Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Maxine Bellm sends us this information -

The code just posted (NetLetter nr 1363) for Park 'N Fly does not work (31737). Maybe there is a digit missing as the previous code had six (161892) digits. We used this so often in Montreal so it is important to get it as Park 'N Fly do not give it out.

Thank You, Maxine Bellm.

We, at the NetLetter, reviewed the source of our information and find an update effective March 9th, 2017. For the latest information refer to the acaeronet web site.

Bob Johnson has sent us this information for the photo in NetLetter nr 1362 -

1950 Ottawa Photo, last row 4th from left Jack Singer, Second last row from left, Mike Kennedy, Johnny Boisvert, Bert Wilson. Seated second from right is Ken Taman.

Rgds Bob Johnson

Denise Soulodre points out this error in NetLetter nr 1362 -

The photo is of the Pionairs Board of Directors for 1981 at the Skyline Hotel in Toronto. The third person from the left is Beth (not Bob) Ferguson from Winnipeg; she served for many years and did a great job for us all.

Thank you, Denise Soulodre
(Apologies to Beth for this typo – eds)

Norman Hogwood send this information -

I noted the reference to the Brooklands museum in NetLetter 1362.  Brings back a lot of memories! I’m sure I have mentioned this before but there is an excellent video of the last landing of a Vanguard when there were only a few hundred metres of runway available. Click Here to view the YouTube video. 

(Note: Norman used to work for Vickers at Brooklands during the 60's - eds)

Gretchen (Marsh) Dawson sends us this information on the eve of the 37th anniversary of the Canadian Maple Wings Association -

Former flight attendant Gretchen Marsh was inspired to found Maple Wings in 1973 when a small get-together intended for 30 flight attendants turns into a luncheon for 300, complete with door prizes and a fashion show.

By 1986, the Canadian Maple Wings Association boasts 800 members and dozens of chapters across the country. The group organizes social activities throughout the year and raises money for charitable organizations. I am quite excited about getting Air Canada Pionairs to remember and know (today) who Canadian Maple Wings Association is! Our history with Air Canada from back in 1979/80 and being under the Pionairs "umbrella" as a "Special Employee Group", was sadly lost over the years of changes in Presidents, CEO's, Upper Management etc... and here we are approaching Canadian Maple Wings Association's 37th Anniversary on May 7th's AGM in the Toronto area, on Air Canada's about to be 80th Birthday, and Pionairs' 40th Anniversary!!

I only got to meet Mr. Val Jurkovic a couple of years ago, and he'd never heard of us! Gretchen did receive this confirmation from Val Jurkovic President / Président Air Canada Pionairs.

You have been nominated to receive this honour because we felt that you, specifically, deserved to be recognized for all your efforts in reuniting former stewardesses scattered across Canada by creating the Canadian Maple Wings Association which is now made up of approximately 600 retired and active flight attendants of TCA and Air Canada. It will be an honour for me to present you this certificate in Vancouver on April 30th.

Gretchen says that she realizes this Honor is strictly being given to me, and I am very humbled, and extremely grateful for this recognition from Air Canada Pionairs. I'll be looking for some familiar faces when I am at the 40th Air Canada Pionairs AGM, April 30th.

Gretchen (Marsh) Dawson

Ken Murphy responded to Wayne's Wings request in NL # 1363 concerning Registration CF-BTB service with the RCAF and MCA.

Registration issued to RCAF in 1940, for importation of civil aircraft.  Applied to 247D, ex NC13347, bought from Pennsylvania Central Airlines Corp.  Became RCAF 7839 (which see) on 10 October 1940.  Retained CF-BTB registration when it was sold to Maritime Central Airways of Charlottetown, PEI, registered to them on 24 December 1941.  Exported in March 1945, became N13347, registered to H.G. Chatterton of Dayton, Ohio.

Was on US register as NC13347 from 1933 as a Model 247, delivered new to Pacific Air Transport which merged into United Airlines in 1934.  Converted to Model 247D in 1935.

To Pennsylvania Central Airlines in 1937.  Purchased second hand, at a reported cost of $32,500.  Temporary registration CF-BTD assigned for ferry flight to Canada.  Taken on strength at No. 6 Repair Depot at RCAF Station Trenton, Ontario.  

To No. 4 Training Command on 15 October 1940.

To Eastern Air Command on 24 April 1941, for use by the EAC Communications Flight.  Loaned to Maritime Central Airways of PEI on 10 November 1941 for "approximately two months", registered as CF-BTB.  Reported with No. 121 (K) Squadron at RCAF Station Dartmouth, NS, which was formed by merging the Comm Flight and other units on 10 January 1942.  Free issue to Department of Transport authorized on 2 April 1942, apparently still as CF-BTB.  

Sold to H.G. Chatterton of Dayton, Ohio in March 1945, registered as N13347.  With Columbia Airlines in December 1945, when it was reported with 16,211 logged hours.  Later to Costa Rican register as TI-1011, with Aerovias Occidentales from 1951.  Damaged in a landing accident on 3 January 1952, grounded until 1954.  Back to US register as N3977C, registered to J. Bristow of Miami, Florida in March 1954, ferried to Florida in December 1954.  Used as a crop duster and cloud seeder aircraft till 1961 by various operators, then derelict at Taft Airport in California till 1966.

To Pacific Northwest Aviation Historical Foundation on 26 February 1966 for restoration, registered as N13347.  Restored to United Airlines markings and NC13347 registration by Museum of Flight in Seattle from 1981, regularly touring air show circuit in the US by 2001, 68 years after it first flew.


Canadian Military Aircraft Civil registered, owned or leased by the military World War 2 Detailed List
Canadian Military Aircraft Serial Numbers see s/n 7839

We wish to thank Mr. Murphy for his info - Eds

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