Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Subscriber Christine Hayvice returned home to New Zealand after her career with Canadian Pacific Air Lines / Canadian Airlines and retirement from Air Canada.

She has been keeping very busy writing a book (see 'Remember When' below) about the history and her personal memories about the trade union activities in Canadian aviation.

Christine also sent us a few pictures of her recent DC-3 adventure.

She writes:

I just got involved with a DC-3 group here in Napier NZ which is working on buying the only operating DC-3 here - there are three here, the other two are in museums. I live in Napier and we have an Art Deco festival every year. Everyone dresses up in 1930s clothing. The city was flattened by an earthquake in 1931 and was rebuilt in the style of the times which was Art Deco, so every year there’s a week of all things 1930s including a vintage car parade, old trains, motorbikes, swing dances, movies etc, and this year they brought in the DC-3.

I went for a ride; most exciting. See photos below.

My first plane ride was on a DC-3 at age 9 and I fell in love with airplanes. I had my first flying lesson at 16 on a Piper Cherokee and discovered I couldn’t reach the pedals.

I’m 4’10” (147cm) so that dashed my hopes of being a pilot. But later, at 25 I tried again on a Cessna 150 and could reach those pedals. I passed the ground school exam and got to the point where I could take off and land a plane by myself, with an instructor beside me, but life got in the way and I didn’t get my licence.

Anyway back then in the early 70's, being a “girl” meant the chances of being a pilot was minimal. I used to chat to Rosella Bjornson when she was operating a flight out of YVR that I was controlling at the gate. I admired her so much.

She told me how it was hell on wheels in the flight deck in her early days as the guys didn’t want her there. I envied her upbringing and the terrific support she had from her family especially her dad. So I just ended up working for an airline instead, CP Air. Started in 1974. I’m from New Zealand, where I recently moved back to, rather happily these days given covid.

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Paul Gautier shares this memory -

tmb indigo airline sick bagDuring this pandemic, we all need to laugh a little; so here's my true experience -

In January 2019, I booked a four-months World Cruise; for the India segment, I bought a side trip from Kochi to New Delhi and the Taj Mahal, rejoining the ship in Mumbai.

We flew to Indira Gandhi International airport (DEL) on low-cost Indigo airlines; I expected to see ads on the tray tables, overhead bins but to my surprise the A320Neo was spotless. As always I looked in the seat pocket and among other things, there was this sickness bag; I laughed out loud!

Jack Morath has sent us this article and photo taken some years ago -

A toast to Executive Class.

A group of enthusiastic employees recently participated in the promotion of our new Executive Class service at the World Travel Market in London, England, one of Europe's leading travel trade shows.

In the photo, television and radio personality Gloria Hunniford is shown seated (centre) in the Executive Class mock-up.

With her are (front row, left to right): Rosalyn Volavka, Brian Hall and Tony Dunn.

In the middle row are (left to right): Deborah Haynes, Pam Warburton, Lisa Gopie, Shirley Dunn and Julie Wilmott.

Behind them are (same order): Andrew Edmonds, Robert Atkinson, Stuart Duddy, Barry Stride, Malcolm Davey, Dara Curham and Allan Owen.

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Allan Gray sends us this memory -

tmb complemetary coffee 1When there was a flight delay we would stamp the boarding pass with a 50 cent complimentary coffee. When was the last time a coffee cost 50 cents.

From defunct airline collection.

Allan Gray

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