Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

T H E                        _| TCA |_
_|\| AIR |/|_
N E T L E T T E R       >  CANADA   <
( For retirees of the new Air Canada family)

Number 479  May 4th, 2000,  We first Published in October 1995

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   -    Co-pilot  - Terry Baker

e-mail address is:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


. News from the districts.
Jess Rougeau advises us of this information for the Ottawa Pionairs -
Luncheon at Cajronds (?) on Industrial Avenue at 11:30 on May 6th.
There will be a guest speaker. Cost $19.00 pay at the door.
Visiting pionairs most welcome.
Call Jess at (613)841-7091 for more information.

" ' "
Questions & Answers -
Q: Are AC employees able to use Partner Passes on CDN?
A: No.
Q: Are there any plans to merge the Frequent Flyer programs? If so, when?
A: We're looking at all possibilities and evaluating our options but no decision
has been made to-date. However, in an attempt to create tangible consumer
benefits, we are trying to make as many frequent flyer program features as
reciprocal as possible.
For instance, all eligible AC and CDN customers are welcome to any
AC Maple Leaf Lounge or Canadian Empress Lounge, when travelling on
any AC or CDN designated flight.
Q:I've heard many rumours about which airline will be flying to Paris, Milan,
and Rome this summer. Could you please clarify who is flying these routes?
A: AC employees will operate AC equipment on the Toronto  Paris route.
CDN employees will operate CDN equipment on the Toronto  Milan and
Montreal  Rome routes.

Send any rumours or questions to Employee Communications
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fax (514)422-5104

" ' "

Annual General Meeting - 2000 held at Vancouver Apr 29/30th 2000.

The National President of the Pionairs, Saville Hambleton, flanked by the
National Executive, welcomed some 318 Pionairs and friends to the AGM.
Your co-pilot, Terry Baker, attended the Saturday meetings only, and these
are his impressions, with apologies for any misspellings of names  -
Saville introduced Mary Moore, who graciously agreed to take over the duties
of past president from her husband, the late  Olie Moore.
Mary welcomed the gathering in French.
The Executive was introduced. The outgoing executive were introduced and thanked.
It was mentioned that Fred Clipper had travelled from Bermuda to attend.
Fred retired from the company some  23 years ago.
The Pionair who had travelled the furthest was Dick van Dam of Belgium.
Some of the past executives were introduced, including Denny Brendon and Scott Bradell.
An informal survey revealed that 6 attendees had been to between 10 and 20
AGM's , of which 4 had been to more than 20.
Acknowledgement for the efforts of Alan Rust, web master of ACFamily, Tom Grant, editor of the ACREW and RAPCAN web site, Terry Baker and Vesta Stevenson for the NetLetter. All helping to keep the retirees informed.
The NetLetter reaches over 2,000 readers and the web sites average 1,000 hits per month and increasing.
Representatives of The Canadian Association of Retired Persons  (CARP),
were in attendance providing an information brochure.
Representatives of Interlining Plus and Dargal handed out information on
interline tours and cruises they have to offer.
The touring display of TCA/Air Canada memorabilia was set up for viewing
arranged by Fraser Muir.
Committee reports were made -
Norm Stoddart as treasurer stated that, as of August 31st 1999, the coffers
had an audited figure of c$9,274
Norm promised to have a reduction of expenses in the
range of 20-30% during this year.
Bill Fisher, VP and membership advised that total Pionair membership was
6,465 and that a data base had been constructed, after
corrections, to the information Winnipeg had supplied. He
was now able to take responsibility for the supply all the
district directors with up to date information for their use.
John Innes provided information on the upcoming 4th Annual Pionairs Golf
Tournament to be held in Sydney, Vancouver Island.
At this point, Saville introduced 8 of the district directors, who had each brought
a door prize. The following winners were -
The U.K. presented to           Roy MacCormack
Manitoba to                   John Innes,
Central Ontario (YYZ) to Sheila Rothwell,
U.S.  to                         Scott Bradell,
Calgary to                      Audrey Harper,
YUL to                           Ingrid Malone,
London, Ontario to          Marion Hykle,
and        Okanagan to                  Norm Donnelly.
Continuing the light hearted manner of the meeting, Saville introduced
Leo Goulet, Pension representative to give his final report before stepping down.
Leo, surely an amateur stand up comedian, kept the audience in fits of
laughter with his quips and jokes, inter spliced with some financial information
on the state of the pension plan.
Leo is stepping down as of May 1st, having the longest length of
service to the Pionairs. A V.P. in 1992, followed by 6 years as Pionair
rep. to the board.
As of Dec 31/99 the value of the fund was c$5.6 billion. and increase
of c$779 million during 1999. In 1998 the increase was c$200 million.
c$200 million was paid out, contributions were c$60.5 by the Air Canada
c$50 million by the active employees.
64% of the fund was in equities of which 46% were Canadian returning
40.6%, 8% in US funds returning 13% and 10% in foreign funds returning
An actuary study, as required by law, was presently underway.
As the Plan II of the Voluntary Health Plan is self supporting, all who
make claims against it are urged to challenge any bills for services.
You are reminded that travel passes must be validated with the current
year 2000.
At the conclusion of his report, Leo was given a standing ovation, and Saville
made a presentation of  a plaque and pin to Leo.
Saville announced that Bill Rowe was taking the place of Leo Goulet.
Kay Napolitano gave a summary of the survey included with the Pionair
documents mailed to  6,400 Pionairs.
The returns were 134 which represent 2%, rather disappointing, but the
industry average for surveys is only 3%. The cost of printing etc was c$770.
Yes        No
. AGM beyond your budget?                  41%        50%
2. Locations OK?                                   34%        25%
3. Where?                        US     20%, Can 14%
4. Too busy?                                          13%       78%
5. Gap?                                                 13%       78%
6. Age?                                                  14%       81%
7. 3 day?                                                44%       38%
8. Prefer?             84% Banquet, 16% Dinner.Dance
9. 4 day?                                                23%       49%
10. Singles?                                            21%        8%
11. Suggestions?
12. How long?
13. AGM's?
14. News letter content?                          84%        6%
15. How many times.             4
16. Articles by Natl Exec?                        64%      12%
17. Further info?                    Passes, Travel, Hotel rates, news.
18. NetLetter?                                          29%      60%
Conclusion -
The TCA allumni will be invited to attend next years AGM.
More appealing tours wanted.  Management to attend.

Saville hosted a short Q & A session, and noted that the speakers for
Sunday session would include Doug Lovatt and Vicki Benoit who be more
able to answer most of the questions,
Saville and Barb gave a slide presentation regarding the criteria for an AGM.
which includes
. hotel size, banquet facilities, quality of service, nearby shops and
restaurants, cost (most important), availability of dates, flight
frequencies and proximity to airport.
Halifax was visited but found to be expensive.
Calgary was visited and two hotels were surveyed.
To a musical introduction, and the donning of cowboy hats by the
executive, Calgary was introduced as the city of choice overwhelmingly
agreed to by the executive and district directors. The director for Halifax
district was very disappointed Halifax had not to have been chosen.
The West in Hotel in Calgary cost was negotiated down from c$150
to c$110. Airline discount on the shuttle was $7.50 down from $12.
Barbara pointed out that bar prices were down considerably!
By a show of hands,  from the 3 options of LAX, 3 day cruise or a
Canadian city, it was a tie between LAX and Canadian city.
The 3 day cruise is not an option as the Air Canada management
would not be able to attend for the Q and A session.
Saville then presented two awards -
1st 'Annual longest way' and 'Earliest pay' awards -
1st 'Annual pay' was awarded to Don & Fern Wiley for paying their
deposit for the AGM the quickest.
1st 'Annual longest way' award went to Tina and Dick van Dam who
travelled from Belgium.
All received a cowboy hat.
There followed the presentations from the district directors -
Edmonton    presented to      Emily Burrie,
Victoria  to                          Mary Credell,
New Brunswick to                Pat Budgeon,
Newfoundland to                  Don Wiley,
Nova Scotia & PEI to           Nell Collins,
Cape Breton to                    Ruby Macalder,
East Ontario (YOW)  to        Joy Schultz,
Vancouver to                        Margery Atkinson.

The meeting concluded at noon.

We hope to bring you information of the Sunday session soon!

" ' "

Important reminder, for all new articles, submissions and or comments
for the "The Netletter" please send to:
Our joint e-mail address is:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
please change your Address Books.
This e-mail address has been set up so that both of us (exclusively)
will get an automatic copy and can keep up with the continuity of
news for the NetLetter.

Why not check out the Air Canada Retired Employees Web Site
Independently operated by webmaster Tom Grant.

Mailing of 'the NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust administrator of
the "AC Family Network" at: http://www.acfamily.net

NetLetter Subscription
