Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

In the beginning… how it all began.

In 1937, Canada parliament created a Bill (74) to cover the establishment of Trans-Canada Air Lines.

Following are excerpts from the Parlimentary debates from 1937.


Measures have been enacted to provide for the establishment of a Trans-Canada Air Service, and for revision of the capital structure of the Canadian National Railways.

Trans-Canada Air Lines Act. 1937:

  • April 5 - A message was brought from the House of Commons by their clerk to return Bill (74), intituled: "An Act to establish a corporation to be known as Trans-Canada Air Lines," to which they desire the concurrence of the Senate.

    The said Bill was read for the first time, and with leave of the Senate, it was ordered: That it be placed on the Orders of the Day for the second reading at a later stage of this sitting.

    Pursuant to the Order of the Day, the Bill (74), intituled: "An Act to establish a corporation to be known as Trans-Canada Air Lines," was read the second time, and referred to the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours.

  • April 7 - The Right Honourable Senator Graham, from the Standing Committee on Railways, Telegraphs and Harbours, to whom was referred the Bill (74), intituled: "An Act to establish a corporation to be known as Trans-Canada Air Lines," reported that they had gone through the said Bill, and had directed him to report the same to the Senate with several amendments, which he was ready to submit whenever the Senate would be pleased to receive the same.

  • April 8 - A message was brought from the House of Commons by their clerk to return Bill (74), intituled: "An Act to establish a corporation to be known as Trans-Canada Air Lines," and to acquaint the Senate that they have agreed to the amendments made by the Senate to the said Bill, without amendment.

  • April 10 - The Clerk read the titles of the Bills to be assented to, as follows: An Act to incorporate Trans-Canada Air Lines. 

(Remember, it was called Trans-Canada Air Lines NOT Trans-Canada Airlines! - eds)

The planned change of the company name to Air Canada began June 1st 1964.

Found in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue May 1947.

At 4:00 p.m. EST on April 15th, 1947, the CF-TEM North Star, TCA's new Queen of the Atlantic, left the ramp at Dorval to begin its first trans-oceanic flight to London, England via Goose Bay and Prestwick.

TCA inaugural to London, England.

tmb first ns crewThe crew who flew the first North Star from Montreal to Britain.

Left to right: Navigating Officer H. T. Warkentin, Radio Officer A. J. Blackwood (Flight Radio Supervisor CGTAS), First Officer D. E. Mclnnes, Captain G. W. McLaren, Mr. Symington, Purser-Steward Douglas V. Miller, Captain J. L. Rood, Flight Operations Superintendent, CGTAS, who flew as check pilot on the flight.

 From the "Horizons" magazine issue dated March 1981.

On March 7th, 1981 Captain Al Shaw and his crew taxied up to the Edmonton cargo terminal. They had just completed the maiden flight of the company's first Lockheed L1011-500, C-GACF fin # 551 c/n 1202, following acceptance of the aircraft from the manufacturer in Montreal on February 26th.

Edmonton had the honour of being the first station visited and marked the official opening of the new cargo terminal. The next day the aircraft visited Calgary and then Vancouver.

On March 11th, under the command of Captains Jim Down and Al Shaw, the aircraft went on its first regular service to London, England via Edmonton.

From the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated November 1943.

tmb montreal tcaraHere is the first executive for the Montreal T.C.A.R.A. (Trans-Canada Air Lines Recreation Association) -  George Dyce, Secretary; Paul Carrier, Treasurer; Noel Humphrys, V.P. Dave Tennant, President.

Issue dated January 1944.

Moncton T.C.A.R.A. was formed on November 19th, 1943, the following were the executive elected during an event held for the Moncton personnel at the Brunswick Hotel.

T. A. McMahon, Chief Cargo Clerk, President; G. L. Barbour, Maintenance, Vice President; S. D. Leonard, Assistant Station Manager, Treasurer; W. E. Weldon, Operations Clerk, Secretary;
(Unfortunately there was no photo available – eds)

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