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NetLetter #1330 | November 10, 2015 |
The NetLetter
For Air Canada Retirees
Remembrance Day - November 11, 2015 |
Hello ,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this free newsletter.
Women in Aviation
U.K. budget carrier EasyJet has pledged to double the percentage of prospective female pilot candidates from the current six percent to 12 percent over the next two years. In her inaugural address to the British Air Transport Association last week, Carolyn McCall said the airline will actively recruit female pilots.
“We will highlight the opportunities of pilot careers to young, female audiences, especially schools and colleges,” McCall said.
Reader Submitted Photos
Roger Slauenwhite sent this response to Mike Nash's query in NetLetter #1456 -
Regarding the Shriners' Convention, Toronto 1962. Sales Promotion at the time worked closely with the Toronto Shriners and Air Canada provided 2 tickets on our Galaxy flight to California.
The photos below were taken at the University Theatre just up the street from our reservation office. Across the street, we designed and installed "the red tent" for this promotion. The lady in front of the display (below left) is Air Canada passenger agent Dorothy Angier who worked on my team in reservations; a lovely person.
The Shriners were responsible for 2 lions in the lobby as part of the promotion, although they did not stay for the movie. Everyone kept their eye on them, just in case!
Roger Slauenwhite
The Shriners band & friends |
All smiles in the theatre lobby |
Dave Harwood recently participated in a Zoom session with the C&SS Dorval retirees.
The backdrop for him was this poster of a TCA advert circa 1942.
Air Canada News
CAE secured full-flight simulator orders from Air Canada (two 737 MAXs)
(source SpeedNews Oct 16/15)
Star Alliance News
United Airlines announced that, in cooperation with Air New Zealand, it will begin operating flights between San Francisco and Auckland starting in July, 2016 with B-787-8 Dreamliner equipment
TCA/AC People Gallery

1960 - April 2nd - Inaugural "Atlantic Special" service Halifax - London UK. On board were the four Premiers from the Atlantic Provinces.
Extracted from the "Altitude" magazine issued March 1989
Some of the new Flight Attendants that graduated during the summer of 1989.
Seated LR: Chantal Viau, (instructor); Patricia Longtin, Josee Patton, Dimitra Stamadianos, Eva-Maria Sharlock, Marian Laramy, (instructor).
Standing L-R: Richard Skrypinski, Laurie Varga, Diane Roy, Alena Hoffmann, Eleni Papadolias, Linda Richards, Isabelle Caron, Simon Lelievre, Kim-Mata Bartsa, Yvon Boisvert, Sandra Goertzen, Antelina Freitag, Christian Giguere.
From the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated March 1960
Twelve Years Ago this month Gil Minorgan (right) turned over the duties of Station Operations Manager at London Airport (LHR) to John (Jack) Ross (Ieft).
In December, 1959 the situation was reversed when Ross turned over the same job to Minorgan, who had been Station Operations Manager in Bermuda during that time. Ross had recently been appointed Assistant Director of Passenger Service in Montreal
Issue Dated April 1960
Ed Thackray, editor, wrote is thoughts on this DC-8 flight, here is our edited version.
Never have I gone so fast or so high, as I did on March 26th! That was the day that Survey Flight No. 26 flew from Montreal to Vancouver in exactly five hours. Aboard the Company's new DC-8 were 107 passengers that included President G. R. McGregor, 80 employees, 18 Members of' Parliament from Ottawa and eight representatives from Douglas Aircraft Company, Rolls-Royce, the Department of Transport and Imperial Oil Limited.
Guiding the "S6,000,000 Giant'' to its destination were Vice-President Herb W. Seagrim, Captain George B. Lothian. Superintendent of Flying, Captain Herb Hopson, Technical Assistant and Captain J. W. Reid, Check Pilot.
The only time there was any real noise is on take-off when the pilot locks his wheel brakes, runs up the turbines to take-off power, unlocks his brakes and the aircraft barrels down the runway. At 135 mph he pulls off the ground and points the plane's nose skywards.
To the embarrassment of the B.C. passengers who were telling those aboard about the virtues of Vancouver weather, we arrived in "liquid sunshine" with heavy overcast skies.
Next morning, after a delay of three hours due to freezing rain in Calgary, we left Vancouver and arrived over Calgary's McCall Field fifty-nine minutes later. After several courtesy flights, we left for Montreal arriving there three hours and two minutes later. In exactly 38 hours and 20 minutes we had traveled across six provinces twice and the DC-8 covered 7,000 miles.
(Anyone recognize the employees in these two photos – eds)
The signatures of the 81 employees, 18 members of Parliament, and eight Douglas, Rolls Royce, DOT and Imperial Oil representatives who were passengers aboard the record-breaking DC 8 Survey Flight from Montreal to Vancouver are shown in the menu served in the First Class Cabin during the flight.
(Anyone have any memories to share with us of this event – eds)
Alan's Space
A Pittance of Time
On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store’s PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.
Terry was impressed with the store’s leadership role in adopting the Legion’s “two minutes of silence” initiative. He felt that the store’s contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.
When eleven o’clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the “two minutes of silence” to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.
Terry’s anger towards the father for trying to engage the store’s clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was later channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, “A Pittance of Time”. Terry later recorded “A Pittance of Time” and included it on his full-length music CD, “The Power of the Dream”.
In the interest of creating a greater awareness of the sacrifices that have been made and are still being made on our behalf, “A Pittance of Time” has been adapted to the French language and titled “C’est si peu de temps”. Music videos for both audio tracks were also produced in support of the campaign. Click on image below to play the video. For more information, please click here.
CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
1943 – Dec - Advert (pictured) 1990 - April 29th - Canadian Frontier became a Canadian Partner. 1990 - July 1st - Paris received first time B767-300ER scheduled service.
Located in the "Info Canadi>n" magazine issue dated April 1990
To mark the opening of Canadian's new location at the San Francisco airport were, from left, Roy Fullerton, general manager Honolulu; Debra Krauland, airport secretary, San Francisco; Percy Eastham, Canadian Consul General in San Francisco and Murray Byrnes, manager, Northern California. Krauland is wearing one of the original "Canadian Plaid'' uniforms used by flight attendants on the San Francisco run during its first six months of operation in 1967.
Issue dated June 1990
Paris staff, from left, Monique Blanc, accounting clerk; Helene Degerine, fares supervisor; Muriel Chabanois, communication; and Geraldine Chamoinat, reservations, wanted everyone to know that Canadian's downtown office is now located at 24 Avenue Hoche, just down the street from the Arc de Triomphe In central Paris. Canadian has 26 employees In France.
Issue dated March 1991
Deer Lake employees pulled together for the recent opening of their new terminal; from left, Brad Hoddinot, station attendant; Gerald Corbett, lead station attendant; Dereck Oak, station attendant; Scott Pelley, station attendant; and Roy Pelley, station attendant
Wayne's Wings
BAe -146
I have always liked the sleek design of the British Aerospace 146 (BAe 146) now known as Avro RJ. Air Nova and Air BC each operated five of these aircraft that became a part of the Air Canada Jazz fleet upon the merger of those two regional airlines and Air Ontario into Air Canada Regional.
Terry mentioned that they did not really catch on with commercial airlines although Wikipedia says that they are the most successful British civil jet airliner program with 387 produced. I only had the opportunity to fly on one once, from Whitehorse to Vancouver, and was quite impressed by how quiet it was in flight. However, it seems that they have had some success when converted for firefighting service. I have tracked two of them down that may still be operated in that capacity today.
C-FBAO (Pictured) was originally delivered to Air BC in January 1989 and then transferred to Jazz until withdrawn from service in March 2005 and stored in Halifax. Planespotters.net shows it delivered to Minden Air as N446MA in January 2009 and converted to a Water Bomber configuration. 
C-GRNT was originally delivered to Air Nova on December 7, 1989 and followed the same course as C-FBAO. However, Planespotters.net shows it delivered to Air Spray in May 2015 and used fighting forest fires in on the west coast of North America.
Anyone have more personal insight on this fleet? Looking forward to reading your feedback.
Readers Feedback
In response to Ken Pickford in NetLetter #1328- CP Air’s McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 aircraft, C-GCPI, tail #907 was named Empress of Honolulu as well. Greetings, Duke J. Hartog ex. CP Air
Terry Baker refers to the article in "Wayne's Wings" in NetLetter nr 1329 which brings back memories regarding AOG. At the early part of my career with TCA/AC I was working in the Purchases and Stores Department at LHR and would receive teletype AOG messages and telephone calls, usually in the middle of the night.
As we were unaware if the AOG was actually for an aircraft grounded or if the materiel was required for a planned maintenance, we would pursue, as soon as possible, the contacts we had for getting the AOG materiel in time for Wally Evans, our Customs clerk, to export the material on the next available flight to Canada.
After the Vanguard incident with fin 907, which became the "hangar queen", we were constantly bombarded with AOG requests quoting fin 907, until Vickers Armstrongs insisted that the correct fin number be quoted to assist them with the flight/unit performance of their equipment.
Betty Morgan refers to the article in “Wayne's Wings” regarding the DC-8 and shares this memory - You mention the MD11 here. I think. I remember some memorable moments on board... The last being from Cabo San Lucas on one and Jack holding my hand and watching the cockpit while they tried to get the cargo door shut before they gained altitude. He said he would never get on another one!
We lived on the South Shore on St. Margaret's Bay when the Swissair flight went in. Will never forget that night. The pall that hung over that Bay for so long with things washing up on the shores finally got to us and we moved to the Valley.
We had some marvellous flights. Lots of stories. I have a daughter in law (ex) who has been a flight attendant for 39 years and I have never seen a picture of her in any of the Netletters. She started in 1976 with CPAir. Martha (Marni) Morgan. She is 60 or 61 now. I forget. B.
During this past Christmas season, some 40 retirees from the Computer and System Services at Dorval exchanged memories and some photos.
Jim Fitzmorris sent in this photo of the C&SS sign -
This is the original sign that hung overhead when we walked through the doors to the old computer room. It was put up there when the site was first set up in the 1960's. It stayed there until the day after it was shut down. Fifty years later it is still 'hanging' proudly. Some days I swear I can still smell the cigarette smoke that stains the white (?) lettering, a hint of DuMaurier and Rothmans, a note of menthol and Mark Ten, perhaps a bouquet of Players and Export "A", ... and a lingering sniff of Gitanes or Gauloises.... ahhh those were the days...
Here is what Art Shibuya has remembered -
I flew to Montreal, I think it was on a weekend in Aug. of ‘72. Jim Pearce interviewed me and I also wrote the Brandon test. I must have passed and I started work in Sept of that year. I think being a CRUD must have been an initiation to C&SS. It was a great day when I finally got on to the model 50. I think there a was a competition as to who could finish the afternoon schedule the fastest.
I remember going to a party where we were drinking, as we normally did on days off and eating these strange tasting brown squares, the breakfasts at the Tavern on the Green, baseball games (I was sh***y). Yes, those were the days. I left AC/CPI in ‘92 (with a little sojourn in BDA) and joined Bell Sygma / CGI in ‘93 and retired from there in 2013 as a systems/business analyst, mainly doing work for Bell. I have gone full circle now and moved back to WinterPeg. I am currently fixing up my house to sell and once sold plan to do some more travelling. I think, if there was ever a reunion, some of us would have to wear name-tags, so people would know who’s who. Here is a photo of Art Shibuya in Japan.
Doug Olson's comment was - I am surprised that anybody remembers anything from those days. When we broke up, Molson’s and Labatt’s stock went down a ton.
Edith Gal tells us - she retired in 2002 from Air Canada, and a proud grandmother of two boys and one girl (Mark, John and Adriana) ages 8, 7 and 2. I still live in Kirkland, Quebec with my husband Sandor Gal and we enjoy retired life to the fullest with friends and family. Here is a picture of us at my Granddaughter's 2nd birthday this past July 2014.
(We will continue this sage in NetLetter nr 1331 – eds)
Odds and Ends
WestJet has done it again! Following up their special Disney Magic Plane (which we see at YVR every so often). The airline has now revealed an aircraft that is so cool, it's Frozen. The specially painted Boeing 737-800 will hopefully make a couple runs on the new YVR to Orlando route in 2016.
Gretchen (Aird) Dawson alerted us to this article - Check out this url for a chance to dine in a reconstructed B-747 www.airhollywood.com/panamexp
Your Pan Am Experience begins at our exclusive First & Clipper class check-in desk. where our Pan Am customer service agent provides each passenger with a 70’s style boarding pass, ticket jacket and first class carry-on tags. You’ll be invited into the Clipper Club lounge where you’ll have an opportunity to peruse the vintage Pan Am memorabilia including authentic uniforms, airline seats, handbags, artwork, and more.
You can mingle with other enthusiasts at the Clipper bar, share stories, and make new friends. Soon thereafter, we’ll board “Clipper Juan T. Trippe”, our dedication to Pan Am ’s first Boeing 747, where you’ll be sprung back in time to the 1970s.
William Hardy was a commercial pilot by the age of twenty. He began his career as a bush pilot flying in the Arctic before moving into the "right seat" of Boeing's for engine airplanes. Twelve years later, he was promoted to captain and check pilot on the DC-10-30 and flew the international routes to Europe, Asia and Central America. His new book is titled "The Last Contrail" and is available at Chapters and Amazon amongst others. More information at www.thelastcontrail.com/order-the-book.html
In NetLetter nr 1326, following previous articles and the final flight of the Avro Vulcan, we had a story about the Avro Vulcan aircraft.
Click here for a BBC News page which has several videos of the "last flight" tour in the U.K. The last flying Vulcan bomber aircraft has flown over northern England as part of a farewell tour of the country.
The famous Cold War plane, which is based at Doncaster Robin Hood Airport, is due to be grounded this month after engineering backers withdrew support.
In its final series of flypasts, the bomber flew over an aircraft manufacturing firm in Brough, East Yorkshire, and the Greater Manchester factory where it was built.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
US Airways will no longer be operating flights following their merger with American Airlines The current US Airways ZED fare has therefor expired.
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Recently, during the Wings Over Wine Country Air Show practice, three different pilots wandered into the TFR (Temporary Flight Restricted) zone, causing the rehearsals to be delayed. The fourth time it happened was when the Canadian Snowbirds had just started their routine.
The tower notified them they would have to stop until the offender left the zone... One of the Snowbirds then asked the tower: "What's with all these pilots busting the TFR?" ... The tower responded: "Welcome to Sonoma County". They drive like that, too
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