Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

The NetLetter #1155

The NetLetter
 For Air Canada Retirees

 (part of the ACFamily Network)


February 26, 2011 - Issue 1155
First Issue published in October 1995!
(over 5,400 subscribers)
In This Issue
CAHS Upcoming Events
Other Upcoming Events
Pionair Meetings and Events
Bomber Command
Our first 70 years
Women in Aviation
Reader Submitted...Photos
TCA/Air Canada People Gallery
Alan's Space
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc
Reader's Feedback
Terry's Trivia
Web Site Information

The NetLetter Web Site
Donation Information

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Terry Baker

We welcome you to allow the NetLetter to be your platform, and opportunity, to relive your history while working for either TCA, AC, CPAir, CAIL, PWA, AirBC, Wardair. etal. and share your experiences with us!

The NetLetter is an email newsletter published every weekend and contains a mixture of nostalgia, current news and travel tips. We encourage our readers to submit their stories, photos and/or comments from either days gone by or from present day experiences and trips. If we think that the rest of our readers will enjoy it, we will publish it here

We also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in regard to anything we post here. Many readers have commented with additional information, names and personal memories from the photos and articles presented here.

The NetLetter, which is free, is open to anyone that wishes to subscribe but is targeted to retired employees from Air Canada, Canadian Airlines and all the other companies that were part of what Air Canada is today. Thanks for joining us!

Terry & your NetLetter Team
CAHS Upcoming Events - Compiled by Alan Rust
CAHSWe have a listing below of all the CAHS (Canadian Aviation Historical Society) upcoming events that we are aware of.

If you are at all interested in Canadian aviation history, then we encourage you to attend a meeting or visit their web site at: www.cahs.ca

Toronto - March 12, 2011: "Postwar Canadian Lancasters" Speaker: Author & Historian, Richard Banigan.

Montreal - March 17, 2011: Clive Rustin - former British Test Pilot. For our March meeting, Clive reflects on many of his experiences flying over 160 aircraft types including his post RAF involvement in airships and participation on the display circuit in a variety of old warbirds such as the, Venom, Vampire, Hunter & Spitfire. (For full information click on the Montreal link above).

CAHS National Convention

Edmonton - June 22th to 26th - Mark your calendars for the CAHS 48th annual convention where they will explore the rich aviation history of Edmonton, the province of Alberta, and Canada's North. 

Presentations will range from civil and military aviation topics, to how regional heritage institutions are promoting this fascinating history, to creative ways authors are bringing these subjects to new audiences.


See: www.cahs.ca/events/convention.html for more information as it becomes available.

Other Upcoming Events- Compiled by Alan Rust

ACRA System Golf
ACRA  LogoRetirees Welcome! 

Steve Kerwin, organizer for the annual ACRA System Golf Event has found a venue with outstanding value for this years event. Rates include 4 nights room, golf, dinners, and breakfasts from $326.00 - $400.00 per person.

Pionair Meetings and Events - Compiled by Alan Rust

Pionairs LogoThe Air Canada Pionairs have ongoing Coffee Club Meetings in the following Districts; Vancouver Island, Vancouver, Okanagan, Edmonton, Calgary, Man-Sask, SW Ontario, Central Ontario, Ottawa, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia - P.E.I., Newfoundland, UK - E.C. and the USA - Caribbean. For full information, click here.

Meetings provide an opportunity to meet old friends, learn the latest news regarding Air Canada and your  pensions or hear a variety of guest speakers speaking on topics of interest to retirees.

AGM 2011 VancouverThe 34th Annual Gerneral Meeting/Reunion of the Pionairs will be held in Vancouver from April 12 - 14th, 2011. Mark your calendars, more information is on the Pionair's web site at: www.pionairs.ca

Notice for Bomber Command Veterans

Bomber CommandThis is an urgent appeal to all Bomber Command Veterans. Please pass this message on to any and all Bomber Command Veterans of which you might know.


The Canadian Press wants to do an article on the subject of the long-delayed recognition (medals and the like) of your service and sacrifice during the Second World War. Bomber Command veterans, or those caring for these veterans, are urged to make contact with John Ward of the Canadian Press in Ottawa. His e-mail address is  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Failing that you can contact Vic Johnson, Editor Airforce Magazine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our first 70 years - Compiled by Terry Baker

Trans-Canada Air Lines/Air Canada

- Dec 8th - First Vickers Viscount delivered to YUL


  • Oct 1st - New low domestic fares introduced to encourage travel within Canada named "Explore Canada".
  • Dec 21st - First flight by AC B747 equipment into LAX.         
Women in Aviation - Compiled by Terry Baker
Helen Richey
Helen Richey

Women in Aviation International hosted its 22nd annual conference in Reno, Nev., from Feb. 24 to 26, 2011. The event brings together a wide range of aviation professionals, educators and enthusiasts, and welcomes men as well as women from around the world. A variety of professional development seminars, networking opportunities, exhibits and social events were offered. The history of women's contributions to aviation were explored in talks about the Women's Airforce Service Pilots, the 1929 women's air derby and more. At the conclusion of the conference, on Saturday night, this year's inductees to WAI's Aviation Pioneer Hall of Fame were announced, and 66 scholarships worth more than $600,000 was awarded.
PCA predecessor Central Airlines held the distinction of hiring the first female pilot to fly both passengers and mail for an airline in the United States. Her name was Helen Richey and, in 1934, she was about as popular as her friend, Amelia Earhart. Earhart reportedly said that, of the two, Richey was the better pilot. A native of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, Richey received her flight instruction at Bettis Field. She came to prominence by breaking an endurance record in 1933 with fellow aviatrix Frances Marsalis. The two women stayed aloft for ten days circling over Miami, their aircraft replenished by air-to- air refueling. Richey was determined to make a career in aviation. She was a member of the well-known group of early women aviators, The Ninety-Nines, and she was the first woman licensed to fly the US mail.

In 1934 she applied to Central Airlines and was hired. But her days at Central were frustrating. She was prohibited from flying in bad weather and her male compatriots shunned her simply because she was a woman. Central Airlines basked in the publicity of having Richey in its employ, ignoring her skill and preferring to have her sign autographs and pose for photos. The company apparently did not care whether or not she actually did that much flying. In their narrow- mindedness, the male pilots rejected Richey's application with the company, which was renamed Pennsylvania Air Lines.

Reader Submitted Photos - Compiled by Terry Baker
Readers PhotosReader Submitted Photos - The photos and information below was sent to us by our faithful readers. If you would like to send us some old photos you have lying around. we will consider them for publication in a future NetLetter. We prefer good quality airline related photos, with descriptive text included with the submission.
stolNick Bastmeyer has sent us these interesting photos -
Photographs of mock-ups from various manufacturers showing the possible future for the CP Air fleet, with me behind a large model 747 destined to become a major part of our inventory. The photos were taken in the new CP Air hangar.
Nick Bastmeyer
shuttle747 Model

dc8laxBill Shillington has sent us this photo.
This is a photo of the crew of the first DC8-63 series to land at LAX from YYZ. Sorry, its from my wife's collection (she is not there) and I have no idea who is who But, I thought you might like it anyways..Bill Shillington.
(Can anyone help with the identities here? - eds)

TCA/Air Canada People Gallery - Compiled by Terry Baker
TCA/Air Canada  LogoMusings from the "Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, an Air Canada publication from years gone by, and various in-house magazines.
Issue dated - January 1955
Extracted from "Between Ourselves" magazine -

graduationThe first Christmas graduation class of Stewardesses in the company's history are shown here after completing thier course on Dec. 21, 1954 -  

From the left they are: Front row: Miss L. I. Houseman, Chief Stewardess, Therese D'Amour, Alice Bourret, Anne Lobsinger, Geraldine Wagemon, Hilda Gardiner, Miss Jean Pelletier, Check Stewardess. Back row: Joyce Flekke, Peggy Reegan, Arden Butler, Eileen Thompson, Betty Foster, Barbara McEwan and Therese Beauregard.

viscount-1The first of a fleet of Vickers Viscounts is delivered to Dorval on December 8th, 1954. Here are three photos of the delivery.

The Viscount was accompanied by a North Star while following the St. Lawrence river from Quebec City to Montreal.

viscount-3Flying over the Montreal waterfront.

viscount-2 And finally landing at Dorval for the first time.

THE four Rolls-Royce "Dart" propeller-turbine engines of the TCA Viscount represent the most unusual feature of the aircraft and posed the biggest job for the company's maintenance engineers. The first Viscount was flown to Winnipeg, where test beds for the Dart engines have been constructed and where five classes in various phases of maintenance training are underway. 

Thirteen instructors were sent to England by TCA for a month of intensive training at both the Vickers-Armstrong's and Rolls- Royce factories. They included electrical, radio, power plant and aircraft experts, in addition to a number of propeller specialists and inspectors. They received theoretical classroom training in addition to practical training in the assembly hangars. On their return to Canada they spent three months organizing training classes in Winnipeg under Training and Publications Supervisor Douglas H. Clifford. The courses call for training in aircraft and line maintenance training, as well as training for electrical specialists, radio personnel, engine overhaul shop personnel and power plant overhaul shop personnel.

dartmaintenanceIn this photo are some of the employees being trained at Winnipeg - this group shows front row from left: D. Moore, Montreal; A. Gould, F. Brownlow, S. Denning, J. Boak, Toronto. Second row: M. Hymson, J. Sheasgreen, G. Kiely, Montreal; D. Vye, J. Gow, G. Hardy, Toronto. Third row: A. Cook, J. McCallurn, W. Low, Winnipeg: E. Hoar, Montreal; M. Bardsley, Toronto; L. Herbkersman, Capital Airlines, Washington. Fourth row: F. Farmery, R. Saarinew, Winnipeg; L. Hogler (Capital Airlines), .J. Henderson, Winnipeg. Back row: A. FInnie, Winnipeg and N. Ekins, Montreal. (Picture by Stan MacDonald, Winnipeg.)
viscountcourseThe Viscount course number 3-R was held at Winnipeg. Here were the attendees from the left -
Front row left they are T. A. W. James, Radio instructor, and N. E. Lawson, Winnipeg; J. N. Pike, Toronto; J. G. Bergeron, D. D. Callihoo, Montreal. Back row: H. L. Zoeller and J. V. Stockman, Toronto; J. T. Chesser, Montreal; A. M. Dahlgren, Winnipeg, and J. D. Horgan, Montreal.

Issue dated - January 1973
Gathered from "Horizons" magazine -
ginetteGinette Simard was named "Stewardess most likely to succeed" by her class representatives of Kathi Keseru, Barbara Buchanan, Marie-Paule Mezoyer. The occasion was during the graduation day of 69 girls.

ywgemployees A bumper class of Winnipeg employees recently graduated from a St. John's Ambulance Course conducted by CNR's  Bill Armstrong, Supervisor of First Aid for the railway in Winnipeg. Representing various sections of the Finance and  Computer & Systems Services branches, they will help ensure easy availability of first aid when required.

From the left, photo are: Ed Kumka, Norma Falls, Larrie Davies, Ruth Wiggins, Bill Rumsey, Heather Harris, Wayne Oliver and Tony Eiers. In the right photo are: Doug Charman, Sandra Millar, Dan Jaremy, Marlene Turzak, Dave Hempsall, Terry Leah, and Larry Harder. Missing are Paul Pelletier, Don Orchyk, Doug Gifford, and Wes Zieske.

laxflightOn December 21, Flight 790 operated Los Angeles-Toronto/Montreal with 747 equipment marking the first time a Company wide bodied aircraft had been handled by the Los Angeles.station. The flight crew is shown here with some of the local staff: George O'Hagen, Airport Customer Service Supervisor, eighth from left: Len Zak, Airport Customer Service Manager, fifth from right; Gord Froede, District Manager, third from right and Tom Branick, Sales Rep right.
(No other identifications available - eds)
Alan's Space - by Alan Rust
Alan's Space
Alan Rust
Middle East Map Quiz
With the news (and especially recent news) mentioning various countries in the Middle East I was quite surprised (and disappointed) that I didn't do better with the geography test below. Now I have a better understanding when I am other parts of the world and the locals don't know where British Columbia (or Canada) is. I thought I was actually fairly good in geography before this test. I need to go back to 8th grade I guess... Let us know how you do!

Did you know "the Middle East"' stretches as far west as the Western Sahara in Africa? What is the smallest Middle Eastern country? Once you click on the map below, you are taken to a Middle East Geography quiz where you can test your knowledge on a new drag-and-drop game. Click on the image below to start.
Disclaimer: your interpretation of "Middle East" may be different than what you see below.. It's OK! Click here for the Wikipedia definition.
Middle East Test
Middle East Geography Quiz
Canadi>n/CP Air/PWA, Wardair, etc. People & Events
- Compiled by Terry Baker
CAIL TailsNews and articles from days gone by gleaned from various publications from C.A.I.L. and it's "ancestry" of contributing airlines.
Issue dated - January 2000
Extracted from the "Contact" magazine
machineshopHere is a photo of 15 employees of the YVR Machine Shop 740, but we do not have any names.

danuseWhen Danuse Manhal isn't mending materials at Vancouver Ops Centre's Laundry Shop, there's a good chance she's crafting pottery at her home studio.


"The interest in art started in my childhood," said Manhal. "The opportunity to work with clay arrived when! came to Canada from Czechoslovakia." That was 10 years ago. Manhal's "hobby" has since landed her engagements at key workshops an exhibitions as far as Vienna, Slovakia, Japan and Korea.  

Issue dated - September 1998
Extracted from the "oneworld" flyer
oneworldAmongst other benefits, the article promised employees to share in many benefits through the new alliance, Leading the way  is a great opportunity for One World offers for staff travel. Here we have this photo which accompanied the article but no identities.
Reader's Feedback - Compiled by Terry Baker
Reader's Feedback
Every week we ask our readers for their stories or  feedback on what they have read here in previous issues. Below is the feedback we have received recently. 

In NetLetter nr 1151 and 1154, under "Back in the old days", we had a story from Captain A.N.Onymous. Here is the conclusion of the Viscount story -
Back in the day flight crews got to know, on a first name basis, the air-side, ground staff especially at the smaller stations that they regularly flew into. It's small wonder then that ground crews were often co-opted into some of the fun and games.
Sometimes the pilots, when boarding an originating flight, would find the mini-skirted F/As tucked up in the overhead baggage racks. The pilots, lost in the thrill of having to get them down, never really concerned themselves about how the F/As got up there. Now, thinking about it, how did they get up there anyway, who put them there and ..... why?

Flying Viscounts in summer could be quite uncomfortable. The air conditioning system was not very efficient on short hops so some of the crews, once in the airplane, would doff their uniform pants, or trousers if you prefer, don shorts and hang their pants on hangers stuck through the webbing of the forward cargo compartment opposite the hydraulic cupboard. It was always a little dark even in daylight in that forward compartment. Some of the shorts were quite ghastly, adorned with swirls of bright colours and some were even perhaps indecently short; totally unlike the droopy drawers which are de rigueur today. Of course during short turn-a-rounds the pilots stayed on board lolling in the cooling comfort of summer breezes wafting through the open cockpit windows. Some, before our present PC smokeless society even enjoyed a relaxing puff of a pipe, strictly tobacco of course, a cigarette, or even a cheap cigar, stubbing said calming devices out in the ash trays conveniently located in the arm rests of the pilot seats.
On the last leg of one flight out of QM for UL one muggy summer day, yes it can actually get hot in the Maritimes, the pilots were a little dismayed by the company radio operator's abnormal response to their,  "off",  PX. After reading back the out and off times with the estimate for UL he asked the crew what he should do with the pants. At first the pilots failed to understand the query then all it once it dawned on them as two heads swiveled as one, back to the dimly lit cargo compartment webbing to stare, wide eyed, at two forlorn and empty clothes hangers...... No pants!

The hapless two had almost two hours to mull over different escape scenarios they might follow to weave their way through the UL terminal and thus avoid any of the traveling public or worse, prowling supervisors, while their shorts mutely shouted out confirmation of their embarrassment. As silence finally settled over the now deserted airplane at the ramp after the passengers had deplaned and just as the sad pair gave up hope of not being humiliated the F/As, in a fit of misplaced remorse, returned the purloined pants with self conscious grins as they grimly contemplated what vengeance awaited their next flight pairing, two days hence, when they were scheduled to operate with these same two pilots..... Yikes!

Keep on flying - Captain A.N.Onymous.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips - by Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Terry Baker
Alan Dakin from Montreal sends this information -
Just to let you know that I found by accident a website re B & B a couple of weeks ago. I was looking a hotels/motels or B & B in London, England.  I came across this and found a place in North London about 20 minutes by tube to the center of London. You pay in Canadian dollars by credit card. They do charge a booking fee which is quite reasonable. The places look very good. This organization is all over the world.  Maybe your readers would be interested in it. 
It is called  www.airbnb.com and there's another similar to it at: www.istopover.com
Smileys - Compiled by Terry Baker
As we surf the internet and back issues of airline magazines we regularly find airline related jokes and cartoons. Below is our latest discovery.
sickbag The Chinese High speed rail system supplies all its passengers with airline type sickness bags.
Here we have a photo and note the top left hand which says "Open".
( Surely the opposite end is sealed - eds)
captain-2 Vern Swerdfeger has sent us some cartoons, the first two were in NetLetter nr 1154, here are two more of them.


We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the NetLetter, see you next week!

Your NetLetter Team
First published in October, 1995
  • Chief Pilot - Terry Baker, Nanaimo, B.C.
  • Co-pilot - Alan Rust, Surrey, B.C.
  • Flight Engineer - Bill Rowsell, Londesboro, Ontario
To contact us, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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