Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

T H E                    _| TCA |_
_|\| AIR |/|_
N E T L E T T E R   >  CANADA   <
( For retirees of the new Air Canada family)

Number 626 Oct 9th, 2001,  We first Published in October 1995

Chief Pilot - Vesta Stevenson   -      Co-pilot  - Terry Baker

To get in touch with either editor/pilot our  email address is
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. Need to know.
From the YYZNEWS issued by Brian Dunn -
Air BC (dba Air Canada Regional) are dropping their Vancouver-Denver route
as of October 7th.
Continental Airlines has dropped their Newark-Montreal service effective
October 1st.
United Airlines as of September 30th dropped their Denver-Toronto-Denver
route entirely (was twice-daily) and have reduced their Chicago-Toronto-Chicago
frequency to six departures per day from nine. The airline's commuter affiliate
is also dropping the route linking Victoria BC with Seattle effective

" ' "

. News from the districts -
From the Montreal News Letter 'Sentinel' -
SUNDAY ­ DECEMBER 2, 2001 - 11:00 A.M.
Where: Olympia Hall (Casa Greque)
3855-B Boul. St. Jean D.D.O.
Cost: $25.00 per person (tax and service included)
Time: Cocktails ­ 11:00 a.m. - Lunch ­ Noon
We are pleased to invite you once again to our annual Christmas Lunch. This
festive lunch will include hot canapés and cold punch, a sit-down traditional
Christmas dinner, door prizes and a raffle.
Space is limited so we urge you to send your registration and cheque to reach
us no later than
November 20, 2000. Tickets will be ready for you at the door.
It is imperative that reservations be made -
Contact Treasurer Mae Wilson (514) 630-1793 for more details.

6 th Annual Golf Classic Air Canada Pionairs Montreal District July 10 th 11 th
The Montreal District Air Canada Pionairs successfully hosted the 6th Annual
Golf Classic at the
Golf Dorval Club.
Trophies presented were: Men’s Low Gross to Andre Gosselin, (Alexandria ON)
by Fraser O’Shawnessy incoming National President. Ladies’ Low Gross to June
(Cambridge ON) presented by Fraser Muir, Past National President. Ben Vezina,
Past National
Treasurer, presented Low Net for Men won by Roy McCormack, (Collingwood ON).
Low Net for
Ladies was won by Ruby Garden, (Vancouver BC) and presented by Roy McCormack,
National Treasurer. The Guest Trophy for best score was won by Dave Warmington,
(Ottawa ON)
and presented by Margo L’Espèrance Past Vice-President, National Committee.
Closest to the Pin
- Hole 8 for men was won by Bill Sim, (Dorval QC) and presented by Pam Rosholt
Past Director
Montreal District Pionairs. Closest to the Pin - Hole 17 for ladies was won by
Nancy Walchak,
(North Saanich BC) and presented by Pam Rosholt. Closest to the Pin - Hole 15
(Guest only) a
beautiful wooden pen and case also a chance to win two Air Canada tickets in a
later draw was won
by David Warmington, (Ottawa ON) and presented by John Rodger. Closest to the
Line Ladies’
was won by Louise Grenier, (Kirkland QC) and presented by Herb Guifoyle Past
District Director. Closest to the Line Men’s won by John McKee, (Hudson QC) was
also presented
by Herb. A door prize of 2 ­ C1Y10 Air Canada Passes was won by Stan Duncan,
(Toronto ON)
and presented by Mr. Taylor.
Everyone agreed it was the best Golf
Classic yet, and we all look forward to the 2002 Classic to be hosted by and
played in the Central
Ontario District at the Hunters Glen Golf Course just north of the Toronto

Vancouver Island district.
Vancouver Island Pionairs luncheon was held at Macmorran's in Victoria on
Tuesday Oct 2nd with 81 attendees emceed by John Jeffrey Director.
Pionairs as as far away as Seattle, Vancouver and up Island nanaimo made the
John Jeffrey recognised the work by the telephone committee, and the outfoing
National Pionair Executive led by Saville Hambleton.
Guest speaker was Pionair Brian Walsh retired from Customer Service with CAI
serving in such stations as Prince George, Honolulu, White Horse, Prince
Rupert, Dorval, St. Johns, Toronto, Hull Beach, Shanghai, Beijing       and the
U.K. Brian is a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and, with his associate
Georgina Foster, will be offering seminars, about which he talked, for
Self-Hypnosis, Self-Esteem and Stress Management amongst other subjects. Brians
talk was most interesting and informative.
Brochures and leaflets were available from Dargal and Interline Plus for those
In closing, John Jeffrey mentioned that Elsie Fox had donated copies of
"Horizons" for the last 30 years in answer to a recent appeal.
The next event will be the Christmas Luncheon at Princess Mary Restaurant in
Victoria on Tuesday December 11th at 11:30 priced at $18.00 per person payable
by DECEMBER 4th,
cheques to John Jeffrey, 1-10471 Resthaven Dr, Sidney, BC V8L 3H6.
More details email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (250)656-9799

From the London, England monthly newsletter issued by John Baker,
Dates for your diary:
Oct 17th-24th - Smokey Special UK Pionairs trip to Tennessee.
60 people anticipated led by Aureen & Jack Morath.
Nov 13th        - ACRA Theatre trip "Lion King"
Dec 9th         - Christmas Lunch - Heathrow Park Hotel.
12:00 for 13:00 Cost gbp15.00 pp includes a glass of
Special room rate of gbp59.00 pp includes

and from Halifax, Ken McLeod sends this -
Pionairs System Curling Bonspiel scheduled for Halifax Novemebr 21st and 22nd
at the CFB Curling Club...open to all curlers, teams and individuals,
experienced, no experience(we don't care!!), spouses, guests...Costs for
curlers $ 60.00 includes Banquet and lunches, non-curlers $ 35.00 for banquet
and lunches...Accom at the Holiday Inn Centre, close to downtown!!..rates $
79.00 double, (plus tax).. must be booked by Oct 22nd, hotel will not
guarrantee rates after that date...(but try anyways)...you can call
1-888-810-7288 toll free, direct at 1-902-423-1161 or fax 1-902-423-9069 also
mentioning that you are attending the Pionairs Curling Bonspiel...send all
applications to... Charles Stock ...RR # 1 Falmouth, NS, B0P 1L0...make cheques
payable to "Air Canada Pionairs in Trust"... for more info ctc yours truly at
... This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Charles at ... This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ...also above
info located in Pionairs Website under Halifax Events...So send those
applications in......cheers to all and we'll see you in Halifax....Ken and

" ' "

. From Vesta - on the flight deck -
As airports scramble to beef up
security in the wake of the September 11 attacks, aviation
industry insiders say face recognition technology could
become a major weapon in the war against terrorism.
Iceland is the first airport in the world to announce it's
using the technology to screen passengers, and others may
follow its lead. The human face has 80 so-called landmarks
including the bridge and tip of the nose, the size of the
mouth and eyes, and the cheekbones. Scanning 15 faces at a
time, comparing them to a database of images at the rate
of a million faces a second, face recognition technology
needs only 14 to 20 of those 80 landmarks to spot a face
authorities are looking for.

" ' "

Subject: Lockheed CF TCC UPDATE

The Lockheed completed flying the summer schedule in Winnipeg on Sunday Sept.
23. This a week late as a result of the disruption to the aviation community,
more specifically to the airports, as a result of the actions of Sept. the
Originally scheduled to fly weekend of 14th, it was postponed at the request of
the Winnipeg Airport authority. Flying was from the Shell Aero Center rather
than the Western Canadian Aviation Museum, where the flying normally
originates. This was at the request of the airport authority as well as the
DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT staff had the aircraft booked over three days. The weather
did not cooperate on Fri. and Sat. This resulted in the flying being cancelled.
Finally on Sunday Capt. Patry, Capt. Norberg and I were able to fly five trips
for the DREAMS staff. Not as succesful as planned, but nontheless some people
got to fly.
Conditions were excellent and all who flew enjoyed the day. One of our
passengers was retired Chief Internal Auditor, Sid Blacker. Sid recalled and
spoke of flight he had taken in the Lockheed 10 from Vancouver to Seattle in
1938 ! Alas it wasn't CF-TCC, but CF-AZY, the first Lockheed in service in
Sid is 90 years young and going strong. He was accompanied by his son Craig,
presently working in Winnipeg Finance at Pilot's Payrolls Division, along with
other company members from that Branch. A special treat for Sid, retired since
1971. I think Sid holds the record for being the longest retired employee to
have flown in the Lockheed.
Dick Leigh, retired Superintendant Maintenance came out two years ago. His
first job in 1937 was to meet CF-TCC in Lethbridge when it stopped there while
being ferried from Lockheed factory to Winnipeg. Dick's comments were " I
remember thinking I would never have thought I would ever see an aircraft that
large". How times have changed !
A special thanks to the Air Canada Directors and Executive Committee for
continuing to making the Lockheed available. Thanks also to Capt. Patry, Capt.
Ted Dodds, Capt. Harvey Reid and Capt. Gerry Norberg. Ted, Harvey and Gerry
gave up a lot of their vacation time as well as days off to fly TCC. Ken Patry
doesn't have any vacation as he's retired ! He gave up loads of his days off
just the same.
Thanks to the Winnipeg aircraft maintenance engineers (AME s) who also gave
their days off and vacation time as well. Jeff McCrae, George Huntington,Mike
Clarkson, Denis Savoie,Collin Shebaga,Craig Mackie,Richard Lyew, and last but
not least Dan Lillie. These guys maintain the Lockheed like no other Lockheed
has ever been maintained !
The only unscheduled maintenance snags encountered throughout the entire summer
were a change of tailwheel tire, one sparkplug that became fouled with lead and
a replacement transistor and diode in one of the radios. That's performance !
The aircraft flew 123 hours forty two minutes this summer , slightly less than
previous years.
The aircraft consumed 22,126 liters of Avgas, of which 16,941 were donated by
SHELL OIL Canada. In addition they donated 14 cases of oil, almost enough for
the entire summer--including oil changes. A BIG "thank you" goes out to Shell
for supporting DREAMS TAKE FLIGHT.
TCC carried 1033 passengers and as usual, each one thoroughly enjoyed the
The weather cooperated at all destinations with the exception of two days in
Montreal and the first two days in Winnipeg. Other than those two places the on
time departure performance was 100% !!
TCC will now return to the Western Canadian Aviation Museum at the Winnipeg
airport for a another well deserved rest.
Alan MacLeod

" ' "

. From the eMailNews issued by RAPCAN Duane Frerichs -
THERE AND BACK AGAIN, ON TIME: When Carlene Mendieta took off from White
Plains, N.Y., just over three weeks ago, her plan was to fly 5,500 miles
cross-country in a 1927 Avro Avian and return to New York on October 2
at 2:30 in the afternoon. Frankly, we were a bit skeptical. The
project's goal was to celebrate the life and career of Amelia Earhart,
who flew the route in an identical airplane in 1928. On Tuesday,
Mendieta sailed in to Westchester County Airport, five minutes early.

" ' "

. From the YYZNEWS issued by Brian Dunn -
.Air Canada was all set to unveil the first aircraft in a new "Air Canada
Tango" colour scheme October 2nd when A320 C-FLSS /FIN408 was being re-painted
at the Toronto paint hangar. The crew had begun painting the tail in a purple
colour with the old style maple leaf roundel and the name Air Canada
Tango....but just as this work was drying a phone call came to put it back into
full Air Canada colours and the aircraft re-entered service that way. Two more
ex-Canadian A320s will be painted shortly....so we'll have to keep on eye on
them when they roll out. In an article in the National Post/Financial Post
October 5th the paper reports that 10 of 13 ex-Canadian A320s will be
re-configured with 170 all-economy seats and re-branded as AC Tango. These
aircraft would be used almost exclusively on the many new "sun" routes this
winter to Mexico, Cuba, and other Caribbean destinations. This is strictly a
marketing tool, similar to the "Rapidair" service operated between Toronto and
Montreal/Ottawa. It is not meant to be a separate airline. There is an official
announcement expected early next week announcing the new brand. b)...even
though the Washington-National (DCA) airport has re-opened for business, Air
Canada is not allowed to fly there again...yet. Air Canada announced that it
will proceed with the installation of enhanced security devices to reinforce
cockpit doors pending approval from Transport Canada. The airline also
requested permission from Minister of Transport Collenette and U.S.
Transportation Secretary Mineta to resume service to DCA. This will require
compliance with certain conditions including reinforced cockpit doors,
dedicated crews and the presence of sky marshals on board flights. Air Canada
is seeking claificiation from the U.S. and Canadian authorities as to how the
airline can comply with these conditions in order to resume service as soon as

" ' "

. Ross Smyth, ex TCA/AC Public Relations Manager has launched his new book -
"Aviation Memoirs: A Love Affair with Flight"  ISBN 1-894263-43-X available
General Store Publishing House, Box 28, 1694B Burnstown Rd, Burnstown,
ON K0J 1G0
c$24.95 + c$6.00 GST & shipping.

" ' "

. Smilie.
From your co-pilot.
Passenger: "I guess your job has it's ups and downs -heh,heh"
Pilot. "I don't mind the ups and downs, it's the jerks I can't stand!"

" ' "

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