Vickers Viscount aircraft are now operating at 3,500 hours between overhauls, thus becoming the most reliable engine ever employed in commercial airline operations.
The 3,500 hour life between overhauls represents approximately 15 months of flying without having to take the engine off its mountings. TCA has some 235 Model 506 Dart engines for its 49 fleet of Viscounts. Dart engines have logged 17,000,000 hours in service , the majority of this total on the 430 Viscounts now in service around the world, but TCA is the first operator to achieve 3,500 hours engine life.
The first imprinter tickets went on sale at the Ticket Office in Montreal on October 26th.
Passenger Agent Monica Mackesy-King sold the first ticket, a return Montreal-Toronto travel. |
These three New York Reservations "crew" took the opportunity to sit in the front office of a visiting Vanguard .
Although the seating arrange,ments are somewhat different under normal conditions, these three really got a big kick out of it. Here they are enjoying themselves from the left: Joan Lee, Kay McKenna, Mary Ann Golivier. |
IN PREPARATION for the commencement of Reservec operations, training courses are being held in Toronto for both Management and Supervisory personnel.
Among those attending one of the first classes were, from the left, sitting: Jack Downard, George Wilkinson, Fred Bell, Jack McLean, Al Histed, Joe Warecki, Eddy May, Marjory Williams, Ed Waud and Howie Steen.
From the left, Standing: Norm Shea, Harvey Malcolm, Instructors, and Sandy Grant and Bill Hamilton. |
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan Rust |
The B-25 Empire State Building crash was a 1945 aircraft accident in which a B-25 Mitchell piloted in thick fog crashed into the Empire State Building. While the structural integrity of the building was not compromised, fourteen people died (three crewmen and eleven in the building) and one million US dollars' damage was done. I hadn't heard of this before, but I'm sure most of our readers have. Since I was born in 1950, I was -5 (minus 5) when this happened. You can read the full article by clicking on the links below, it's an eerie feeling when you see the Empire State Building looking similar to the Twin Towers 911 disaster some 56 year later. Link 1 - http://en.wikipedia.orgLink 2 -
Empire State Building - 1945 |
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Jean Bryan has sent us this - I meant to send this for the October issue (breast cancer month) but due to unforeseen circumstances did not manage to send it on time.
This picture is from the October 1998 issue of Canadian Flyer. I read that somewhere in Europe they recently produced the world's largest pink ribbon but it was made up of real people - I think the one produced by Canadian was a pretty big one too! It was dedicated to my daughter Kelly Bryan who worked in Maintenance for 25 years for PWA and Canadian. I also worked for PWA and Canadian for 25 years but cannot get away from Aviation - I am a Green Coat now at YVR and loving it! Jean Bryan |
Here are a few more photos of old aircraft operated by CPAL and sent to us by Art McCarville -
Norseman Mk IV CF-BDF built 1937 owned by Canadian Airways sold to Peace River Northern Air Lines August 13th 1947. |
Fairchild 82 CF-AXQ built 1939 owned by MacKenzie Air Service sold to Waitis Fisheries , Big River, Saskatchewan December 3rd 1946.
Bellanca Pacemaker CF-AKI built 1934 owned by Wings Ltd sold to Austin Airways, Toronto August 30th 1944.
Stinson SR-5 CF-ANW built 1935 owned by Starratt Airways sold to T.Lamb, The Pas, Manitoba on Oct 20th 1942.
Issue dated - February 2000 Extracts from the "Canadi>n Flyer"
The headline is "Two brands, one plane" - Although ownership of Canadian has changed hands, our "Proud Wings" icon will survive any imminent change being made to the exteriors of CDN's fleet.
Both Air Canada and CDN have devised a "transitional paint scheme" which will not only recognize the forging of a new corporate relationship but the retaining pf CDN's distinctive brand.
Canadian and Air Canada colleagues at YYCAP got to know each other and made new friends. Here we have this photo of five employees getting acquainted. Kevin O'Connor (AC), Gary Beiswanger (CDN), Al Maier (CDN), John Scott (CDN), Mike Biddiscombe (AC). Frontline staff from both airlines sharing coffee and donuts.
Issue dated - November/December 1999
The staff at Vancouver Airport pulled together on September 11th 1999 to successfully send off the team Canada trade mission to Japan. Here we have this photograph, unfortunately, no identifications - any one help?
Here we have this photo of Kathryn Osborne and Marion Schwill who operate the shuttle desk at YYZ.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Reed Park pointed out our error in naming the photo of the DC-3 in NetLetter nr 1139 as a DC-9.
Hi there In the attached photo, listed as a DC-9, try as I might no matter how big I enlarged the photo, I could not find the DC-9. I did find a very nice DC-3 by the way I just could let that little slip pass. I do enjoy the Newsletter, each and every issue.
Kind regards Reed Park son of Captain Ellie Park long ago retired.
Russell Brown's comments in NetLetter #1139 concerning the DC-8 prototype ("Ship One") that made the DC-8's first flight on May 30, 1958 aren't quite correct where he says it kept it's original Douglas registration (N8008D) for its entire life except during the one-year lease to CPAL where it was registered CF-CPN.
After CPAL it went to Delta Air Lines and reverted to the original N8008D registration. Delta flew it for 12 years until 1979. It then spent almost 3 years (until early 1982) with Aeromexico where it had Mexican registration XA-DOE. After Aeromexico it was retired to the desert where it spent almost 20 years before unfortunately being scrapped.
Photo attached of that historic first DC-8 during it's year with CPAL, apparently taken at YVR. Before Douglas sold it in late 1960 to U.S. charter carrier Trans International Airlines it had been converted to a series -51 with Pratt & Whitney JT3D turbofan engines and used to certify that model. While owned by Trans International it was leased for short periods to National Airlines and Lufthansa, retaining the original registration in both cases.
Regards, Ken Pickford |
Here's a very nice picture, taken by J.P. Laliberté, of DC-8 (874) on a low level flypast (YUL) after DHL had taken delivery in 1994.
Harry Boucher
We asked Jack Stephens a question about the construction number on the Viscount aircraft, and this is the partial reply he got for us -
Vickers did not put a construction number plate anywhere on the aircraft unlike people like Douglas who did. For example, the DC3 plate was on the fuselage near the tail and I remember getting down on my hands and knees at Long Beach, California in 1974 looking for them on several bare metal examples!
Airworthiness Authorities became concerned about the lack of identity and insisted upon a fireproof plate (made of stainless steel) being mounted somewhere on the forward bulkhead near the cockpit. This became the responsibility of the owner to comply with hence the registered name also appearing on the plate. Frustratingly, most of these plates carried the registration rather than the C/N. In the event of a crash, this plate would survive.
Jack did send us this interesting artifact - for you Viscount affectionados - The aluminum RR plate is off a Dart engine. Both items were given to me, along with other items, when my Dad passed away. Back in 2006 I wondered if I could find CF-THY? Using the web site,I found the Viscount in the back of a hangar, stored at N'dolo, Kinshasa, Zaire. On the 27 April 1974, she was withdrawn from use and stored at Winnipeg with the other Viscounts. She ended up with the Zaire Aero Service and in 1985 was withdrawn from use. Tracking the history of each Viscount leads to some most interesting stories. Take care...Jack (Jack Stephens, in Calgary, is the Canadian researcher involved with the web site - eds) |
Odds & Ends - Compiled by Terry Baker
 Sometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!
A fully loaded Russian IL-76 cargo plane...... payload 1 million pounds!!!! This really raises the pucker factor.....
Listen to the "controllers" in the tower who are Australian: Ya gotta love it. "The Vodka Burner" as the Aussies call it, literally uses every inch of runway.......
WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO.. (shot from the tower) You can HEAR THE CONVERSATION IN THE TOWER. They are incredulous--that it makes it....
Check out this website:
Jack Stephens tells us that his father built the Stephens' glider.
Here is the website Brian Johannesson set up a few years ago.
Click on "Aviation Photos around Winnipeg" and then "The Stephens' glider about to be launched".
This is my father, and I supplied Brian with some info. Dad built it in his back yard, near the airport. This was the first glider built and flown in Manitoba. Jack |
Jack Stephens, Bart's son, recalls - These photos were taken on Sept. 8 1931. The glider was built by Bart Stephens in his backyard on Queen St., St. James, and that is him in the brown coveralls to the left.
The pilot is Carl H. Lindgren (Biggar Sask) who was an early pioneer in gliding in the West, and came to Winnipeg to teach my father how to fly. I have a couple of good stories about incidents relating to the glider. I met Carl in 1982 in Hughenden Alberta. I was told that this was the first glider built and flown in Manitoba.
Dad (now deceased) Barry Albert (Bart) Stephens is an Honorary Member of the Winnipeg Flying Club. He worked for TCA/AirCanada as an air engineer (Inspection) at the Winnipeg Overhaul Base from 1943 to around 1970. In a letter from Bart's sister Rosemary, dated Feb.1 1990, she talks about Bart building the glider in their house at 427 Inglewood St. St. James. She writes: " I remember so well Bart building ailerons and the body and wings of the glider. I remember because I passed them every day in stages of growth in our long hallway to the kitchen. I can still smell the 'glue' which was really a varnish for sealing the wood." Then she goes on to say, "I remember when the bush pilot Konnie Johanesson flew the glider from Portage La Prairie to Stevenson Airport field."
Considering the distance involved, about 70 km, that story may be apocryphal.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker |
On vacation soon? Wayne Kirby has sent us this interesting web site - This is an amazing site that lets one visit many of the fascinating cities of the world. I'm sure recipients of the Netletter would enjoy this.
Open the on a city on the left and TRAVEL there..journey to each one if you choose..and travel you will... Wayne Kirby ( Wardair ) Continental Airlines relocates to Terminal 1 at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. Continental have moved its ticketing and check-in counters from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1 at Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD), effective Tuesday, Nov. 16. That "all inclusive" cruise cost does not include the following which should be included in your budget - - Shore excursions $25 - $200 - Alcohol and other beverages $3.50 - 8.00 per drink - Casino gambling - Spa massage $90 - $110 - Souvenir shopping - Laundry $2.50 - $3.50 per piece. - Film and camera needs - Formal portrat photo $15 - $20 - Tipping $10 per person per day - Bar 15% is added to cost - Fuel surcharge
Just love cruising!!!!
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.
From the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue May 1960 this news report - GULL GROUNDS DC-3 A sea-gull, probably doing blind flying at the time, crashed into the door just aft of the pilot's compartment of a T.C.A. DC-3 bound for Victoria recently. The plane had just left Vancouver when the mishap occurred, and was forced to return to base and replaced by another DC-3. Only casualty was the gull - he lost his blind flying license.
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.