Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

number 264   date Apr 19th, 1998  1st Published in October 1995


. We welcome Jack Camps, retired to Sidney, BC, try email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Al Hauff, active captain living in Guelph and, in his spare time,
flies with a Pitts Special Stunt Team doing Airshows.
Try email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Where are they now?
We have lost contact with Allan McGregor, ex Finance Winnipeg, living
in Lockport Manitoba - anyone out there have his email please?

" ' "

. What's on and Where.
Friday  April 17, 1998
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches,Family Restaurant,  Carlingwood Shopping
Saturday  April 18, 1998
Ottawa Spring Buffet Luncheon Ruby King  Restaurant,Orleans $9.25
Al Martel 820-0042.
Sunday  April 19, 1998
Edmonton Pionairs Luncheon, Nisku Inn at 11:30am $12.
contact Shirley Jay 403-436-0866
Shuttle bus from airport terminal see nl 250
Tuesday  April 21, 1998
Montreal Pionairs Bowling League Valois Lanes Pte Claire
info 626-3263 netltr 234
* NEW *  California Pionairs monthly meeting at 11am
in Air  Canada office in Burlingame, out of towners welcome
Thursday  April 23, 1998
ACRA Boco Raton Squash
Calgary Pionairs Lunch 11:30am Royal Canadian Legion
Kensington Rd NW  see nl 228/246
Montreal Pionairs Spring Buffet Royal St Lawrence Yacht nl 234
New Brunswick District Spring Lunch Quality Inn,  Sussex at 12:30
Guest Speaker is Olie Moore,  Pionair National President and
Mary Moore   Natl  Secty see nl 250 for details
Winnipeg Pionairs luncheon Viscount Gort Hotel at
11:45am $11.00 pp contact 489-3060 Stephanie
Friday  April 24, 1998
ACRA Boco Raton Squash
Ottawa, KoffeeKlatsches, Family Restaurant,  Carlingwood Shopping

" ' "

. News from the Districts.
Vancouver Island District -
To a gathering of 86 Pionairs and guests, Bill Fisher, Director of
the Vancouver Island District started off the Spring Luncheon with
some 'Dear Abby' jokes to get the people into the mood.
The main guest speaker was Wendy Patriquin, National Sales Manager and
Group Coordinator of Canadian Interline Travel Ltd.(C.I.T.)
During the introduction, Bill Fisher mentioned Wendy was born in Truro,
and has been in the travel industry since 1990, the last 3 years with C.I.T.
Wendy talked about the various tours available, and the future ones being
worked upon, hopefully to be as successful as the Canal Cruise, hosted by
Fraser Muir last October. It is hoped that a Greek tour and a European
Cruise can be arranged. Also mentioned was the new computer system
installed at C.I.T., which enabled Wendy to have the complete listing of
all offerings on her laptop computer. We were treated to an insight of
the tour she took in Australia, and an album of photographs was available
together with many tour brochures and leaflets.
An arrangement with Industry Travel, C.I.T. will also arrange for flight
listings, including any service charges, in conjunction with any tours
booked which require travel on Air Canada to the pickup point.
Bill Fisher advised us that the first chapter of the Pionairs Travel
booklet will be available at the A.G.M.
With the present membership in the Vancouver Island Chapter at 350 and
slowly falling, Bill Fisher was trying to get the retired Pilots and the
Inflight retirees to join the Pionairs.
Leo Goulet gave an update on the pension, at years end this stood at
over $493 billion, 1997 giving a 10% return. During 1997 the employees
contributed $50 million and Air Canada's contribution was over $30 million.
A question from the floor made mention that when a claim for long term
health costs were claimed under the Supplementary Health Plan, it was
denied. Leo Goulet stated that this aspect was not included in the Plan.
The plan was now underfunded, and it was discovered that the Ontario and
Quebec participants were being undercharged, therefore the next increase
will adjust this, and very little increase will be seen for BC members of
the Plan. The services of MATE are also being dropped from the Plan.
Leo Goulet pointed out that the Air Canada group health plans are quite
insufficient to cover anticipated expenses when out-of-country, and would
suggest that every traveller going out-of-country get supplementary
covereage, such as that provided by Morris & Mackenzie, or some other
private insurance company.
Terry Baker gave a short talk about the NetLetter which is produced by
Vesta Stevenson and himself, indicating that with a mailing list of some
260, plus a further listing of 125 being distributed by  Frank Pedder at YUL
it is estimated that, with spouses and others, the NetLetter reaches some
600 readers. Also mention was made that a web site on the internet for
Pionairs was in the final stages of being introduced. This site was being
put together by Alan Rust, and active employee at YVR, Tom Grant, a retiree
in YVR, Terry Baker and Vesta Stevenson.
In closing, Bill Fisher mentioned that the 1999 A.G.M. will be back in
the Marriott Annahiem, no arrangement, other than zed fares are available
with Central Mountain Air, that, in all probability the Victoria
International Airport will introduce an improvement departure tax of
ca$5.00 later this year, and a reminder that the Mid Island summer
luncheon at Rutherford Golf Course Nanaimo will be Aug 20th.
submitted by Terry Baker

from Manitoba and Saskatchewan Pionairs District Newsletter Mar 1998.
Stephanie Mandzie, District Director.

If you are taking the Airport Express Downtown don't forget to mention you
are Air Canada Pionair when you purchase your ticket. If there is a group of
you it may be cheaper to check with the limousine service as I believe it's
$38.00 (ps:  I guess she means  per car with x nr of psgrs - eds)

Please make sure you purchase extra medical insurance eg Blue Cross etc for
travel outside Canada.  I've recently heard of a couple of 'snowbirds', who
for many years spent their winters in the US, always under the impression
their Air Canada Medical would cover them. Unfortunately this past winter
the husband suffered a major crisis and ended up in the hospital and
eventually passed away.  The widow was presented with a bill for
us$200,000.00 for his care.  As she was the sole beneficiary in his will she
had to give up all their assets and eventually had to declare bankruptcy.
Don't let this happen to you or your family!  You can check with the Pension
Office to see what your coverage is.

" ' "

. Smilie
Bill Willows sends us this -
"Two wrongs don't make a right. but two Wrights made an airplane"
"If you're living on the edge, make sure you're wearing your seat belt"
"The mind is like a parachute; it works much better when it's open"
See you - Bill CLE

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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|  Between Yourselves     |______________ \______====== )-+
|       NetLetter         |                      ---|/--  |
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~Between Yourselves-Netletter~
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Copyright 1998 by Vesta Stevenson & Terry Baker.


NetLetter Subscription
