Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

tmb seasons greetings

Dear Subscribers,

We frequently receive your kind messages thanking us for the work we do compiling and sending out The NetLetter.

Although 2020 has been difficult year for everyone, sharing the memories of the remarkable people of aviation has never been so much of a pleasure. For us, it has been a very welcome means to remain productive and involved in a rewarding activity.

Our goal has always been to remain positive and hopeful for the future as we celebrate the past. We miss our dear friends and colleagues who have passed on but we are grateful for the memories left to us.

We are adding new subscribers almost daily and we appreciate your interest. Welcome!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Please take care and stay safe,

Terry, Wayne, Ken & Bob

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We always welcome feedback about Air Canada (including Jazz and Rouge) from our subscribers who wish to share current events, memories and photographs.

Particularly if you have stories to share from one of the legacy airlines: Canadian Airlines, CP Air, Pacific Western, Eastern Provincial, Wardair, Nordair, Transair, Air BC, Time Air, Quebecair, Calm Air, NWT Air, Air Alliance, Air Nova, Air Ontario, Air Georgian, First Air/Canadian North and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.

Please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will try to post your comments in the next issue but, if not, we will publish it as soon as we can.


NetLetter Subscription
