Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Jack Morath retired from Heathrow (LHR) sends another of his memories -

In the summer of 1959, I was able to use my free pass to travel to Canada after one year's service.

The aircraft I flew on was a Super Constellation with wing-tip fuel tanks, and the flight to Toronto was via Prestwick, Goose Bay, Montreal and then Toronto, taking a total of 16 hours.

During the stop at Dorval Airport I was able to walk around as you can see from the picture. During my walkabout, a cleaner at the entrance there said to me "You're English aren't you?" I said "how did you know" and he said he recognised my Burton suit! In those days it was important to dress for the flights, and the average tourist was not flying to Canada, mainly business people or rich members of the public.

I arrived in the evening to stay with a family and afterward they asked me if I would like to visit Niagara Falls as it was great to see it floodlit at night. I said yes straight away but didn't realise it was a hundred mile drive. It was worth the drive though, but I was shattered and slept in the car all the way back!

tmb 550 super connie

Larry Harris sends this memory -

In June of 1984 I was an agent for Pacific Western working at Comox, British Columbia (YQQ).

At the end of June 1984 a cruise ship/ferry was enroute from Seattle to Alaska and when just north of Campbell River it struck rocks in Seymour Narrows.

The ship was badly damaged and managed to limp back to the Elk Falls mill north of Campbell River where it was tied up at the dock. Total crew and passengers of 787 were evacuated and standing on the dock when the ship sank to about half its height under water. That meant a lot of the cabins were flooded and of course the bottom car deck was also flooded. It contained many luxury vehicles as well as campers, fifth wheels and others.

It was decided to take all the passengers and crew down to the air base of Comox because transportation was being arranged using aircraft too large for the Campbell River airport. CP Air provided a DC-10 and PWA brought in 2 767's and a 737 to take everyone back to Seattle.

In the meantime all the crew and passengers also needed clothing as a good number of the passengers were still in their sleep wear. They were provided with military style clothing such as cover-all’s and other items.

Help was needed from the local airline staff due to the using of airline aircraft, so agents Larry and Brian Hazard were called to do the required work.

We had to manifest everyone and issue boarding cards to use when the aircraft arrived. All in all it turned into a successful rescue despite the loss of items for the passengers. The ship was eventually refloated and towed to Vancouver.

Norm Danton sends this memory after reading NetLetter #1444 -

Regarding the article about the Brabazon aircraft. I also saw it flying. I think it was late 1952, when walking in Hounslow the aircraft flew directly down Hounslow high street at quite a low level. It brought back many memories. Now retired, I live in Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island.

Norm Danton 

As mentioned above in 'Submitted Photos', Christine Hayvice has published a book entitled 'Arrivals and Departures' chronicling the evolution and work of various unions including her own personal experiences as a union representative while employed by Canadian Pacific Air Lines. The book covers 60 years beginning in 1942 up until the merger between Canadian Airlines and Air Canada.

The book is available, in a limited edition, if you live in the Greater Vancouver, British Columbia area. You can purchase the book by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Arrangements for purchase and delivery throughout the rest of Canada and internationally are currently in process.

Christine has provided an audio file introducing her book. 

(Editor's Note: Some email applications cannot play the audio file.

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