Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Found in "Horizons" magazine Issue October 1979
From Cabin to Cockpit

tmb britt marie ferstBritt Marie Ferst is the first Air Canada woman to move from the cabin to the cockpit duty. Britt Marie received her wings signifying her new rank as second officer. She took up her long dream of flying in 1973 and by 1976 had earned her commercial pilot's licence. She added balloons to her license and was first officer on the Air Canada balloon's inaugural flight at the 1978 Silver Broom curling at Winnipeg. 

After 6 years as a flight attendant, the Swedish born Britt Marie is flying on a DC-8 flight deck. She joined Judith Cameron and Gwen Grant as the third woman to enter the Air Canada line service.

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