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NetLetter #1354 | November 08, 2016 |
The "Silver Bullet" Fin#754 - DC9
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter. Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net
ACFN/NetLetter News

While we're on the subject of remembrance, we would also like you to remember those that have passed away within our own aviation community as well. The new obituary site for the ACFamily Network at: obits.acfamilynet.ca is now online and open for those who would like to submit the details of the passing of a friend or relative that worked in the Canadian aviation industry (any airline and any capacity). The intention is to have this site online indefinitely to honour those that have contributed to Canadian Aviation. The hope is to provide archived information on our loved ones for future generations in regard to genealogy as well.
We do ask that you have the permission of the family before submitting an obituary as we've had a few cases of families not wanting the obituaries of loved ones in a permanent website location (most funeral sites keep them for a few months only and charge a fee to keep them online). This service is provided at no charge by the ACFamily Network, but we will be setting up a donation page for those wishing to contribute to its upkeep.
Please note that although the site is live, and ready for submissions, there is still much work to do. I had to transfer over 300 obits from the old site and now each one needs to be "adjusted" to add the images and clean them up a bit. This will be done as time permits over the next few months. Since each change takes about 15 minutes, this adds up to about 75 hours needed to complete this.
Has this copy of the NetLetter been passed to you by a friend, co-worker, retiree or a relative? Why not get your own free copy delivered directly to your email address.
Go to www.thenetletter.net to sign up, and view past issues. We would welcome memories and/or photos of your career in the airline business, which you wish to share.
Coming Events

Mark your calendars... ACRA Montreal Children's Christmas Party takes place on Saturday, December 3, 2016.
This year’s event will be held at the hangar at the Air Canada Base (7373 Boulevard de la Côte-Vertu) from 2 – 5 p.m.
There will be a variety of activities to get the children of ACRA members in the Christmas Spirit! This event is free to all Air Canada ACRA YUL members and their immediate families, provided the employee has paid 2016 membership. Children 8 years and under will receive a gift if the ACRA member attends the event.
Click Here for full details and application form. ACRA members interested in attending must register by Wednesday, November 30, 2016 If you would like to participate in this event and are not part of ACRA, Click Here for an application form.
Air Canada News
New non-stop routes starting for "summer 2017" include:
- Toronto to Mumbai and Berlin
- Montreal to Algiers and Marseille
- Vancouver to Taipei and Nagoya
The addition of six new destinations to Air Canada's international network include year-round Boeing 787-9 service between Toronto and Mumbai and between Vancouver and Taipei.
The new services will launch for summer 2017, with the Montreal- Algiers and the Vancouver-Taipei routes subject to government approvals.
Launching the first global currency pre-paid card!
Together with CIBC, Air Canada launched the CIBC Air Canada Conversion Visa Prepaid Card a first-of-its-kind multicurrency pre-paid card in Canada, enabling Canadians to purchase and store multiple currencies that can be used at retailers around the globe wherever Visa is accepted. The CIBC AC Conversion Visa Prepaid Card is available at no fee - click Here for more information.
Air Canada has renewed a five-year contract for slide and inflatable maintenance with AJW Technique.
Reader Submitted Photos
Shirlee Schacter has sent us this report and photos -
Central Ontario Pionairs enjoyed their 10th Annual District Golf Tournament Anniversary at the Deerfield Golf Club, Oakville Ontario, on August 23rd, 2016, under perfect weather conditions. Players and Guests enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner after their day of Texas Scramble competition followed by a hotly contested putting contest. Trophies were awarded by Valdy Prieditis, the Tournament Organizer/Director, pictured below (from left to right) with the Team Low Gross Champions, Frank Marando, Donna Saull, Peter Saull and James Gottlieb. There was a wide assortment of booty on the prize table and all golfers were able to take their choice! Before the cash and special draw prizes, District Director David McNeilly updated Pionairs on upcoming events and other items of interest. As usual, it was a day of fun and friendship enjoyed by all!
TCA/AC People Gallery
1966 - November -1st - Inauguration of service Montreal-Moscow via Copenhagen
Extracted from the "Horizons" magazine issue dated August 1980.
The European regional management team, along with John McGill, attended a farewell luncheon for Bill Verrier, G.M. U.K. & Ireland who left the company for a position as V.P. Marketing with Eastern Provincial Airways.
In this photo are, from the left: Bob Van Ysendyck, Paul Garrat, Allan Jones, Bernard Keller, Henry Thow, David Bryce-Buchanan, Bill Verrier, John Scott, John McGill, Peter Hodge, Pierre Paquin, John Doney and Gib Sale.
Retired Captains honoured.
During the past 2 years, twenty captains have retired at the Vancouver base. A last flight reception was held in July 1980 for a few, but for others because of personal wishes or other reasons, a last flight get-together was not possible.
In this photo are those who managed to make it to the reception, standing from the left: A.I. Watts, H.H.C. Russell, M.W. Davidson, J.A. Shane, L.L. Paxton, T.J. Harrison, V.F, Wills,, J.P. Leslie and S.G. Foley.
Kneeling: M.J. Belanger, W.M. Hays, J. Grant, D.F. Tribe and W.J. Montgomery.
Not in the photo are R.C. Penrose, L.,E. Buchanan, V.G. Motherwell, R.O. Raymond, K.M. Yeats and J.E. Burrows.
From issue dated September 1980.
Air Canada on parade.
A team effort by company employees in the Halifax area really paid off as the Air Canada float won prizes in two of the three parades in which they appeared.
Using the theme "Share Canada with Air Canada", the design was developed by Passenger Agent Robin Whylie and was built around a freight truck at the Maintenance Base at Halifax.
Ron Banks and Arnold Burris assisted with the construction. A number of Flight Attendants from the In-Flight Service Base in Halifax volunteered to appear on the floats for various events around the province, Lisa Burt, Wesley Fisk, Margaret Devine and Nina Michalowski had participated. Coordination of the project, and for bringing it all together was Ken McLeod.
In the photo we have, from the left: Arnold Burris, Ron Banks, Wesley Fisk, Nina Michalowski, Ken McLeod and Robin Wylie.
Five company ramp employees stationed at Vancouver Airport received the Air Canada Merit Award for performing an act of bravery above and beyond the call of duty.
A single-engine Cessna 182-F had crashed in the spring of 1980 near the company's hangar at the airport and the five quick acting employees, Bob Clarke, Brian Newman, Tom Peschau, Brian Campbell and Bob Hawkes rushed to the scene with a 300-pound extinguisher and began dousing the flames before the fire department had arrived.
Pictured at the merit award presentation are, from the left: Bill Rowe, R. Gadsten, G. Grant, Bob Clarke, Brian Newman, Tom Peschau, Dunc Laing, Brian Campbell and Bob Hawes.
Found in the "Between Ourselves" magazine issued September 1970.
1970 - August - ReserVec II went "on line". All flights after September 13th were loaded.
Ten employees from across the system were on temporary assignment in Toronto for system acceptance of ReserVec II.
The ten instructors and supervisors are pictured here following completion of the successful test. Seated from the left: Frank Amour, LHR; Les Tulett, YUL; George Burns, YOW; and Pat Patterson, YYZ.
Standing: Don Bridges, YEG; Mitch Mitchell, YHZ; Neils Eliot, YYC; Conrad Karsen, JFK; Len Rachuk, YVR; and Bill Martin, YWG.
Alan's Space
Inside the 737 Test Plane
From www.wired.com (Submitted by: Wayne Albertson)
THE SIGHT OF a passenger jet performing stunts might terrify you, but it shouldn’t. The Boeing 737 MAX is the first new plane of Boeing’s second century of existence, but before it can enter service, it has to prove itself. The 737 is a Seattle stalwart—the best-selling commercial jet ever—but that doesn’t mean it can afford to skimp on evolution.
That’s why Boeing has built the 737 MAX, a new take on the jet that’s 14 percent more efficient and 40 percent quieter than the outgoing version. But before airlines can cram you into the thing, Boeing’s got to prove it’s airworthy in just about any situation.
Click on photo below for full article.

CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
Extracted from the Info Canadian Special Commemorative Issue March 30, 1987.
Canadian Airlines International Ltd made its first public appearance at a press conference in Vancouver, B.C. on March 24, 1987
The new corporate identity was already being promoted to the public. A major nation-wide advertising campaign began March 30, 1987 spreading the "Canadian" word to the public. Flight attendants were announcing the new name to passengers and administration offices were answering the telephone, "Canadian Airlines International".
To avoid passenger confusion, reservations offices continued to identify themselves as "Pacific Western Airlines" and "Canadian Pacific Air Lines" until proper signage was in place at the airports, and reservations offices were fully integrated by April 26, 1987. Here are all the airlines incorporated over the years.
Halifax - The new corporate name and identity was a well kept secret until the March 24, 1987 release, and a pleasant surprise to all.
Vancouver - The Vancouver presentation ended in a round of applause. Employee response on the west coast was very positive.
San Francisco - Changing the corporate identification will be a massive undertaking. The first priority is to have some visible corporate identification in place by April 26, 1987. Airport signage was planned for major stations by that date, and ticket jackets, napkins and trayliners should sport the new logo as well. April 26 is also the target date for the distribution of new lapel pins to employees.
Toronto - Kits containing copies of the press release, the video script, samples of the logo, integrated route maps and renderings of the new livery, were in such demand at each location that supplies ran out very quickly. Extra prints of the B737 and DC-10 in the new livery were forwarded to all employees within the next few weeks.
Many hours of creative thought, market research and consumer testing went into the selection of a corporate identity to reflect the combined forces of Pacific Western Airlines, Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Nordair and Eastern Provincial Airways as they came together as one of the top 25 world carriers.
Four highly respected Canadian design houses, three in Toronto and one in Vancouver, were asked to make submissions. The exhaustive market testing identified the proposal submitted by OVE Design of Toronto Incorporated as the best image package according to the results of the extensive testing process.
(If anyone can be identified in the photos we would like to hear from you – eds)
Wayne's Wings
The Silver Bullet - Fin # 754
If you've ever seen Air Canada Fin #754 (C-FBKT) there's no doubt that you remember it. The “Silver Bullet” flew in bare metal livery with the rondel on the tail and a red stripe and Air Canada signature along the fuselage.
During its brief time in the fleet (June 1988 to August 1989) it was both a source of frustration and amusement for Air Canada employees and customers. It was leased from Eastern Airlines to replace other DC9's that had to be taken out of service to perform mandatory overhauls that were coming due.
At the time when the "Silver Bullet" was part of our fleet I was working in Purchasing & Supply in Toronto in a position that required me to attend maintenance meetings each morning and report any parts issues to my manager. Fin #754 was frequently a focus of these meetings as it had numerous minor maintenance issues that the maintenance engineers delighted in joking about. 
The aircraft was already twenty years old and Eastern Airlines was having financial problems so it had not been maintained up to their usual standards. However, it was returned to EAL in good condition.
The aircraft continued in service with EAL and later Northwest Airlines until November 2006 when it was hit by a tug vehicle in Minneapolis and damaged beyond repair. It had flown for forty years before it was scrapped. You can actually purchase a model of Fin #754 in Air Canada livery on eBay for $38.00 USD + shipping.
David Varnes, Secretary Treasurer for IAM LL764 in Vancouver has written an excellent article about Fin #754 in the October issue of the Lodge’s Snag Sheet publication; David’s article begins on page 3. While you’re there, check out back issues of the Snag Sheet for more of David’s literary work.
Reader's Feedback
Norman Hogwood, in New Zealand, sends this memory after reading the article on the Bristol Freighter in NetLetter nr 1351 -
Just opened NL 1351 as we have been on holiday for a week at beautiful Coopers Beach in Doubtless Bay in the Far North. I meant to have commented on the B170 item in NL 1350. I had one flight in one of those lumberers! A NZ company called Straits Air Freight Express (Safeair) operated a fleet of about 10 of them just flying almost exclusively across the Cook Strait between Wellington and Blenheim on behalf of NZ Railways and also under contract to NAC for cargo carriage on the same point to point journey. While in the NAC Safety Dept, my boss (a retired B737 captain) and I had to have a meeting with Safeair to discuss some ground handling matters so flew over to Blenheim in one of our F27’s. Coming home we were invited to take a B170 trip. Naturally, my boss climbed the ladder to the cockpit while I occupied the sole seat in the “cabin” below. In the adjoining cargo bay was one huge bull and he and I rattled our way across the Strait for 30 minutes or so! My Air NZ boss was a pilot on RNZAF B170’s based in Singapore during the Malayan emergency.
One day I had an invite to visit the ATC tower at Wellington and while there I witnessed an emergency involving a B170 losing an engine on takeoff. It was interesting to watch the staff clear the airways to allow the 170 do a one engine harbour circuit (they don’t go too well on one) and it disappeared but safely emerged from round the headland to land OK.
Captain Dennis Giguere advises -
Re the article in Alan's Space, "the youngest ever airline captain", on March 8, 1968 I was promoted as an Air Canada Captain at age 25. When I retired in March 2002 as seniority # 1, I was (I believe) the longest serving Captain with 34 years in the left seat.
Captain Dennis Giguere Air Canada Retired
Re Wayne's Wings Fokker F28 article in NL # 1353
I was not able to confirm the airline that first flew the Fokker F28 in Canada, but our faithful readers responded:
Bob Ellis - Transair operated 2 F-28s in the late 60s and early 70s. I didn`t fly them and can`t give you actual dates. It would be great to see Transair`s logo back in the NetLetter again. (Alan responded - when we redo the header logo, we'll see if we can fit it in)
Pete Varty - Re Netletter 1353 The first operator of the F-28 in Canada was Transair which from my source had 2; CF-TAV and CF-TAY. TAV operated 10/72 to 6/79. TAY 4/73 to 2/79 Both went to Air Niugini which operated them for about 25 years. Great work... keep it up!
Ross Taylor - In regard to Wayne's Wings item on the F-28, little old TransAir of CYWG was the first airline to operate the F-28 n Canada. It became quite a useful aircraft after the teething troubles that accompany a new type being introduced to the Canadian climate were overcome.
Doug Holloway - Transair started flying the Focker F28 in Canada in 1972 - far as I know, the first in Canada.
Thanks to eveyone, Wayne
Odds and Ends
Laszlo Bastyovanszky sends this article -
Switzerland has long been a popular destination with foreign officials who are seeking discreet banking services. But while their money may be hidden, their arrival in Geneva isn’t any longer.
Here’s how it works: The program regularly scans an antenna that collects transponder codes from the planes entering and exiting Geneva. If there’s a match with a plane linked to an authoritarian government, it posts a tweet.
(Retirees using this method of banking service – beware - eds)
Dug out of the “Horizons” magazine issue November 1980.
Our company name. The adoption of the name "Air Canada" in place of "Trans-Canada Air Lines" covered a surprising length of time. TCA, way back in 1953, had applied for and received, authority to use "Air Canada" as a trade name where and when it thought fit. At the time, this authorization did not contemplate the abandonment of the corporate name "Trans-Canada Air Lines", but as the company's services extended into Europe, there the designation "Trans-Canada" was virtually without commercial meaning (as nine out of ten Englishmen insisted on translating the letters TCA into "Trans-Canadian Airways".
At the same time, other countries were designating their national airlines with the word "Air" followed by the name of their country. The Board of Directors (at a June 1959 meeting as the company was entering the jet age) decided that the company would adopt "Air Canada" as its primary trade name which, being bi-lingual, avoided the use of two separate names in the Canadian market.
The authorized French equivalent for "Trans-Canada Air Lines" was "Lignes aeriennes Trans-Canada".
In 1961, and again 1962, Private Members' Bills appeared in Hansard again proposing the name change. Comments from the company were made in 1963, but the matter was allowed to rest until March 1964. The bill was finally passed, with the change becoming effective on January 1st, 1965.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Sunny Holy Land Tour, January 5 to 11, 2017
The Interline Club of Israel is pleased to invite all Interline Club Members to visit Israel in winter time. Stays are in Jerusalem & Tel-Aviv.
Visit Jerusalem Old & New city, Masada, Dead Sea, Nazareth, the Galilee & many other sites.
Rates in US $: Per person in a double room: $975.00 Single Supplement: $440.00 Extra night in Tel Aviv: $85.00, Single Room $160.00 BB basis. WACA fee per person: $20.00
Tour Includes:
- Four nights’ accommodation at Metropolitan Tel Aviv hotel.
- Two nights’ accommodation at Ramada hotel in Jerusalem.
- Four Organized Tours with English Speaking Guides (other languages on request).
- Four dinner meals at the hotels and one at the restaurant..
Tour does not include: Lunch beverages, drinks, tips, transfers & travel Insurance. (anything not mention at the program).
Contact: Tel/fax: ++ 972 3 9218019 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.more information at www.waca.org/events
Employee Travel is pleased to announce new ZED fare agreements with Southwest and Middle East Airlines effective immediately.
To purchase these fares or to list for flights, please use www.myIDTravel.com
The agreement highlights include: Reinstated for Southwest (WN) - ZL discount in Economy Class for employees, their spouse, dependent children and parents
Improved for Middle East Airlines (ME) - ZL discount for employees, their spouse and dependent children and parents. (source Daily Oct 7/16)
Reinstated: Icelandair ( FI) - ZM discount in Economy Class for employees, their spouse dependent children and ZH for parents
New: Air Berlin (AB) - ZL discount for employees, their spouse and dependent children and ZM for parents
New: Avianca Brazil (O6) - ZL discount for employees, their spouse and dependent children and parents
Employee Travel: verifying ID travel agreements.
The OAL (Other Air Line) chart found on the employee travel website gets updated once a month. To ensure that you have the most up to date employee travel information on OAL, please check the ID Agreement tab on myIDTravel. (source Daily Oct 12/16)
Air Canada’s HR Connex Centre advises that “As long as the retiree is eligible for full retiree travel privileges, he/she will be eligible for ZED fares”.
This cartoon, by Dave Mathias, is from the "Between Ourselves" magazine issued December 1951. The caption is "Just a company regulation - can't drink in uniform!"
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
NetLetter Staff for 2016
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.