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NetLetter #1328 | October 11, 2015 |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
Boeing B-767 |
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Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter. |
ACFN/NetLetter News
Leased third ex-Air France A321 (3401) with CFM56s from AerCap. Is considering adding 10 A321s to ROUGE fleet (from secondary market) instead of five originally planned. Air Canada rouge will launch the following routes in 2016. Toronto-Prague May 29th until September 29th. 3 x weekly. Montreal-Casablanca, the first ever service to Africa. June 3rd until October 17th 4 x weekly. Toronto-Budapest June 10th until October 15th. 3 x weekly. Toronto-Glasgow June 13th until September 25th. 3 x weekly.
AIR CANADA says it has bought back 3.19m shares since May 29 at total cost of $36.7m
JAZZ finalized new contract with its flight attendants, represented by the Canadian Flight Attendant Union (CFAU)
In an effort to further increase its share of US-originating connecting traffic, Air Canada will offer free one-week stopovers in Toronto to US customers bound for Europe or Asia. Air Canada developed the program with Tourism Toronto, and it will be available from more than 50 U.S. cities. Customers can stop in Toronto on either side of their journey, and they can fly long-haul on Air Canada or Air Canada rouge. This plays into Air Canada’s strategy of attracting more US customers.
Reader Submitted Photos
Following up on the article in NetLetter # 1326 in “Readers Feedback” by Ken Pickford, regarding the DC-8 fire at YYZ.
Richard Fister sends this information and a couple of photos from the six he sent us - Sure did burn! Rumour that I heard was that the crew were testing/tuning the HF radios and caused a spark that set the fire off. Don't know if this was the case but there was a prohibition to test/tune the HF radios when the a/c was being fuelled. in the AOM when I flew the DC-8s.
I had a look at the current Flight Operations Manual ( "High frequency (HF) radios and weather radar shall not be operated while fuelling is in progress." I'm sure this came to be a result of 822.
Regards, Rick

Wayne's Wings
Boeing B-767
The introduction of the B-787 fleet this year brings back memories of the Boeing B-767 introduction back in 1982. Has there ever been a fleet to enter service amid more controversy?
The B-767 was developed utilizing ‘Computer-aided design’ emphasizing fuel-efficiency and the ability to fly at higher altitudes. A computerized ‘Flight Management System’ was incorporated for navigation eliminating the need for a third pilot as flight engineer.
Airlines and the public alike had concerns regarding the safety of operating a twin engine wide-body aircraft with only a two person crew across the Atlantic. We had not yet learned to trust the ‘new’ technology that is today common on all commercial aircraft.
Fears may have culminated with the “Gimli Glider’ incident on July 23, 1983, however, the heroism of the flight crew prevented any loss of life and, in retrospect, led to much improved maintenance procedures and international regulations that may be saving lives. The history of ‘Fin 604’ has been well documented (see Alan’s Space from NL # 1326) so there is no need to explore it here.
In fact, the B-767 has had a long and distinguished career of service to both Air Canada and (formerly) C.A.I.L that continues today. In particular, C-FCAB (Fin 631), C-FCAE (Fin 632), C-FCAF (Fin 633) and C-FCAG (Fin 634) were the first four of the -300ER series delivered to C.A.I.L. in the spring of 1988 and all remain in service today (renumbered 681, 682, 683 & 684 respectively) after 25 years and over 120,000 total flying hours each.
The B-767 fleet is now being gradually transferred to ‘rouge’ with new cabin configurations, exterior paint job and the addition of winglets. The fleet remains critical to future expansion of new routes within the Air Canada network.
Your comments and personal insights are always appreciated.
TCA/AC People Gallery

1940 December timetable from the private collection of Bjorn Larsson
Happenings in 1942, from the Annual Report.
1942 - May 1st - One daily service between Moncton N.B., Sydney N.S. and St. John's Newfoundland inaugurated. A second daily service added from November 1st. Service to the Yukon Territory and Alaska as deferred due to Alaska being declared as a military zone.
The fleet equipment as of years end was: 11 Lockheed 14-08, 1 Lockheed 14H and 12 Lockheed Lodestar
Located in the "Altitude" magazine issued November 1989.
In August and September we had our first ever Cabin Crew Exchange Program with Singapore Airlines. Our two airlines had just formed a marketing alliance and four of us took to the skies on-board some of Singapore Airlines flights, to Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Perth and Sydney and they handed out brochures and giveaways while answering questions about routes and destinations to publicize the agreement.
We were true ambassadors for Air Canada and our country. The assignment was a tremendous success. It was an exciting adventure for six weeks, a first-time experience for all four., and were fortunate enough to experience layovers in Sydney and Perth, Australia.
In the photo from the left: Jocelyn Barrable, Louise Mallette-Trepanier; Jocelyn St Maurice and Ardyth Cleveland shopping In the Middle East section of Singapore, on Arab street. (shopping-in-singapore.jpg)
YVR Retirements (L-R) Rudy Saretsky, FSD. Carol Ann Shilli .F/A, Tom Pender, I/C, Eileen Hegstrom, I/C, Lloyd Penner, FSD, Susie Law, F/A,and Dick Willoughby, I/C, were honoured on the occasion of their retirement at a special function attended by over 100 people in Vancouver last June. Other retirees included Dick Wilson, FSD, Isabel Rose, I/C, and Peggy Gillis, F/A
Some of the new Flight Attendants graduating during the summer of 1989 (Seated L-R): Chantal Bonneau, instructor, Chantal Desjardins, Nathalie Raymond, Carol van Heuketon, Caroline Cortopassi, Anne-Lise Ram, Kerry Wray, Pamela Capes-Williams.
(Standing L-R: Curtis Betts, Stephane Asselin, Christine Bredt, Simone Kroege,Claire Renaud, Anu Bhardwaj, Michelle Pelchat, Wayne Lambert, Bruno Ciaramicoli, instructor, Serge DeMarco.
Alan's Space
Alan is on vacation
CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
1972 - April 30th - TimeAir timetable cover. (Pictured)
1987 - April 26th – Start up of Canadian International Airlines. Pass interchangeability between Pacific Western and Air Canada was discontinued.
1990 – April 29th – Service between Quebec City and Toronto discontinued.
Found in the "Info Canadia>n" magazine
Issue dated March 1987. All PWA and CPAL flights were integrated into the Pegasus reservation system on April 26th to complete the PW switch over from Reservec. In conjunction with this exercise, 800 MDAHL 5860 and IBM 3090 computers were purchased
Issue dated September 1988
Passengers boarding the inaugural third weekly service between Sydney and Vancouver on Aug. 9th got a royal send off from staffers who went to the airport for the occasion. Among them, from left, Donna McKenzie, sales secretary and receptionist; Michael Schey,sales representative; Terry Lee, senior sales rep, commercial development; Margaret Hill, secretary to the general manager; and Antonia Stephenson, passenger agent, city ticket office.
Issue dated February 1990 - Mel Crothers penned this article
The northern runway is barely visible through the ice fog and blowing snow as Flight 414, Aircraft 752 with Captain Andre Grenier at the controls descends through 800 feet on final approach. At the tiny airport terminal, a Canadian North ramp crew unloads the cargo; working in the minus 44C weather might bean exceptional hardship in other parts of the world, but for this crew in this northern community its just another day on the job.
Early explorers called this settlement "Great Whale'' after the river on whose banks it nestles on the shore of Hudsons Bay, but it is known by two other names. The Cree call it Whapmagoostui and the lnuit call it Kuujjarapik, which is the formal name now adopted by the community. Located 700 miles north of Montreal with no road access, Kuujjarapik depends on Canadian North as its vital link to the outside world. Dressed for another day in the North is, from left, Elijah Shem, Dillon Salt and Mike Shields.
The Kuuijarapik team was a regional winner in the Guaranteed Air Cargo Contest. The Canadian North crew includes, from left, Mike Shields, Bernard Binette, EIijah Shem, and Bob McCabe. |
Readers Feedback
In “Alan’s space” your photo of the Lancaster at YUL in 1943, in NetLetter nr 1327, according to my records this particular aircraft, CF-CMZ fin 107 c/n FM186, was delivered to TCA on August 23rd 1945 sold in 1947 to Fight Refuelling in the UK registered as G-AKDR and used on the Berlin Airlift and subsequently scrapped in May 1951.
Alan answered - I got the info from the Air Canada 75th anniversary site in the header, but I was mistaken for the year of the photos as it most likely wasn't referring to the plane in the photo, just TCA's first crossing.
More pieces of history sent in by Betty Draper which is from "The Leader-Post" dated July 1943. TCA employing scores of women.
Winnipeg - Women radio operators are getting more and more in demand as the war wears on. Trans-Canada Air Lines is the latest concern to fall under the feminine spell. Shortly the air lines will start training 20 girls from all parts of Canada to take over the jobs that men are now holding down.
And this article in the “Leader-Post” dated March 1st, 1963 - TCA lends three planes to TransAir.
Trans-Canada Air Lines will be loaning three aircraft - 2 DC-3 and a Viscount - to operate the Prairie regional routes in Saskatchewan. No cash payment by TransAir would be involved since it was taking over unprofitable lines for TCA.. TCA will be making other routes available to TransAir. Office facilities for ticket sales would be offered. Spare parts would be put at the disposal of TransAir and TCA will do the maintenance on the Viscount. When Pacific Western Airlines operated the northern part of the regional service up until the fall of 1962 before the North Battleford link was eliminated the government paid a $25,000 monthly subsidy. This was cut off when TCA took over. The crown air company (TCA) financed the operating loss out of its own funds. Under the new agreement, TCA will continue to help finance the operation through the loan of facilities but no direct cash payment to TransAir is to be made.
In NetLetter nr 1326 we had an article about the first B787, referring as -900, Norman Hogwood gets the record straight with this comment -
Just a teeny comment about the teeny article on the B787. Boeing are adamant that they be known as the –8,-9, and –10, rather than the –900 as used in that item. I got this from a very good source, the Air NZ B787-9 Technical Captain. I was present when he gave a presentation about the aircraft and commented specifically on this matter.
Regarding the Vulcan crash at LHR. The brother of a school friend was the Observer on this flight and was killed. Another terrific read.
Always items of immense interest even if the contributors are unknown to me (i.e. most of them). But of course I do know Tony Walsh very well and he has kept me updated with the efforts he and others have made to ensure the memory of the Gimli Glider is never forgotten. Personally, I believe the fact that AC made no effort to do so is unforgiveable. It was surely one of the most historical aircraft incidents and worthy of a special memorial.
Keep up the good work. Cheers. Norm
Ken Pickford has sent us this information relative to NetLetter nr 1326 - |
Re Beryl Osborne's memories of the CP 747 from YVR to HNL, referring to it as the "Empress of Honolulu".
To the best of my recollection, and after checking several fleet lists, none of CP Air's 4 747-200s were ever named Empress of Honolulu. They all had more than one name over the years. Names were sometimes changed to permit an appropriately-named aircraft operate an inaugural flight etc., but I'm fairly sure (but stand to be corrected) that Honolulu was not among the 747 names.
The names I can find for the 4 CP Air 747s were as follows: C-FCRA (FIN 741) - Empress of Asia/Japan/Italy. C-FCRB (FIN 742) - Empress of Canada/Japan C-FCRD (FIN 743) - Empress of Australia/Japan/Canada. C-FCRE (FIN 744) - Empress of Italy/Australia. (Note: CF-CPP fin 802 c/n 45927 DC-8-63 was named "Empress of Honolulu". At one time – eds).
I only looked at the 747s re the earlier item but recall the DC-8 now. Many aircraft had several names. In their latter couple of years service, the DC-8-63s were named for Canadian provinces since they'd been relegated to mainly domestic service by then. The 6 original DC-8-43s were named for the major transcon cities but were later renamed for slightly more exotic international destinations.
Re Wayne Albertson's memories of the AC L-1011 fleet, and reference to FIN 555.
As far as I can tell, Delta Air Lines retired it to the California desert (Victorville) in late 2000 and it's still parked derelict there, unless it's been scrapped since the following photos taken in May 2013, still with remnants of Delta's livery. (Click thumbnail for link to Airliners.net)
Finally, just a minor spelling correction re the comments from Jack Miles on the ex-Wardair/Canadian A310s. You have his name spelled "Mills" at the beginning. (Sorry Jack – eds) It's correct at the end.
Regards, Ken
Odds and Ends
Vern Swerdfeger sent us a list of the Craziest Airport Runways.
As these two referred to New Zealand, we sent them along to Norm Hogwood, one of our readers in New Zealand and received these comments - Some interesting places but the two NZ airports some have old or incorrect info in captions.
Gisborne. The railway is no longer active. The photo was obviously taken many years ago. Steam hauled passenger trains were replaced by diesel loco’s eons ago but passenger traffic at this North Island east coast city is now a thing of the past. Goods traffic was also halted about three years ago when the only link was undermined in a huge storm which left a stretch of rail dangling in the breeze!! There is an ongoing discussion about whether or not to repair it. |
Wellington. Short runway so only small aircraft? Not quite correct. Air NZ used to operate DC-8s and Qantas bought a couple of B747SP’s specifically for the SYD-WLG service and both Companies operated on a daily basis. Gradually these were replaced by B767’s by both airlines who operated services to SYD. BNE, and MEL. Those routes are now flown by A320’s and B737-800’s at max take off weights. Fiji Airways also have a direct B738 operation to NAN.
Norm Hogwood NZ
Concorde to fly again!
A group of ex-Concorde pilots and other supporters says it has the financial backing to return one of the retired supersonic airliners to flight. In a separate arrangement, a single U.K. investor has committed about $60 million U.S. to buy a second aircraft for a permanent display on a stand in the Thames River in central London. The Concorde last flew in 2003, three years after an accident killed 113 people in Paris. British Airways, which operated the aircraft along with Air France, is determined to keep its Concordes on the ground but Club Concorde says there are two available in France and negotiations are underway to acquire them. The hope is to have the restored aircraft back in the air for 2019, the 50th anniversary of its first flight. Tentative plans call for the aircraft to be put on a stand in the river at the foot of the London Eye. The group hopes to have the exhibit open in 2017.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips

The Interline Club of Portugal is using their experience in organizing sports events to offer an attractive package of fun and games. The WACA Fun Games, to be held from 19-23rd of April 2016, will take place in the sunny and warm Algarve Region of Portugal. Based in the 4 Stars Hotel Dom Pedro Vilamoura; snooker, swimming, tennis, ping pong, chess, dancing, darts, bridge and volleyball games will be held. In addition to all the fun games, the organizers have also included a day trip to Ilha da Culatra Island
The package includes 4 nights accommodations on twin share, 3 dinners with wine (including 1 Gala Dinner with live music), 1 lunch, games, airport transfer from Lisbon to Vilamoura, daytrip to Ilha Da Culatra Island. All for an attractive price of 370 Euros!!! The package can be downloaded from here or contact the Interline Clube of Portugal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
World Airlines Clubs Association (WACA) was formed in Cannes, France, in April 1966, the Riviera Airlines Club hosted a conference of the various airline club representatives to discuss the formation of a world body which would unite and promote the activities of interline clubs throughout the world. The objective of such an organisation: to promote and encourage friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding among people of the world, no matter what social standing, race or religion.Next year, 2016, will be the 50th anniversary of WACA and the Council is looking at possibilities of organizing an Interline Celebration in Cannes to commemorate this occasion 50 years ago. There are some 35 interline clubs world wide. www.waca.org
This cartoon was found in the May edition of the USA Pionairs web site.
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