Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995


_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

number 343   date Jan 26th, 1999  1st Published in October 1995


*    Your co-pilot, Terry, is on vacation - again!      *
*            No NetLetter until mid March.              *
*     Send copies of any information to Vesta as usual. *

" ' "

. We welcome
Everett Warren Colwell retired Cargo Agent lives in Delta, BC
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bruce Castator retired Systems Analyst lives in Etobicoke, ON
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roy Johnson retired Captain email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chuck Blaylock retired Captain lives in Whistler, BC
email for Chuck is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brian Whyte retired Mechanic living in Winnipeg MB
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John  W. Ferguson retired Captain lives in Calgary, AB
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Howie Jacobs retired Captain living in Qualicum Beach, BC
email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ron Peterson retired Captain-L1011 living in Brampton, ON
try email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Carl Jadeski retired B747 Captain lives in Rockwood, ON
email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
W. Keith Kerr  Customer Service Agent lives in Vancouver, BC
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jean Le Pottier lives in Paris France email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sandra Pryde Butler retires Secretary living in Dartmouth, NS
Sandra has an email of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
David F. Williams with email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wayne Handren , retiree in Charlottetown can be reached at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Where are they now?
In NetLetter nr 342 we mentioned that our NetLetters were being rejected
for Bob & Maria Consiglia, but they assure us they are getting our NetLetter
and can  still be reached at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. For the DC-3 affectionados
Although I never worked for TCA or Air Canada, my Dad (Ellie
Park) did. I receive your Netletter as a forwarded message, and I
check into the TCA/AC ham radio net occasionally. Always
interested to see what the friends of the family are doing these
Away back in the late 70's, I began building a model of a DC-3.
It was to be on a grand scale, having a 7 foot wing span, and was
to be done up in TCA colours. Well, other things always seemed to
have higher priority, and the old beast was pushed to the back of
the work bench. Since I retired from the CNR (as a Radio
Technician) after 34 years, I have once again started on the
Years ago,  the Air Canada Historical Services (Beth Buchanan)
and the Public Affairs Officer (John Cavill) were very helpful and
instrumental in me obtaining  the two paint schemes of TCA.
That being before and after the  year 1949, when changes were made.
During my research, I have not been able to find enough
information re the positioning of the anti collision lights for
the TCA DC-3. It almost looks like each and every aircraft had
them stuck on as after thoughts. I wonder if you might make
mention of my project to your readers, and maybe if any of them
have any info, or know where I should begin looking, that just
maybe they could get in touch with me at my e-mail address. 
Best regards   Reed Park  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Amateur Radio VE1NU  WW II, # 19 SET user  I.C.Q. # 4138282

" ' "

. Members of the AC/TCA Radio Group may wish to check the web site for the
latest roster information. http://www.acra.ca/acrew/

" ' "

. News from Tom Grant, the editor of the A-Crew Website -
Subject: A-Crew Update
Greetings to AC/TCA Retirees,
We tho't you would like to have an update on the Air Canada Retired
Employees' Website.
There have beeen some organizational changes and additions.

BULLETIN BOARD has sub-links to points of interest. In particular are the
articles on Harbour Grace, Waiting at Airports and the Qantas museum. The
"Books" subsection has new review(s). The "First Schedule" has been added
as a subsection. The "Pionairs" application link as been moved to the new
EVENTS. The typeface size has been increased in keeping with the major text
of the website.
TRAVEL. This is the link to the employee travel site run by ACRA with
contributions from Terry Baker. It also has travel bulletins that are
posted on the page from time to time, so have a look at these before you
jump to the ACRA site.
CONTACTS. This section contains almost 300 retirees who have left their
email addresses.
RETIREE NEWS. This new section contains news about things happening in the
districts and past events that were previously under another section.
PHOTO GALLERIE(s) are continually being added to, in particular the Aircaft
gallery has added about 16 new photographs in the past month.
NETLETTER is now an acknowledgement page for its contribution to the
website. (All articles and items used in the website are individually
AC/TCA AMATEUR RADIO GROUP is new and its Roster has been posted (We are
willing to add other AC/TCA Retiree group pages to this website.)
AVIATION LINKS. Avia Aviation Links is still working toward a Jan 31
deadline for its significant update. The links have been verified, but new
links are still being looked for. The All-Canadian Aircraft Photo Gallery
has been added to, in particular Wardair's northern aircraft c 1968 and
CPA's cruched 707 c1967.

We hope you enjoy visiting the site. If you have comments or submissions,
we would like to hear from you.

Remember that all words underlined and small photos with borders are links.
The words generally go to a larger article, a contact or additional
information. The small photos generally bring up a larger version.
Cheers, Tom  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  http://www.acra.ca/acrew/

" ' "

. We recently welcomed Jan Balledux here is a bio -
About my history:
Right after the end of the war, I joined  KLM and was with them until
October 1953 - most of that time I was stationed abroad  - Sweden, Denmark,
Italy ( Rome ) Brazil. etc. When my wife and I came back from Brazil,
(Henny, my wife  passed away in 1994) said we should go to Canada. After
discussing it together, we took the necessary steps and landed at Dorval
in October 1953, and a couple of days later I was hired by TCA.
We both never regretted taking that big step in coming  to Canada,
and  I was very happy working for TCA and then Air Canada for almost thirty
years. I  retired in April 1983 and moved to Ontario (Oakville). Whilst
with Air Canada,  I also spent 2 years in Jamaica, helping out Air Jamaica
Well folks that is all. Jan.      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "
. Remember when?
From the 1967 'Between Ourselves' loaned by Kitch Olson -
May 20th 1967 was the date that DC-8 fin 813 of 'cabbage patch' fame was
involved in a training accident at Ottawa resulting in the death of the
3 member crew and the total destruction of the aircraft.

From 'The Sky's the limit' June 1967
The Middle East was the spawning ground for small, short-lived airlines.
In Bagdad, an American traveller had just got himself settled on a plane
when   the pilot walked   through the cabin and announced he would not fly the
aircraft   until they had changed an engine.   An hour later the passengers
were told to     get back onto the plane. 'Do we have another plane?' the
American asked,"No',   he was told, 'we have another pilot'.

Stewardesses are taught to treat passenger's kiss or casual caress 'with
humour', but the opportunities for aisle-side lechery are even more fleeting,
says a supervisor: 'They might get a pet, but the girls are moving so fast
that  they scarcely
have time to get pinched.'

Walt Fowler, Regional Sales Manager, Moncton at the time of a talk to the
Canadian Industrial Traffic League in Moncton early 1967, recounted some
early problems -
If we got two or three passengers per day on the Island run, this was
considered definite headway: but highways to the airport were seldom
ploughed during winter and it was not too inticing for passengers who were
required to travel to and from the airport by horse and sled.
He recalled a particular heavy snowstorm on P.E.I. when the horse became
snowbound in a drift ... having to unharness and lead the horse through
and then haul the sled with the airmail and one female passenger braving the
elements to fly to the mainland.

Sept 1967
Picture of Inaugural DC-9 flight Montreal to Chicago was on Aug 15th Capt
John Crosby and Bill Irving, cabin crew Marie-Ange Estosito, Wenche Eriksen
and  Deana Albertini.

Oct 1967
Picture shows arrival of delivery flight of first DC-8-61CF-TJT fin 860 at
Dorval  on Sept 13th piloted by Capt Al Ross and co-pilot Bert Palmer.

Picture shows arrival of inaugural flight of DC-8-61 on its maiden
trans-continental flight to Vancouver. Piloted by Bill Bell and Al Ross being
greeted by Kelly Edmison, Regional Ops. Manager, YVR.

Dec 1967
Picture records the official welcome for the first scheduled DC-8-61 to
Montego Bay on Oct 29th. Capt L. Greenlaw was in command.

" ' "

. Found on the internet.
British Airways is experimenting with new hi-tech baggage labels
to speed up the delivery of passengers' luggage and reduce the risk of lost
The new luggage tags, which use radio frequency technology, would be tested
on up to 225,000 bags on flights to London Heathrow from both Manchester (UK)
and the German city of Munich. The tags come complete with an antenna and a
pinhead-sized silicon chip embedded in the label in what BA said was the first
time a disposable paper radio frequency baggage tag had been tested.
Airlines currently use a laser bar code system to track and identify baggage.
A BA spokesman said the new technology was slightly more expensive but only
by a few pence and would not affect ticket prices. He said initial feedback
from the experiment was encouraging.

" ' "

. Vesta found this article about Y2K
Software developer Ruth H. Kaczmarek has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District
Court against Microsoft, alleging that the company's FoxPro and Visual
FoxPro database development tools were unable to process dates properly
beyond Dec. 31, 1999. The suit is believed to be one of the first against
Microsoft alleging Y2K defects in its software.

and this one -
Forcing its customers into the Information Age, Delta Airlines has
decided to charge them $2 extra for every domestic round trip flight they
book without using the Internet, whether the arrangements are made  through
a travel agent, or by use of the company's toll-free reservation number, or
by walking into a Delta ticket office. A Delta executive explained  that it
costs the airline $13 each time a travel agent makes a reservation and an
additional $13 each and every time a change is made in that reservation.

Sixteen-year-old Irish schoolgirl Sarah Flannery has devised a new
code that will send e-mail ten times faster, and just as securely, as the
current data protection code for e-mail. The current code was developed in
1977 by three MIT students. Flannery says she is considering publishing her
discovery rather than patenting it, because she does not want people
to have to pay for it. She is being deluged with job and scholarship offers.

" ' "

. From Brian Dunn in Toronto -
Re the new Canadian colours -
For those of you who have seen the TV commercial showing the 767 in a
silhouette form and then finishing off showing a 747 from under the wing
looking rearward towards the fuselage and tail...you may be interested to
know that the footage of the 747 was shot at Marana Arizona.
The subject 747 aircraft was Air Canada's C-FTOE which had the starboard
rear fuselage and tail painted up in the new Canadian Airlines colours.
The port side of the 747 is still in basic green and white Air Canada

Air Canada sent another 747-233 the desert last week.  FLN307 C-GAGB
made its last revenue flight YYZ-YVR on the 16th and then ferried from
Vancouver to Marana via Tuscon on the 21st for long-term storage.
Air Canada will be sending its last 747-200 to Arizona on the 27th
with the departure of C-GAGC (FLN308) at 0730hrs.  That will leave the
three 747-400 combis in the fleet only.
The one remaining 747-238B in the fleet C-GAGC is to stay at Toronto until
further notice...as a "hot" spare if needed.
A DC-9-32 C-FTMX made its last revenue flight on December 25th from
New York to Montreal and then ferried to Marana via Kansas City on the
21 January for long-term storage.

" ' "

. Terry's travel tips.

Latest Air Canada Time Table can be downloaded from their site.
Dated Jan 15th valid until Oct 30th 1999 szed at 373k.

Following W.A.C.A. events are planned -
Watch the deadline dates - very important if you are planning on going.

MAY    02-09    Holyland Tour    ISRAEL IC  deadline 1MAR99   US$523   
04-10    Cedarland Tour    IC LEBANON deadline 10APR99  US$600   
15-19    Kenya Safari    NAIROBI IC deadline 10APR99  US$430   
23-29    Cariboo Gold Rush Trail and Apple
Blossom III Wine Tour    VANCOUVER IC deadline 15MAR99 CAD$599
JUN    07-12    Dodo's Nest    IC MAURITIUS deadline 15MAR99 US$650

Contact your nearest Interline club for more details.   

" ' "

. Smilies.
As a New Year's treat for our readers, here's a few more from our famous
"Squawk List" series:

Problem:  Unfamiliar noise coming from #2 engine.
Solution:  Engine run for four hours.  Noise now familiar.

Problem: Noise coming from #2 engine sounds like man with little hammer.
Solution: Took little hammer away from man in #2 engine.

Problem:  Whining noise coming from #2 engine compartment.
Solution: Returned little hammer to man in #2 engine.

Problem:  Flight Attendant cold at altitude.
Solution:  Ground checks OK.

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to Vesta with a copy to Terry.

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|       NetLetter         |                      ---|/--  |
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