Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

tmb angel searchCBC News is reporting a story of a Toronto family who are searching for the "angel" flight attendant who helped a young mother with a small child from China to be reunited with her husband 35 years ago. 

While flying to Montreal to be joined by her husband (already living in Montreal), she made a mistake and got off the plane on a stopover in Toronto. When the flight attendant realized that this young woman was confused and afraid, she helped arrange to book the mother and child on a flight the next day, and then, took them home with her for the night and brought them back to the airport the next morning. The family were happily reunited in time for Christmas.

Reprinted from their daughter Catherine Pan's Facebook post:

'We’re hoping this story will get shared so that we can find this woman and thank her from the bottom of our immigrant hearts. Here is a pic from Christmas 1984 where my family is reunited in the greatest country in the world thanks to the kindness of a stranger.'

Below are the links to further details and contact info if you are able to help them with their search:

CBC News Story

FaceBook Post

Note from Alan - I know this is not the only case of this happening. It usually just doesn't make the news. It's happened (and still happens) numerous times with many airport employees and many airlines. If you have a similar story, please send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A new agreement between the UK and Canada means air services between the two nations will remain intact following Brexit, the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union (EU).

(Source: ATW Daily News December 5, 2018)

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