Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The carrier which will have been flying under the same name for 100 years in 2019 was KLM, however, KLM did not operate between 1939 and 1945, so the honour of the longest continuously operating airline in the world, if not the oldest, belongs to QANTAS. (source Flight International Oct 18/16)

Although KLM did not operate during the war years, they did, in fact, operate the whole war years from the Dutch Antilles (Curacao) as well as the Lisbon - Bristol service, so it appears the honour returns to KLM.

A recent advert by Qatar Airways, a Middle Eastern airline, announces the hiring of captains, both wide body and narrow body. One reader hopes the airline has a range of uniform sizes.
(source Flight International Nov 1/16)

tmb lhr 2016A UK government committee has selected a third runway at London Heathrow Airport as the best option to boost capacity in the UK south east. The October 25 selection is not the end of the process. The third runway must still be put to a government vote, which is not expected until winter 2017-18. Around 800 homes will be demolished to pave the way for the runway and some local residents have said they will refuse to move.
(source ATW Daily Oct 25/16)

Larry Milberry, publisher, has sent us this message.

The latest list of books available at CANAV Books: Canada’s Aviation Heritage Book Publisher. Have a look and let CANAV know if you see anything you’d like for your Fall/Winter 2016 reading. Wonderful titles and the prices are right.  Also, check the “Free Books” notice. Many books available for sale, check their web site at canavbooks.wordpress.com/publications

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