Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

_| TCA |_        B E T W E E N   Y O U R S E L V E S
_|\| AIR |/|_              N E T L E T T E R
>  CANADA   <
>_./|\._<           for Air Canada retirees

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Co-pilot     - Terry Baker         This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing of this "NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust
administrator of the "AC Family Network" at:

Number 428   Date November 27th, 1999  BYN 1st Published in October 1995

You can read or retrieve back issues of the BYN?
Just visit our web site at:
and click on the "Archives" button.
This area is only open to "BETWEEN YOURSELVES - NetLetter" subscribers
and you will need the following password to enter -
User Name: byn  Password: vesta

UPDATE: new BYN Policy...   re the BYN Archives: they have now been
updated to current issue of "BETWEEN YOURSELVES - NetLetter"
(courtesy Alan Rust) and will be updated on monthly basis to help
the Snowbirds when they return North.

Why not check out the Air Canada Retired Employees Web Site
webmaster is Tom Grant.

" ' "

. We welcome
Derek Frost Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. living in Edmonton, AB
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. will find Roland (Roly) Sullivan
retired Manager Stores at Dorval now lives in Shediak Bridge, NB
Bruce McKenzie retired captain lives in Richmond Hill, ON
email     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Achille Manti retired Foreman p/p metal shop lives in Pierrefonds QC
email:     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ronald Swain email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. retired C.Av.Technisian
living in Rosemere, QC.

" ' "

. Where are they now?
Bryan McCormick has a new computer, and a new email address.
Try Bryan at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jean-Guy Leger <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> tells us he is off the internet
for a few months, and will let us know when he is back - if he does
we will tell you.
Ron Groves has moved email from  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
to          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. George Brien thought you might enjoy this story -
Where in the heck is Bangor and what am I doing here?
Jul 7th 1977
- Maurices Motel NH near border crossing
- State troopers in Skowhegan Me at 0115
- 39 hour " work days"
- hitching from Calais Me to BGR
- follow that "bus"
- flight 850 acft 304 rtg SEA/GFK/BGR/FRA
- from BGR/YUL, escort to border crossing at Stanhope PQ
Coming across these notes and a sheet showing AC flights operating thru
BGR brought back this memories of over 20 years ago.

It was back in 1977 in early July - a ATC strike shut down IFR flying in
Canada and I received a call Sun am from the YSJ Airport Manager to "pack
an overnight bag", we are leaving for BGR as the LHR/YHZ flt will be using
it as a alternative with ground transportation by bus.
Myself and two other spvrs from YSJ along with the Mgr were heading for
the border crossing at Calais Me and then direct to BGR.
After checking in at the Airport Hilton , we were advised that US Immig
would require all busses to be accompanied by a Airline rep until they
cleared the border crossing since many pasgrs did not have VISA's for
transitting the US.
The first inbound arrived from LHR and since the busses with the outbound
load for LHR wouldnt arrive for a few hours, I volunteered to ride escort
on the bus to Calais..I realized that I did not have transportation back
from Calais to BGR but if all else failed, would have to rent a car. As our
bus cleared US Immig at the border, I saw the charter bus from YHZ just
clearing US customs inbound - Great! I'll just catch a ride back to BGR.
Oop's, the agent onboard had instruction not to stop but a red light at the
corner gave me time to bang on the door and talk my way on board.
To complicate matters, I realized after about 20 mins that the Bus driver
didnt know the fastest way to BGR and had taken a wrong turn. Oh well,
since we had half of the boarding load, the flt would leave when we got
there ( Via Machais and Ellsworth Me)
After arrival and dispatching the flight, we realized that we may be here
for awhile as suddenly we became the alternative for YUL Transat flights
too and the search thru Maine and other areas for enough charter busses to
handle the transportation along with the logistics of having an escort on
each bus began.
By monday, our forecast board showed L1011's B747's and DC8's operating
thru the Airport on strange routing just south of the border i.e. IAG for
YYZ than GFK for YWG and finally SEA for YVR
As the inbound busses were arriving with Psgr Agents' aboard, by this time
we were able to overnight them and send them back the next afternoon with
the offloading psgrs but with agents from YUL/YSJ/YQM and YHZ, it was
getting a bit difficult to keep track. Most the agents needed Cash advances
so a US Draft book which I carried came in handy The next crunch came on
Tues night with the many arrivals and deptrs. Six busses from YUL with
Agents aboard saved the day when they volunteered to do a quick turnaround
and carry the offload back as by that time all available busses within 300
miles had been chartered to handle the operation
All agents/busses were utilized but 3 psgrs were left over in -transit to
YUL.. As we wanted to avoid conflicts with US Immig, I agreed to take a
rental car and follow the busses to the Quebec border with these people.
The time was a little after midnight, the busses had a 20 min head start
and I had over 200 miles of secondary highway to cover to the border. When
I glanced at the gas guage, I knew I was in trouble as it was down to one
The little town of Skowhegan Me. came into view around 1am with everything
closed down. A light in a building that said State Police brought me to a
stop. I explained my problem to a sympathic trooper who made a phone call
and escorted me to a local gas station whose owner lived overhead. The tank
was filled, a "big" tip was given and once again chase those busses. (not
sure how I covered the tip on my expense account but it was a good
investment at the time).
Four hours thru the back woods of Maine then north thru VT and by dawn we
were nearing the border at Stanhope. As we hit the border, what a great
sight, six Voyayeur busses still at customs and a quick reshuffling of
psgrs, 3 more were on the bus and I was alone, 200 miles from BGR and 400
Miles from home and no sleep for 24 hours. "Maurices Motel " in Canaan VT,
--- now I remembered that 6 agents from YSJ had left BGR 14 hours earlier
escorting busses to the border and they were staying overnight at Maurices
where one agent would take them back in a MiniVan. Its 7am and Maurices is
about 12 miles away, if I'm lucky I can catch them and sleep on the ride
back to BGR. With minutes to spare I'm at the motel and we head for a "big'
breakfast over in NH and ETA BGR 1300.
Bangor- --the strike is over, we can all go home.
Rental cars are organized for the last lap, Hilton is trying to figure out
the hotel bills but since most of them were booked in my name and I had the
"draft book" we agreed at a figure and away we went. Arriving home at 9pm,
I realized that my day had started 39 hrs before and covered 3 states to
the Quebec border and back covering 600 miles . The day trip to BGR on
Sunday seemed a long time ago.
George Brien   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

" ' "

. Accolades:
With reference to the query in NetLetter nr 426 -
This is to say THANK YOU for the effort you put into finding out, about
the handicapped travelling policy. My wife and I enjoy every Netletter.
Thank you Andy Michelberger :-)

" ' "

. Terry's travel tips.
Dargal, The interline agency to the world,  have contracted Interline
rates with Powder Resort Properties (Whistlers largest collection of
luxury suites). We are looking forward to talking with a lot of skiers.
Right now until Dec. 18th  we have the following all based on PER UNIT,
per night, NOT PER PERSON,  so these are nice prices:
Prices start at the following rates, in Canadian $ and includes all taxes:
Hotel Room - up to 2 occupants -            $129.72 per night
Studio Unit - up to 2 occupants -           $141.13 per night
One Bedroom - up to four occupants -        $183.89 per night
Two Bedroom - up to 6 occupants -           $269.42 per night
Two Bedroom with loft - up to 8 occupants - $327.87
You can take a look at these properties at

" ' "

. Smilie.
Found by Tom Grant -
I wonder if Gerry Schwartz has anything to do with these?
The following mergers are expected to be negotiated in the near

1. Xerox and Wurlitzer (they're going to make reproductive organs).
2. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers (new company to be
called Fairwell Honeychild).
3. Polygram Records, Warner Brothers and Keebler Biscuits (new company
to be called Poly-Warner-Cracker).
4. 3M and Goodyear (mmmGood).
5. John Deere and Abitibi-Price (Deere-Abi)
6. Denison Mines, Inco and Barrick Gold Mining (Mine, All Mine).
7. Zippo, Audi, Dofasco and Dakota Mining (Zip Audi Do-Da).
8. Fed-Ex and UPS (Fed-Up).
9. Honeywell, Imasco and Home Oil (Honey, I'm Home).
10. Knott's Farms and the National Organization of Women (Knott NOW).

" ' "

.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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