Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

ninety nine emblemIn NetLetter #1444 we published details of the commemorative stamps issued by the East Canada Section of the Ninety-Nines in order to celebrate Canadian women pilots representing various flying careers.

Please note that these stamps cannot be purchased at Canada Postal outlets but are available at www.canadian99s.com/stamps.

tmb hella comatThe issue for 2021 was Hella Comat

Hella Comat of Heritage Glen Public School in Oakville, Ontario, is no stranger to pioneering new fields; she is Canada’s first female aeronautical aerobatics champion.

She brings the same careful and thorough approach she uses to meet daunting challenges in the air to her classroom. She has integrated computer technology into all parts of the curriculum for her Grade 6 students.

They have responded by completing a wide variety of exciting projects such as working with electronic pen pals in Mexico on mathematics assignments.

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