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NetLetter #1356 | December 14, 2016 |
Airbus A330 Fin # 938 (C-GHLM)
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter. Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net
ACFN/NetLetter News
We have a created a new website for Canadian Aviation Industry Obits at obits.acfamilynet.ca. We will be adding more features to the Obituaries website in the near future to cover Death notices (only), Full obituaries and In Memoriam postings.
Please note that the website was designed for the airline employee only, and is not meant to list family members (ie: spouse, children, etc.). We also ask that those submitting notices are either a family member of the deceased or have permission of the deceased's families before posting as the website was created for long time archival purposes and will remain online as long as possible.
Please note that our next issue of the NetLetter is scheduled on Christmas Eve, December 24.
We would appreciate receiving any seasonal related pleasant memories or pictures that our readers may wish to share.
The NetLetter Team
Women in Aviation
In this 1916 photo, we see pioneer aviator Ruth Law.
Click Here for her Wikipedia page.
Air Canada News
November 7th, 2016 was the last day Air Canada operated the Toronto–Santiago-Buenos Aires route with a Boeing 767-300ER. The Boeing 767 fleet operated on this route since 2003. As of November 8th customers now travel aboard a Boeing 777-300ER until the summer 2017 when it will switch to the 787 Dreamliner.
November 13th, 2016 resumption of seasonal service between Vancouver and Palm Springs aboard Air Canada Rouge 767-300ER, making it the first carrier to operate a wide body aircraft to Palm Springs and the largest aircraft operating there for the winter season.
November 18th, 2016 launch of seasonal service between Montreal and Puerto Vallarta aboard Air Canada Rouge Boeing 767-300ER. Its first time a B767 operated on this route.
Plans in June 2016 to begin (seasonal) daily Vancouver-Frankfurt (787) and three-times-weekly London Gatwick (767).
(source SpeedNews Nov 11/16).
Star Alliance News
United announces low-fare restrictions.
United will become the first major U.S. airline to limit low-fare customers to one carry-on bag that fits under a seat. Such customers will not be assigned seats until the day of departure, meaning some people traveling together may not be seated next to each other. It was unclear if this move would prompt similar moves by rivals. However, airlines have frequently copied each other in the past. (source Reuters)
Reader Submitted Photos
Betty Morgan has found these photos with the following comment -
This was the staff in Windsor, Ontario where we were from '66 to '69. I used to know all their names. I remember Harry Fase and a couple of the others, but would love to have them all identified.
We loved it there and Jack was in his glory, with all of Detroit for him to sell. My memory is not so good for names any more but maybe these are useful for someone.
Here we have the group on the Advanced Management Course Banff (sometime in the 50's?)
and this photo has, left to right; Claude Taylor, Jack Morgan and Pierre Jeanniot at Air Canada's 50th anniversary - Montreal.
Betty Morgan
Paul Goodman has sent us this undated photo of Air Canada flight #777 flight attendants.
From the left: Mimi Cadieux, Jannett Pechman and Franca Peusasto. I think this photo is between 15 to 20 years old.
Thank you, Paul Goodman
TCA/AC People Gallery
1986 - September 14 AirBC launched service between Vancouver and Penticton. |
Traced to the "Between Ourselves" magazine issue dated February 1972.
Safari jackets.
Pursers flying to all Sun Living destinations began wearing jackets in February. Both Pursers and Assistant Pursers had the option of wearing either a jacket or a sleeveless vest tunic while on board the aircraft. The jackets could be worn with a beige shirt and a choice of two brightly printed neckties.
In our photo, from the left Pursers Bernard Chalmel and Bernard Hoffman are seen wearing the two variations.
At the left, looking on, is Phyliss Amoruse, Fashion co-ordinator.
Williamson honoured.
Personnel from all departments gathered in Halifax to say farewell to Bob Williamson, General Manager Atlantic Provinces who retired after more than 34 years service with the Company. Shown in our photos are four out-of-towners who made a special trip for the occasion.
From the left: Seldon Drake, Regional Aircraft Service Supervisor, Montreal; George Brien, A/District Manager, Yarnmouth; Ed Goff, District Manager, Gander; and Ralph Trites, Personnel & Administration Supervisor, Sydney.
You'll be in good hands if you ever have a accident in Saint John, N.B. Employees who completed a course in First Aid conducted by G.J. Doucet, Regional Supervisor of First Aid for CNR, Moncton, are shown here with their certificates.
From the left: Norm Duffley, Wilma Ross, Frank Foley, Coleen Appt, Jim Smith, Joan King and Ken Sparks.
Issue dated Midsummer 1951
Most recent class of stewardesses to graduate from the training school in Montreal posed before the main entrance of the International Aviation Building - headquarters for T.C.A.
From the left: J. Hikida, M. Fogarty, T. Bjarnasson, A. Alexander, J. LaFlache, M. Tucker, E. Devine, E. Plaster, D. Altrogge, M. Clark, E. Hastman, E. Morrissey, P. Trudeau, D. Tuckey, V. Woodworth, D. Curlook, W. Phillips, G. Bool, M. Muir, M. McCartan, E. Witt, H. Murr and G. Daniels.
From the "Horizons" magazine issue dated October 1980
In May 1980, Air Canada agreed to purchase 29% shareholding in Guinness Peat Aviation based in Shannon, Ireland.
November 1980, an Air Canada L-1011, painted in Air Lanka colours was leased to the Asian carrier for a two year period, pending delivery of their own aircraft. The multi-million dollar contract with Air Lanka includes training.
In the photo from the left: S/O Supervisor - L-1011 Len Vandedriesen and Captain Dick Nunday, along with Air Lanka's Captain Seluk Sumerol, First Officer Elmo Jayawardena and Flight Engineer M. Sadoon.
In January 1979, Air Canada purchased 86 1/2% of Nordair outstanding shares.
Airtransit was the first company to operate a fully fledged Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) service between Montreal and Ottawa. The first flight was July 24th, 1974 the final flight was April 30th, 1976. Airtransit is 100% owned by Air Canada but exists now in name only.
The company women's softball team, dubbed the Air Canada Flyers finished fourth in the Halifax league at the end of the 1980 season, but surprised even themselves when they won the playoffs by defeating Kitz Klan 14 - 9.
The team is shown front row from the left: Pam Love, Debbie Bertrum, Kathy Graham and Mary Haines.
Second row from the left: Ruth Maida, Charmaine LeBlanc, Mary Moriarty and Louise Rowe.
Back row from the left: Louise Loftly, Mark Thompson (coach), Francis MacLeod and Jack Inouye (assistant coach).
Missing are Sherry Grant, Pauline Benoit and Mary Ann Fris.
Alan's Space

Alan and his wife, Mary Lou, are cruising in the South Pacific celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary.
CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
From the "News Alert" issued April 1986.
On Tuesday April 29th, inaugural flight 451 departed Vancouver on a non-stop routing to Shanghai, China, under the command of Captain Bob Weatherly.
The Shanghai manager was John Gilchrist. Historically China has always been "ours". Beginning in the early 1890s and up until the Second World War, CP Ships linked these two cities. Our inaugural transpacific service got underway in 1949 but, unfortunately, domestic events in China necessitated a suspension of the Shanghai route.
From the "Flash Info" issued April 1987.
The first aircraft sporting Canadian Airlines International's new livery went into active service in March 1987. Aircraft fin #912, a DC-10, departed YVR as flight 068 destined to YYZ.
Twenty-one B-737's to be fitted with video monitors. Beta video monitors are being installed on Canadian Airlines B-737's for inflight entertainment on multi-class transcontinental and other longer flights. CPAL was the first in the industry to install video systems on B-737-300's and Canadian Airlines will be the first to install them in the model 200's. Several other airlines have now adopted the idea.
Pionairs hold annual gathering.
Almost 800 reservations had been made so far for the ninth annual CPAL Pionairs reunion luncheon being held May 13 1987 at the Hotel Vancouver.
Retirees are expected from at least seven provinces and eight countries. Delegates from the PWA Retirees Association will be in attendance.
Sheldon Stoilen, Group V.P., Marketing & Commercial Services. will represent the senior management on behalf of President Murray Sigler, who is unable to attend due to PWA Corp's annual meeting the following day.
Pass interchangeability between Pacific Western and Air Canada was discontinued effective April 26th, 1987.
Extract from "PWA Flightlines" magazine Issue dated July 1986.
Pacific Western Airlines announced the establishment of a commuter airline network called "Pacific Western Spirit" to become effective September 15th, 1986. Calm Air joined July 15th, 1986 and Time Air July 16th, 1986.
Pacific Western celebrated 40 years since Russ Baker first started the company in Fort St. James, B.C. Calm Air originally started in northern Saskatchewan by Carl Arnold Lawrence Morberg in 1961 his initials providing the name for his airline started as a supplemental service to a sporting lodge he owned and operated. He gave up the original Calm air routes when he purchased Chiupka Airways in norther Manitoba and renamed it Calm Air in 1969.
Stubb Ross started Lethbridge Air Service in 1966. He saw the need to provide a competitive service to Trans-Canada Air Lines which served the route between Calgary and Lethbridge. Subsequently, TCA dropped their Lethbridge route which secured the territory for Lethbridge Air Service, which was renamed Time Air in the early 1970's.
While doing a check ride for flight attendants on 615/8 July 10th, 1980, (YWG, YTH, YFO, YWG), Sheldon Page (C.O.M., YWG) was caught dancing on the ramp. Observers said "you could have put it to music".
In the photo we have Sheldon in mid-pirouette, a very difficult full turn on one foot in ballet. Sheldon said he was looking forward to his audition soon with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet Company.
Wayne's Wings
Airbus A330 - Steady and Reliable
I have a special fondness for this fleet. During my last years as an active employee I was an expediter in Vancouver ordering parts for planned overnight line maintenance work.
The fleet of eight A330’s (Fins 931 to 938) regularly rotated through Vancouver nightly as Vancouver “owned” the fleet in terms of line maintenance. Since they are a relatively small fleet we would often see that same aircraft once or twice a week.
Our A330 for the night usually arrived on flight 137 from Toronto at approximately 20:00 and, after being off loaded, was towed to the hangar for the maintenance crew whose shift began at 20:30. After the overnight visit, the aircraft was towed back to the ramp and most often be assigned to flight 142 back to Toronto followed by a flight to a European destination.
Air Canada took delivery of the eight aircraft direct between January 2000 and August 2001.
Unlike the similar (but under powered) four engine A340, the A330 is well powered by two Rolls Royce Trent 700 engines. They have approximately the same range (10,000 kilometres) as the B767-ER fleet but have more capacity and often alternate with that fleet on domestic and international routes depending on the season.
Over the years there has been frequent speculation that these aircraft would be phased out of the fleet with the deliveries of the B777 and B787 fleets but all eight are still going strong after sixteen years of reliable service.
Reader's Feedback
Jim Griffith contacted to advise that December 9th 2016 is the 50th anniversary of the tragic loss of TCA North Star Flight 810. Rien van Tilbourg has written an excellent article for “In Formation” that is a nice historical tribute.
We contacted Mr. van Tilborg and he has graciously given his permission to make his article available to our readers.
Click Here to read the article in PDF format.
The NetLetter Crew
Betty Draper has sent us this media article titled Western Girl Air Stewardess dated July 23rd, 1941.
Following the recent increase in its international service to three flights daily between Toronto and New York and Toronto and Windsor, and general extension of service, Trans-Canada Air Lines has added eight more registered graduate nurses to its stewardess personnel.
Under the supervision of Miss Margaret Dickson, supervisory stewardess, eastern division, the girls received three weeks of intense training at Malton airport, consisting of familiarization flights, maintenance methods, flight operations, meteorological service and traffic operations.
They all passed the written explanations with flying colours and will doff the familiar nurse's garb of white for the natty blue and grey summer uniform of their sister stewardesses to enter regular passenger service. Coming from as far as Saskatchewan in the west, to the province of Quebec in the east, only one of the girls had experienced air travel prior to the inauguration of their course, but they are all enthusiastic and anxious to commence their regular duties.
Included in the class were: Annette Robitaille, Montreal; Doris Richards of Warkworth, Ontario; Anne Taylor of St. Thomas, Ontario; Harriet Broad of London, Ontario; Margery Noble of Bala, Ontario; Delia Murphy of Belleville, Ontario; Harriet Naylor of Madoc, Ontario and Muriel Hanbridge of Kerrobert, Saskatchewan.
(No photo was available - eds)
John Kneebone refers to the article regarding the Britannia aircraft, in NetLetter nr 1355 and sends this comment -
Just read the latest NetLetter and regarding the start date for the Transcon routes Flt 1 and 2, I started in reservations March 9, 1959 and no Transcon at that time, but started in May 1959, I remember it well as we were very busy with the new route.
Many thanks for all the news, John Kneebone.
(John is quite correct the year was 1959 – eds)
Odds and Ends
Detoured flight.
Protecting the lives of passengers aboard a flight - even canine - is the number one priority of any pilot. An Air Canada pilot with 232 passengers aboard detoured his flight between Tel Aviv, Israel, and Toronto, Canada, because a dog traveling in cargo risked freezing to death when the plane crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
A heating malfunction caused the temperature to fall in the cargo hold and so, to save the dog's life, the pilot diverted to Frankfurt, Germany, where the seven year old French bulldog was rescued from the chilly compartment and placed in another plane.
Click Here for CBC story on the incident
John Shea has sent us this piece of history -
Pan American World Airways' Boeing 707-121, N711PA (Clipper America), operated the first commercial "707" flight on October 26th, 1958.
The flight departed New York's Idlewild Airport, made a fuel stop in Gander, NL, and arrived the following morning in Paris at the Aéroport de Paris – Le Bourget.
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH PACIFIC AIRLINES, Ltd., are attempting to gain a lead over competitors on the Pacific route by purchasing four long range Douglas DC-6s.
The new aircraft are expected to start operations between Vancouver, San Francisco, Honolulu, Canton Island, Fiji and Sydney or Auckland by March 1949. The B.C.P.A. DC-6’s are 48-seaters carrying a crew of nine, including three pilots, a flight engineer, radio operator, navigator, purser and two stewardesses. (source January 6th, 1949 Flight Magazine.)
(Note: British Commonwealth Pacific Airlines or BCPA, was an airline registered in New South Wales, Australia in June 1946 with headquarters in Sydney. – eds)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips

Starting December 1, 2016 due to operational reasons, flight AC057 from Dubai to Toronto will have a seat cap for the winter season. Employees who are planning to travel standby should have backup tickets on other airlines with them.
As a reminder, standbys at Dubai are processed at check-in as the Airport Authority does not permit passengers to go to the gate with a standby boarding card.(source Daily Nov 14/16)
A photograph of an aircraft "giving birth to baby airplanes" has delighted aviation enthusiasts around the world. The photo, posted by Matthew Carroll, is actually of an Airbus Beluga - which transports airplane parts - unloading its cargo. However, the facts didn't get in the way of some people's imaginations and Reddit users had a field day with the "baby airplane" story.
From the "Horizons" magazine issued October 1980,
This cartoon by Dave Mathias with a caption "It's a note from your wife. She's in front of the terminal in her dressing gown and you took the car keys".
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
NetLetter Staff for 2016
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.