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NetLetter #1324 | July 30, 2015 |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
C-FKCR Air Canada Airbus A320-211 (YUL)
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Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter. |
Women in Aviation
On the 9th July 1918, Katherine Stinson operated the first airmail flight in western Canada from Calgary to Edmonton
Air Canada News
Beginning in summer 2015, new non-stop service year-round service between Montreal and Lyon, France and new seasonal Air Canada rouge service between Toronto and London’s Gatwick airport.
HAECO Cabin Solutions has been awarded a comprehensive fleet modification program by Air Canada. The Boeing 777 Dream Cabin program will include complete design engineering, certification and installation of new aircraft interiors on 18 of the airline’s 777-200s and -300s. The first aircraft will be inducted for installation in September. (source ATW MIRO digest)
Air Canada will launch Boeing 787-8 Vancouver-Brisbane service beginning June 17, 2016.
Non-stop service between Toronto and Abbotsford commenced on Air Canada Rouge, Saturday June 27th 2015 under the command of Capt. James Jeffrey Martin. Service with A319 equipment will operate daily until October 12th., 2015.
Reader Submitted Photos
Carol Vickers, whose career was spent as a Customer Sales and Service Agent at both Terminals 1 & 2 in YYZ has sent us some photos taken by her ex-husband Station Attendant Robert Colamatt of the DC-8 CF-TIJ c/n 45962 fin 822 which caught fire during the refueling at Toronto (YYZ) on June 22nd, 1973.
There were two injuries and, fortunately, no fatalities.
Per Christensen sends us this - My son came up with a new Father's Day present this year, a "collectable" Douglas DC-4 model of the old "Empress of Vancouver", Canadian Pacific Airlines 1949.
I joined in 1956 as a Purser and it was the Logo at the time. I remember it well.
Best regards, Per Christensen
Wayne's Wings

Airbus A320
The A320 is quite possibly the most controversial fleet to ever enter service with Air Canada. Lost amid the allegations, inquiries and lawsuits is the fact that the aircraft has been a reliable performer for the past 25 years. The end of this era is now in sight with deliveries of the B737 MAX scheduled to begin 2017.
In retrospect, the acquisition of this fleet has proven to have been a sound business decision as the A320 is far more fuel efficient with a much improved turn around time over the B727 fleet that it replaced. Fourty-two aircraft of the combined Air Canada and C.A.I.L. fleets remain in service today including Fin# 201 delivered to AC in January 1990 and Fin# 401 delivered to C.A.I.L. in April 1991. Note: A319 and A321 fleets are not included in this count.
There is, however, a mystery that remains concerning the delivery of Fin # 201. Pictured here is the aircraft all decked out with earmuffs and a scarf as a symbolic welcome to Canada. The last time I saw those earmuffs was soon after the aircraft was deployed on scheduled service. I had been given task of storing them inside a double wide cargo container commonly referred to as an “Igloo”. They were made of heavy plastic and wiring and a Forklift was required to initially load them into the container followed by a lot of nip and tuck (and a some battering) before I could do up the straps to keep them in there. Does anyone know whatever happened to them? How would they look on a B737 MAX?
TCA/AC People Gallery

From the private collection of Mark Makarovsky a TCA timetable issued mid 1938. |
Found by Betty Draper in the local media "Leader" dated January 1944 -
T.C.A. planes set Atlantic record. Montreal Jan 13 - Two Lancaster’s operated by Trans-Canada Air Lines in the Canadian government transatlantic service set a new record for a Montreal to Great Britain flight it was announced.
They arrived in Great Britain early Wednesday after having respectively left here 11 hours and 16 minutes and 11 hours and 14 minutes before. The previous record set last November by a British Overseas Airways Corporation Liberator piloted by Capt. R. Allen was 11 hours and 35 minutes. The two TCA Lancaster pilots were G.B.Lothian and M.B.Barclay.
Extracted from "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated August 1943 - story by W.F.English
The first flight of the Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Air Service (CGTAS) roared eastward over the ocean on July 22nd 1943 with its TCA crew 12 hours and 26 minutes after taking to the air with official passengers and a load of mail for the Canadian Armed Forces Overseas, it had settled to runways on the other side - a new record for a non-stop trans-Atlantic flight from Montreal to Britain, bettering the old mark by 25 minutes.
Record breaking was not our aim and will not be, but the accomplished fact constituted an auspicious beginning for a service which will satisfy a great national need, 2,600 pounds of mail and three passengers were carried on the first eastbound flight. The return flight, on July 24th, brought back 3,000 pounds of mail from the Oversea Forces destined for Canadian letter boxes, and also naval, military and air force personnel.
Issue September 1943 –
TCA had been chosen to operate the new Canadian Government Trans-Atlantic Service, supplying both flight crews and maintenance personnel, the latter based at Dorval airport. Liaison officers Stan Hewett (previously Station Manager, YVR) and Noel Humphries (previously Chief Dispatcher, Montreal), are stationed at the two terminals, in Scotland and at Dorval respectively.
The first flight CF-CMS was piloted by Captain Ron George with co-pilot Captain Art Rankin. Other crew members were S/L J.R.Gilmore, Captain Jock Barclay, P.D.McTaggart-Cowan, Senior Meteorological Officer at Dorval, A.J.Blackwood, Captain Bob Smith, D.S.Florence and G.Nettleton.

CF-CMA was destroyed by fire following a take-off from Dorval at June 1st 1945 while engaged on engine trials of the new Merlin 85 engines. No casualties thankfully.
Issue May 1944
Further information on the formation of the TCARA in Halifax- Preliminary plans to complete the formation of a T.C.A.R.A. group in Halifax. Temporary self-elected committee consisted of Stew Sime, Bob Gifford, Claire Houlton and Alf Devenish. The first official meeting & dinner was planned for the Nova Scotian hotel during May. However, the official opening of the T.C.A.R.A. group was during a gala party at the Brightwood Golf Club, Dartmouth, during May.
An extract from the “Altitude” magazine - Issued June 1980 –
For the first 5 months of 1980, the activities of the Training Centre for in-flight personnel including over 500 new employees, 72 pursers, 22 F.S.D's and between 250 - 300 each month at YUL, YYZ and YVR. Here are some of the instructors - a meeting of the minds. . . Training Instructors Staff Meeting. L-R: Francoise Champagne~ Francoise Horth, Francis Oerney - Training Development Mgr., Maureen FitzgeraId, Claude Chamberland, Chantal Lepine, Micheline Perreault, Ernst Ebner, Andrea Berthiaume, Medard Leger.
Alan's Space
Home made 747
Using parts from an airplane junkyard located in the desert outside Los Angeles, this plane-lover has created an amazingly unique home for himself. Check out the tour of his unusual pad. |
CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
Extracted from "Info Canadi>n" magazine issue dated March 1992.
Team Canadian participated in the 12th annual "Wings of Friendship" Inter-Airline Table Tennis tournament in Brussels, hosted by Sabena Airlines.
The team included, from the left, Chang Poh, Mark Lim, Son Tei, Fred Hui and Stephen Yeung, all of Vancouver. The 1993 tournament was planned for Kuala Lumpur hosted by Malayasian Airlines.
The new Reservations telephone distribution system was already in place in Toronto and Vancouver. The first test of the new system in Halifax, which proved its value during a massive snow storm in January, just two days after the hook up.
The storm generated a flood of calls, handled in part by, from the left, Deirdre Hill, Phil Fairfax (Maritime Telephone), Jessie Jollimore, Liz Zareski, Nichole Hatt, Bernie Monk and Vera Scott.
Found in an Eastern Provincial Airways Stewardess Flight Attendant Brochure. Flight Attendants uniform in the 1970's (No identifications - eds)
Readers Feedback
Following the information on the A310 in NetLetter nr 1309 by David Varnes in "Readers Feedback",
Ken Pickford sends this to complete the information - Re: The Wardair A310s mentioned by David Varnes (there were 12, not 8, as you corrected further down), they were acquired by Canadian Airlines as part of their takeover of Wardair in 1989 (not 1985). Even Canadian didn't exist in 1985.
At least 8 of the ex-Wardair A310s are still in service today (7 in Canada), including the five acquired by the Canadian Armed Forces (now RCAF again). Those are designated CC-150 Polaris by the RCAF. Another two are currently with Air Transat after a variety of other operators. One has been part of the French Air Force transport/VIP fleet since 2001 after several other operators. Another was recently (as of 2013) with a charter/leasing operator in Jordan. Not sure whether it's still flying. One was scrapped in 2009 after service with half a dozen carriers, most recently in Russia. Sadly, one crashed in July 1992 after two years with Thai International Airways. It hit a mountain on approach to Kathmandu, Nepal on a flight from Bangkok, killing all 113 aboard.
(The rest of the information Ken has gathered will be in NetLetter nr 1325 – eds)
Ken Murphy refers to this photo in NetLetter nr 1322
Regarding the winter photo of YYZ in 1965 with passengers heading to aircraft, the location is T1 YYZ, probably the Gate 60 finger. It is on the north side of T1, you can see the concrete retaining wall around the approach road into the terminal, and the signage for parking or terminal. That tunnel ran between finger 1 and 6.
Ken Murphy
Michelle Daines shares this information – I am the flight attendant that became Deputy Mayor of Montreal after my car accident in the parking lot at Dorval left me without a job. I have since done so much but all of it is because Air Canada taught me to love people, the public, those that put the food on my table. I met so many wonderful people for 20 years and have endless gratitude to Air Canada.
Air Canada also allowed me to film on board for my charity for children that I formed and ran for 6 years. I have nothing but love for the Air Canada Family and when I fly on my passes I see many changes but still feel the same. It is still the best job I ever had.
Thank You/Merci "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" Michelle Daines, B.Sc.
Carol Vickers sends us this enquiry – can anyone help? Regarding the Women in Aviation article of Britt Marie Ferst in NetLetter 1322, I see she obtained her balloon licence and was first officer on the Air Canada balloon during its inaugural flight.
Might she or anyone know what became of our balloon?
Carol Vickers
Denise J.Pemberton refers to the article "Incredible inaugurations" by Frank Sayer in NetLetter nr 1323 and shares this memory.
I was reading the last letter and went through articles about Newfoundland and it brought back a funny memory I'd like to share.
I was flying as stewardess on the Vanguard back in the late 60s and, if I'm not mistaken, it was the "milk run"...510-515 into St. John's. At the airport cafeteria, we all sat down for a breakfast and the Captain ordered his with "brown toast". Well, the toast came back being white bread that was toasted, and the Captain said he had asked for brown toast. The waitress replied, "any browner than that, and it'll be burnt"!
Best wishes, Denise J.Pemberton
Odds and Ends
Here is the conclusion of the information on Percy B. Waddy sent by Phil Pawsey started in NetLetter nr 1323 -
After the war Percy flew with TCA (Air Canada) until Jean's father convinced him that he should give up "this silly flying business" and that he and Jean should take over the family farm. Percy and Jean in following that advice made a great success of it along with raising a family.
As a member of MAARC, Inc., Percy was very supportive of all the Club's endeavors. At the turn of the century, he proposed that the Club should honor its senior members who had made major contributions to Amateur Radio during the 20th Century. At a special dinner, plaques were presented to twelve long time members of the Club and Percy was delighted that his suggestion found favour and had been adopted.
When Club member Alan MacLeod, VE2FUX, flew into Moncton with the Air Canada L10A vintage aircraft, he was very pleased to have Percy come on board for a local flight. Inviting Percy to the flight deck, he handed the controls to Percy. Percy talked about that experience for a long time after. Undoubtedly, it brought back many memories of his flying days with TCA (Air Canada).
Percy's time with us was all too brief. In the very few years that went by too quickly, he made many friends and contributed much to the Club. The Club was very fortunate to have had Percy as a member. All of us who knew him enjoyed his companionship and enthusiasm as a fellow Radio Amateur.
Betty Draper has sent this article she located in the “Times Sentinal” issue May 1st 1944.
Airline pilots' union formed. Edmonton May 1st - Formation of The Canadian Air Lines Pilots' Association, (CALPA) a union of airlines and bush pilots, was announced officially over the week-end by Capt. Charles R. Robinson of Edmonton, Canadian Pacific Airlines pilot. President of the association is Capt. R.E.Hadfield of Winnipeg, Trans-Canada Air Lines pilot. Other officials are: First Vice-President, Capt. Robinson; secretary, Capt. R.J.Baker, T.C.A. pilot. Capt. Robinson said the CALPA is affiliated with the Air Lines' Pilots' association of the United States and the British Air Lines Pilots' association.
The association, he said, now is in the preliminary stages of negotiating the first major working agreement with a "large Canadian airline company".
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips

First Airport hotel opened at London Heathrow airport, England (1960)
The first hotel in the U.K. especially designed for air passengers costing 750,000 pounds opened to the public in January 1960. The four storey building was built in only eight months and officially opened by Mr. George Drew, High Commissioner for Canada. The Skyway Hotel has 160 rooms which are noise proof and centrally heated. Each has a private bath, shower, television and telephone.
The new hotel was owned and operated by Seaways Hotels Limited of Toronto.
From the T.C.A. June 1st 1948 timetable. Fares exclusive of transportation tax
- YVR-YYZ $262.35 - return
- YVR-YYJ $ 4.00 one way
- YYZ-YUL $35.15 return
- YVR-LHR $488.95 one way double less 10% for return. No taxes
- YYZ-LHR $355.57 one way double less 10% for return. No taxes
Departure fees -
- Mont-Joli QC (YYY) increased from ca$5 to ca$10 effective February 15th, 2015.
- Prince Albert, SK (YPA) will be increased from ca$10 to ca$15 effective July 15th 2015.
- Victoria BC (YYJ) increased from ca$10 to ca$15 effective June 15th 2015.
(Source Air Canada web page)
The last flight has departed from London Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 1 and the airport prepares to decommission the facility after 47 years of operation. Opened as a domestic facility in May 1968, the terminal has now been superseded by the new Terminal 2, which was built as part of an £11 billion ($17.3 billion) investment program aimed at transforming the London hub.
In March 1992, "Info Canada<n" magazine ran a Cartoonists Doodle for the “Info Canadian”.
These two were considered the best -
Don Rice a Pegasus field support analyst in Vancouver. |
Dan Fallwell manager and Sports Sales in Calgary. |
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