Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

From the 'New Horizons' magazine - Issue dated October 2003.

dreams take flight emblemThis is a personal story about volunteering for the 'Dreams Take Flight' by Catherine O'Neill.

After a restless night worrying that I'd not hear my alarm go off, in the wee hours of October 1, 2003 I started my day a bit earlier than usual.

At 3:45 a.m., I crawled out of bed, stepped gingerly over my bewildered dogs, and proceeded to get dressed. Why was I up before the birds? I had volunteered to help out at the Montreal chapter's 'Dreams Take Flight' set to depart that morning.

When I arrived at Dorval base at 4:30, the place was already a hive of activity. Volunteers, feeling the first nip of fall's arrival, guided arriving cars to their parking spaces and showed sleepy-eyed families the way to the hangar. However, once they stepped inside, all thoughts of sleep vanished. readmore orange160x65

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