Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

o/o o\o              Christmas Greetings from
/* o *\              Vesta and Terry.
o/  \U/  \o
/ o     o \

"Between Yourselves - NetLetter" 
number 222     date Dec 14th 1997


. We welcome Aubrey Winterbotham who retired in 1992 as a
Technical Writer (Engineering). Aubrey is presently
the Manager WACA Headquarters, a post he has held
since 1993. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (note for the
attention of Aubrey Winterbotham).



From: William Fisher, Director of the Vancouver Island Pionairs -
Subject: YYJ Xmas Lunch
Forty-one Pionairs met on the 10 Dec at Dunsmuir Lodge on the
south side of the airport for a most wonderful get togther.
I believe that if the mail strike had not happened we certainly
would have had more Pionairs turn out. The weather co-operated with
us. The lodge set up their main lounge on the main floor for us,
overlooking the airport and the north end of Saanich Peninsula.
So while we supped our way through happy hour we had the most
wonderful views of this part of the island. At the appointed time
we went to our dining room for a beautiful Christmas turkey meal
with all the trimmings wonderfully presented. Christmas decorations
and all.
I can safely say everyone enjoyed themselves, and from the comments
after, a return visit next year would be very apt.
This was strictly a social event with no speaker or announcements.
Bill F.


Memories - sent by John Dahlgren -
Hello, - Having read the recent Special Netletter #214, I am very
pleased to see your interest in helping us "Old Retirees" become
up - to- date in how "Reduced Rate Travel is accomplished.
Of course I understand that a manual would be difficult to keep up
to date.
I retired on the "ERIP" plan back in January 1978 after 37 years
Travelling on a "Free Pass" was relatively simple in the early days.
If there was a seat on the plane vacant at the last moment before
boarding, I was called and sent aboard. Often in First Class, if
that was where the empty seat was. If not called, well, I'd just go
home and waited to try the next flight.
No cost, no fees, no zones,no penalties...Nil.
Now I just don't travel by air anymore. I really don't know how.
But sure would like to.
I'm rather surprised to learn that "The prime purpose of the trip
pass today is to ensure collection of the correct charges, taxes,
and fees". Hmmmmm.
I do have at hand the latest "Horizons #846". as well as previous
issues back to # 836. I can access the Horizons Website and get the
latest. I also can access the Air Canada Web Site for latest Flt
Schedules.           Jack Dahlgren


. Lorna Grosman sends us this bio -
My career with TCA/AC began in June 1945 when  I, Lorna Howie, was
hired by Gord Wilson to be a teletype operator at Dorval
Airport(Domestic). The radio room was located on a small room
behind the passenger agent's counter next to the Cargo dept.
The only radio operators I can remember being there at the time
were Bob Reynolds and Johnny Range.  The coordinators were,
Ross Smythe, Ron Bell, and Gordie Ghent. There may have been others.
As the Montreal Station grew the station staff was increased and
after 2yrs on tely, I was taken into the office as a stenographer.
Geo. Briggs was Station Manager, Guy Vadboncoeur and
Johnny Champagne were Assist. Stn. Mgrs at different times with
Keith Marshall as the clerk. It was a great time for a 19yr. old
I served under Jim Gehlsen(boy could he type), Stan Hewitt and
Herve Lesage over the years. Eventually the station required a
billingual steno and I was moved over to Transat communications
under Geo. Briggs once again, who was in charge.
It was a large room with radio racks and tely machines sandwiched
between the technicians room on the right and Flight Dispatch on
the left. Lorna MacKenzie and Jean Newhook were the other tely
Over the years the tely dept grew into a relay center when
AC(Atlantic Space Control) was moved up to Dorval, then moved down
town to the Central Station with Peggy Cornelius and Fran Macklin.
The center grew large, then small, and large again but the overseas
tely was always left at the airport.
For a few years Anita Hall worked in the comm. office. Some of the
people I remembered working with us were
Margaret MacLeod, Rosa MacEachern, Vesta Stevenson,
Ann Keuhl/ Hollefer)?) Moira Mollison, Moira Taylor, Audrey Jackson,
Susan Shand, Fran Irvine, John Bierle, Hubert Stehr, Brian Ramage,
Paul Mosher, Nel Farmer, Ellen Cousel, Kay Pitt, Syvlia and Vickie
Highway, Rose Bankley, Lena Bourque, Rachel Gallant, Gladys Morris,
Sachi Kariatsumari, Margaret Muldoon, Jan Meade, Joanne Prince,
Sheila Lewis, June Mignon and Norma Arsenault.
I am surprised I was able to  remember so many.
American Airlines handled our flights at LaGuardia until a
Trans-Canada staff was hired.  I was sent down to train the tely
oprs.   Frank Young, Tommy Cunningham, Walt Bailey and a few others
from different stations were also there doing their bit as well.
I still remember the young fellow that would say "Hokay Hey" after
everything I said.
Another regional spare duty was to relieve ARCAN, tely oprs in YQM.
They were Arlie Sheban and Carl Leet.
My shift  supervisor was Frank Stevens.
Geo. Coulombe(another speedy typist) used to relieve me for my
Perhaps, one of the former ARCAN, operators could send in a full
explanation as to what Arcan stood for.
I broke my service in 1964 for approx 2 years but returned to serve
on interline reservations  in the St. Catherine St. office YUL,
working for Doris Luxford/Devenish/Gould.   Frank Stevens was the
manager at the time.
In 1975, I married Sam Grosman, a Flight Dispatcher/SOC Manager and
retired shortly thereafter.  However, Wils Foote got me go back to
Dorval to help with the tely operators there until the
reorganization took place.
After 6 mos, I retired again.  It has been a good company for me,
taking a very young (17 yrs, I lied to get in) inexperienced girl
and training her.
I have very fond memories of my time the TCA/AC  and a big HELLO,
to all those nice people I met as I travelled through my 30 yrs
with the company.
Regards Lorna Grosman

(Lots of names here - recognise anyone? If you are one of them and
want to say 'Hello' to Lorna the emaiul is:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - eds)


Lufthansa are now providing their flight crews with a device to
track passengers using mobile phones during flights, which could
jeopardize safety. The device reacts to the sound waves as mobile
phones make contact with their network.


Be aware that, when cutting out articles from the 'Horizons', as
suggested by Don Demeza in NetLetter nr 214, that you note the
month of issue as, with the revised format of the magazine, the
date of issue does NOT appear on each page now.


. Smilies.
More from the Airline Dictionary sent to us by Lawson Tremellen

A large loud pack of passengers (see passenger) travelling
together. The group leader, who has the tickets, usually waits in
the bar until the required pre-board time of five minutes before
departure, or until there are no seats left together, whichever
occurs last. Reservation agents are prohibited form pre-assigning
seats to groups as this may convenience them.
An airport decoration. Usually unnoticed except by small children.
Its primary function is to hide the location of various areas of
the airport, i.e., gate numbers, rest rooms, baggage claim, etc.
Position Closed
This is a sign posted at various counter locations, which when
interpreted by the passenger says, "Form line here."

(More will follow - eds)


.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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~Between Yourselves-Netletter~
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.                 GREETINGS FROM                  .
.                Vancouver Island                 .
.              BEAUTIFUL B.C. CANADA              .

NetLetter Subscription
