Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

From Air Canada "Horizons" magazine issue dated December 1983. Nordair bounces back into the black.

pdf download50x47Click here for the Nordair story.

First of a 4 part Canadian Pacific History -

Montreal versus London. Canadian Pacific Railway's Ambitions.

The following illuminating article appeared in the May 1st, 1941 issue of "American Aviation."

A GIGANTIC air transport development is in the making in Canada which will place this northern neighbour of the U.S. in a strategic position after the war is over as the focal point for air transportation to the Orient, to Europe, and to all of the British Commonwealth of nations.

The rising new factor is the Canadian Pacific Railway, which has purchased or acquired control of eight airline companies in Canada, and which today is gaining wide experience in over-ocean flying by reason of its complete control of servicing and operation of bombers being ferried to England.

There is even much reason to believe that Canadian Pacific Railway is today in the dominant control of British Overseas Airways and that Montreal will become the centre of British commercial air services when the war is over.

The extent to which C.P.R. has forged its way to the top as the largest potential British airline operator has not been thoroughly recognized outside of a small circle associated with C.P.R.'s air service department.

Development of an extensive air service department by C.P.R. is a new phase of the long rivalry between this company and the Government-owned Canadian National Railway, which owns Trans-Canada Air Lines.

(Source: Financial Times Archives - 1941)

(Part 2 in NetLetter nr 1404)

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