Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Gleaned from the "PWA-Flightlines" magazine - Issue dated March 1986.

Meet some of the PWA SOC staff in 1986. SOC was initially set up in Vancouver by Ken Gray and Ed Pazzot in 1974 and moved to CAB in August 14th, 1984. Here are some of the staff.

thumb pwa shirley kelly  Shirley Kelly gets ready to take over her shift in Inflight Control from Steve Petersen.
thumb pwa scotty schira Scotty Schira, Maintenance, checks a detail with Gren Peterson at the terminal, while Alan Hanna checks over information while preparing to come on shift.
thumb pwa colette nixon Here we have Colette Nixon and Sandi Evan, Crew Routers, taking a minute to smile at the camera.

thumb pwa joyce lowe

thumb pwa rick lightbown

Joyce Lowe a Crew Router checking on the crews and Rick Lightbown a Dispatcher.

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