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NetLetter #1393 | June 27, 2018 |
C-GWKF parked at Abbotsford International
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net Please click the links below to visit our NetLetter Archives and for more info about the NetLetter.
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ACFN/NetLetter News
2018 Federal Budget Only Mentions Pension Protection Strategy
Finance Minister Bill Morneau stated in the 2018 budget that the government will be consulting with workers, pensioners and businesses on how best to ensure secure retirement for Canadians. It’s a step in the right direction but we must keep the pressure on politicians. CARP will continue to engage its members and concerned citizens to hold the government accountable for protecting pensioners.
CARP has been calling on the government to legislate super-priority status for unfunded pension liabilities. If a company goes bankrupt, pensioners should be paid first! But the government has failed to act. We must pressure our politicians to do what’s right. If you believe retirees deserve better treatment, e-mail your MP to demand super-priority for pensioners.
To participate in this campaign please visit www.carp.ca/campaign/carp-demands-put-pensioners-first/
Coming Events

For complete details see: www.gimliglider.com/blog/
Vintage & Classic Aircraft Fly-In, North Weald, Essex, UK.
Air-Britain's Fly-In is the longest established UK Fly-In organized independently by and for aviation enthusiasts by Air-Britain (Events) Ltd, in association with The Squadron at the North Weald Airfield in Essex.
It aims to bring aviation enthusiasts, historians, pilots and anyone interested in aviation together in a relaxed aviation atmosphere to enable the sharing of experiences.
Also offered to the public is the opportunity to see what Air-Britain offers and to learn more about aviation and its rich history.
Click here for more details.
PWA Picnic - Reunion
Reunion Picnic in the Park - Sunday, August 12, 2018 from 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM - Hazelmere RV Park, 18843 8th Avenue Surrey, BC where we will reunite in a day of fond memories and embellished stories, all washed down with great food and the beverage of your choice.
The associated cost is $35 pp, which covers the venue, equipment rental and catering by B&B Gourmet Burger Truck.
The menu will consist of burgers (chicken, beef or veggie), corn on the cob, fries, potato salad accompanied by pop, coffee or bottle water. Serving time 15:00 - 19:00.
If paying by cheque, please forward to: Gale Brisseau 416 Seashell Drive Delta, BC V4L2L4 OR via e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Payment must be made by the cut-off date of July 27th with NO EXCEPTIONS. There will be no provisions to accept payment on site. We would appreciate your co-operation in this matter as we must provide the caterer and venue office with firm numbers prior to the event.
More information at pwareunion.com
50th Annual Arlington Fly-In, July 6 - 8, 2018.
Arlington Municipal Airport Arlington, Washington; West side of airport.
Airshows, Aviation Exhibits, a new Street Fair, Drone Light Shows, Warbirds, Military Vehicles, Parades, Hot Air Balloon Glow, Workshops, Food, Live Music, Movies and hundreds of aircraft in all shapes and sizes.
More information at arlingtonflyin.org
Women in Aviation
Esquimalt pilot encouraging more women to fly.
From the Victoria News, July 19, 2016
Ramona Reynolds becomes the fist female president of the 70 year old Victoria Flying Club.
Click here for the full article by Pamela Roth.
August 1946 – The Victoria Flying Club begins operations after securing temporary lodging with the RCAF at Patricia Bay. |
Air Canada News
May 17, 2018, YVR kicked off the busy travel season with Air Canada’s new flight to Sacramento—the first non-stop service from a Canadian airport.
To celebrate the new route, YVR hosted a fun early morning gate event for passengers, complete with California treats and decor.
(Source: yvr.ca)
Star Alliance News
Air New Zealand and Qantas have revealed plans to begin code sharing in each other’s domestic markets, the two airlines announced June 1.
The two airlines plan to begin their new relationship from October 28.
(Source: atwonline.com June 4, 2018)
TCA/AC People Gallery
- December 5, - service Calgary - Maui and Calgary - Honolulu both non-stop with B-767 equipment.
- December 25, - service between Vancouver - Varadero for Air Canada Vacations.
- March 1 - operate Vancouver non-stop to Zurich, Geneva, Paris and Frankfurt. (Note: These were only ad hoc flights for 2010 Winter Olympics/Paralympics, not permanent newly scheduled routes. (Source Newswire.ca)
- November 1 - commenced Montreal - Houston non-stop.
- May 1, Air Canada transitioned to “credit card only” for the purchase of all in-flight products such as Onboard Café, bar or duty-free boutique items.
Extracted from the "Horizons" magazine issue May 1983. |
Fast action by Regina staff kept everything under control following the incident on May 12, 1983 in which Flight 234 from Vancouver, CF-TLJ, Fin #709 c/n 47019 a DC-9, slid off a Regina runway upon landing in a freak spring snow storm..
All 57 passengers and five crew members were evacuated. Two passengers received minor injuries. Crew members Lucille Parkinson, Purser; Barbara Brown and Jocelyne Landry-Altmann, Flight Attendants; as well as Captain Jack Proulx and First Officer Ian Watson were all checked for injuries and then transported to a local hotel.
Below we have these photos -
This image shows Regina employees, while surveying the damage, taking a moment to smile for the camera.
From the left are: John Delwo, Station Attendant; Bob Krause, Station Attendant and Jim Colliness, Station Agent.
A legend in her own time.
A fond farewell was arranged recently by In-Flight Service in Vancouver for Billie Houseman to mark her retirement after 38 years’ service. As a reminder to Billie of all the uniforms she has worn over the years, her colleagues arranged a group parade.
From the left: Sherie Christensen, lsobel Rose, Joyce Ernyer, Evelyne Newman, Billie Houseman, Ardych Cleveland, Audrey Chernowas, Gloria Bramucci and Louise Chong.
As everyone wished Billie good luck, many were heard to say "we'll miss you".
Issue dated June 1983.
The Pionairs 6th annual May 20 - 23, 1983 was held at Anaheim’s Marriott Hotel where some 500 Pionairs gathered from a total membership of 1,827.
New executive elected for a two-year term 1983/4 are, standing from the left: Gord Smith, George Fox, Shirley Goodwin and Norm Donnelly.
Seated are Nancy Walchuk, left, and Kay Napolitano.
Representing the districts are, from the left, standing: Gord Smith, Roger Alain, Jack Somerset, Don Jarvis, Bill Storey and Tony Bruneau.
Seated from the left are: Beth Ferguson, Mary Young and Evelyn Desjardins.
Vancouver fetes retirees from then and now.
Highlights of the 7th century included the year 622, the traditional date for the start of the Muslim era, and the year 687, when the first Doge of Venice was elected. The year 653 might also have been a significant date if an imaginary Air Canada employee had joined a fledgling TCA then.
If that hypothetical employee elected to retire today, he or she would match the shared service represented by 40 Vancouver-based employees who retired at the end of April 1983.
Collectively they represented 1,331 years of service. To commemorate such an achievement, a farewell gathering was held at the Richmond Inn, near Vancouver Airport. Plaques were presented and fond farewells given by a sell-out group of friends and well-wishers.
Pictured at the gathering are, back row, from the left: Doug Mcleod, Bill Graham, Doug Armitage, Stan Swabuk; Dave Fairweather, A.l. Johnston, Art Hansen, Len Rachuk, Marv Lohnes, Roger Bertoia, Doug Fairbairn, Jack Burgess, Dave Bayliss, Ivan Angers, Jack McManus, Ross Kimmerly, Stan Cornock, Jack Koch, Blake Austin and Bob Hough.
Front row, from the left: Bill Rowe, V.P. Western Region, John Innes, Norm Batten, Lea Mclntyre, Bill Vaughan, Bill Dickinson, Joan Copeland, Gordon Woida, Howie Miles, Dan Holloway, John lverson, George McKillop, George Martin, Billie Houseman, Al MacDonald and Zachary Clark, G.M., B.C. & Pacific Northwest.
Not in the photo: Bob Black, George Grant, John Maclean, Jack Glover and Al Ward, and of course, the fanciful immortal employee with a C-1331 year pass priority.
Issue dated September 2005 (Used with permission)
New routes from Hamilton Airport started September 18, 2005 when Jazz introduced flights to Ottawa and Montreal utilizing Canadair Regional jet aircraft.
Issue dated October 2005 (Used with permission)
On Friday, September 2, 2005, more than 10 employees boarded an Air Canada Airbus A321 C-GITU destined for New Orleans, Louisiana. Their mission to support Operation Air Care.
Air Canada was the first foreign carrier to arrive in New Orleans and help evacuate its residents and airlift relief supplies. Operating 3 flights between New Orleans and Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, the airline airlifted more than 500 evacuees and brought soldiers, National Guardsmen and supplies of bottled water, blood and 1,200 lbs of morphine to aid in the relief efforts in New Orleans.
Issue dated November 2009. (with permission)
Star Booking Class Alignment
The work began in February 2009 with Phase 1, changing Air Canada Vacation’s booking classes, implemented at the end of August. Phase 2 changed the upgrade class in the business cabin, and was implemented on September 6. Phase 3, implemented on October 5, 2009.
As of October 29, 2009, Air Canada’s booking class structure has been re-aligned with that of Star Alliance, marking the successful conclusion of a major project that has been in the works for nine months. By implementing the Star Booking Class Alignment (SBCA), we are now meeting a Star partnership requirement while giving Revenue Management the tools to do their jobs more efficiently.
Here's the core team who worked on the Star Booking Class Alignment (SBCA) project.
Front and centre: Shamra Hauck. Front row, left to right: Kelly-Anne Frénette, Jamie Gautreau, Guy Gauvreau, Lucie Guillemette, Annie Quillopa, Geneviève Lapierre and Lisa Le.
Second row: Ken Nathanson, Madeleine Pinault, Leslie-Anne Vezina, Linming Lam Cham Kee and Brigitte Hegyi.
Third row: Christine Séguin, Mary Porco and Hélène Rivard.
Back: Manuella Meilchen, Karen Bowman, Richard Pilon (behind Karen), Jacques Cherrier, Nancy Lavoie and Karim Rachi.
A celebration of flight, by Brian Losito
No other nation in the world owes more to flight than Canada. Aviation opened up the country and remains a life-line to many remote areas.
The pioneers of aviation in Canada began their journey into powered flight on February 23, 1909, in Baddeck, N.S. Using a frozen lake as a runway, John Alexander and Douglas McCurdy piloted the Silver Dart and travelled a distance of 800 metres at 65 km/h. The flight was hailed as Canada’s first successful controlled, powered flight.
Air Canada’s Lockheed Electra CF-TCC got to participate in the 100th Anniversary of Flight Celebration, which kicked off this summer.
Air Canada partnered with Shell Aviation by flying the L10A from Winnipeg to Halifax with many stops along the way. On board each flight leg was a commemorative baton, which held memorabilia and logs of each flight leg. The baton was in the form of an RCAF navigator’s flight satchel. The baton was transferred to each of the many participating aircraft along the way.
Captains Harvey Reid and Gerry Norberg, both active Air Canada pilots, flew from Winnipeg to Montreal. Retired Captains Ken Patry and Alan MacLeod flew the Lockheed from Montreal through to Halifax. After the celebration this summer, our L10A participated in air shows and some PR events, then headed back to Winnipeg on October 16 where it will spend the winter in the Western Canadian Aviation Museum.
Canadians have a lot to be proud of when it comes to aviation and aerospace. By looking at our accomplishments over the past 100 years that began with the Silver Dart and continued with other significant developments in aviation technology and space research, imagine what great achievements the next 100 years will bring. Certainly this was a fitting event for our seventy-two year old Lockheed to have participated
YUL Stores - 775 years
On December 1991, Air Canada lost 775 years of experienced employees through retirement. Here we have this photo extracted from the "Parts and Pieces" magazine issued February 1992.
The retirement party, with over 200 in attendance, was held at the Dorval Community Centre.
From left to right: Tony Virgona, Mike Teesdale, Peter Thomson, Jerry St-Germain, Leo Beauchamp, Don Dryden, Robert Hibberd, Tony Leon, John Dratva, Sam Barclay, Ralph Stone, Mike Kukla, Bill Eaton, Hugo Guilbault, Ian Wilson, Frank Robertson, Joe Nagy, Robert Poth, Guy Turpin and Andy Roy.
Missing are Andre Lauzon, Ernie Smith, Ron Johnstone and Lawson Garayt.
Alan's Space
Paul McCartney Carpool Karaoke
(Submitted by: Bob Sheppard)
I am a big Beatles fan and I expect many of our NetLetter readers are as well. Although we rarely post anything that isn't aviation related, I thought I'd make an exception this week. If you were/are a Beatles fan, I'm fairly sure you'll enjoy the video below.
James Corden heads to Liverpool for a special day with Paul McCartney spent exploring the city of Paul's youth, visiting his childhood home where he wrote music with John Lennon, performing songs in a local pub and of course driving around singing a few of Paul's biggest hits.
So what does this have to do with aviation... Paul McCartney used to be in a band called "Wings".

CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
From the "Canadian Pacific COMPRESS" magazine issue 1981.
Spreading wings.
Soon after the war a new Empress of world travel was to make its debut. Grant McConachie, the unquenchable airline enthusiast and Wiliiam Neal, who had succeeded to the presidency of the company, had won a major victory. They persuaded the government to allow Canadian Pacific not only to continue to fly but to fly to the Orient and Australia as well.
The first overseas flight of the Empress of the air was in 1949. New destinations were quickly added until, six years later, Canadian Pacific flew 22,000 miles of routes to five continents. But the hoped –for right to fly to destinations across Canada was still denied.
Found in the "Connections" magazine issue dated March 1989.
The Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous was held on February 17 - 26, 1989. The annual high-spirited, foot-stomping carnival is a festival designed to thaw out the crustiest of sourdough, and to warm the hearts of any stranger to the North.
Here is the photo which came with the article. From left top row: Scott Lye, Robyn Firth, Alaina Fletcher, Laverne Randall, Sue Sawyer, Marie Aylward and Bruce Laurie.
Front row: Al Fozard, Becky Duncan, Pat Besier, Gayle Alford, Frank Close and Phil Dyke. Front centre is Dave Griffiths.
Wayne's Wings
C-GWKF - Almost 40 Years of Service
In June of 2017 my article in NL #1368 was about my pleasure in driving by Abbotsford International Airport (YXX) on my way to play Euchre with a group of friends on Monday evenings.
This week I noticed a Boeing 727 (Registration C-GWKF) sitting outside a hangar used by the University of the Fraser Valley for their Aircraft Structures Technician program.
There is just something about an aircraft parked in a remote setting that piques my curiosity. How many stories are contained within its fuselage?
I stopped and took a few pictures (see this issue's header) and immediately did a Google search of the registration when I returned home that evening.
As per www.planelogger.com, B-727-243 Serial No. 21270 Line No. 1231 first flew on November 4, 1976 and was delivered to Alitalia (I-DIRJ) on December 20, 1976 where is served until being acquired by People Express (N577PE) in January 1987 and later Continental Airlines (N17407). 
As has been well documented, the B-727 was gradually replaced by more fuel-efficient aircraft for passenger service but continued as cargo aircraft for the growing air cargo industry in the later part of the nineteen-nineties.
Kelowna Aircraft acquired the aircraft in January 2002 where it flew for Purolator Courier. As far as I can tell it flew until mid 2015 and accumulated almost 40 years of service in the air.
From the assembly team at Boeing to the various flight crews, passengers, cargo loading personnel and finally, students; this aircraft certainly has touched many lives.
Reader's Feedback
Here is an update on The Best Seat in the House—it has just gone to the printer.
Jim Griffith’s early flying history with Trans-Canada Air Lines cum Air Canada.
The book will be available at $29.95 (don’t you hate that .95—well, for you we are dropping it.)
The book will mail to any address in Canada at $5.05 (don’t you hate that nickel well, for you—Yahoo!)
So total $34.00 CAD or $27.00 USD.
The order site for the book is www.aviatorsbookshelf.ca The book won’t be listed yet but, orders can be placed NOW with Marni Niles AT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click the icon on the left for the book review. |
Odds and Ends
Montréal Saint-Hubert Longueuil Airport (IATA: YHU, ICAO: CYHU)
(French: Aéroport Montréal Saint-Hubert Longueuil), also called Montréal/Saint-Hubert Airport, is located in the Saint-Hubert borough of Longueuil, Quebec. The airport is located 16 km (9.9 mi) east of Downtown Montreal.
In operation since 1928, it was Montreal's first and only airport until the construction of Montréal/Dorval International Airport (now Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport).
As of 2017, it is ranked as Canada's 15th busiest airport by aircraft movements. This airport mainly serves travellers to Quebec destinations.
On August 1, 1930, the R100 airship arrived after what was possibly the first non-stop passenger-carrying powered flight across the North Atlantic to land in Canada.
R100 departed for Canada on July 29, 1930, reaching its mooring mast at the St-Hubert, Quebec Airport (outside Montreal) in 78 hours, having covered the great circle route of 3,300 mi (5,300 km) at an average ground speed of 42 mph (68 km/h).
The airship stayed at Montreal for 12 days with over 100,000 people visiting the airship each day while it was moored there, and a song was composed by La Bolduc to commemorate, or rather to make fun of, the people's fascination with R100.
It also made a 24-hour passenger-carrying flight to Ottawa, Toronto, and Niagara Falls while in Canada.
The airship departed on its return flight on August 13, 1930 reaching Cardington after a 57½ hour flight.
Pascan Aviation is a regional airline based in Saint-Hubert, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada.
It operates scheduled services within Quebec and Labrador as well as charter services. Its main base is Montréal/Saint-Hubert Airport and it runs a fixed-base operator at the airport.
The airline was established in 1999 by Serge Charron. Since then, the company has established itself as an independent regional airline in Quebec and claims to be the largest in the province. Pascan connects 11 regions throughout Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Fleet: (3) ATR 42, (13) BAe Jetstream 3200, (4) Pilatus PC-12/45, (7) King Air.
(Source: Wikipedia and pascan.com)
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
Grande Festa by the Interline Club of Portugal
Alto Alentejo Évora -Alcaçovas -Montemor-O-Novo-Estremoz -Vila Viçosa-Borba-Alandroal -S. Pedro Do Corval-Monsaraz
October 3 to 6, 2018 Cost €420 per person
Deadline date June 30, 2018.
Full details and registration details at www.waca.org
51st WACA Annual General Assembly
Venue: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. October 14 thru 18, 2018. Cost €730 per person
An optional tour October 18 thru 23, 2018 with a deadline July 1, 2018
Full details and registration details at www.waca.org
A selection from the offers by Dargal Interline
4 Night Bahamas ~ Carnival Cruise Lines ~ Carnival Conquest Aug 16 | More Dates... Fort Lauderdale; At Sea; Half Moon Cay; Nassau; Fort Lauderdale. Inside: $274, Ocean view: $314, Balcony: $419. |
4 Night Bahamas ~ Royal Caribbean International ~ Mariner of the Seas Jul 09 | More Dates... Miami; Nassau; At Sea; CocoCay; Miami; From: Inside: $415 ,Ocean view: $479, Balcony: $543. |
10 Night Australia/New Zealand/South Pacific ~ Royal Caribbean International ~ Radiance of the Seas Jan 24, 2019 | More Dates... Auckland; Bay of Islands; Tauranga; Napier; Wellington; Akaroa; Dunedin; Cruise Dusky Sound; Cruise Doubtful Sound; Cruise Milford Sound; At Sea; Sydney; From: Inside: $695, Ocean view: $758, Balcony: $884. |
11 Night Australia/New Zealand/South Pacific ~ Celebrity Cruises ~ Celebrity Solstice Dec 02, 2018 | More Dates... Sydney; At Sea; Cruise Dusky Sound; Cruise Doubtful Sound; Cruise Milford Sound; Dunedin; Akaroa; Wellington; Napier; At Sea; Tauranga; Bay of Islands; Auckland; From: Inside: $1026, Balcony: $1124. |
7 Night Canada and New England ~ Disney Cruise Line ~ Disney Magic Sep 27 | More Dates... Quebec City; Quebec City; Saguenay; Baie-Comeau; At Sea; Halifax; At Sea; New York City; From: Inside: $420, Ocean view: $490, Balcony: $770. |
9 Night Canada and New England ~ Royal Caribbean International ~ Anthem of the Seas Oct 18 | More Dates... Cape Liberty; At Sea; Boston; Portland; Bar Harbor; Halifax; At Sea; St. John; At Sea; Cape Liberty; From: Inside: $655, Balcony: $844. |
Cruises: Rates are quoted in U.S. dollars per person (based on double occupancy). PORT CHARGES ARE INCLUDED. Taxes & fees are not included. Fuel supplement may be applicable. All rates are subject to change, availability and eligibility. All offers apply to new bookings only, are capacity controlled and may be withdrawn without notice.
To view details of the many more worldwide offers and for more information on these & other Dargal Interline specials: Call Toll Free: 1-800-690-3223 International Toll Free: (country code)-800-2832-7425 Suite 200-1632 Dickson Ave Kelowna BC V1Y 7T2
From the "Parts & Pieces" magazine issue dated July 1993.
The Saga Of The Three Striped Skipper
Hawkair was founded in 1994 as a remote area cargo service airline.
In those days Hawkair flew mining equipment to isolated Goldmine sites in Northern BC. In 2000, sensing that opportunity existed within the passenger airline industry in British Columbia, the Company transformed itself into a passenger service with the leasing of their first Dash-8 aircraft in August 2000.
One month later, the Company was flying scheduled service between Terrace and Vancouver. Over the past five years the company has expanded its route network to six cities and operates a fleet of 37 and 50 seat DeHavilland Dash-8 aircraft.
(Source: www.hawkair.ca)
On November 18th 2016, Hawkair declared bankruptcy, had all assets seized for liquidation, and permanently ceased operations.
Click here for the Terrace Standard article.
Our cartoon is by Don Rice, YVR Cargo appeared in the "Canadi>n Flyer" June 1997.
The caption reads "I assume you three guys are on standby".
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2018
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
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