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NetLetter #1329 | October 29, 2015 |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
BA146a Air Canada Jazz
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies. The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter. |
Vintage Aviation Magazines
I attended the 2015 Vancouver Airline & Aviation Collectibles Show in Richmond, BC. on Saturday, October 24, 2015 hosted by Henry Tenby. It was a great show with lots of interesting memorabilia. While there I met Patricia and Mark Wickson manning a table full of older aviation magazines. What drew my attention was the variety and age of some of the magazines on display. Some went back to 1932!
Marks father (now in his 90's) has been collecting these magazines since he was 12 years old and has recently downsized in order to move into a smaller condo.
There was one copy of The Aeroplane from 1937 that stood out as this was the year that Trans-Canada Air Lines came into being.
Mark and Patricia are interested in finding a good home for the collection, and would prefer to sell the whole lot together or all issues of a magazine together. They have a total of 87 banker size boxes of magazines.
Most publications are related to models (Aero Modeller 1942 - 1979, Model Airplane News 1932 - 1972) and/or Aviation related - (The Aeroplane - 1934 - 2013, Air Classics 1967 - 1994) as well as many more titles as well.
If you or someone you know may be interested in these magazines, please contact Mark or Patricia Wickson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (604) 685-8486 (Vancouver) for details.
For a full list of all magazines please click on the PDF link below.
Full list of available Aviation magazines
Reader Submitted Photos
Robert Arnold send us this information -
I received in the mail, from Laureen Moffat, a pristine copy of the first issue of "InFlight Magazine", which was released April 1, 1958. After a brief discussion, Laureen was kind enough to allow me to include this rare issue into my TCA collection for which I am very honoured. According to the details inside the front cover, this magazine replaced the "Flight Horizons" magazine which TCA published regularly over the previous seven years.
I have included views of the front cover, inside front cover, and back cover for your readers enjoyment. Interesting advert on the back cover though, as I doubt this would be allowed in today’s carefully worded world.
TCA/AC People Gallery

The 1946 April timetable from the private collection of Bjorn Larsson. |
Happenings from the 1943 Annual report.
- In June, 1943 the transcontinental route was extended to the terminal at Patricia Bay airport on Vancouver Island. Local passenger and express traffic were forbidden, airmail service only was carried which resulted in a financial disadvantage.
- July 22nd the Government's wartime trans-Atlantic service was inaugurated, with flight crews and maintenance personnel supplied by TCA. Government owned converted Lancaster aircraft were utilized.
- 300 TCA personnel were engaged in the conversion, servicing and maintenance of the Liberator aircraft used in the return of ferry service of BOAC.
Found in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated March, 1960
PURSERS of the Overseas Region met with some of the key Managers of their Region during a ''Purser Leadership" discussions while the photographer recorded the unique occasion.
Front row, left to right: Pursers P. Rothe, J. P. Girouard. J. C. Brabant, W. R. Mallar and P. A. Gendreau; Captain R.M.Smith, Flight Operations Manager; L.H.Wedge, Management Development Asst; Second row: W. P. Sansom, Regional Maintenance Supr.; J. G. Maxwell, Regional Sales Manager; A. E. Candy, Flight Despatch Manager; C.S.Hewett, Regional Operations Manager; A.C.Phillips, Passenger Service Supvr.; M.A.Johnston, Station Operations Manager.
Rear row: P.G.Barber, Chief Purser; W.H.Lane, Purser; A.W.MacDonald, Asst. Chief Purser; M.Robbins, Project Leader; and Pursers L.R.Pitt, R.D.Wall, G.L.Pitcher and G.J.Sheppard.
''THE MARKETING PLAN,'' the first fully integrated approach to TCA marketing problems, is presented by W. Gordon Wood, Vice-President Sales to the four Regional Sales Managers.
From the left: W. Gordon Wood: W. W. Fowler, Eastern Region; J. G„ Maxwell, Atlantic Region,; W. J. Dalby, Western Region; and W. R. Campbell, Central Region. The Marketing Plan is the basis for the Company's Sales plans in the jet age.
(Everyone has to have a plan, even upper management – eds).
Extracted from the "Altitude" magazine issued March 1989
New Flight Attendants graduation during the summer of 1989.
Seated L to R: Carole Pinto, instructor; Karen Wilford, Pamela Bardo, Carol Ann Peet, Sylvie Bois, Maria Egerton, Patricia McCormick, Marian Lamary, instructor.
Standing L to R: Jacques Marion, Irvin Wilcox, Louise Clement, Christian Aveline, Deborah Nagel, Anne Charlebois, Francois Gauvin, Claudine Buckland, Pierre Hamel, Ginette Ferlatte, Maria Mulder.
Alan's Space
More Airlines Turn To UAVs For Aircraft Inspection
Using an unmanned aircraft to inspect an airliner would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Now low-cost carrier EasyJet plans to deploy what it calls “drones” or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) at 10 maintenance bases across Europe by the end of 2016, to help inspect its Airbus A320s for hail and lightning-strike damage.
The developers of the system to be used by EasyJet, U.K. companies Blue Bear Systems Research and Createc, are now working with Thomas Cook Airlines to inspect larger Airbus A330s. They have a vision of a future in which a UAV is launched every time an airliner reaches a gate to continuously monitor entire fleets for damage.
Blue Bear and sensor specialist Createc began working on using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to inspect U.K. nuclear facilities for contamination. “We were doing indoor complex environment inspection work for the nuclear industry, which has a lot of similarities to the work we are now doing for aircraft,” says Gavin Goudie, Blue Bear director of operations.
For full article follow this link.
Wayne's Wings
Acronyms, Abbreviations & AOG's -
Today it seems that new words derived from acronyms and abbreviations seem to be routinely added to our vocabulary. To the chagrin of language purists and articulate people everywhere, “words” such as Mpeg, PDF, XLS, iPad, App, DVD and (remember) FAX are overheard frequently in conversation and cross over several languages.
However, those of us in the airline industry have been speaking in acronyms during our entire careers. Many of the which (particularly the most colourful ones) have been inherited from the military, of course.
Aircraft (BA-146) (pictured), Airlines (AC), Airports (DFW), Instruments (VSI) , Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), Airline operations (MOC), Associations (IATA) and Reservations (PNR) are just a few of the contexts where acronyms are commonly used. A detailed list can be found at GOFIR (Global Operations Flight Information Resource).
A very common acronym in the maintenance world is “AOG” which means Aircraft On Ground. My first assignment on my first day with Air Canada in Toronto Purchasing and Supply was to “jump in” with the “AOG” driver. At first I wondered what kind of vehicle an “AOG” was. I spent the next few hours in a van driven by what seemed like a Madman while he picked up and delivered parts from incoming flights required by aircraft maintenance. He explained to me that (in our context) “AOG” was the highest shipping priority and critical to the airline operation. It must be noted that the majority of parts shipped in this manner are not for actually grounded aircraft but for planned maintenance work throughout the day or overnight. However, when an aircraft is genuinely "AOG" the situation is handled by a full team of professionals.
CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
1989 – Mar – 6th – Inaugural service between Toronto to Chicago. 1990 - May - 23rd Northern Nighthawk service linked Ottawa and Toronto with Iqalut in the eastern Arctic.
Located in the "Info Canadi>n" magazine Issue dated March 1990
- Planned service between Toronto and Mexico in October utilizing B-767-300ER equipment.
- Canadian predecessor Canadian Pacific Air Lines served the Mexican capital commencing ln 1953 and suspending the service 28 years later in 1981.
At Canadian's check in counters at Gatwick Airport from left are: P.C. Dave Le Manquais, Maurice Boyle, station manager, Gatwick, Leslie Price and Jenny Flaherty customer service agents.
Canadian's reservation office in London, U.K has staff of 51 and handled more than 70,000 calls in January and February. Some of the staff at the reservations office are, from the left: Blair Neufeld, Louis Baines, reservations sales agents, Sharon Wood, manager reservations, Rebecca Hodgesan, John Osborne, reservations sales agents, Elaine Ohoway, reservations supervisor, Bettina Davison, trainer, and Melanie Andrews, reservations sales agent.
England has a catchment of over 20 million people ''Canadian's route structure is going to be a real boost for us,'' said John Hamman, airport services supervisor, Manchester, U.K.
"Our customers don't like going through London so our non-stop service to Toronto is another advantage over the competition.''
Norma Haigh, front-left, on her last day before early retirement after 10 years of service with the company. Front right ls Sheila Asprey, rear left, Judith Booker & John Hamman.
Readers Feedback
Garnet Ross has sent us this information - Well, again we have some facts that need to be clarified about our beloved DC-8 fleet. In NetLetter 1327, Ken Pickford made reference to the fact that 5 DC-8-63 aircraft were converted to all freight configuration.
In fact there were a total of 8 DC-8-63 aircraft that were converted to all freight configuration. The first group of aircraft to be done were FIN’s 867, 871, 872, 873, 874, and 875. As one of these aircraft finished its conversion to freighter, it replaced a small DC-8-54/55 that was then retired from the fleet.
Once these 6 renamed DC-8-63-CF’s were on line and in service, they were once again removed, one at a time, and sent to Dorval for engine up-grates with the GE Smecma CFM-56 engines. When they re-entered service they were then called DC-8-73-CF’s. All conversions were completed by mid 1985.
Very shortly thereafter, it was decided that more aircraft were needed in the freighter fleet and FIN numbers 876 and 877 were taken from their resting places in the Arizona desert and converted to freighters. These last two aircraft were not refitted with the more powerful and fuel efficient CFM-56 engines and were called DC-8-63-CF’s.
(Our records indicate that fin 876 CF-TIU and Fin 877 CF-TIV were converted by Aerovali, Venice. CF-TIU flew first revenue flight April 26th 1986 YUL-PWK-BRU, and sold to Airborne Express Intl November and December 1988 respectively. – eds)
All the DC-8 freighter aircraft were removed from service by the summer of 1994.
Garnet Ross, (retired) Air Canada Cargo Toronto 410
Odds and Ends
An early photo of the Canadair at their plant in Montreal. These aircraft were destined for Trans-Canada Air Lines. |
From the Toronto Pearson Terminal 2 Commemorative issue January 2007.
The changes that have taken place over a span of 30 years are shown in these photos..

Aerial View 1972

Departures 1980

Aerial View 2006

Departures 2006
One of the last flying C-46 Commandos was likely written off in an off-airport landing in Canada's Northwest Territories on Friday, Sept 25th 2015. A Buffalo Airways Commando suffered engine trouble on a cargo flight from Yellowknife to Norman Wells..
In the September 2015 newsletter from YVR, was a Union Jack flag in green, white and blue.
We, at the NetLetter, asked this question -
“Has the U.K. changed the colour of their national flag?” The customer call centre of the yvr.ca provided this response - “Thank you for contacting the Vancouver International Airport. The UK flag is in West Jet colours in an effort to promote West Jet's new service to Gatwick which begins in 2016. It is a very exciting new route for the airline and we are excited to be a part of it!”
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
While contemplating your future interline travel plans, check www.interlinetravel.com which has been redesigned.
Call their office at 800 766-2911 if you prefer to not book online and remember, there are NO BOOKING FEES when you book with www.InterlineTravel.com You can also sign up for membership on their website at www.interlinetravel.com Once you login you can then activate a "Referral Account" and receive a referral ID. If you use this to send out your link to everyone eligible top sign up, you may win one of three $250 VISA gift cards, one to a person who signs up and the other to the person who referred them!
From a greeting card received –
Ever notice the older we get, the more we are like computers? We start out with lots of memory and drive, Then we eventually become outdated, Crash at odd moments, Acquire errors in our systems, And have to have our parts replaced.
It looks like Icelandic airline Wow Air is taking a family approach to its fleet strategy, judging by registrations for four of its aircraft: TF-MOM TF-DAD TF-BRO TF-SIS
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