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NetLetter #1331 | November 22, 2015 |
Air Canada B-787e
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is normally published every two weeks (we're late sometimes). If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines and Air Canada then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
ACFN/NetLetter News
Over and over it is the same thing. History slipping away from the people who care. Memories are consigned to the garbage dump. Stories and photographs thrown away. Visual stories are not recorded and thus forgotten. We, at the NetLetter and the ACFamily Network welcome any memories and/or photos of your career with TCA, Air Canada and CPA etal to share with our readers.
Terry, Alan and Wayne
Note: if you have any stories or photos to share, send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Women in Aviation
Betty Driver extracted this from the Leader-Post issue May 2nd 1974.
Oh! For the good old days, when flying was just a word.
Annette Donovan, a stewardess on Air Canada's first commercial flight 35 years ago, remembers the event was not exactly an overwhelming success. The 10-passenger, twin-prop Lockheed left Montreal for Toronto with stops at Ottawa and North Bay, Ont. When the aircraft reached Ottawa, the airline, then Trans-Canada Air Lines (TCA) - had put the passengers on a train because a blizzard closed the North Bay and Toronto fields. The plane arrived in Toronto 13 hours after leaving Montreal. "I was not disappointed," she said in an interview, "It was pioneering - something new to all of us. "At that time people weren't particularly air-minded, flying still was just a word. When faced with the reality of going on a flight it must have been a bit frightening - which explained why some men would take a good belt of liquor just before boarding."
Some took a little too much so TCA made it a rule that if the passenger was too drunk the stewardess could discuss it with the captain and refuse to take them.
The inaugural flight was April 1st 1939, and Mrs Donovan, then Annette Brunelle and a native of Montreal, just managed to inch her way on board. The airline doctor said she was an inch too short of the minimum regulation height of four feet, 11 inches when she applied for the job. "What difference does it make?" she told the doctor, "They'll take me anyway." Two days later they did after noting she met the rest of the qualifications - being a registered nurse, single, bilingual and being under 125 pounds. She later vindicated the airline's judgement by being the only one of 10 nurses who didn't get sick during a rough training flight over the Rockies. There was no oxygen and the cabin was not pressurized in those days. And there were some frightening moments in the air, she recalled.
Once the plane dropped hundreds of feet in an air pocket near North Bay. In another the engine quit over Lake Ontario. There was the time the aircraft was caught in a lightning storm before it could gain altitude over New York City". "We were nearly forced down into the skyscrapers," said Mrs Donovan, "That's when I decided I had a pretty good career and didn't care to stretch it."
Air Canada News
- Plans call for daily Toronto-Seoul flights to South Korea (787-8) starting on June 17th 2016.
Air Canada and CUPE reach new 10 year agreement subject to ratification on contract terms for Flight Attendants.
Air Canada Rouge received delivery of its first Airbus 321 on November 4th, 2015, direct from the Airbus completion facility in Hamburg. This aircraft is the first of five brand new A321s that will join the Air Canada rouge fleet.
- Air Canada’s new non-stop flights from Vancouver to Brisbane, Australia will now launch two weeks earlier on June 1st 2016 to meet demand
Star Alliance News
From the September UK Pionairs Monthly Newsletter
Emirates plans the world’s longest flight next February at over 17 hours 35 minutes from Dubai to Panama City. The record is currently held by Qantas on the Dallas/Sydney route at just under 17 hours.
American Airlines is creating pet cabins in first class. Two cabins per plane in first class will be provided on select flights between JFK and LAX, and JFK and SFO. One drawback is that the pets will not be entitled to free peanuts or movies but having a cabin all to itself means that they won’t have to sit next to a guy who won’t stop taking, so it’s a pretty good deal!
Laszlo Bastyovanszky sent us this >Now here's an innovative (video)< way from Air New Zealand of presenting the Safety Procedures before take-off.
Wow! Must have cost a mint to produce! However, it will, I am sure, have people talking about the airline and its fantastic novel way of holding passengers' attention for these important few minutes and giving the company great publicity. Top marks to Air NZ.
Reader Submitted Photos
Ken Collie sends this message
I came upon this photo in my desk drawer, it brought back fond memories. We had a good crew and had a lot of fun besides getting a lot of work done.
Ken Collie
The CDN Calgary Component Shop crew in 1994.
Front row: Ken Collie, Bob Reynolds, Ray Hipkin, Terry McDonald, Don Cameron.
Back row: Eric Bjornason, Richard Ellison, Bill Chadderton, John Bossman, Terry Miles, Ray Harris, Aubrey Petit, Chee Hou, Rob Adamchuk, Buck Kleb.
Shirlee Schacter has sent us these photos from the Friends of Front Street recent meeting -
Oct. 31st 2015 was the date of the 14th Annual Friends of Front St. (FoFS) Reunion. There were forty-plus at Hooter's on the Airport strip in YYZ for food, drink and a chance to catch up with old friends from AC's Computer & Systems Services (C&SS) family as well as colleagues from Gemini and Galileo.
Many smiles and hearty laughter as former co-workers reminisced about the "good old" days.... and it wasn't just the locals. Colleen (Rougeau) Vandersteen came in from Winnipeg, Louise Normandeau from Montreal and this time around, Linda from Singapore was even able to make it. We had an "angel" of a server and a great time was had by all! Here we have:
Linda Eunson and Jeanne Wall |
Cindy & Doug Mallory, Graham Wright and Leslie Kulokas |

David Slobod, Bob Newson, Gerry Rellinger and Liveen Richards |
Jackie Murdoch and Russ Martin |

Barry Schoop, Tim Mallory, Bob Newson and John Seddon |
Graham Wright, Evangeline (Joyce) Kubin and Gary Johnson |
 George Trussell, Stu Duncan, Shirlee Schacter and Charlie Lennox |
Also at the reunion were Bill Hales, Ted Zubek, Bruce Castator, Lynda Campbell, Wendy (Payne) Walker, Jeannie Lindo, Annie Matusiak, Frank Marando, Rick Morris, Tony Shulist, Diane Knoefel and Brian Speed.
Many of you who couldn't make the 14th Annual Friends of Front St. (FoFS) Reunion at Hooter's YYZ on Sat. Oct. 31st, 2015, mentioned that you would like to see the pictures from the get-together - so here they are!
Please click on the following link to see the complete photo gallery, www.play.smilebox.com Be patient, as it will start after it loads the gallery.
TCA/AC People Gallery
1995 Nov 13th - Inaugural between Toronto and St. Louis.
Four TCA Vanguards in different phases of completion are shown in the photo at the Vickers-Armstrongs Weybridge Works in the U.K. The furthest advanced can be seen in the background with No. 2 immediately behind it in the. Numbers 3 & 4 are in the near bay. The photo was taken February 1st 1960.
From the "Horizons" magazine issued December 1995
Thirteen Air Canada jets left Canada and touched down at airports across the United States on Sunday October 31st 1995, setting a Canadian record for the most new services launched in a single day.
1995 - Oct 29th - Inaugural service between Vancouver to Denver. Los Angeles and San Francisco. Between Calgary to Denver and Houston. Between Toronto to Washington DC, Denver, Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, West Palm Beach, and Fort Myers and between Montreal to Orlando.
Shown here is the In-Flight Service crew for the Vancouver - Denver inaugural: Bruce Acthim, In Charge YWG; Cheryle Kraemer, Flight Attendant YWG: Susan Davidson. Flight Attendant YYZ and Christine Piechowiak, Flight Attendant YUL.
San Francisco celebrated the start- up of its new service to Vancouver with the crew of Flight 523.
Pictured here are Jon Moore, In-Charge; Jill Hong. Flight Attendant: Kirk Davis. First Officer; Neville Fong. Manager Customer Service SFO: Captain C.A. McKinnon; Peter McKenna- Srnall. Flight Attendant and Ginger Miller. Regional Sales Manager.
(Note: Denver International Airport named October 31st 2015 as Air Canada day, to celebrate 20 year’s service – eds)
Extracted from the "Altitude" magazine issued March 1989.
New Flight Attendants
(Seated L-R): Marian Peacock, instructor, Heather Barr, Marie-Pascale Raymond, Nadia Beauchamp, Marlies Klolz, Manon Lachance, instructor.
(Standing L-R): Patricia Donnelly, Bernd Krumme, Brenda Bel, Elisabeth Harris, Nathalie Gagnon, Sophie Doucet, Suzanne Dionne, Kelly Whidden, Lucy Chik, Robert Ladouceur, Rachel Cyr, Elizabeth Sutherland, Roberto Moriello.
Gleaned from the "FYI ..." magazine -
A newsletter by and for US Air Canada people - dated December 1971
CHlCAGO - Earlier in this year 1971, Chicago celebrated 25 years flying between Canada and Chlcago and in recognition of this event, Mayor Daley presented our Vice President, Pat Labrie, with a plaque in honor of the occasion.
Shown In the picture at one of the Informal receptions are members of the Chicago staff and Billie Houseman, left, then Chief Stewardess who was on our inaugural flight in 1946 with Gerry Gray, 2nd from the right, who was District Manager in Chicago at the time. Also pictured are Dorothy Mason, Marie Pope, Don Browner, Valerie Manos and Rita Harrigan. Valerie's mother baked the beautiful cake in Air Canada’s honour.
Cleveland office celebrated 25 years of air service by the company and this was the first non-stop scheduled air service from, a foreign country to the Cleveland community. Many functions were held to honour the day and shown are employees of the Cleveland staff who participated in the festivities.
Left to right: Jlm Gedra, Jirn Oprey, Llnda Whaley, Frank Andreas, W. M. Stainton, Ramsay McGregor, 8ob Sedlack, Bernie Diablo, Cheryl Grealls and Angus May.
Seated are Lori Flowers and Ann Gates.
Found in the "Parts and Pieces" Stores magazine issue dated January 1988
The advent of the Economy Class on Air Canada's passenger service in North America occurred on February 1, 1954, and marked the first fare reduction in the airline's history. The new class was called "Tourist" until 1961.
A group of new stock keepers for YUL - |
From the top: Donald St. Laurent, Simon Wolf, Paul Murphy, Huy Tran, John Paterson, Mike Gagne, Sylvain Bourbeau and the one and only lady Irene Tsoukatos
Alan's Space

Rick Mercer and the Lancaster Bomber
(Submitted by: Gary Williams via Brian Colgan)
Rick visits the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, ON, for a flight in one of only two remaining airworthy Lancasters in the world.
Host Rick Mercer flew in the legendary Lancaster Bomber at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. Mercer adds flying in the Lancaster was “a bucket list experience” but he also thought of the Canadian pilots who lost their lives during the Second World War.
There are only two fly-worthy Lancaster’s in the world, one in Hamilton and the other in the United Kingdom. Click on image below to watch video on YouTube.

CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
Advert for the De Havilland Comet September 1st 1952 (pictured).
1993 - August 18th - PWA board rejected Air Canada ca $200 million offer for international routes etc.
Found in the "Info Canadia>n" Magazine issued dated September 1993
The Insurance department includes, from left, Walter Brown, risk specialist, Larry Weisgarber, director, Barb Robbins, clerk, Steve Anderson, analyst, Nicole Bolstad, receptionist, Gord Wainwright, manager, and Susan Taylor, clerk.
At the Abbotsford Airshow in 1993 were, from left, Dick Hobbis, John Holt, Les Golding, Anne Hutton, John Pineo, Lorne Paterson, Dennis Millette, David Huang, John Benum and David Boyd. Missing was Catharine Covey, Connie Fujino, and Ron Gerroir.
(Note: the heading in the magazine had a misprint showing Abbotsford as Abbortsford we took the liberty of correcting this in our article - eds)
Japan meets Canada via B-767 -
The CP5/CP6 flights on June 26/27, 1993 Vancouver-Tokyo return, were the first ever for a B-767 between Japan and Canada. (it was a one-time only substitution for a DC-10 that needed repairs - the only other time a Canadian B-767 has operated on the Pacific was the Prime Minister's charter in 1991).
The flight departed with 83 per cent passenger load factor and 6,500 kgs of cargo. Customer service agents in Narita here seeing the aircraft off were, from left, Nana Yoshino, Madoka Yamanouchi, Yumiko Mizuhara, Mari Kajiwara and kneeling, Hiroyuki Fukui.
Wayne's Wings
B787 - The Dreamliner
I have just returned to YVR after visiting YUL (Ile. Perrot, Quebec actually) to spend my Mom’s 88th birthday with her. Apparently, the NetLetter has quite a following on this beautiful island west of Montreal where many current and retired AC people live.
This was a great opportunity to get my first ride on a B787 so I registered to return via YYZ on Flight 149. This fleet, in effect, is replacing the B767 (see NL # 1328) and enters service amid similar controversy because it is also a game changer in the airline industry.
Referred to as “The Dreamliner” by Boeing, it has been nicknamed “Precious” by AC Maintenance personnel due to the enhanced focus the company is placing on the fleet.
Personally, I agree that the focus is justified as this aircraft will play a major role in significant expansion of the Air Canada network. Direct routes to Dubai and Delhi have already started with many more destinations to come. This could possibly be the beginning of the largest era of international expansion that the company has ever seen.
I would not consider this to be the sleekest aircraft on the exterior (the large fuselage gives somewhat a “Beluga” impression), however, the interior is awesome. Mood lighting throughout all cabins, windows that tint electronically, larger overhead bins and an overall spacious feel make it a very comfortable ride. I was seated in a middle seat in economy and still thoroughly enjoyed the flight.
More than thirty years after its controversial introduction, the B767 has a very distinguished legacy that continues today. It will be very interesting to see what the future holds for the B787. Pictured is Fin# 801 being prepared at Boeing for its first flight “Home”.
Note: to view Air Canada's website dedicated to the 787 Dreamliner visit: www.787.aircanada.com
Reader Email
Conclusion of the C & SS saga started in NetLetter nr 1330 -
Jim Campbell tells us about his career -
Glad to see that you are all alive and kicking after all these years, seeing all your names brings back a flood of memories (all good!!). I am still with IBM, but I did manage to get a transfer to Calgary in the summer of 2011 and I am loving every minute of it, only regret is that I didn't move out here 20 years ago.
My wife Brenda and myself spend the majority of our time either camping, hiking or fly fishing as we are only about 40 minutes from the mountains. We also spend a fair amount of time in the summer working with Alberta Parks doing telemetry tracking of the female grizzly bears in Kananaskis Country and working with the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society. I figure I'm going to work for about another year and a half and them I'm done, going to pack it in and spend all my time outdoors doing the things I love to do... life's too short. Will keep in touch and if any of you are going to be out this way, please by all means drop a line!!
P.S. became a grandfather in Sept!!!
Jim Campbell
Jim Pearce sends this in -
A bit of nostalgia: Here is a picture of my wife Judy and I... married 47 years... two children and 5 grandchildren, retired for 15 years.
Then we have a photo of Kim Sansom and Jim Pearce on a canoe trip in the mid-seventies... notice Kim's shirt.

Then we have a very recent picture of Beth and Kim... notice Kim's shirt... 40 years later and he still has the same shirt!!!!
Steve Charlton says - My turn - an embarrassing sign of the times -
When I went for my interview, working for IBM at the time teaching paying customers about the new IBM370, I was met by two people, some programming manager and his secretary, I guess, who sat quietly and took notes. The manager, Andy McCready, asked very few questions, and told me mostly about pass privileges. When the "interview" was over, he turned for a moment to his secretary, and said, "Lois, do you have any questions?" This quiet lady turned to me and asked, "What do you know about channel programming?" What kind of a question was THAT ??? Who IS this secretary??? Actually I was one of the few who DID know about the subject - Terry Kwizak, Norm Roberts, and Kevin Boyle did not.
I was hired to be Lois' understudy, and inherited the Weather Programme and NSLCTL aka "non-standard line control" (to connect Dorval to the ACNC computer in Toronto). Those couple of years studying with Lois these two programs she wrote were a true privilege for me. I have nothing but praises for that lady - she should have been working for a software development house in the States - yes she smoked, and ran a messy desk, and beat the guys in the hockey pool, but as a tutor and mentor she was the best - kind, gentle, patient, and absolutely brilliant - a couple of my best years at Air Canada... and I thought she was a secretary !!! Macho macho. Steve sent us a photo of himself while in Laos.
Here we have this photo of the C&SS YUL retirees from 1984.
Note: in the back row you can see our very own Terry Baker!
Terrance Ramsay - I recall taking Intro to 360 (?) with one Al Kurys and Al had to take a phone call to answer a skill testing question upon which he won a new car (perhaps a Pinto or a Maverick?)
Al Kurys replied - It was a Pinto! Thank God you and others were there, I was nervous and was the only one who got the question wrong. You guys all corrected me. In hindsight maybe it wasn’t such a great thing, worse car I ever had.
Odds and Ends
Betty Draper found this article -
Just came across this article in the Winnipeg Free Press, you may be interested in this, 59 years ago during the Hungarian revolution many Hungarians fleeing the communist tyranisim were helped by Canada assisting them (in 1956) to settle in Canada. This article was written in November 1956. Air Canada (the Trans-Canada Air Lines) played an important role.
Refugees will fly to Canada. Ottawa (special) - Hungarian refugees fleeing the red terror will be airlifted direct from Vienna to Western and Eastern Canadian centres under arrangements being made by the Canadian government. Under instruction from Hon. J.W.Pickersgill, the citizenship and immigration department is completing arrangements with Canadian Pacific Airlines and Trans-Canada Air Lines to fly the refugees in.
CPA will airlift refugees over its polar route into Western Canada. An official of the department indicates applications were pouring into the department at an increasing rate. Earlier this week more than 100 had been received. It is expected one or two planes a week will be chartered, more if necessary.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Airline Club of Thailand Presents Japan 08 April 2016 - Deadline to book March 1st, 2016
Price per person: Double /TWIN Sharing USD 2,700 (15 pax) Single supplement USD 380 Extra night in Tokyo USD 160 per day approx In Osaka USD 140 per day approx
1st WACA Fun Games Vilamoura - Algarve Hosted by Interline Club of Portugal and WACA 19th - 23rd April 2016 Deadline date: March 15th 2016 Package Cost: 370,00 Euros per person TWIN/DBLB sharing 70,00 Euros single supplement Extra-Nights 70,00 Euros (SGLB/DBLB) Check www.waca.org/events for complete details
New Rogers offer for employees and retirees! Air Canada employees and retirees benefit from a 30% discount to the in-market "Share Everything" plans that vary by province. Details and how to obtain the offer are on HR Connex > Employee Discounts site > Computer and Electronics.
Statistics show that 81% of today’s airline passengers are carrying a smart phone, which is becoming an increasingly common denominator in all stages of the air travel journey. In fact, for passengers with carry-on bags only, everything in the entire process - from booking to checking in to dwelling in the airport to boarding the flight to on-board entertainment - can be done with a smart phone. The smart phone can enable airlines and airports to provide end-to-end service to passengers. There is a huge opportunity for airlines to utilize smart phones as the glue across the air travel journey.
Alan Evans from South Africa sent us this -
With 412 flights a week, Kulula’s cabin crew meets diverse travellers on the job. When you put so many people in a confined space you can be sure that things will get funny.
Onboard laundromat On the red-eye flight from Durbs to OR Tambo, Mariette van der Spuy had just served coffee to a smartly-dressed businessman who had been glued to his laptop, when they hit some turbulence. After only one sip, the man’s coffee spilt all down his crisp white shirt. Mariette offered him wet wipes, but it only seemed to make the stain worse. The man decided to head to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.
After a while, Mariette knocked on the door and asked if he needed any assistance.
He opened the door, shirt-less and clutching a soaking wet shirt which he handed to her and asked whether she could put it in the tumble dryer. He left Mariette speechless and casually strolled back to his seat…shirt-less!
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