Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

nordair timetableEarly Nordair timetable found on the internet.

Found in the "Info Canadia>n" magazine issue dated August 1993

tmb cpa toronto wing walkersJune 1993 was when the International Dragon Boat races were held in Toronto. Proudly holding up Canadian's banner are the Toronto" Wingwalkers":
John Guerrero, Mike Roberts, Ed Chiu, Jose Bernaro, Mike Simon, Adrian Uhraney
Rhoel Ruperto, Ron Groll, Lori Owens, Harold MacKenzie, Richard Willmot, Ramon Manglal-Ian, Lino Distefano, Gord Henderson, Alex Simon, Wayne Hawkins, Albino Moldes, Larry Filipek, Rocco Chirichiello, Spencer Lui,Parker Chong, and Daniel Pyn Knoski.

tmb cpa yvr jet paddlersFresh from a fifth place finish (out of 40 boats in the recreational division) is the Vancouver " Jet Paddlers":
Back from left: Pat Truelove, Steve Bains, Eva Prytula, Moira Rondeau, Kevin Hong, Marlene Rochon, Janice Lowe, Dave Cox, Tomrny Man, Trevor Pudar, Michael and Pauline Sameshima, Kelly Brownlow, Kevin Ahmon; front from left: Gord and Jackie Ki, Tracey MacKenzie, Peter Gauthier, Sara Austin-Smith, Mike Paddon, Gayle Gordon, and Roy Sakashita. Missing is Louise Lamb, Andrew Tsang, Pam Holmes,Veronica Fong (manager) and Preston Wong (coach).

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