Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Looking back.

  • The first flight (experimental) from Moncton to Montreal was November 1st, 1939.
  • The first scheduled westbound passenger flight from Moncton was February 15th, 1940 under the command of Capt. J.D.Storey.
  • The first TCA Lodestar to arrive at Moncton was on March 11th, 1941 under the command of Capt. R.F.George.
  • First scheduled Lockheed L10 to arrive at Patricia Bay Airport, Victoria under the command of Capt. Don Brady, with First Officer Norman Ramsay and Stewardess Mina Wood. Victoria became the western terminus of TCA's transcontinental system.

Located in the "Between Ourselves" magazine - Issued October 1959

thumb edmonton staff 1959As a result of an article in NetLetter nr 1301 regarding the new office uniforms worn by the ladies in Toronto District Sales and Reservations from "Between Ourselves" issued March 1959, we spotted this photo of the Reservations Office ladies in Edmonton who decided to follow the Toronto example and wear uniforms. Modeling the navy, blue serge skirt and jacket being worn are, from the left: Dorothy Baker, Glorio Irving, Lois Barry, Esther Chow, Betty Ashdown, Lorna Edwards, Barbara Park and Joanne Switzer.
thumb yul hangar 1959An arch technical feat is this main hangar in the Dorval Maintenance and Overhaul base. In nearing completion in 1959, the 815 foot long, 110 foot high structure was believed, at the time, to be the largest single cantilever project in the continent and will accommodate five DC-8 aircraft. The facilities were to be ready to accommodate TCA's first DC-8. Construction of the base, to cover 18 acres of the 84 acre site, commenced on September 1st, 1958.
thumb dc 8 instructorsMaintenance instructors who attended a four week course at the Douglas plant are seen checking the schematic of the DC-8 air-conditioning equipment with Douglas Instructor Irv Bordihn. They are, from the left: Ed Mullan, Bordihn, Dave Ramsay, Bert Smith, Fred Fish, Ed Lewis, Phil Pawsey and Reg Gifkin.
thumb union 714 plaqueDenoting co-operation between Union and Management, this sign was placed behind the head table at the 20th anniversary dinner of Airline Lodge 714, held in Winnipeg during September 1959. Showing 20 years of progress, the billboard was painted by Jim Eaton of the paint shop in Winnipeg.

thumb three of originalThe first union to be organized in TCA, known as Airline Lodge 714, International Association of Machinists, (IAM) celebrated its 20th anniversary September 1959. To mark the occasion, a dinner was held at the Royal Alexandra Hotel in Winnipeg.

Winnipeg is the historic starting point of Airline Lodge 714 in 1939 and although the celebration was held in Winnipeg, the membership, spread throughout the world, acknowledged the growth that had accompanied the efforts of the organizers and sustainers over the 20 year period. The first formal agreement was signed February 25th, 1941, with effectiveness of the 1st day of February, 1941.

Three of the original 29 charter members of Lodge 714, who attended the anniversary celebrations. Talking over Union business with the three veterans is W. Winpisinger, of the International Union on the right. The charter members left to right are: Jim Toby and Harry Walberg of Inspection and Ed Kiely of Viscount Overhaul.

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