Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |\^/| _| TCA |_ _|\| AIR |/|_ N E T L E T T E R > CANADA < B E T W E E N O U R S E L V E S >_./|\._< for P I O N A I R S | Your crew is: Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson Chief Navigator - Terry Baker tm number 122 date February 2nd 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Your Navigator is off navigating agian for a couple of weeks, send any messages for the Netletter to Vesta please. ~-=o0o=-~ . Mitch Mitchell sent the following correction and reminder - Halifax Pionairs only get together once a month, and that is the FIRST Wednesday of each month through May, at Armdale Yacht Club. Regards - Mitch . Now that the CHIP system for the passes is in place, and with the elimination of all travel and cargo vouchers, there will be NO package of vouchers sent to employees or retirees. Everyone has a copy of the 'Horizons' delivered to them, and the December edition outlined some of the proceedures, including the various blackout periods. Retirees should keep this edition as they do not have ready access to the CIC's in RESIII. Watch for more details in the upcoming February 'Horizons' and DO NOT call the Industry Travel Bureau asking for the 'missing' package of travel vouchers. ~-=o0o=-~ . Anyone wondering which Barry Phillips we welcomed recently, in Netletter nr 116, we can tell you the following - Barry worked as Supervisor on the mainframe network area at 151 Front Street, Toronto and was Manager when the centre was moved to Montreal. Now retired and living in Windsor, Ontario. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ~-=o0o=-~ . Found on the Internet - Santa Claus, like all pilots, gets regular visits from the Federal Aviation Administration, and it was shortly before Christmas when the FAA examiner arrived. In preparation, Santa had the elves wash the sled and bath all the reindeer. Santa got out his logbook and made sure all his paperwork was in order. The examiner walked slowly around the sled. He checked the reindeer harnesses, the landing gear, and Rudolph's nose. He painstakingly reviewed Santa's weight and balance calculations for the sled's enormous payload. Finally, they were ready for the checkride. Santa got in and fastened his seatbelt and shoulder harness, and checked the compass. Then the examiner hopped in carrying, to Santa's surprise, a shotgun. "What's that for?" asked Santa incredulously. The examiner winked and said, "I'm not supposed to tell you this, but you're gonna lose an engine on takeoff." . There is a story about one of the first female pilots on a commercial airline in Australia. They were flying to Christmas Island in a BA146 and had to refuel at Learmonth. The Captain suggested that the First Officer (the female) take it in. She did. It is a bumpy airfield and her landing was not the best. As they taxied over to the fuel, the Captain picked up the microphone and announced "Ladies and gentlemen I would like you to know that I had nothing to do with that landing. It was entirely handled by the first female pilot with this airline." She was furious, but what could she do. They continued to Christmas Island. There is only one runway on Christmas Island and it undulates somewhat. The island is surrounded by cliffs and when there is a crosswind, there can be a nasty rotor to deal with. This time the captain handled the landing and it was dreadful. As they taxied in, the first officer picked up the microphone and announced, "This is your first officer speaking. I would like you all to know that I had nothing to do with that landing. It was entirely handled by your captain .........." She looked round. He was furious - red in the face, almost with steam coming out of his ears. "What the hell did you do that for?" He blurted. "Well you did it to me." She replied smugly. "Yes, but I didn't press the microphone button." . For all those interested in military and aviation topics, here is an exciting new project that is almost complete The American Air Museum in Britain. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth to Perform Opening Ceremony. The finest Collection of American Combat Aircraft Outside U.S. to Open August 1, at Duxford Airfield, just outside of Cambridge, England. ~-=o0o=-~ . Vesta includes this little story - The son joined the Military's elite Rapid Response Team and said that while he would write home as often as he could, but it had to be understood that the movements of his unit were top secret. "Dear Dad," read the young soldier's first letter home, "I'm afraid I cannot tell you where I am, but yesterday, I spent several hours watching a polar bear." More than a month later another letter arrived. "Dear Dad, I still am unable to mention where I am, but yesterday, I danced with a Hula girl." Two weeks later came yet another note. "Dear Dad, as usual, I still cannot tell ya where I am, but yesterday the doctor told me I should have watched the Hula girl and danced with the polar bear." ~-=o0o=-~ . Interline stuff Windstar Cruises - Tahiti - 7 nights from US$895 pp dbl. Mediterranean - 6 - 14 nights from US$1095 pp dbl. Royal Caribbean - 'Song of Norway' 7 night Bermuda from US$699 pp dbl. 'Viking Seranade' 3 nights Baja from US$219 pp dbl. 'Song of America' 14 night Panama Canal from US$1099 pp dbl. 'Sun Viking' 14 night S.E.Asia from US$1249 pp dbl. Call Kelly at 1-800-665-3100 for more details. Holland America - 10 day Caribbean cruise departs Mar 6 & 16th on 'Ryndam' from Ft.Lauderdale, St.Maarten, St.Lucia, Barbados, Guaduloupe, St.Johns, St.Thomas, Nassau and Ft. Lauderdale. Inside from US$599 pp dbl outside from US$699 pp dbl. 8 day Beijing, escorted full package stay at 4-star Beijing International Hotel. Highlights - Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tian an Men Square & Temple of Heaven. Visit Hard Rock Cafe, Acrobatic show & great shopping. Tour cost include - Round trip air fare Air China from Vancouver. Accommodations and surcharge, 3 meals daily, guided sightseeing & admissions, cultural show and ground transportation. All from US$1399 - 1599 pp dbl plus tax $55 and China fee $50. Call Bonita at 1-800-690-3223 for more details. ~-=o0o=-~ . Smilie from Vesta Obsolete: The computer you bought three months ago. Inadequate: The computer you bought three weeks ago. Ideal: The computer coming on the market in three days time. Terry found this on the Internet - Heard over the Christmas season - "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking and on behalf of all of us at Air Canada we'd like to thank you for flying with us today. We're beginning our descent into Vancouver and we'd like to ask you to stow baggage and bring your tables and seatbacks into the upright position." -- pause -- "Oh, and folks, I've been reminded to inform you that as you deplane and walk to the baggage claim area, you may notice tons and tons of mistletoe hanging at the gates of our competitors. Don't be alarmed -- it's just there to remind you that when you fly our competitors you can just plan on kissing your luggage goodbye......" ~=-o0o=-~ . That's it for this time, please we need your input, send comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <<<>>> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ................................................... . GREETINGS FROM . . Vancouver Island . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ...................................................

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