Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Vesta's Corner
Vesta Stevenson

Cars On Runways - Unsafe At Any Speed
Just a day after five teenagers were killed while speeding down a runway in a BMW at a private Florida airport, a woman was arrested for allegedly driving drunk on a runway at Grand Junction Regional Airport, in Colorado. The 36-year-old woman was found by police just after 3 a.m., when her car got stuck. "The vehicle was high-centered on electrical conduits and the wheels spun as she applied the accelerator," the officer wrote in an arrest affidavit, according to the Vail Daily. Police at the scene contacted air traffic controllers, who said there were no inbound aircraft. The woman reportedly failed field sobriety tests and was charged with driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license, second-degree trespassing and careless driving, according to the Vail Daily. Meanwhile, investigators in Florida said the 18-year-old driver of the BMW had gone online hours before the crash, seeking advice about how to handle the car at high speeds.

One member of the online forum responded that "an 18 year old behind the wheel of an M5 is what accidents are made of IMO." The $80,000 BMW M-5 sedan has a top speed of 155 mph, according to the BMW Web site.

From my postcard collection  Sidney, Nova Scotia

Postcard 1009
inscription reads Cossit House, Sydney, Nova Scotia  dated July 2000

Hi Vesta.
This is the house that my great great great grandfather built in Sydney (YQY)
Best Wishes, Lois Cossit North

Note: for our new readers, I have been collecting postcards from our travelling NetLetter "family" for many years. If you are away and have a minute, I'd be delighted to get one from you as well. You can obtain my address by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (it's automated and will respond right away)
Air Canada - our first 70 years

John Rodger has sent us this postcard -

Super Connie ServiceSuper Constellation service

- Nov 1 - DC-3 inaugural service Victoria to Seattle making it the first direct link between the British Columbia capital and an American city.

1949 - For the first time in transport service, frozen pre-cooked meal service introduced.

1950 - May 1 - Montreal - New York service introduced.

1951 - Apr 1 - North Star service YUL-Paris(Orly) replaced by Super Constellation in 1954

1960 - Jun 1 - DC-8 service to Paris replacing the Super Constellation.

1964 - Oct 13 - DC8 service YOW-LHR included HRH Queen Elizabeth II and party.

Queens CrewPictured are the crew from "Between  Ourselves" Apr 10 1977


  • Apr 24
    • Last scheduled flight from Dusseldorf
    • First scheduled flight to Frankfurt
Last DUS/First FRA(We have this picture from "Between Ourselves"  June 1966)

  • Aug 1- Inaugural flight into Miami.
MIA InauguralWe have a picture of the arriving crew.
Men in Space (and one in heaven)

Alan RustThis issue is dedicated to my friend, Gord Dalziel who passed away Feb 10, 2008 at the age of 67.

Gord, you went way too early, but you left a legacy and made a difference in the lives of many people. You will be remembered...

Rest in peace! You may not be in space, but you're surely in heaven.

Do you recognize these famous names in space history?
- Alan Shepard
- John Glenn
- Joseph William Kittinger

You probably never heard of Kittinger!

First Man in Space
- Skydiving From The Edge Of The World - On August 16, 1960, Joseph Kittinger jumped his last Excelsior jump, doing so from an air-thin height of 102,800 feet (31,334 meters). From that nearly 20 miles altitude, his tumble toward terra firma took some 4 minutes and 36 seconds. Exceeding the speed of sound during the fall, Kittinger used a small stabilizing chute before a larger, main parachute opened in the denser atmosphere. He safely touched down in barren New Mexico desert, 13 minutes 45 seconds after he vaulted into the void.

The jump set records that still stand today, among them, the highest parachute jump, the longest freefall, and the fastest speed ever attained by a human through the atmosphere. Somewhat in contention is Kittinger's use of the small parachute for stabilization during his record-setting fall. Roger Eugene Andreyev, a Russian, is touted as holding the world's free fall record of 80,325 feet (24,483 meters), made on November 1, 1962.

Although Kittinger
fell to Earth at the speed of sound he had no sensation of his speed and felt like he was suspended above the Earth.

Kittinger presently lives in the Orlando, Florida area and is Vice President of Flight Operations for Rosie O'Grady's Flying Circus. He is still active in the aviation community as a consultant and touring barnstormer.

Disclaimers (as I know we'll get letters)
- Kittinger wasn't actually in space but was on the edge of space.
- his freefall can be disputed as he had a drag chute on to keep from spinning
- there is a dispute as to whether he actually reached the speed of sound or not
- there are no elephants allowed in Flying Circuses
TCA/AC Events & People Gallery

John Roger sends us these two pictures -
North Star crew 1947A North Star crew in 1947 -
Left to right:
Capt George Lothian, Don Greavey purser, Val Day stewardess, unknown, Capt Bob Bowker and Fred Dixon radio operator

YUL Hockey 1960TCA YUL Hockey Team 1960 or 61 not sure. We played a home and home series with the Toronto team. The games were  played in the Maple Leaf Gardens and The Montreal Forum
Back Row left to right.
Unknown, Dave Russel Passenger Agent trainer, Leo Paris purchasing, Ed don't know last name, The late Capt. Henley Tuff, John Rodger NDT Tech Maintenance, J.P.Tessier Ramp & Cargo, The late Joe Stracna Passenger Agent. Each summer and fall Joe took a leave of absent to play Pro Football. Sask, Ottawa and ending his career with Montreal, Ron Stabb Aircraft Inspector Maintenance, Bob Todd Passenger Agent ending up as Ramp Supervisor, Manager & Coach Ray Nadeau Passenger Agent.
Front Row L-R - Bill Quirk don't know were he worked, Ray Proux Passenger Agent, Larry Corville Passenger Agent, Rick Scofield Stores Manager, Ken Walker Passenger Agent became a Flight Director finished in YYZ with 44yrs, Ray Duval Passenger Agent.

Stews 1943We have this picture of the 8th class of Stewardesses in 1943 -

Musings from "Between Ourselves"

From issue nr 10 October 1943 loaned by Bill Sansom This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tor Bay 1943Tor Bay Airport employees in 1943
l to r
John Moriarty, Din Hughes, Jerry Howell, Frank Angelopoulos, Harry Slater, Walter Lawlor and George Bradbury. Missing is John L Sullivan.

From issue September 1966
Buffalo 1966The company opened a new sales office in Buffalo. We have a picture of the opening ceremonies.

Where are they now?

A319 Airbus c/n 1756 fin 293 - C-GJWE returned to CEGAS has been acquired by TAP Air Portugal from GECAS

Canadi>n/CPAir/PWA, Wardair, etc. Events & People

The following flashback was researched by Andrew Geider YVR.

Over April 3-4 1993 weekend, Canadi>n looked after 3 Russian IL-62M's at Vancouver during the visit by Boris Yeltsin - Bill Clinton summit.
Russian visitorsWe have this picture from "Contact" magazine April 23rd 1993 loaned by Bill Wood, who is also in the picture.

Bristol Freighter

Bristol FreighterIn 1967 the first ever wheeled landing at the North Pole was made with a Bristol freighter 170 owned by Wardair.

Wardair Bristol FreighterThe Bristol 170 is now a gate sentinel at Yellowknife Airport N.W.T.

More info on the Bristol Freighter can be found at Wikipedia

Anis Jahan Ahmed sent us this picture
Subject: Canadian 737 at Alertpoint, Ottawa

Canadian 737Hi,
Here is an interesting picture of a Canadian 737 (C-FACP) ready for take off at the Ottawa international Airport where I spent so many enjoyable years.

Anis Ahmed This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A web site you may want to visit - www.cpair.blogspot.com

Readers Feedback

From: Jean Le Pottier
Subject: Netletter 1007 Jan.29
Read this latest issue with interest , particularly the coverage of the Gimli glider. My job was then Public Relations Rep at the Dorval Base . Needless to say, the medias were after us for comments ." How do you manage to fly an aircraft without fuel."
A good P.R does'nt lie , and we had very good PRs in A C. That morning, I received a few calls at home from several media and answered their questions, except one CKAC radio, a difficult client. We made an appointment at their studio for 11AM. The interview went well; I told him the truth, face to face. No lies...difficult but you maintain good relations that way.
Jean  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

From: David and Diane Bellamy
Subject: Gimli Glider story
My wife (31-year retired AC veteran at ORD) and I enjoy reading every issue of Netletter. Keep up the great work.

We're wondering if you know why the movie "Falling from the Sky": Flight 174 uses Flight "174" while it apparently was actually Flight 143?  Could this be nothing more than "theatrical license" or simply a mistake?

Diane and David Bellamy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brodhead, Wisconsin

Terry's Travel Tips

Terry BakerUnited Airlines, a Star Alliance partner, have introduced a direct flight YYJ to SFO.

How the prices have changed
- (down) - for Alaska cruises.

Alaska Cruise - 1984Advert from "Horizons" issued January 1984.

Helene Valiquette sends us this travel tip

I am a new retired CSSA agent from Montreal-Res since 2005, who is sharing her time between Montreal and California. This decision was based on getting away from the cold Canadian winters, and being married to an American.

As I travelled 2 weeks ago from YUL-LAX, I rented a car to commute to our home in Palm Springs. As a rule, when I rent a car, I check the
car all over for irregularities, scratches, dents and others; however
one thing I missed was I did not check for the car EMBLEM, it was
missing when I arrived at my destination. I had to complete a car
incident form and hopefully the matter will be taken care of by the

Happy travel.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SmileyWe have this cartoon from "Contact" the M&E magazine from Canadi>n.

NetLetter Subscription
