The NetLetter For Air Canada Retirees
December 11, 2010 - Issue 1144
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
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Greetings! |
We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!
The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here
We also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.
The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!
Terry & your NetLetter Team
Upcoming Events and Meetings |
Canadian Aviation Historical Society
Vancouver Chapter Meeting
Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Meetings: Second Tuesday of every month (except July, August, and statutory holidays) Location: Richmond Cultural Centre, 7700 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, British Columbia Time: 1900 Hours Landing Fee: $2
Our meeting location is the Board Room, on the Main Floor of the RCC, down the hall to the right, behind the main Auditorium.
For our December meeting, Jim Jorgenson has recently taken a trip down South and has visited the Historic Flight Foundation at Paine Field, Everett, WA and also the Palm Springs Air Museum in California. This month's presentation will cover these two museums.
All interested are welcome to attend! For more info Click here!
A Christmas Moment - Compiled by Alan Rust |
A little girl climbed onto Santa's lap, and Santa asked his usual question of her: "And what would you like for Christmas?"
The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified for a minute and then gasped: "Didn't you get my E-mail?
When you consider Christmas, there are four stages in your life:- 1) You believe in Santa 2) You don't believe in Santa 3) You are Santa 4) You look like Santa |
Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker |

1962 - Recognition for employees who have 25 years of service in 1962 by a new service pin. - Lockheed L10A CF-TCC makes trans-continental flight across Canada to commemorate 25th TCA anniversary. |
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 Musings from the "Between Ourselves" magazine an Air Canada publication from years gone by.
Issue dated - April 1962 Musing through the "Between Ourselves" magazine -
BAGGAGE NEVER LOOKED BETTER - eight graduates of the most recent stewardess training class are decorously perched on a baggage cart on arrival in Vancouver, their base following graduation. From the left - Geraldine Barker, Jacqueline Cole, Mary Ellis, Patricia Logan, Blamche Lanctot, Sharon Macauloy, Collen MacIntosh and Darlene Roos. |
Issue dated - August 1962
ALL PERSONNEL who achieve 25 years service with the Company during 1962 will be awarded this newly designed lapel pin. It compares in size to the present service pins and is in three colors. The flight symbol and the figure 25 are in silver followed by three red lines. The Maple Leaf is in blue while TCA is white. Twenty-five employees will be eligible to receive one of these pins before the end of the year.
Issue dated - February 1979 Extracts from "Horizons" magazine
A VANGUARD AIRCRAFT is certified at the Halifax International Airport. Al Gibeault signs the log book following a daily inspection check. Pilot comments are also answered to indicate the work done on the aircraft. Al, a Certificated Mechanic since May 1958 has the DC-3, North Star, Super Constellation, Viscount, Vanguard and DC-8 on his ticket.
Daniel "Don" Campbell, an aircraft inspector at the Winnipeg Overhaul Base, is shown checking the elevator system torque tube of a Viscount, using, of course, the tools of his trade, a flashlight and a mirror. Don is doing a routine check carried out every 3,500 hours on this system. He has his ticket on both the DC-3 and the Viscount and has been certificated since March 4, 1955.
In Vancouver, Victor "Vic" Legge is getting set for check after a propeller control unit change on a Vanguard aircraft. Vic, a Sergeant Aircraft Mechanic in the RCAF during World War II, joined TCA in 1946 and served at Vancouver, Montreal, Torbay and Calgary. Since 1954, Vic has become certificated on DC-3, North Star, Super Constellation, Viscount, Vanguard and DC-8.
Telephone Sales Personnel from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, were guests of American Airlines on an interline familiarization trip to Los Angles from New York. They are shown by the 707 Astrojet at Idlewild Airport.
Left front row: J. Worecki, Bill Wenham and Murray Shaw, Toronto; and R. Clement, Montreal Back row: John Barr, Canadian Sales Manager, AA; Mrs. Pam Swaby, Loretta Lucy, Mrs Catherine McLeod, Ernie Sherman AA New York.
Front row: Pierre Labelle, Wick Hynes, R. Clement, Montreal.
Back row: John Barr, American Airlines, Toronto; L. Vegeant, C. Maguire, Montréal; Joan Irwin, Toronto; Don Barrett, Ottawa; Ernie Sherman, Passenger Service Rep., American Airlines
In view of the recent weather in Europe, we thought this article was appropriate -
Hurrah Heathrow Thanks to local employees was the only carrier to land at London's Heathrow Airport on January 23, 1979.
Arctic weather conditions in England forced closure of the field and the British Airports Authority did not have sufficient staff to clear the snow which blocked aircraft stands.
Meanwhile, flights 852 from Vancouver and 862 from Halifax were grounded at Prestwick, stranding nearly 300 London - bound passengers who, because of a national rail strike in the United Kingdom and the closure of both Heathrow and Gatwick airports due to weather conditions, could not get from Scotland to England.
Company Heathrow staff set out to overcome the problem. Brian Sygrove, Airport Customer Service Manager, requested permission from the BAA to use Air Canada personnel to clear a stand while Flight Dispatch Manager John Scott sought Civil Aviation Authority clearance for start - up at Prestwick and permission to land at Heathrow.
Given the go - ahead, more than 20 volunteer station attendants, load agents, mechanics and supervisors from Aircraft Services assisted by Brian and Peter Baldry, Aircraft Services Manager, set to work with shovels and makeshift snowploughs consisting of Landrovers equipped with sheets of timber strapped on in front.
After two hours' hard labour, the stand was declared safe for landing by the BAA.
At Prestwick, 300 tired but happy passengers climbed aboard flight 852 and at 1525 hours, the 747 became the first aircraft to land at Heathrow's Terminal 3 that day.
Not only was Air Canada the only airline to land at the International terminal on January 23, it also was one of the first to depart. The 747 went out two hours later as flight 865 bound for Montreal and Toronto, making an extra stop at Prestwick to drop off Halifax -bound passengers who found their aircraft ready and waiting.
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust |
Alan Rust |
Mosquito Restoration on Track for Spring FlightNovember 24, 2010 - The restoration of a flyable de Havilland Mosquito is on track for completion in spring 2011. With remains rescued from a Canadian farm, the aircraft is undergoing an extensive rebuild in New Zealand and would be the only flying copy of this WW II fighter-bomber in the world. The Mosquito is mostly a wooden aircraft, which gives it a great speed advantage over its competitors and adversaries. Rebuilding a wooden warbird, however, is not a speedy process since much of the original aircraft had to be thrown away and built from scratch, including the tools and equipment required for the restoration. Visit for full article and more information.
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events - Compiled by Terry Baker |
 News and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines. A few more photos of older aircraft operated by CPAL and sent in by Art McCarville.
Britannia CF-CZA fin 521 c/n 13393 April 1st 1958 built in 1958. "Empress of Buenos Aires/ Hong Kong". Sold to Air Links Ltd, UK Jun 8th 1965 re registered G-ATGD. |
Super DC-6B CF-CUQ fin 433 c/n 43844 received CPAL Feb 26th 1953 "Empress of Tokyo". Leased to Cunard Eagle, and Trans Caribbean at one time. Destroyed by bomb explosion at Dog Creek, BC Jul 8th 1965.
Lockheed Lodestar CF-CPE built 1943 allocated to CPAL Jul 5th 1943 by USAAF. Sold to C.H.Babb Inc. Glendale, California Aug 8th 1950.
Vern Swerdfeger send us this url address for a nostalgic look at Canadi>n - oh the good old days they did end with the 400 didn't they!!!
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker |
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently.
Continuing the information being exchanged between Jack Stephens and Jim Bruce which we started in NetLetter nr 1143 -
Hello Jack,
Mystery solved! It's the ship whose rudder shows in my TransAir DC-4 painting, i.e., 757 series CF-TGY #617. Which makes sense, since my reference for the DC-4 painting was from the same series shot that day, June 9 1959. In the first photo (-2) below, the aircrew have started No.2 Dart. They must have been still boarding passengers. I don't think there are any photos of TGY on the website yet. Wish these were in colour. The first photo I sent you shows all 4 engines running, and they are just leaving the ramp. See how the nose wheel is turned.
There are more photo negs from this series, not of Viscounts, alas. But the terminal shows up well. Some I took from the roof of the terminal are of a North Star boarding passengers. When I scan them I'll sent you same. In the -3 shot. two figures are seen running in opposite directions in front of the terminal doors. One is obviously ground crew. Seems to be some taxiway construction underway in the background? I think the PBY is Kenting Air Services; and I have one of their B-17's in a shot from the met roof. Do you remember the Avro York that TransAir flew? I have that somewhere, too. I remember the SAS slogan; interesting, your story about their 7C running off the tarmac edge. Ouch! Really tight security then, eh? Best, Jim
Alan Evans, residing in South Africa, recently joined our readership and has sent us his career details -
As a pilot I started to learn to fly in the Channel islands on Austers 1962. Due to the cost it was either starve to death or learn to fly. Later on hitch hiking around the world I got my commercial in Abbotsford in 1964. Later I flew the West coast for Air West and returned to South Africa flying for a survey company. To obtain my ATPL I returned to Vancouver and then flew for North West Territorial being I believe the only South African to fly the Arctic plato.
Joining PWA in 1967 on the DC6 leaving them later that year I partnered a small charter Cargo company in the Caribbean. I later joined LIAT in 1970 and flew with them until they went bankrupt in 1974. During which I married Josie Forbes who I met when with PWA an Irish Australian who was ex Ansett hostess,she later joined WARDAIR. I am sure many remember her. With bankruptcy we moved back to South Africa where I joined South Africa Airways for a 2 year contract flying the B707 and the B747. Returning to Canada I joined Quebec Air then joined a band of world operating freelance pilots. I proceeded to fly for 29 different companies including test pilot, survey, charter, training Captain on B747, B707, DC8 and contracting to numerous international airlines around the world such as SAUDIA, IRAN AIR, Air LANKA, AIR ATLANTA, TIME AIR SWEDEN, British Midlands, VASP, OLYMPIC, QATAR and Dominican. I now hold 23 international ATP Licenses with 42 years in the business plus many rating. My last flight was 5 years ago when myself and another Captain took a VIP B747 across the world on a VIP charter leaving it to winter in Thunderbay. Experiences some to many which included flying the only Catalina in South Africa since the war and a two engined B747 Atlantic crossing.
I had the privilege of flying with some of the greatest aviators in the industry, meeting around the world and being entertained by some of the best. I owe a lot to Canada and have the deepest respect to its aviation fraternity and to the Canadian colleagues I met, some gone, some still around.
Your "netletter" is a delight and I again thank you for the welcome.
With esteem, Alan
Peter Rose sends us this memory prompted by NetLetter nr 1142 -
Thanks for this issue. For me it was a nostalgic return to the past. I worked for Saunders Roe in '54 and '55 and remember the Princesses being mothballed. In the '60s I bought a Chipmunk from Crown Assets which I sold during my first few months with CP.
Cheers, Peter Rose
Odds & Ends - Compiled by Terry Baker
 Sometimes we receive articles and information that just doesn't fit in our other areas. This is where it goes!
Two vintage Golden Hawks visited YYJ on their way to the 2010 Abbotsford Air show. You can see AC taxiing in the background. I took this picture.
Cheers, Brian Walsh Victoria
Passengers aboard a Moroccan airliner staged a sit-in recently that turned what might have been a four-hour inconvenience into a 24-hour ordeal. The 137 passengers on the Jet4You flight from Toulouse to Casablanca bought tickets for a direct flight (about 90 minutes).
As they were settling in, the captain announced a couple of detours, first north to Lyon and then back south to Bordeaux, reportedly to pick up pax who were stranded for some reason. The impromptu tour of France would have added at least four hours to the trip and the passengers were having none of that.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker |
Go AC renewed for 2011! The Go AC Travel Program is back and renewed for travel right through until March 31, 2012. Employees and retirees will find that 10 brand new promotion codes have been loaded into their travel profiles. Each promotion code will discount Canada and U.S. fares by 10 per cent and all other routes by 15 per cent and can be used for one booking of up to six passengers. The offer is available on flights operated by Air Canada and Air Canada Jazz and is valid for all one-way or round-trip tickets booked on between December 3, 2010 and December 31, 2011 with all travel starting on/after December 3, 2010 and completed by March 31, 2012. 4 Nights Adare Villa + 2 Nights Dublin with Confirmed Air & Car NY & Boston from $499* and Chicago from $549*Price shown based on 4 travelers. Also available for 2-6 travelers Starting from $499 per person, travelers can visit the Emerald Isle for 6 nights, including 4 nights private Villa at 5-star Adare Manor Resort, 2 nights 4-star in Dublin, round trip airfare and a rental car. Begin your vacation at Adare Manor & Golf Resort, which is the ultimate luxury 5-Star vacation destination, making this deal one not to be missed. Your final 2 nights will be spent in Dublin, Ireland's Capital City. Popular attractions, museums, restaurants and world famous pubs make Dublin an eclectic city with something for everyone. You'd pay approximately $1049 if you were to book the air, hotels and car separately! That's a total package savings of over $2200 based on 4 travelers! Airline taxes are additional. Call today. Limited capacity Call 1 800 422 3727 to book! Jim Griffith sends us this gem! From our friend the retired U.S AF Pilot and Vet extraordinaire, Irv. This is hilarious! When I was Training on the Airbus A310, the manuals were written by the French, translated into English by a German, who was schooled in England and then printed for us by a Spanish Printer. This sounds like it was the same people doing this! Thought you would like to see the notice that British Airways sent to its pilots explaining what we in the US refer to as the "monitored approach" method where on an approach to very low visibility and ceiling one pilot flies the approach and when the other pilot sees the runway he takes the plane and lands. This removes the problem of the pilot having to make the transition from flying instruments and at the last minute looking outside and getting his bearings" as the other pilot is already "outside". If the pilot not flying says nothing by the time they reach "minimums", the pilot flying automatically starts the "go-around" procedure as he is still on the instruments. Now try this actual explanation of this procedure from the British Airways manual: *** British Airways Flight Operations Department Notice *** There appears to be some confusion over the new pilot role titles. This notice will hopefully clear up any misunderstandings. The titles P1, P2, and Co-Pilot will now cease to have any meaning, within the BA operations manuals. They are to be replaced by: Handling Pilot, Non-handling Pilot, Handling Landing Pilot, Non-Handling Landing Pilot, Handling Non-Landing Pilot, and Non Handling Non-Landing Pilot. The Landing Pilot, is initially the Handling Pilot and will handle the take-off and landing except in role reversal when he is the Non-Handling Pilot for taxi until the Handling Non-Landing Pilot, hands the handling to the Landing Pilot at eighty knots. The Non-Landing (Non-Handling, since the Landing Pilot is handling) Pilot reads the checklist to the Handling Pilot until after Before Descent Checklist completion, when the Handling Landing Pilot hands the handling to the Non-Handling Non-Landing Pilot who then becomes the Handling Non-Landing Pilot. The Landing Pilot is the Non-Handling Pilot until the "decision altitude" call, when the Handling Non-Landing Pilot hands the handling to the Non-Handling Landing Pilot, unless the latter calls "go-around", in which case the Handling Non-Landing Pilot, continues Handling and the Non-Handling Landing Pilot continues non-handling until the next call of "land" or "go-around", as appropriate. In view of the recent confusion over these rules, it was deemed necessary to restate them clearly. OH REALLY? Happy flying British Airways!
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery. Elspeth Greer sends us this message - Dear Editors, I wonder if you've yet come across the "T-Mobile Welcome Back" flashmob commercial which was filmed at Heathrow Terminal 5 in October 2010. I think you'll find it worth looking at and perhaps worth including a link or even just a mention, for your readers to enjoy!
We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!
Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
- Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
- Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
- Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.