Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

tmb enroute 75thHere is the cover of the enRoute magazine for  the 75th Anniversary.


(Source: enroute.aircanada.com/en/magazine/past-issues)

tmb gordon mcgregorGordon R. McGregor, born in Montreal, Quebec, graduated from McGill University in 1923 with a degree in Engineering. From 1923 until 1939 he worked for the Bell Telephone Company becoming Central District Manager. His flying career began at Kingston, Ontario in 1932 and the following year he gained his pilot's license at Ottawa.

In 1936 he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Reserve and obtained his RCAF wing in 1938 and was promoted to Flying Officer. His promotions were Flight Lieutenant (1940), Squadron Leader (1940), Wing Commander (1941) and Group Captain (1942). He was released from service on November 27, 1945.

During the Battle of Britain, he flew Hurricanes in No. 401 Squadron RCAF, and was its top scoring pilot, being credited with five victories.

In 1946, he joined Trans-Canada Air Lines and later was named president serving until 1968.

Source: Wikipedia

The Gordon R. McGregor Trophy - CBAA/ACAA

The Royal Canadian Air Force Association proudly offers civilian aerospace associations, commercial aviation companies and/or training schools the Opportunity to submit nominations for the Gordon R. McGregor Trophy on behalf of citizens, groups or units engaged in the provision of air transportation in Canada.

(Source: www.cbaa-acaa.ca/CBAA)

horizons logoFound in the "Horizons" magazine.

Issue dated July 1984.

Victory for Victoria.

Victoria B.C. seems a natural place to hold a Victoria Day parade.

tmb victoria fun dayAn Air Canada volunteer committee, consisting of Glen Hale, Lead Station Attendant; Bernie Stav, Station Attendant; Hans Brouwer, Millwright and Passenger Agents Rosemary Bradley and Lorna Philbrick designed a float, incorporating flying with the parade's theme of sailing. It proved to be a winning combination with the float earning top prize in its category.

In the photo are: Hans Brouwer (in front), Glen Hale (driving), Chris Bradley (on windsurfer).

On the passenger stand from the left: Gus DeJardin, Albert Van Wyk, Margaret Roethlisberger, Pat Young, Rosemary Bradley, Alice Little, Lorna Philbrick, Ivan Swedberg, John Caldwell, Bernie Stav and Sandra McRae, (daughter of Dale McRae). 

Issue dated October 1984.

Calgary Pionairs Executive during 1984 were:

The executive of the Calgary Club consists of: Gord Sanders, Director; Evelyn Wise, Secretary; Ken Morrison, Treasurer; Bernie Kemp, Joyce Young, Barb McKenzie and Jean Ingrarn, Telephone Committee and Don McGregor, Sunshine.

(No photo was available – eds)

Four-ninths of the move.

Without missing a beat or a check-in, the Los Angeles ticket counter moved to new and better quarters in the airport terminal building. The new counter, located closer to the boarding gate, more than doubles Air Canada's dedicated check-in facilities, provides expanded work areas and increases storage space.

In the photo, Customer Service Agents, from the left: Don Carlson, Donna Matta, Bill Sullivan and Bob Lane carry out four-ninths of the move, carrying the first four letters of the overhead sign to the new location. 

tmb lax move x550

Windsor meets the challenge.

tmb windsor staffThe fifth annual Windsor Challenge Cup was held at the St. Clair College campus, and more than 2,300 participants met to enjoy the fun. A wide assortment of events had been planned, including 'leap and chute', 'rickshaw run', 'sac soccer' and a 'team marathon'.

Established in 1980 with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation and the Province of Ontario, the event is an opportunity for Windsor's corporate and organizational employees to get together and enjoy cultural and recreational activities.

An enthusiastic group of Air Canada employees were among the 115 participating teams, and they made a very good showing, placing 40th overall. The team won third prize for a handmade banner incorporating the company logo and that of the bicentennial, this year's theme.

Team members included: Passenger Agents Rick Ruston, Roli Sylvestre, Wayne Delorme, Nicole Zangari, Vicky Campbell and Birgit Hayward; Station Agents Benny Smith, Jack Roberts and Randy Fetterly; Station Attendants Dan Janisse and Muzzer Booze and Lead Station Attendant Dennis Walsh. Relatives and spouses also got involved in the team activities.

Participants and spectators look forward to next year's Challenge Cup. Signs point the way. Windsor passenger agents Vicky Campbell, left, and Nicole Zangari display their team's Air Canada/Bicentennial banner. Nicole is wearing a 1939 flight attendant's uniform.

Issue dated December 1984

A hard won present.

tmb Rachelle BoudreauAir Canada's and Canada's first female Certificated Avionics Technician on jet aircraft has maintained a low profile for the past year or so. On days off and between shifts, Rachelle Boudreau has been hitting the textbooks studying for certificates on the B-727.

Following six months of study, exams begin. The tests consist of a two-hour basic physics, two-hour basic electronics, two-hour electricity, three-hour air regulations, an eight-hour stint on the electrical system of the B-727 and a five-hour exam on the electronics system.

The license enables her to sign for work that has been completed and a certificated avionics technician may also initial the work of others. The training program calls for a minimum of two licenses and a maximum of three so Rachelle may soon pull the books off the shelf again. For now it's the B-727 but who knows what comes next. Rachelle received her license on September 4, 1984 which also just happens to be her birthday. Rachelle is shown in the cockpit, a familiar milieu to her. 

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