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Newsletter #1316 | March 14, 2015} |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
Hello , |
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies. The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter. We've just upgraded to a new mailing system and website so many new features will soon be added.
ACFN/NetLetter Update - We're Back!
This is the first issue of the NetLetter using a new look and feel, a new mailing program and a new server. We had quite a bit of downtime attempting to get this launched as the last issue was NetLetter #1315 and it was just a partial issue sent on February 15, 2015 (nearly a month ago).
We will be re-issuing NetLetter #1315 soon with the original content that was supposed to be there.
For those that have recently donated, we will also be acknowledging your contributions both in an email and on our new website. We haven't abandoned you! New features will be added as well and this wil be announced in this place in upcoming issues.
Thanks for subscribing to the NetLetter.
Women in Aviation
This area was created to highlight Women in Aviation and the various participation and contributions women have made to aviation history worldwide.
Although women have flown since 1908, nearly all of them were restricted to general aviation, i.e. private planes, or support jobs, (prior to the 1970s). However, times have changed and women have now gained full access to military and commercial cockpits, as well as the Space Shuttle and other aerospace technology.

Eight United Air Lines hostesses in front of a Boeing Model 80 built in 1928 |
Reader Submitted Photos
ACRA System Golf Tournament - November 22nd, 2013
1st low net - Station Rep Division won by Colin Budgell |
1st low gross - Station Rep Division won by Grant Foster (YWG) |
1st low net - Ladies Division won by Carolyn Bennett (YYT) |
1st low gross - Ladies Division won by Debbie Brady (YYC) |
1st low gross - Seniors Division won by Brian Carroll |
1st Low net - Seniors Division won by Gerry Berrigan (YQM). |
1st Low Gross, Super Seniors won by Ron Castelli (LAX |
1st Low Net - Guest Division won by Jim Jamieson |
Air Canada News

- Air Canada leased ex-Thomas Cook A320 (1787) with CFM56s from Macquarie AirFinance.
- Chorus Aviation, parent of Jazz Aviation, has finalized its amended capacity purchase agreement (CPA) with Air Canada and placed an order for 13 firm Bombardier Q400 NextGen aircraft valued at $424 million plus 10 options.
- Air Canada rouge plans to begin daily Hamilton-Calgary on June 27, 2015 (A319)
- Air Canada has reached a tentative collective agreement with UNITE Union for the airline’s UK-based workforce. UNITE represents approximately 200 Air Canada concierge service, cargo and clerical staff based in the UK.
- On February 4, 2015, Air Canada reached a tentative collective agreement with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) for the airline’s US-based workforce.
- Air Canada is looking at flying Toronto-Atlantic City. It would be the second commercial airline to serve Atlantic City along with Spirit Airlines. (Source ATW Daily News)

TCA/AC People Gallery
Below we have musings from the"Between Ourselves" and "Horizons" magazine, Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications from years gone by, as well from as from other various in-house publications.
The NetLetter has been fortunate enough to have some of our readers donate vintage Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada publications (from as far back as 1941) to share with you. These have been scanned and are being prepared for presenting in a special area of the ACFamily Network for archival and genealogy research.
- 1970 - Feb - The first Air Canada flights to operate the Airbus A320 began with flights AC401/404/409/454/459 and 424. (source Rampage issue Oct 1969)
- 1979 - fall - 18 DC-8 charters operated an airlift for refugees from Kuala Lumpur to Canada.
From "Horizons" magazine - Issued December, 1972
The company had arranged with Haas Turner, a U.S. investment group, to lease two Lockheed L-1011 TriStars in a contract to run 15 years. Under the agreement, the investment group will lease the two L-1011's to the Company during the summer months and to Eastern Airlines during the winter.
The agreement was the first of its kind in the industry, and provided both airlines with additional capacity during their peak traffic periods. The company took delivery of the two TriStars during May 1973 and operated them until October of that year, when they will be turned over to Eastern Airlines who will operate them November through April. This sequence was repeated for several years. Here we have a photo on C-FTNA in Eastern colours.
Extracted from "Horizons" magazine - Issue dated August, 1979
March 17, 1980 will mean much more than a wearing of the green for a Computer & Systems Services project team in Toronto. That is the date when RESERVIA. the electronic reservations system developed by C & SS for VIA Rail will become operational. In this photo we have the programming teams in Toronto.
Seated clockwise from the left are: Hans Peters, Terry Liew, Raymond Hui, Patrick Chau, Alan Campbell, David Kriger, Marion Heard, Judi Loat, Sylvia Hennig, Yet-Boon Cha, Ban Nguyen, Henry Li, Joyce Kubin, Adel Shoucri, Jacob Kwon, Willy Sun, Marg Smith and Bob O'Toole. |
Shown with Rosemary Taylor, standing, is the other part of the programming staff. Seated clockwise from the left: David Dalton, Charles Chow, Sen Cheng, Jim Wert, Raymond Lee, Michelle Walker, Betty Kipling, Bob McQuaid, Rob Buckley, Judy Hyslop, Ivan Schneiderman, Jackie Murdock, Herb Wheeler, Hrvoje Lukatela, Ted Granofsky, Bruce Castator, Kern Deorksen and Bill Tracz. |
Now that the excitement of the Canadian Lancaster flying in formation with the UK Lancaster has died down, we thought you may want to read about the history of the Canadian Lancaster -
Extracted from the "Horizons" magazine Issued July 1979 -
Lancaster to fly again. Getting a 33-year.old Lancaster bomber flying again after being grounded for years is going to be a difficult and expensive proposition, but Canadian Warplane Heritage Inc. (CWH ) is ready to meet the challenge. And what a challenge it is going to be!
The Lancaster was one of 430 Lancaster’s built by Victory Aircraft at Malton during the later stages of WWII and did not enter service in the RCAF until 1946. After modification in 1952, it was assigned to 107 Rescue Unit at Torbay. Newfoundland. There it continued its career until 1964 when it was one of the last four Lancaster 10(SR) aircraft to be retired from RCAF service. The Goderich, Ontario Legion purchased it to serve as a war memorial and it sat on a pedestal outside the legion branch for 14 years. Unfortunately, corrosion and vandalism had taken their toll and the legion found the aircraft's upkeep an expensive proposition. lt was purchased for $10.000 by the Sully Foundation (named after First World War pilot John Sully) and presented to the CWH organization.
The organization was formed in 1973 to collect and restore Second World War and other old aircraft with much of the work done by the group's 250 members who pay $100 a year for membership.
They soon found out what a tremendous task they were faced with when they tried to start the engines and discovered that they were time-expired. Replacing them, as well as installing new wiring, hydraulics, guns and gun turrets and other numerous bits and pieces will cost some $140,000 and the association is looking for individual and corporate benefactors. (This story will be concluded in NetLetter nr 1317 - eds)

CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
- Jan 31st - Los Angeles and San Francisco City Ticket Office closed.
- Feb 15th - Amsterdam sales office closed due to low sales volumes.
Gleaned from the "Info Canadi>n" magazine Issue dated December 1990.
In December 1990, Canadian employees in Auckland, Canadian's southern most destination, wished everyone "up North" a happy holiday season. (Unfortunately, the photo was not accompanied with names - would anyone make any suggestions? - eds)
During December 1990, it was announced that PWA Corporation is consolidating its regional airline holdings into a new subsidiary management company called Canadian Regional Airlines Ltd„ which will comprise Time Air, Calm Air, Ontario Express, and Air Atlantic. Murray Sigler, PWA Corporation's executive vice president, will act as chief executive officer of Canadian Regional Airlines.
Canadian Softball Getting a ball team organized, there were two Canadian Airlines softball tournaments planned for 1991. That year's events were held in Tampa April 15-18 and Honolulu Nov. 11-15. Individuals or teams interested in participating had contacted Marko Generalovic or Frank Caira at YYZAP. The 1990 Honolulu tournament brought together 400 players from 30 teams representing 12 airlines including our Toronto Sluggers.
From left, rear, Frank Caira, Joe Massaro, Keith Lawes, Marko Generalovic, Terry Wheeler,front, Lloyd Nolan, Joyce Finlay, Jane Abel, Karen Thorvaloson, Trish Mennie, and Ron Dulko.
The triumphant T3 team! The T3 project has been a labor of love for the project members involved in bringing Canadian's dream to reality over the past three years. Project team members included, front from left, Dave Honnet, construction manager; Barbara Stewart, manager, customer service; Cathy Wildgoose, manager, communication and promotion; Greg Devitt, manager, baggage systems; Clarence Critch, manager, operations; and back from left, Bob McCuaig, project manager; Bob Petryk, Terminal 3 Project; Deborah Acheson, facilities planning manager. Missing from the photo were Paul Ritchi manager, airside operations; and Murray Tremblay, customer service manager.
Alan's Space
(Submitted by Gretchen Dawson)
So you're running late for your flight, you rush up to the counter and then...

(Click on image for video)
Readers Feedback
Brian Colgan sent us this url which has information of early days at YVR showing TCA aircraft. Follow this link for more information. Information regarding the "Rocket" which used to be at the entrance to YVR was the subject in NetLetter nr 1006 issued January 19th, 2008.
Tony Walsh sends us this information - Go to page 32 of the Canadian Aviation Nov – Dec edition in this link to see my FaceBook friend and CWH Lanc’s Ground Crew member – Lisa Sharp’s nice article on the meaning of her visit to Middleton St. George reunion - 2014 the site of the Mynarski Memorial Statue and the MSG RCAF 6-Groups Lancaster Bomber base for her Granddad’s 419 and my Dad’s 428 and 420 Lanc Squadrons. This includes a bit about the return from Germany of a piece of a crashed MSG based Lanc and one of its survivors. There is also a short following item on the 2-lanc tour. See: www.canadianaviator.com/nov-dec-2014/html5/
Betty Draper has sent us this article dated March 1939 - Familiarization flights for "students" in the air hostess school being conducted in Winnipeg by Trans-Canada Air Lines began Wednesday when eight of the hostesses boarded a TCA plane bound for Toronto. They were under the supervision of Miss Lucille Garner, chief stewardess.
On Saturday, a similar flight over the western leg of the route had taken place when eight more of the hostesses in charge of Miss Pat Eccleston, a former Vancouver girl who is assisting at the school, flew from Winnipeg through Regina and Lethbridge, to Vancouver and returned east on Sunday.
Sunday afternoon another group of eight, in charge of Lucille Garner, former Regina girl, arrived a few hours late after their ship was held at Lethbridge because of uncertain weather. They will leave Vancouver Monday night. These girls have already made the trip between Winnipeg and Montreal.
Odds and Ends
A Lockheed Super Star Constellation, one of only 44 ever built, is expected to roll out of a hangar in Auburn, Maine, sometime this year, after a seven-year restoration effort, the Boston Globe reported this week. The airplane, built in 1957, was bought at auction in December 2007 by a nonprofit arm of the Lufthansa airline, and reportedly up to $60 million so far has been spent on the project.
From the YVR e-magazine December 2014 A list of the greatest Canadian inventions made the rounds of mainstream and social media last month, timed to coincide with Canada Day. It's an impressive line-up. Some inventions are noble and life-changing: Insulin, Sonar, the electron microscope. Others are great fun: Ice Hockey, Five Pin Bowling, Imax. Still others are just plain delicious: Coffee Crisp, The Bloody Caesar Cocktail, Peanut Butter, McIntosh Apples.
But it's this practical invention that really elicits a mouth-watering response from us airport types: The Baggage Tag.
Moncton, New Brunswick native John Michael Lyons patented the world's first "separable coupon ticket" on June 5, 1882. In its early form, baggage tags were used for rail travel and consisted of a piece of perforated paper with the station, destination and number printed or written upon them. The upper half was attached by a strap to the piece of luggage, while the lower half went to the passenger.
Since its inception, a lot has changed with this humble workhorse of the travel industry. Today, tags are printed thermally and feature barcodes read by automatic tag readers to enable automated sorting and delivery to the correct aircraft through airports' complex baggage belt systems. And in keeping with the self-service check-in trend pioneered at YVR, many of today's bag tags are printed by travelers themselves. In fact, in 2012 YVR passengers printed a whopping 1.3 million baggage tags from kiosks in our check-in areas.
That's an average of 3,800 tags every single day.
Let's raise a spicy Caesar to Mr. Lyons and his indispensable invention.
Terry's Trivia & Travel Tips

Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you our readers to peruse.
Dress code for "PWA Flghtlines" magazine issue January 1987.

The UK airline industry is uniting behind the British Air Transport Association (BATA) to call for air passenger duty (APD) to be abolished across the UK during the next Parliament.
Larry Milberry, Publisher, CANAV Books tells us that some new books on aviation are available and invites readers to view the following web sites for details. Find CANAV on the web at: www.canavbooks.com and www.canavbooks.wordpress.com
Dubai International Airport has become the world's busiest airport for international passengers overtaking London Heathrow Airport when year-end figures for Dubai were released on January 27th., 2015.
Dubai processed over 71 million passengers in 2014. These are all international passengers, as no domestic United Arab Emirates (UAE) traffic uses Dubai International. London Heathrow recorded 68.1 million international passengers for 2014, although in terms of total passenger numbers it remains ahead of Dubai International, as a further 5.3 million domestic passengers passed through its terminals. The 73.4 million passenger total was up 1.4% on 2013.
There are airports elsewhere in the world that have higher numbers of total passengers- Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson and Beijing Capital airports - but these handle a higher proportion of domestic passengers.
Heathrow is increasingly capacity-constrained by its two runways. Successive UK governments over the past 40 years have failed to increase capacity in the crowded southeastern corner of the UK, whether by building a completely new hub or by allowing new runways to be built at Heathrow or Gatwick.
Bill Wood sent in this cartoon.

Found in the "Between Ourselves" issue dated July 1943. The Co-Pilot by Ken Murray CCA
I am the co-pilot; I sit on the right, It's up to me to be quick and bright. I never talk back, for l have regrets, But I have to remember what the Captain forgets.
I make out the flight plan and study the weather, Pull up the gear and stand by to feather; Check the tanks and do the reporting, And fly the old crate while the captain is courting.
I take the readings, adjust the power, Put on the heaters when in a shower; Tell him where we are on the darkest night, And do all the bookwork without any light.
I call for my Captain and buy him cokes, I always laugh at his corny jokes; And once in a while when his landings are rusty, I always come through with: "By gosh, it's gusty."
All in all, I'm a general stooge As I sit on the right of the man I call "Scrooge." I guess you think that is past understanding, But maybe someday he will give me a landing.
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