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NetLetter #1319 | May 17, 2015 |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
Hello , |
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter. |
Upcoming Events
Calgary ACRA hosts the 22nd Annual Lobster Party on June 6, 2015. This year’s event will be held at Thorncliffe Greenview Community Association.
Tickets are $50 for ACRA members and $60 for non-members. You can purchase tickets from Al Barbaro, Dan Dubuc, Norm Kneeshaw, Geoff Nicholas or Lorie Hyrnkiw. For more information check the Facebook events page: www.facebook.com or contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ACRA Softball Tournament in Las Vegas May 26 – 28. Full details can be found on the ACRA webpage at www.acra.ca

Registration Cut off date has been extended to Friday, June 5, 2015! Open to non-Pionair Members as well this year...

Mark your calendars! The Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) will be holding its 52nd National Convention and Annual General Meeting in Hamilton, Ontario, on 17-21 June 2015 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel.
For complete details, please visit www.cahs.ca/convention-2015
ACFN/NetLetter News
We are still making progress with re-building the NetLetter web site as well as the ACFamily Network. For those that had asked about the ACFN Photo Gallery, it is being rebuilt as well. This all takes time and although we are making progress, we'd like it to be moving a bit faster.
Luckily, we now have another volunteer to assist us. Wayne Albertson, who has completed 35 years of service with Air Canada, has kindly offered to assist in rebuilding both the NetLetter and the ACFN web sites. He already has experience with this as he also helped to rebuild the Pionairs web site in the past year. More news on this coming up soon.
Terry Baker, Wayne Albertson and myself will be attending the 2015 Vancouver Pionair's Spring Luncheon on Thursday, May 28, 2015 and hope to see some of you there. You can register until May 20, 2015.
Thanks for subscribing to the NetLetter.
Women in Aviation
Abbotsford Event Sets World Precedent – 1741 Girls Fly Free
Over 9,800 participants attend hands-on aviation & aerospace discovery event for women by Kirsten Brazier, former Air BC employee
For the third time in four years The Sky’s No Limit – Girls Fly Too! annual aviation and aerospace outreach events have set a new worldwide precedent for the largest outreach event of its kind ever held. On March 7-8, 2015 over 9,800 females and their families from around Southwestern BC and beyond gathered at the Abbotsford International Airport for an exciting free outreach event.
Among many unique attractions was the opportunity to experience the thrill of flying - females of all ages who hadn’t flown in a small aircraft before were invited to register in advance for a free helicopter ride.


For more information visit: www.girlsfly2.ca | www.facebook.com | www.twitter.com
The Pima Air & Space Museum has unveiled its new 'Women in Flight' exhibit, commemorating the achievements of women aviators over the past century.
Reader Submitted Photos
Robert Arnold has sent us this information -
This is a 1/24 scale Viscount Cutaway model of CF-TGI. It was made by the Westway Company located in the UK which made professionally built models for the airline industry. The wingspan is 47 inches long and the fuselage is 40 inches long. The base alone is about 17 by 10 by 12 inches high and weighs about 30 pounds.
What makes this model so unique is that it is a "White Top" version. Most Viscount models of this size that were made for TCA, emulated the earlier 40 passenger, 1954 bare metal version of CF-TGI. The seating configuration of this model has also been changed to reflect the new 44 seat layout with a more modern selection of fabric colours. Based on the history of the "White Top" and the "44 seat configuration", I would put this model as being made sometime in early 1957.
Air Canada News
JAZZ AIR (Air Canada) plans to begin four-times-weekly Toronto-Atlantic City, NJ flights (using Q400 equipment) on May 22, 2015
TCA/AC People Gallery

Looking back.
- The first flight (experimental) from Moncton to Montreal was November 1st, 1939.
- The first scheduled westbound passenger flight from Moncton was February 15th, 1940 under the command of Capt. J.D.Storey.
- The first TCA Lodestar to arrive at Moncton was on March 11th, 1941 under the command of Capt. R.F.George.
- First scheduled Lockheed L10 to arrive at Patricia Bay Airport, Victoria under the command of Capt. Don Brady, with First Officer Norman Ramsay and Stewardess Mina Wood. Victoria became the western terminus of TCA's transcontinental system.
Located in the "Between Ourselves" magazine - Issued October 1959
As a result of an article in NetLetter nr 1301 regarding the new office uniforms worn by the ladies in Toronto District Sales and Reservations from "Between Ourselves" issued March 1959, we spotted this photo of the Reservations Office ladies in Edmonton who decided to follow the Toronto example and wear uniforms. Modeling the navy, blue serge skirt and jacket being worn are, from the left: Dorothy Baker, Glorio Irving, Lois Barry, Esther Chow, Betty Ashdown, Lorna Edwards, Barbara Park and Joanne Switzer.
An arch technical feat is this main hangar in the Dorval Maintenance and Overhaul base. In nearing completion in 1959, the 815 foot long, 110 foot high structure was believed, at the time, to be the largest single cantilever project in the continent and will accommodate five DC-8 aircraft. The facilities were to be ready to accommodate TCA's first DC-8. Construction of the base, to cover 18 acres of the 84 acre site, commenced on September 1st, 1958. |
Maintenance instructors who attended a four week course at the Douglas plant are seen checking the schematic of the DC-8 air-conditioning equipment with Douglas Instructor Irv Bordihn. They are, from the left: Ed Mullan, Bordihn, Dave Ramsay, Bert Smith, Fred Fish, Ed Lewis, Phil Pawsey and Reg Gifkin.
Denoting co-operation between Union and Management, this sign was placed behind the head table at the 20th anniversary dinner of Airline Lodge 714, held in Winnipeg during September 1959. Showing 20 years of progress, the billboard was painted by Jim Eaton of the paint shop in Winnipeg. |
The first union to be organized in TCA, known as Airline Lodge 714, International Association of Machinists, (IAM) celebrated its 20th anniversary September 1959. To mark the occasion, a dinner was held at the Royal Alexandra Hotel in Winnipeg.
Winnipeg is the historic starting point of Airline Lodge 714 in 1939 and although the celebration was held in Winnipeg, the membership, spread throughout the world, acknowledged the growth that had accompanied the efforts of the organizers and sustainers over the 20 year period. The first formal agreement was signed February 25th, 1941, with effectiveness of the 1st day of February, 1941.
Three of the original 29 charter members of Lodge 714, who attended the anniversary celebrations. Talking over Union business with the three veterans is W. Winpisinger, of the International Union on the right. The charter members left to right are: Jim Toby and Harry Walberg of Inspection and Ed Kiely of Viscount Overhaul.
Star Alliance News
 Star Alliance member SAS Scandinavian Airlines and Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways are set to begin codeshare operations between Scandinavia and the United Arab Emirates.
United Airlines will begin distribution of iPhone 6 Plus to its more than 23,000 mainline flight attendants during the second quarter of 2015. Plans include replacing the flight attendants’ printed safety manual with an electronic version on their iPhones and providing real-time reporting and improved follow up on aircraft cabin issues and repairs. Additionally, The deployment of iPhone 6 Plus for United flight attendants follows the airline’s deployment of iPads to pilots beginning in 2011 in a move toward creating paperless aircraft and flight decks. United has renewed the iPad pilot program with iPad Air 2. (Source: United Airlines)
The opening of London Heathrow Terminal 2 in June 2014 marked a new phase in choreographed, mutually beneficial relationships between airports and their airline customers. Called the Queen’s Terminal, it is a dedicated Star Alliance facility. This forward-thinking project was highly ambitious, involving a five-year $3.8 billion upgrade. The new terminal is now home to 23 Star Alliance airlines and three codeshare partners—which represent over 20 percent of the airport’s.
TAP Portugal pilots announced a 10-day strike beginning May 1 TAP Portugal’s Pilots Union SPAC has announced a 10-day strike from May 1 to protest the ongoing privatization process.
Alan's Space
First Vickers Vanguard Delivered To Trans-Canada Air Lines (1960)
Location: Wisley Airfield, Surrey, England, Great Britain
Story about the delivery of the first of twenty-three Vanguard aeroplanes to Trans-Canada Air Lines
- Two LS Luggage going aboard the Vickers Vanguard aircraft. CU. Notice, "Flight 0000". CU. Sign on side of aircraft "TCA" set in maple leaf. MS. Captain George Lothian TCA. Superintendent of Flying and Captain R. Rymer, Vickers-Armstrong senior experimental test pilot standing together beneath wing of plane. LS. Capt. Lothian and Capt. Rymer standing by propellor of plane shaking hands.
- LS. Capt. Lothian and Capt. Rymer enter plane, together with others. LS. Men entering plane. CU. Capt. Lothian and Capt. Rymer seated in cockpit looking at controls, etc.
- LS. Vickers Vanguard, with people standing round in fg LS. Tail of the Vanguard. LS. Body of the Vanguard, showing Trans-Canada Air Lines on side. LS. Members of TCA and Vickers-Armstrong posing on steps of plane, they turn and enter plane. LS. Steps fold up automatically into aircraft. MS. Door of aircraft closes. LS. Propellors of aircraft start up. LS. Vickers Vanguard taxis for take off. LS. Vanguard takes off and disappears into distance.

CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery

Gleaned from the "PWA-Flightlines" magazine - Issue dated March 1986.
Meet some of the PWA SOC staff in 1986. SOC was initially set up in Vancouver by Ken Gray and Ed Pazzot in 1974 and moved to CAB in August 14th, 1984. Here are some of the staff.
Readers Feedback
Bob MacCallum refers to NetLetter nr 1315 -
In regard to the comments from Tony Walsh in regard to Type II fluids. This product was phased out many years ago and is now Dow UCAR Type IV fluid used as Anti ice fluid after De-icing with Type I fluids. - Bob MacCallum
Karin Fulcher has sent us this family bio -
A few weeks ago you did a great article about a flying family and I wrote saying that the "boys" in my family comprise 3 generations of aviators also. My father in law Victor Henry Fulcher learned to fly in the 1930's and for a while gave "barnstorming" rides to paying passengers along with his friend and business partner Rene Giguere. Here they are pictured at Winnipeg in 1938. |
This scanned page from The Gazette, a Montreal newspaperdated December 17th, 1948 annouces Vic Fulcher's promotion to director of traffic procedure. Vic had joined TCA in 1938 working in Traffic Management, when it was first organized, as secretary to the general traffic manager and later as office manager, until 1944 , when he was named assistant to the general traffic manager. In 1947 he was made general supervisor of methods. Vic stayed with TCA/Air Canada in management positions until 1963 when he retired from Air Canada.
My husband Bob learned to fly in the late 50's - loading baggage on the ramp in Montreal with Air Canada to pay for flying lessons at Cartierville Airport.
Bob went on to fly in Northern Quebec, Labrador and Greenland before joining Canadian Pacific Airlines in 1962. Bob was a line pilot and management pilot for many years finally retiring from the Boeing 747 in late 1996 after he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He died in April 2006.
Our son William learned to fly before he was 14 - first on ultralights - soloing on his 14th birthday. This photo shows William with his instructor Todd Fleury.
Then he went on to Cessna’s at the Boundary Bay Flying Club where he soloed on his 16th birthday - making him, for a brief period, "the youngest pilot in Canada" !! He is now a training captain with Sky Regional, flying the Embraer 175 out of Toronto International Airport.

He is married to his high school sweetheart Cheryl, an IFR controller at Pearson, and they have two boys Mason 6, and Remy 1, and live in Caledon. I wonder whether either of his two boys will continue the tradition, and if so - what kind of flying machines may be in the air at that time!!
I so enjoy the NetLetter!! Thanks for all the work you do putting it together for each issue. - Karin Fulcher
(We would welcome any other "flying families" out there who would like to share their stories - eds)
George Brien, refers to the Christmas issue of the NetLetter with this comment -
Many thanks for this great issue. I was excited to download the January, 1946 Between Ourselves. This was only 7 years before I had joined TCA so many of the names and even faces were familiar.
Under the entry from Kap. was a picture of James Moore who was a best friend down in Yarmouth NS in later years. Although this picture was taken 70 years ago, my wife even identified it. A great look back into the early history of TCA and I can’t wait until more copies are available. Keep up the good work.
Cheers, George Brien
Odds and Ends
Bill Grenier recently released his book "From Miles to Millions" and sent us this information -
Well in the first year of publication we have won a Bronze medal for that publication. Just a reminder that all proceeds go to aviation scholarships. Sharon and I will be going to New York at the end of May to attend the ceremony and to pick up the medal. I understand there were over 6000 entries but of course the many categories reduce that to several hundred per category.
It is nice to know that the effort that goes into the writing and publishing is worthy of some independent review and acclaim. From the positive feedback I got from all of you, it seems it has been well received. My thanks to you all. SBN 978-0-9937764-0-3 www.billgrenier.com
Betty Draper sends another article from The Leader-Post issued January 18th., 1939
- Noise to tell flyers location.
"Squawking" area over Radio Range stations planned. Possible revision of part of the radio range system that guides Trans-Canada Air Lines planes across the continent was indicated by Commander C.P.Edwards, chief of Airways services of the department of transport at Ottawa, who was in Regina recently.
Instead of the "cone of silence" directly above the present range stations, which indicates to the pilot that he is over the range, "squawker" apparatus may be installed to give a definite sound signal or light a rad bulb on the plane's instrument board, commander Edwards said. "That cone of silence idea is very poor engineering" he said. "The pilot doesn't want something to stop happening... like the range signals... he wants something to start happening, like a squawk in the signals or a light on the instrument panel."
One such marker beacon... as the "squawkers" are called officially... has been built about 50 miles east of Vancouver, to indicate to the pilot that he has safely cleared the Rocky Mountains and can start coming down for the Vancouver landing." Those marker beacons are the real thing" Commander Edwards asserted. "They throw a definite sound signal, light a bulb, and do almost everything but play the national anthem. The pilot knows without a shadow of doubt that he is where he is, and can put his mind to other matters."
The squawkers throw an upward radio beam, spreading out and creating a beam 15 miles wide and three miles across at 10,000 feet. The type which may be installed on the regular radio range towers would be a little different... they would throw a cone-like upward beam, with the apex on the ground and at 10,000 feet provide a "squawk circle" about a mile in diameter right over the range station.
Present experimental plans call for possible construction of marker beacons only in the regions where obstructions occur, like the mountains east of Vancouver. After that, they may be extended to include all range stations. It took two years to adequately test any such new development, Commander Edwards said. All the new apparatus had to operate through every season twice to prove its dependability and to give pilots an opportunity to form a definite opinion as to their value.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Air Canada teens can travel abroad-apply today for Summer 2015. Do you want your child to travel abroad, learn about a new culture, further their foreign language skills, and have the experience of a life time? Teens of airline families can make this dream a reality with the help of International Youth Exchange (IYE), an innovative program that has matched more than 5000 teens during the past 20 years To learn more about IYE, visit www.intlyouth.org
If you are travelling standby on a flight and don’t get on, gate agents will confirm with employees before transferring their names to the next flight. Ensure you are available at the gate to confirm your preference as the system does not automatically transfer the standby list.
More about my secondment work in Antigua started in NetLetter nr 1318 - While I was in Antigua, a team of UK engineers arrived to do spar changes on the HS148's which were suffering from salt damage and fatigue due to the high number of landings the aircraft were doing. I finally got some things going to keep this group occupied during their off duty hours, such as bowling at the US base, games of darts, cricket, soccer, golf and windjammer cruises - all good fun! Of course the guys enjoyed it best when the Yacht week was held, and most of the girls went topless.
I did manage to get my family down there for a week while I was there - all paid for!
I would return to Montreal at each months end on a Friday returning Monday, and, naturally, only travelled with a briefcase - such fun when the customs officer would ask me how long I had been in Antigua, 'One month' I would reply, 'then sir your suitcase will be on the carrousel'. I would argue black was blue sometimes before convincing them that I had all my possessions in my briefcase.
Finally - I do recall on my last trip through Toronto, I was taking some give-aways for the staff and my ticket was not available at the BWIA desk. I made a phone call back to my office in YUL and got it sorted out just as I heard the final call for the flight, I grabbed my briefcase which, unfortunately, was unlocked and spilled everything onto the floor, some of the give-aways were AC mail openers and these went skittering across the concourse - such an embarrassment gathering this stuff up and people knowing I was going on an aircraft with such lethal looking items!
When I finally got to the check-in desk I was handed a first class boarding pass and the agent had a smirk on his face.
The conclusion is in NetLetter nr 1320 – eds)
Aviation Humour
Nattanya Anderson sends us this cartoon with a suggestion for new seats in the front office of aircraft in view of a recent rather unfortunate incident.
Did I read that sign right? Toilet out of order. Please use floor below.
In a laundromat: Automatic washing machines: please remove all your clothes when the light goes out.
In a London department store: Bargain basement upstairs.
In an office: Would the person who took the step ladder yesterday please bring it back or further steps will be taken.
In an office: After tea break staff should empty the teapot and stand upside down on the draining board.
Outside a second hand shop: We exchange anything - bicycles, washing machines, etc. why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain?
Notice in health food shop window: Cosed due to illness.
Spotted in a safari park: (I sure hope so) Elephants, please stay in your car
Seen during a conference: For anyone who has children and doesn't know it, there is a day care on the 1st floor.
Notice in a farmer's field: The farmer allows walkers to cross the field for free, but the bull charges.
Message on a leaflet: If you cannot read, this leaflet will tell you how to get lessons.
On a repair shop door: We can repair anything. (please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn't work)
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