Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter Since 1995

Aviation Memorabilia Newsletter

Since 1995

.                                              |
T H E                         _| TCA |_       
_|\| AIR |/|_            
N E T L E T T E R                 >  CANADA   <

Number 449   Feb 14 , 2000  We 1st Published in October 1995

Chief Pilot  - Vesta Stevenson   -    Co-pilot  - Terry Baker

<NEW>   e-mail address is:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This Netletter is dedicated to Air Can Can and away we go! <G>

As you may have already noticed    WE HAVE CHANGED OUR NAME.
To just plain


<NEW>  Our joint e-mail address is NOW: 

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please change your Address Books.



Today marks the beginning of a new history for Air Canada and Canadian
Airlines. The first-ever joint summer schedule of our airlines is now
being loaded into our Computer Reservation Systems. It's exciting, and
it's different from anything we've ever done before, and it'll put us
solidly on the path to become a truly global player in the airline

The summer schedule changes are big, for they affect virtually every
facet of the airlines - fleet, routes, and employees - but this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we just can't afford to miss! Over the
years, our two carriers have overlapped in too many areas to allow for
world class levels of profitability. By flying to identical
destinations, within minutes of one another, we've both had too many
empty seats. Consequently, we've both missed many opportunities to
deploy our assets more profitably.

This will end with the new schedule. By looking at the two fleets as one
integrated network, we've designed a schedule that will use our combined
strengths where they count the most. Rather than looking at what's
traditionally been red or blue, we're thinking of everything as green
and putting the right plane on the right route at the right time and
frequency. It's quite a change but it's our gateway to a phenomenal

I'm aware this decision concerns many employees and customers but the
bottom line is, it makes the most sense. Not only does T1 provide better
connection times for customers, baggage, crews, and cargo, and better
aircraft towing logistics, it also costs significantly less than T3.
Making T3 useable, as an international facility would cost almost double
what the T1/T2 renovations combined will be. In addition, we could never
duplicate the benefits of T1 in T3, but we can make T1 a more far more
appealing environment for customers and employees. When we occupy T1, it
will be on an exclusive basis, so don't be concerned about crowded check-
ins, or any of the problems traditionally linked to T1 as the GTAA plans
to invest in the building. Please remember that this is a temporary
move. The countdown has begun for phase-one of "Terminal New" which we
should be moving into starting mid-2003. In the meantime, we're working
with the GTAA on upgrading many of the customer and employee facilities
at T1.

All together, these are big challenges, but given our track record I
believe they'll work! Each and every one of us has a key role to play to
make this new Air Canada a huge success story. Obviously, some
significant labour and employee issues lie ahead of us and over the next
weeks and months we will need to work closely together.

A key indicator that we're on the right track can be found on the stock
market pages of the newspapers. Although share prices can be volatile,
the significant rise in our stock price in the last few days shows that
the market likes what we're doing! Our commitment to move forward with
Canadian Airlines is being received by our stakeholders very positively,
and if there's one thing we learned through the whole Onex process, it's
to take care of the concerns of the shareholder. With our stock price on
the rise it's obvious they like what they see!

There's one other point I'd like to clarify. I've been listening to your
messages on the InfoLine and one key issue crops up time and time again -
the merging of seniority lists. I want to be very clear about this. I
have no interest in forcing merged seniority lists on anyone. If the
majority of employees want it, we'll do it. But if you decide it's not
in your best interest, I'll accept that too. But I must remind you, to
achieve our dream of becoming a global trademark, as recognizable as
Nike, or Coca-Cola, we have to think of the big picture. There's no
doubt we face big challenges ahead, but I know that if we pull together
we can achieve them!

I'll be away for two weeks visiting with our investors and our stations
in Europe and in Asia so I won't be able to talk to you for the next
little while. In the meantime, I'm counting on you to stay focused on
running the operation.

Thanks, and I'll be talking to you again in a few weeks.



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Art & Swann Suffron, cow pokes in Dallas,Texas
former Dist Mgr Dallas.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Marion Sweeney, cow pokes in Calgary,AB ,too and
used to be a operations supervisor.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Gail Simms I don't know where she is? Or what she

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tom Dunsmore, lives in Mississauga (with the Indians) ex
Station Attendant

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Vera Chucko, calls Winnipeg home, even when it's

Art & Swann Suffron to the NetLetter.
- Art is one of the original Goose Bay Radio ops. He retired from AC
back in'83. His last posting was D.M. Dallas - He claims to have shot a
hole-in-one - as did Bob Affleck but since both are Wpg boys and have
lived in Texas I take their claim to fame with a grain of Salt. Bill W.

Editors Special Obituary For those who remember: Geo. Lothian Sunday,
February 13, 2000 5:50 PM George passed away about 2 PM today in the
Peace Arch hospital. He was admitted last Thurs. with pneumonia. No
arrangements are known at this time.


COMMENTS  from our readers.
Subject: 747 Dance Floor

Regarding Terry Denny and Doug Davidson's remembering the dance floor in
the upper lounge of the 747. It was definitely there and so were the
Flight Attendants in the casual lounge dresses. I had nothing to do with
putting the dance floor down or dressing the FAs but I flew on that
airplane and I have a memory of having my mouth fall open when I climbed
the stairs to be greeted by a lovely lady in a lounge dress. No piano
but everything else was there.
Russ Reynard  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(ed  Thanks for the Memories)


Wednesday March 22nd Quilchena Golf & Country Club Richmond BC.

1130 - 1230 Meet & Greet (no host bar)
1230 - 1330 Luncheon 
1330 - 1430 Special Speaker  plus Prize Draws etc.
Price $17.50 p/p by cheque to attn Don Hancock in trust,
(post date to Mar 15 OK),
address 11- 5531 Cornwall Dr. Richmond BC V7C 5N7

604-231-0359 or e mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


De plane! De plane!
Check out Canadian's B-767 in the new transitional livery. At 11:00 am
Feb 13 at Canadian's Convair Hangar at Toronto's Lester B. Pearson
International Airport, 30 Air Canada and Canadian Airlines employees
will pull the B-767 in its new transitional livery. It took several Air
Canada employees approximately 1,200 hours and 30 gallons of primer, 45
gallons of white paint, and 15 gallons of green paint to transform the

With their supervisor's permission, employees were invited to attend
Feb 13th event. Shuttle service will be available to the Convair Hangar
from Terminal 2, Gate 102.


INTERNET. Network slowness
If you experienced any slowness lately or were unable to reach all the
sites you tried, please be aware that this had nothing to do with your
local ISP, Shaw, or Telus, etc. Everyone is in the same boat.

For the past week there have been numerous denial-of-service attacks
launched against sites including Yahoo, Amazon, etc. Friday was a
particularily bad day for it.


Travel Tip
Remember to bring along duct tape to repair a strap, a ripped seam , to
shut out a draft, and silence your travelling companion, repair your
luggage. An easy way to carry duct tape is to wrap a few layers of it
around your water bottle.


TRAVEL  queries from a reader

I am interested in going to Barbados at the end of the month. I am very
familiar with the St Lawrence Gap area but find that the water is too
rough for me and I would like to learn about reasonable accommodations
along the St.James coast {north of Bridgetown}. Do you know where can
access over the Internet accommodations for AirCanada
Kindest regards, Peg O'Toole. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Two airline check pilots were standing at the water cooler and having a
chat when one of them suddenly turned around and smashed a tiny snail on
the floor behind him.

"Why'd you do that?" asked his partner

"Darn thing has been following me around all day," said the other.

Important reminder, for all new articles, submissions and or comments
for the "The Netletter" please send to:

<NEW>  Our joint e-mail address is:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

please change your Address Books.
This e-mail address has been set up so that both of us (exclusively)
will get an automatic copy and can keep up with the continuity of news
for the netletter.
.  That's it for this time, please we need your input, send
comments and email addresses of any others who may be
interested to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing of 'the NetLetter" is courtesy of Alan Rust administrator of
the "AC Family Network" at: http://www.acfamily.net

---Todays is 02/14/00---in Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada,
an island in the Pacific Ocean.



NetLetter Subscription
