Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The NetLetter #878
The NetLetter
"Since Oct/95 - Now serving 2,234 AC retirees" March 27, 2005


Number 878

About us!

Nice to Know...

Found on the Internet

Air Canada News

Other items

Where are they now?

Terry's Travel Tips



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Netletter Archives

About us!

Since October 1995, Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker have been issuing an email newsletter for those ex Air Canada types who have provided us with their email addresses. The Newsletter was created by Vesta, who gave the name 'NetLetter' and added 'Between Ourselves' - a TCA periodical with which you are probably familiar with from the 50's and 60's. It was then changed to "Between Yourselves" to avoid confusion when "Horizons" resurrected the name. Then finally simplified to just "The NetLetter".

We believe that our NetLetter, which originates from Vancouver Island, was the FIRST to use this medium to disperse information for retirees of Air Canada.

The NetLetter contains airline related information such as anecdotes or stories supplied by some of the recipients, Internet tips, travel news, cheap... excuse me, "inexpensive" accommodations, tours, interline travel, and, in some small way, we help keep our Air Canada family together and in touch.

Our 'NetLetter' is NOT sponsored by any Pionair group, nor are we seeking any financial support, only the Internet email addresses of those who would like to receive our 'NetLetter'. Please forward this to other retirees who can then subscribe right from the forwarded link at the bottom of this email.

The Netletter web site....


Please visit our Sponsors


Dear NetLetter,

Please don't forget that you can print the NetLetter and give a copy to an airline friend that doesn't have Internet access. Also, if this is too fancy to print, you can always print the text only version from our Archives on the ACFamily Network. See the bottom of this email for further details.

We now estimate that the NetLetter is read by over 2700 retirees when counting our email distribution and those that print the NetLetter out and give them out to their friends.

To get in touch with either the Editor/Pilot or Co- Pilot our email address is still This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To make changes to your e-mail address or to unsubscribe, please see the links at the bottom of the page for "Update Profile/email address" and Safe Unsubscribe. This is nowl automated so that you can remove yourself from the list or change your email address (or name) without our assistance. We will still do this (of course) manually if you have any difficulties.

  • Nice to Know...
  • Vesta

    Jack Morgan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. sends this information -
    Had a short visit to YUL on March 17th - 20th and starting in Halifax was told about the employee member check in at the kiosk. However on returning from YUL I tried the new procedure and my employee number was not accepted as the kiosk screen said all employee numbers start with zero. It did, however, accept the card.

    Might mention the tremendous effort required by the airport staff who were dealing with oversales on every flight, delayed passengers as parking lots were full and finding a place anywhere near the parking area was very difficult. Security was taking about 45 minutes to an hour. In addition, the Jetsgo collapse, spring break, and Easter created a pressure filled environment.

    My congratulations to the AC staff for putting forward an outstanding performance which avoided complete collapse. You would see the strain as the noshow factor increased and standbys seemed to be on hand for every flight.

  • Found on the Internet
    Ron Tessier paid defunct Canadian airline Jetsgo $30,000 to be trained to fly its planes. With $29,000 still owing on the loan he took out, Tessier, a pilot for 18 years, is heading home to Sudbury, Ont., and to a possible job at the local Home Depot to pay off the debt, Tessier told the Toronto Globe and Mail. Jetsgo demanded the $30,000 payments up front from all its pilots as a repayable (over two years) "loyalty bond" to prevent them from jumping to another airline after they were qualified. However, it was Jetsgo that pulled the pin on the pilots and other employees by declaring bankruptcy last week. Newer pilots, like Tessier, have virtually no chance of recovering their bonds. "It's absolutely gone. It's going to bankrupt a lot of people," Tessier said. Meanwhile some passengers and employees are trying to get back what they can by auctioning off newly "rare "Jetsgo memorabilia on ebay.

    Rumours have Air Canada to be under pressure to cancel a large airplane order with Embraer and instead be the launch customer for a new C-series aircraft proposed by Bombardier Aerospace.

  • Air Canada News
  • Air Canada plans expansion of Cargo service to Asia. Proof that our cargo business is doing well can be found in the strong performance of our dedicated freighter services (launched in Canada and Europe in 2004) and in our customers' positive response to the product. With demand for cargo capacity continuing to grow, we plan to expand our services to China in May using an MD-11 cargo freighter which we've leased from World Airways. Pending government approval, we plan to deploy these flights three times weekly. In addition, we have boosted our freight capacity within Canada and have extended our lease agreement with Gemini Air Cargo to operate over the North Atlantic for an additional two years.

  • Other items
  • Final part of the story carried in NetLetter nr 877 by Margaret Cantwell -

    One plane crashed on Saltspring Island and the engine is now in our Museum at Victoria Airport and is on the WWW. Others crashed in the areas around but one, a Hampden, crashed right in the heart of Sidney. Beacon Avenue is the main road through the town and just off that around the corner from a Thrifty's Grocery, which is in the centre of town, is where a huge complex (apartments etc.) is being built. Not quite finished yet. It has a big sign in front about it and a picture of the Hampden plane. It is being built by Gordon Martman, the son of Bob Martman who owned the local theatre here for years. We are all well acquainted. A bit more info..I went up to the Museum to take a photo of the engine from one of the planes, the one that crashed on Saltspring Island, but when it was developed, you could not read the writing so I went back and was busy writing it down. As I was leaving the lady at the front desk asked if I had found what I wanted and I told her what I was doing. A tall gentleman standing there asked what engine is this? He asked me to show him and I did. He then took it to the computer room and he brought it up on the WWW ! I then asked him who he was, he laughed and said, " I am the Vice Chair of the Society you belong to (CAHS)" !! I then asked him about a picture in the Memories room. It was a way up high and large letters above said "Battle of Britain Survivors" and I presumed they were Canadians who had survived. Under the picture, but too high up to read, except for one name, were all the signatures of the Airmen. One only visible as it was in black and it was "Mickey Mount" and he was the Sqdrn. CO. of the RAF City of London 600 Squadron, my husband Ken's. I thought he must have been over here training Canadian Airmen, but Mr. Frampton, he said, they were British.

    Now the person who has all details etc. is George Maud, an Air Canada retiree..and his phone number is (250) 656 2746 anyone interested is quite free to call him. He has so much information and would be glad to share it with interested people.
    I found this to be very fascinating bit of local history and one not known.
    I spent 2 hours going through the Archives of the local Sidney Review printed during the war years, but there was nothing mentioned at all. The librarian told me there would not be. She was there during those years and suggested this information was kept out of the paper for obvious security reasons.
    Margaret Cantwell

  • Where are they now?
  • Nordair C-46 CF-NAU c/n 22600 a freighter was one of over 3,000 built for WWII bought by Nordair in 1966 as CF-NAO from US Dept.f Justice. Sold to Rich International in Florida reregistered as N1874C. This aircraft went back to Nordair in 1972 reregistered as CF-NAU and then sold to Everts in 1989. The aircraft now parked in Fairbanks without engines and slowly decaying.

  • Terry's Travel Tips
    (from the World Airlines Clubs Association) After much planning we are pleased to advise the WACA card will be introduced this year. It will be in the form of a plastic ID with details of the holder and airline. The card will feature the WACA logo and holders Name, Airline Code, Staff Number and Club. At present we are negotiating with airlines, hotels cruise companies, car rentals and duty free shops around the world to offer discounts on production of the card. Now the big news is RETIREES OF DEFUNCT AIRLINES will be able to apply through their Club for the card on production of proof of age and years of service for their airline. Once this has been verified by the President of the Club in their home city the card will be available. Eligibility will be the formula of age and years must add to 70 or more in points..... for example if I am 48 and worked for my airline for 25 years my points would be 73 so a card would be available. Cost of the card will be USD10.00 for a period of 5 years.

    John Aarons
    Vice President
    Special Projects and International Events

    From: James F. C. Rose - Your Interline Cruise Expert
    Carnival Super Interline Specials:
    April 14 to May 12: 4 nights from Galveston $180
    April 16 to 25: 5 nights from Mobile $130
    April 17: 4 nights from Pt.Canaveral $150
    April 18: 5 nights from New Orleans $160
    May 30: 4 nights from Los Angeles $130
    (plus port & taxes)
    These lower prices are available if you take a 'run of ship' cabin, where the cabin and type is assigned by the cruise line at departure and maximum two in a cabin.

    Usual terms & conditions apply, including these are all per person - based upon at least two in cabin, USA funds, government fees & handling & service charges (none to us) are additional. Prices & availability are NOT guaranteed to last, and can and do change fast and without notice. However, your price is guaranteed once you book & pay.

    JAME F. C. ROSE - YOUR Cruise Expert
    information: (204) 889-3885
    fax: (204) 889-3885
    reservation : (204) 889-3885 & (800) 414-8091

    World Airlines Clubs Association
  • Smilies
  • Adobe 7

    Just as the passenger was checking in at the airport gate, an airline employee asked "Has anyone put anything in your luggage without your knowledge?" to which the passenger replied "If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?, The airline employee smiled knowingly and nodded "That's why we ask".

  • Sponsors
  • The mailing and formating of the Netletter for HTML format is provided by the ACFamily Network and Nerds On Site. Content is researched and submitted by Vesta Stevenson and Terry Baker. Thank you for letting us into your homes!

    Please support the ACFamily Network
  • Adobe PDF Files
  • Most Internet users are familiar with Adobe Acrobat Reader. When web sites (and email lists) wish to share files with their readers it is not practical to have them download files that they are not able to open or which could be infected by viruses.

    To solve this problem, Adobe Software provides a "Free" reader to allow anyone that downloads their viewer to read these files.

    Click on the "Adobe Reader 7.0" image to download your free copy of Adobe Reader. Instructions for installing it are found using the link below. (The NetLetter does not provide support for installing the reader, but Nerds On Site do.) See the links to them on the left panel.

    How to download Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Netletter Archives
  • The archives of the NetLetter are kept on the ACFamily Network Forums area. They are in plain text format so you can print them from there if desired. If you are not a member of the ACFamily Network yet, we encourage you to join us there. Non members can Register here. (It's Free!)

    NetLetter Archives Link
    email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    NetLetter Subscription
