Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Starting in this issue (#1350) we are introducing a new feature that we hope you will enjoy. This feature was a long time coming as it took a lot of work to create and will take just as much work in order to present this to our readers.

For many years we have been asking for (and receiving) magazine donations of employee magazines from various Canadian based airlines. We started with issues of Between Ourselves and Horizons (from TCA, Air Canada) and expanded to other Canadian aviation magazines as well. We now have a selection of issues from CP Air, Canadian Airlines (Canadian Flyer, Info Canadian, etc) plus Parts & Pieces (Air Canada Stores Newsletter) and other publications as well.

Terry Baker received and painstakenly scanned all these issues into PDF format over the last 8 years or so, (I think he went through three scanners). As a disclaimer Terry adds "We offer no apologies for the quality of some of the contents. Some are due to the condition and age of the scanned documents, and, where the page is greater than the scanner could accommodate, the two halves have to be merged, not always too successfully. In this case we have managed to capture approximately 98% of the contents.

We have never had the resources and proper method to launch these online, until now.

In the articles below, where applicable, we have placed an image containing the issue information and a link to any referenced content, so you can now view the complete issue online if you choose. We plan to also have the content searchable in the near future. We only have three issues in place right now, and have a lot of work to do, but plans are to gradually upload all the content we have in order for it to be viewed online. We'll have more news regarding this in the next issue, we still have a few kinks to work out, but it looks like we can figure it all out.

Also, don't forget to use the "Zoom" button (magnifying glass icon with + sign in it) to enlarge the text and content for all of our "tired" eyes.

Alan Rust
(Part of your NetLetter Team)
Terry, Alan, Wayne and Ken

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