Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |\^/| _| TCA |_ B E T W E E N O U R S E L V E S _|\| AIR |/|_ N E T L E T T E R > CANADA < >_./|\._< for Air Canada retirees | Our crew is: Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson Chief Navigator - Terry Baker number 142 date April 6th 1997 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Welcome to Richard MacDonald whose father was Harold MacDonald who was living on Vancouver Island. Richard is in Vancouver, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Paul Davis who retired in 91 in YYC, but saw the light and returned home to beautiful Nova Scotia, residing in Halifax, his e-mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cecil McCulloch who retired from Winnipeg and now living with Arlene in Victoria, B.C. Their email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Chuck Shnider, ex Winnipegger retired and living in Victoria B.C. If you remember Chuck or his wife try their email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ~-=o0o=-~ . News from the Districts - The Vancouver Island Pionairs held their spring luncheon on Apr 2nd with 96 attendees from various areas including North Carolina, Parksville, Nanaimo & Duncan. From the mainland Pionairs from Surrey, Richmond, White Rock and West Vancouver were also present. Saville Hambleton, Director, told the meeting that this District has the best average turnout for events of the Pionair system, and then introduced the speaker, Mr. Alan Emery who spoke about the privatization of Victoria Airport due on Apr 4th. Ownership of the land in retained by the Federal Government, and the Victoria Authority has a lease of 60 years, renewable for a further 20 years. Rent, which commences in 1998, will be based on the number of passengers passing through. Presently, the airport makes money, which must be used for the operation of the airport, therefore no departure taxes are likely to be applied. The Victoria Authority can set the landing fees when necessary. Saville Hambleton introduced the new Director, taking over in July, Bill Fisher, who spoke of his 35 years with Air Canada, all in Toronto as Aircraft Routing, Flight Dispatch, Sales and Air Ontario Duty Manager. The Pension representative, Leo Goulet advised us that, at Dec 31st 1996, the fund stood at CA$4.2 billion, rate of return was 16%. Premiums during 1996 was CA$1.1 million, and payments CA$189 million. The ad hoc for 1997 is 3/4 of 1%. No increase in premiums are planned for the Plan B of the Voluntary supplemental Insurance. Claims paid during 1996 was CA$1.6 million, and CA$2.2 million for Plan A. Saville Hambleton wrapped up the meeting with an expression of thanks for the help he had received during his tenure, and reminded us of the upcoming events - Picnic at Mount Douglas, Victoria on Jul 30th, Upcountry Fall luncheon at the Kingfisher, Courtenay on Aug 28th. The following from David Livingstone in New Brunswick - IN case any Pionairs are visiting our area later this month, they might be interested in the following: The New Brunswick Spring Lunch will be Tuesday Apr 29 1230 at The Quality Inn, Sussex. The Inn is on the Trans Canada Highway, immediately East of the junction with highway 1 from Saint John. New Brunswick Pionairs will be advised by newsletter and any visiting Pionairs would be most welcome. Just contact Frank Cogger at 506 672-2159 so we can let the Inn know how many to expect. Regards - David Livingstone Westfield NB Canada phone (506) 757-2996 email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The following from Errol Mitchell in Halifax - Meeting was held at Armdale Yacht this morning, the 2nd, with 25 in attendance, it was chaired by Charlie Stock. Most of the meeting was taken up with the AGM and no address for the Hotel, it was suggested by the Chairman that anyone wishing to attend use the 800 phone number for the Hotel. Weather was not that good as we had the worst winter storm of the season over the last two days. Following the meeting lunch was served. Guess thats it for this month, next meeting will be first Wed. next month, May 7th. All the best. Mitch ~-=o0o=-~ . A reminder that Changes of addresses, pension pay problems, estate complications, health insurance matters etc are handled by a group headed up by Mrs Bernice Paul. Mail address is Air Canada, P.O.Box 768, Winnipeg MB, R3C 2N2 . Air Canada's next venture into the U.S. will be to Charlotte, North Carolina this month, and Phoenix during May. . Found on the internet. Air China has ordered (5) Boeing B777-200 passenger jets. Air Jamaica will offer all jet, champagne services to 8 islands ~-=o0o=-~ . Interline stuff. Commencing with the April edition, the 'Horizons' will also be available at a special web site - check the April edition for the web URL address and password required. Parking fees at the Victoria airport on Vancouver Island are CA$ 8.75 daily, CA$52.50 weekly and CA$105 monthly. Canadian Interline Travel and Dargal Interline Cruises and Tours entered into an agreement with the agreement of the National Executive of the Pionairs. Basically, each agency would pay the Pionairs Association 1% of all revenue resulting from the bookings that our members, relatives and referrals make to them. On the part of the Pionairs, we would distribute, along with our normal snail mail bulletins, a one page flyer that the agencies would provide. Any additonal postage cost would be covered by the agencies. This is a good deal all round, so when you are booking with one of these two agencies, remind them you are Pionairs and ask that your booking be recorded in their 'Reward program'. Holland America - Europe 1997 Mediterranean cruise, Venice to Barcelona October 18th - 12 days from inside US$1827 pp dbl, outside US$2277 pp dbl. Western Mediterranean cruise Barcelona to Barcelona - 12 days Visit ports in Italy, and France. October 30th. from inside US$1777.50 pp dbl outside US$2227.50 pp dbl. Western Mediterranean & South Atlantic - 23 days Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale departs Nov 11th. visit Malta, Tunisia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Senegal, St. Maarten. From inside US2817.50 pp dbl, outside US$3627.50. Call Dargal at 1-800-690-3223. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let DARGAL take you there! ~-=o0o=-~ . Smilies found by Terry - More Aviation glossary Hydroplane - An airplane designed to land on a wet runway, 20,000 feet long. IFR - A method of flying by needle and ripcord. Landing: A controlled, midair collision with a planet. Lean Mixture - Non-alcoholic beer. Motor - Word used by student pilots and Yankees when referring to the engine. Nanosecond - Time delay built into the stall warning system. Parasitic Drag - A pilot who bums a ride back and complains about the service. Range - Usually about 30 miles beyond the point where all fuel tanks fill with air. Rich Mixture - What you order at the other guy's promotion party. Roger - Used when you're not sure what else to say. Roll - The first design priority for a fully loaded KC-135A. Service Ceiling - Altitude at which cabin crews can serve drinks. Spoilers - The Federal Aviation Administration. Stall - Technique used to explain to the bank why your car payment is late. Steep Bank - Banks that charge pilots more than 10% interest. Tactics - What a clock sounds like when it needs fixing. Tail Wind - Results from eating beans, often causing Oxygen deficiency in the immediate vicinity. Turn & Bank Indicator - An instrument highly ignored by pilots. Useful Load - Volumetric capacity of the aircraft, disregarding weight of cargo. Up - A chant used by pilots taking off from Colorado Springs, who want to discover the meaning of life. VOR - Radio navigation aid, named after the VORtex effect of pilots trying to home in on it. Windsocks - Socks that need darning. Yankee - Any pilot that asks Houston tower to "Say again". Zero - Style and artistry points earned for a gear-up landing. ~-=o0o=-~ . That's it for this time, please we need your input, send comments and email addresses of any others who may be interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry. -!- Landing on an Island in the Pacific. _____(~)_____ ! ! ! <<<>>> Air Canada Pionairs ~Between Ourselves-Netletter~ http://www.mortimer.com/acra mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ................................................... . GREETINGS FROM . . Vancouver Island . . BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA . ...................................................

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