Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Ron Lingwood refers to the article in NetLetter nr 1348 of the operation by Kenn Borek Air.

Here are his comments -
It probably comes as no surprise that the USA constantly ignores the very existence of Canada until they need us. Ref NetLetter 1348 the rescue (again) in Antarctica. There was no mention of this and previous rescues on USA TV news. They just can't bear to see us do something they failed to do!!

Your editors found this on the internet –
A passenger who believed he had missed his Ryanair flight from Madrid’s Barajas Airport took matters into his own hands in his attempts to travel to Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands off the northwest coast of Africa.

Cameras caught the passenger, whose nationality is unknown, jumping off the end of an Air bridge onto the apron at the Spanish capital’s airport, apparently after breaking through a door to get onto the jetty.

Carrying two items of luggage, he could be seen dropping to the ground, then running toward a departing Ryanair Boeing 737-800 that was starting to taxi to the runway. Contrary to several media reports, however, he did not then get onboard the aircraft.

After a few minutes, he returned to the terminal departure lounge, where he discovered his flight had not yet departed. He was eventually able to board the correct service and fly to the Canaries, which are Spanish possessions. It is understood that police in Gran Canaria are investigating the incident.

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