Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

We have received a few inquiries regarding the future of the Air Canada Family Network website formerly available at acfamily.net.

Regretfully, time and finances are not available to continue development of this project, so I have decided to take the site off line.

The ACFN was a dream project initiated by the late Alan Rust and the plan was for it to be built and administered by Alan and myself. With Alan's passing, the ACFN project is too large for me to develop alone. 

Besides time, there are costs involved in web hosting and administering a web site. The NetLetter has been traditionally funded by Alan's own income from his web site hosting business so that it may remain free to subscribers.

I plan to continue operating the NetLetter in the same manner for the foreseeable future. It will continue to be funded from money earned from my own web site development business. 

Terry Baker, Ken Pickford, Bob Sheppard and myself do not earn any income from the NetLetter but are quite happy to donate our time to create each issue. We are gratified by producing a quality product to share with our subscribers.

Your support of our efforts is always appreciated.

Thank you,

Wayne Albertson

NetLetter Subscription
