Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

PWA Keeping Posted
Issue dated January 1970
The eighth wonder of the world
tmb 250 pwa world flightDuring November 1969, PWA operated a round-the-world flight on behalf of the Alberta Motor Association.
When you visit a place and enjoy your visit you likely pick up a little souvenir to show the folks back home and to remind you of your visit. After 14 days of their 30-day jaunt around the world, the 152 Canadians (30 from Central Alberta) had accumulated one ton of extras.
The Flight Crew were: Captain Art Bell, First Officer Alex McTavish, Engineer Moe Sangster, Navigator Cliff Beck, Purser Gil Tsui, Purser Ole Damsgaard, Flight Attendants Isle Buffi, Corry Van Vliet and Dianne Paradee.
Visiting Honolulu, Pago Pago, Auckland, an 8-day stop over in Sydney, Hong Kong via Darwin, Singapore, Bangkok, New Delhi, Ankara, Athens, Madrid and London, then back to Canada.

Issue dated March 1970 
Class of PWA Reservations personnel who have completed training.
Front row left to right: Lynda MacDonald, Barbara Rogers, Janice Clark and Marilyn Hallinan.
Back row left to right: Dhorea Allisen, Diane Corrie, Pat Furlong, Roger Wilkes, Francis Haar and Bebe Helgason.

A view of the Peace River passenger terminal circa 1970

CAHS logo510x120
Excerpt from CAHS Regina district - Saskatchewan aviation 1930-1939
Late summer, 1940 -
Directors of Moose Jaw-based Prairie Airways began discussing an offer from Canadian Pacific Airlines to purchase their firm. This was approved.
Prairie's GM, Dick Ryan, joined CPA’s staff as manager of its Saskatchewan region, but soon was loaned to the management staff of No. 3 Air Observer School (AOS) in Regina. 

Summer, 1944  -
The two ex-Prairie Airways Beech 18s operated by Canadian Pacific on its north-south Saskatchewan route (which connected with the east-west Trans-Canada Air Lines route at Regina) were sold to Venezuela’s TACA airline.
Astonishingly, both are still intact and preserved. These aircraft were CF-BKN and CF-BKO (photo below).
CF-BKN is in the Pima County Air Museum at Tucson, Arizona. Its last owner, M.W. Sweeley, donated the '18 on July 30, 1980.
It carried American registration N55681 and had 6,000 hours in the air, logged between 1938 and 1980.
tmb 550 CF BKO
CF-BKO - Beechcraft Heritage Museum - Tullahoma, Tennessee
October 6, 2007
Photo courtesy of Roger Syratt

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