Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

Between Ourselves

tmb 250 035 Jan 1946 Here we have a few front covers of
the magazine from
January – March 1946.
tmb 250 036 Feb 1946 tmb 250 037 Mar 1946

From the early days of Trans-Canada Air Lines we go back in time in case some readers are interested in genealogy information on their families.

We peruse the early issues of the 'Between Ourselves' magazine.

Issue dated May 1956

Working out the load are Ramp Agents Herb Britton and Fin Findlay seen figuring out a weight and balance problem for one of our flights through Winnipeg.

ywg ramp agents

St. John's, Newfoundland Reservations was the first office in the Atlantic Provinces to acquire a rotary reservations table. However recent installations saw similar equipment pressed into service in Boston, Halifax and Sydney.

The St. John's personnel shown are from the left: J. Fardy, PA (Tel); P. Fanning, Teletypist; L. Heffernan, PA (Tel); P. Maddigan, Lead Agent; H. Janisczak; RA; M. English, PA (Tel) and J. Dunne, PA (Tel).

Editors' Note: Job titles have certainly changed over the years. We are assuming that 'PA (Tel)' refers to a Passenger Agent (telephone), working reservations wearing headsets. A 'Teletypist' would probably be considered a sort of Communicator today. 

tmb 550 st john's res

tmb 550 horizons classic

Found in 'Horizons' magazine

Issue dated August 1972

Marlin Country

Trinidad is Marlin country. The 'Air Canada Marlins', a Company sponsored swimming club, takes the aquatic sport seriously.

Members engaged in regular swim meets in the Caribbean area and had plans for competitions in Toronto, Montreal and other Canadian cities.

On hand for signing of the sponsorship contract were, from the left: James 'Choco' Ahloy, club coach; Stan Rogers, Manager, Trinidad; Steve Montrichard, Sales Representative, Trinidad and Clyde Ng Fan, Public Relations Officer for the Marlins.

marlin swim

Air Canada participants in Philadelphia's annual Delaware River cruise for the travel industry are seen with Philly Sales Manager Hugh Mackay, at the microphone.

From the left are: Joe Pareti, Sales Manager, New Jersey; Rhanda Spotton, secretary to the Public Relations Manager, New York; Donna and Hugh Mackay; and New York Passenger Sales Manager, Gerry Churchill.

The fare of Canadian roast beef and beer was much appreciated by the Yankee' guests.

deleware river cruise

Do you detect a touch of pride in the smiles of the threesome below?

They have every reason to be proud, having just completed a "Professional Purchaser' course involving four years of home study.

From the left are: Kitch Olson, VP Purchasing & Facilities, presenting diplomas to Jim Waugh, Les Nagy and Jim Jamieson.

prof buyers

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