Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Extracted from "Between Ourselves" magazine - Issued September, 1951

thumb moncton staff 1951Moncton TCA'ers pictured here represent 75 years of service.

Left to right: Al Lewis, Traffic; C.H.Gibson, Asst. Supervisor Passenger and Station Services; R.Sellors, District Traffic and Sales Manager; Howie Calborne, Flight Dispatcher; Rene Therrien, Radio Operator.

Back row: J.G.Maxwell, Regional Traffic Manager; Dan Steves, Ramp Agent; Jim Dunsire, Radio Operator; Sam Grassman, Flight Dispatcher; John Stewart, Flight Dispatch Asst; J.C.Finley, District Traffic and Sales Manager, Sydney; W.F.English, V.P. Operations; W.H.Seagrim, General Manager, Operations

thumb ops meeting at londonIn London, U.K., the Operations and Traffic officers met for a two day conference to discuss problems in the U.K. At the end of the conference, Regional Operations Manager, North Atlantic F.M.McGregor presented a 10 year service pin to Dave Mathias, Station Manager, Prestwick.


In the photo sitting from the left: R.L.Smith, Jack A. Ross, Station Manager, London Airport; W.Davies (Mather & Crowther); F.M.McHGregor, J.D.Roberts, G.H.Lesage, Manager, Paris.

Standing from the left: T.Carr Hodgson, Storekeeper Purchasing Agent U.K.; A.P.Stewart, G.L.Barber, W.A.Reid, A.J.Wotton, R.Weller, Rod Grant, J.Boudouin, Dave Mathais.

thumb Pennfield StaffPennfield staff, together with visitors from headquarters gather for this group photograph.


From the left, back row: Hugh McElligatt, Charly Hodgson, Ed Gott, Dot Gott, Paul Mitchell, Walt Fowler, Kay Bolduc, Hugh Balduc, Eldon RichardsonMr English, Mr. Edmison, Norm McKinley.


Second row: Mary McElligott, Margaret Hodgson, Ruth Jones, Chris Walker, Beverly Davidson, Bernadine MacLean, Mrs. Dolan, Margaret Scott, Mr. Seagrim, Dot Hegan.


Front row: Art Jones, Myron Zegarchuk, Reg Walker, Jack MacLean, Thomas B. Lively, Wendell Cook, Bill Hegan, Edgar Wade, Bill Scott.

Extracted from "Horizons" magazine - Issued September, 1979

thumb sydney acra 1979New ACRA formed in Sydney

Sydney, Nova Scotia. became the 18th station to f'orm an Air Canada Recreation  Association (ACRA) in 1979. Some 49 members signed up for an annual fee of $12.00.

The organization's first event was a picnic enjoyed by those of all ages  Upcoming
get-togethers included a softball tournament and barbecue followed by an
Oktoberfest, a children's Christmas party and a Christmas banquet and dance.

The board of directors of the newly formed ACRA is shown, seated from the left:
Fred Boudreau, Vice-President; Cy Wagner, President and Steve MacGillivary, First Vice-President.

Standing from the left, are: Winston MacDonald, Secretary; Rich Rizok, Program  Director; Frank Jones, Treasurer and Naish Batten, Membership Director. Missing from the photo is Membership Director Neil MacMullin.

thumb cargo yulA total of 127 employees were happier for having entered the Cargo  Branch's contest promoting the company's small· package services.

Claude Dufour, Cargo Agent in Quebec City was the prize winner of the ''We Need You'' employee contest. ''The response  was excellent," said Dave Roy, Manager, Cargo Advertising and Promotion. ''We received about 4,500 entries.''

Montreal winners are pictured here from the left: Herb Gulfoyle, performing presentation honours; J.E.Tetreault, H. McDevitt, P. Langlois, E. Brasseur, G. Pharand and Butch Bouchard who heiped with the presentation.

thumb New York salesWe are number one.
That was the message system cargo sales and service managers carried to a meeting in New York in 1979 where they discussed areas of mutual concern with emphasis on inter-regional cooperation.


In this photo, shown from the left are: Ken Shaw, New York; Doug Russell, Vancouver; Paul Machina, Halifax; Bob Newsum, London, England; Butch Bouchard, Montreal; Garv Vogan, Toronto and Jack Smith, New York who hosted the meeting.

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