Extracted from "Info Canadi>n" magazine issue dated March 1992.
Team Canadian participated in the 12th annual "Wings of Friendship" Inter-Airline Table Tennis tournament in Brussels, hosted by Sabena Airlines.
The team included, from the left, Chang Poh, Mark Lim, Son Tei, Fred Hui and Stephen Yeung, all of Vancouver. The 1993 tournament was planned for Kuala Lumpur hosted by Malayasian Airlines.
The new Reservations telephone distribution system was already in place in Toronto and Vancouver. The first test of the new system in Halifax, which proved its value during a massive snow storm in January, just two days after the hook up.
The storm generated a flood of calls, handled in part by, from the left, Deirdre Hill, Phil Fairfax (Maritime Telephone), Jessie Jollimore, Liz Zareski, Nichole Hatt, Bernie Monk and Vera Scott.