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NetLetter #1404 | December 12, 2018 |
Aerial view of YVR - 2006
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CP Air, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter.
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ACFN/NetLetter News
Christmas is quickly approaching and we are planning to publish a special Christmas issue on the weekend of December 22 - 23, 2018. We thought that many of our readers may have some aviation Christmas stories or photos they would like to share. If so, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Santa's waiting for your stories and photos!

Women in Aviation
Pilot pulls off incredible sideways landing at Bristol Airport.
Ever been in an airplane that's landed sideways? Probably not given that it's a very tricky maneuver to pull off.
That didn't stop a TUI Boeing 757-200 make an incredible dramatic landing at Bristol Airport, in the UK, October 12, 2018.
Storm Callum brought challenging high winds and stormy weather to parts of Britain mid-October -- so the aircraft's skilled pilot, Captain Brenda Riepsaame Wassink, had to go to extreme lengths to ensure safe landing.
The pilot used a technique called crabbing to ground the plane, angling the nose of the plane into the wind until right before it touched down on the tarmac, whereupon it swiftly turned to glide down the runway. It's a technique pilots learn even before they get their first license but increases in difficulty with wind speed.
During the maneuver, the airplane's wings can be seen flexing up and down as they're buffeted by the storm's powerful gusts.
"We're very proud of TUI Airways Captain Brenda Riepsaame Wassink," the airline said in a statement. It said the landing in adverse weather conditions showcased "how highly skilled and well trained our TUI Airways pilots are."
Wassink, 35, joined TUI in 2005, becoming a captain in 2017. She was piloting flight TOM6561 from Menorca, Spain, to Bristol when she completed her landing.
UK-based YouTuber MrAviationGuy, known for his plane-spotting videos, captured footage as the Boeing 757-200 landed smoothly and also recorded other planes trying and failing to land successfully.
The TUI flight's audacious landing will no doubt help Bristol Airport maintain the impressive statistics for punctuality which in 2015 saw it as one of the world's best for time keeping.
(Reprinted from: www.cnn.com)
Star Alliance News
The ANA Group welcomed 2,672 new employees to the team. The new recruits gathered in the ANA hangar at Haneda Airport for an official welcome ceremony.
ANA was founded in 1952 with two helicopters and has become the largest airline in Japan, as well as one of the most significant airlines in Asia, operating 85 international routes and 116 domestic routes. It has more than 13,000 employees.
(Source: portal.staralliance.com/employees)
Reader Submitted Photos
In NetLetter #1402, under Odds and Ends we had an article regarding the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada, Winnipeg moving to a new location.
We received information from Robert Arnold who has been heavily involved, over the years, with the refurbishing of the former Air Canada Vickers Viscount CF-THS.
On October 23, 2018, CF-THS was moved from its long-time home located at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada for its final time. The Viscount will be stored outside in a secure area while a whole new purpose-built museum complex will soon be constructed on property located nearer to Winnipeg's main terminal area. Once complete, the Viscount will be the museum's star attraction.
Our Viscount has now been relocated, unfortunately to an outside storage site near the old Air Canada facility on the west side of the airfield. If there is anything positive from this, it's in a safe and secure area. The sad thing is, I wasn't able to get it properly prepared for winter and long term storage, mostly due to several last minute public events that were planned for the Viscount, which prevented me from covering anything up in advance, and with it now being on the air side, a whole pile of other issues come into play as I try and get near it. Looks like I won't get anything done to it this year, as the cold weather and snow has now set in for the winter.
The upside is, I was able to get hold of a temporary ramp pass, preserve some history, and grab some great shots of her outside on the tarmac while it sat next to the museum. I included a few of these pics. The following day we towed it over to where it will be stored. Being part of the move, I took a few rare pics, some from one of the oval passenger windows showing the dart engines, as I doubt anyone these days will have the rare opportunity to take pictures from a Viscount window while taxiing, by tug, across the airport property. These pics were totally void of any museum structure or barriers. For the balance of the trip across the field, I sat in the left seat and got a few rare pics from the cockpit window, again another rare opportunity not to pass over. I also tried taking a few pictures with no date references to be seen to give the illusion the aircraft was still in service.
Up until this event, there hasn't been much doing other than help slowly pack up the museum. I did notice that once the Viscount was outside, no one had thought of locking the controls so I had to go and locate an air stair and push it out to the aircraft, reopen the door and lock the controls. All is okay now.
The new museum complex will have a fully modern and diverse aircraft display area that will capture and display Canada's aviation history and technology at its best along with a fully modern and temperature controlled archives department.
The new facility will also provide a far better view of any aircraft movements around the airport for the public to enjoy. The old museum complex will soon be demolished, and new buildings will be constructed and later will be occupied by a private aviation company. All this will bode well with the modernization and future of the Winnipeg Airport facility.
On a side note, I was able to secure one of the big old double pedestal TCA oak desks. I have since refinished it back to its original golden oak finish and I now use it on a daily basis..
Actually it was Tony Morien's old desk, which he used during his time in the restoration shop. It also had one of the old original metal TCA inventory tags still attached. The desk is now back together and looks quite nice in my apartment. I'm using it at this moment as I send this email. It sure is nice to have plenty of drawer space, 6 of them to be exact.
Robert Arnold.
TCA/AC People Gallery
Here is the cover of the enRoute magazine issued May 2012.
(Source: enroute.aircanada.com/en/magazine/past-issues)
World Airline Road Race (WARR).
Each September/October, employees, family and friends from the airline community come together for the World Airline Road Race (WARR).
WARR is a professionally run, volunteer driven, four-day event put on by airline members offering to host in their home city. Now entering its 37th year in 2018, with over 1,500 participants from 60+ airlines, the World Airline Road Race is one of the largest annual airline athletic events in the world.
The 37th annual World Airline Road Race (WARR) was held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on September 26 - 29, 2018.
Runners representing Air Canada numbered 75 participants, giving a first in Category A to Air Canada.
Individual Awards - 5K by age group - Men

Winner under 30 was Mark Hebert, after running for 00:21:25.

Winner in the 40-49 was Michael Burgess, timed at 00:20:23
Individual Awards - 5K by age group - Women
Third under 30 was Melina Renaud, (Rouge) timed at 00:27:02.
Second 30-39 was Violeta Gutoiu, timed at 00:24:32.
Second 60-69 was Andrea Aniceto, timed 00:33:42.
Winner 70 and over is Joan Stibbaard, timed at 00:34:12.
10K by Age Group - Men Second under 30 Lancelot Lorioz, (Rouge) 00:42:26.
10K by Age Group - Women
Winner under 30 Melina Renaud, (Rouge) time of 00:43:06. Third 50-59 is Debra Umpleby, ran for 00:49:10. Second 60-69 Lynn Shaw, in after 00:53:34. Winner 70 and over is Joan Stibbaard, in after 01:05:31.
Team Awards - 10K
Women’s masters team Second Air Canada with 34 points.
Click Here for links to full results
Next year the 38th World Airline Road Race (WARR) is planned for Amsterdam, Holland. |
Ireland greets charters.
In September 1947 the first Trans-Canada Air Lines North Star noisily rumbled to a halt at stand #3 of Shannon Airport, marking the inauguration of TCA's passenger service between Canada and Ireland. Between November 1979 and May 1984, cargo flights kept the Air Canada flag flying during the temporary suspension of passenger flights.
Aidan Larkin, Airport Manager, Shannon, met that first TCA flight, he was then a young Passenger Agent with the handling agent, Aer Lingus. He joined TCA in August 1952 as a Ramp Agent and was promoted Airport Manager in 1967. On May 5, Larkin was again on hand as Air Canada's inaugural B747 charter from Toronto pulled up to stand #3, 37 years later.
In our photo, Aidan Larkin, Airport Manager, Shannon, right, welcomes Captain Pat Palmer of Air Canada charter flight AC072.
Alan's Space
Boeing Bling
I discovered the image/video below showing an Emirates B-777 covered with "bling". Although most of you (I hope) would know that this is a fake photo that's been photo-shopped, I still found it interesting. Emirates, tweeted a doctored photo of one of their jetliners with the exterior decked out in diamonds. “Presenting the Emirates ‘Bling’ 777,” they wrote on Twitter. “Image created by Sara Shakeel.” The photo was created by Shakeel, who is famous for recreating photos of famous landmarks or pop culture icons—such as McDonald’s french fries—in crystals.
If that wasn't enough, I also found a photo from the Dubai Miracle Garden where you'll find the biggest flower arrange in the world, a replica of an Emirates Airbus A380 that sits covered in more than 500,000 fresh flowers and plants. When all of its flowers are in full bloom, the full-size aircraft structure has some five million flowers.

CP Air, Canadi>n People Gallery
Part two of the Canadian Pacific history - (Part one was in NetLetter #1403)
General Manager of the air service department is C. H."Punch" Dickins, perhaps Canada's best known and best liked airline pioneer, who built Canadian Airways into a large organization.
Canadian Pacific is one of the largest organizations of its kind in the world, with offices in every principal city on the globe and steamship lines reaching into almost every ocean. It plans to supplement its steamship service with long-range airplane routes. It has obtained the franchise for the trans-Atlantic service, and it can offer, via Alaska the shortest air route from North America to the Orient.
The railway now owns or controls the following airlines in Canada:
- Canadian Airways, Ltd., Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver.
- Arrow Airways, Ltd., The Pas, Manitoba.
- Dominion Skyways, Ltd., Montreal.
- Mackenzie Air Service, Ltd, Edmonton Alberta.
- Prairie Airways, Ltd., Moose Jaw, Sask.
- Quebec Airways, Ltd., Montreal.
- Starratt Airways and Transportation Ltd Hudson, Ontario
- Yukon Southern Air Transport, Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta.
Only six smaller airlines and the Government's Trans-Canada Air Lines, remain outside the C.P.R. fold.
In acquiring control of individual airline companies C.P.R. has done much to stabilize the costly and competitive ''bush country'' operations which have been a sore spot in Canada's aviation picture for many years.
(Source: Financial Times Archives - 1941)
(Third part in NetLetter #1405 - eds)
Here we have photos of former Canadian B737's.
Dome Petroleum C-GDPA - B737-2T2C - ADV. (left) and C-GSPW - B737-275C - ADV (right).
Wayne's Wings
Vancouver International - A Livable Airport
What is now referred to as the ‘Domestic Terminal’ turned celebrated the 50th anniversary of its official opening on October 25, 2018. I transferred to YVR in 1995, just as the ‘International Terminal’ was in the building process. Presently, ground is breaking on a $9.1 billion upgrade project.
The ‘Pacific Gateway’ to Asia from Canada has received many awards including Skytrax Best North American Airport in 2007 and then from 2010 to 2018; nine consecutive years and counting. However, I think of YVR as a 'Treasure on Sea Island'.
The city of Richmond, British Columbia is made up of most of the islands in the Fraser River delta. The two largest of which are Lulu Island, the city centre and most inhabited, and Sea Island, where YVR is situated. During my working years, while living on Lulu Island, I not only rode my bicycle to work but also spent a full day of riding around Sea Island with the sound of jet engines surrounding me.
After crossing the 'No. 2 Road Bridge', one of the four bridges from connecting Lulu and Sea Islands, I could ride through ‘Larry Berg Flight Path’ park and then the quaint community of ‘Burkeville’. Continuing along the well-marked bicycle path by the Pacific Gateway Hotel and then under the Moray (No. 3 Road) Bridge, I arrive at Templeton Road where there are always numerous cars parked with the avid plane spotting photographers enjoying the great view of aircraft approaching and then flying overhead before landing on 26R.
Templeton Road then curves to run parallel to the runway on the way to Iona Beach Regional Park; where the picture of Terry, Alan and myself was taken.
My favourite spot was at the end of the 5-kilometre-long Iona Jetty Spit (See link to Google map below) which is situated between the two east-west runways. I can have a private little picnic and watch the aircraft lift off and fly directly above. Mid-afternoon is when most flights to Asia leave so the view of the wide-bodies can be spectacular on a sunny day (we do have them in Vancouver).
YVR has done a great job of building a world-class airport while maintaining a very natural and enjoyable and environment around it.
YVR Turns 50 - Global News YVR - 50 Years Ago at evelazurus.com YVR Cycling Routes - Inside Vancouver Images of Iona Beach Park from bielousov.com Cycling at YVR.ca YVR on Google Maps

Biking around Iona Beach Park by Heather Harvey at Flickr
Reader's Feedback
After reading the poem by Ken Murray in the "Smilie" section of NetLetter #1403, Bernie McCormack sends this comment -
What a fabulous and accurate (sometimes) poem on the trials and amendments performed by a good F/O. The name Buck comes to mind for me from a number of incidents but only in a good and friendship vein.
Bernie McCormack
Gary Bocking sent us this information -
In NetLetter #1402, Heather Johannson told a story about her friend Gail (Horton) Hodges and her flight attendant mother Violet Kirchhofer. Violet married Kenneth George Horton who worked at TCA/Air Canada for nearly 40 years, retiring I believe in 1977.
I had the privilege of working for and alongside Ken Horton, Doug Spalding and Ian Gardner for many years in cargo and passenger pricing as well as Government and industry affairs.
All three were highly respected in their field and I was both proud and very fortunate to work with such professional individuals. When tasked with organizing Ken's retirement party, the first person we invited was Claude Taylor, then President and CEO of Air Canada.
Mr. Taylor told me personally that he would not miss Ken's retirement and would make a special effort to be there. In fact, he flew in from (I believe) Ottawa that very day to be there. Such was the respect that individuals had for Ken Horton. After I transferred to Calgary, Ken and I occasionally remained in touch until his passing.
Gary Bocking.
Bill Sim in Dorval sent us this message -
Found these old Personal Travel Trip Pass in my travel bag, also a note from you about The Post Hotel In London. Just thought it may be of interest for the NetLetter
My family had a big bash for me last year for my 90th birthday, the last four (of) my family in Scotland came over for the party, it was held in The Lachine Curling Club. I retired in May 1983. Still enjoying the NetLetter.
Thank you and the rest of the crew for all the hard work. All the best to you, take care,
Bill Sim
The attachment (below) was an Air Canada trip pass and instructions for pass travel issued by American Airlines.
Odds and Ends
Air Club International
The airline was established in 1993, headquartered at Mirabel International Airport (at the time, Montréal's main international airport) and managed by a group that included several former Nationair executives and presided by Claude Lévesque, to operate charter flights between Canada, Europe and the Caribbean.
The carrier's first airplane was an A310-300 acquired via Airbus Leasing and used for routes towards Europe, such as London. Later, the airline obtained additional A310 aircraft and, late in January 1995, began using a Boeing 747-200 leased from Japan Airlines from its Vancouver base.
As part of a contract with Air India, Air Club operated flights from India to several international destinations, starting in 1994. Between seasons, Air Club also operated different contractual flights for various organizations.
Air Club ceased operations in 1998 and returned the leased aircraft to the lessors.
On the left, we have a photo of the timetable issued 1995 from the collection of David Zekria.
Our photo below is of an Air Club International Boeing 747-200 at London Gatwick Airport. This aircraft was converted to Jumbohostel outside Stockholm Arlanda Airport in 2008.
(Refer to NetLetter #1391 for details of the restaurant.- eds)
(Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Club_International)
From the Air Canada UK/EC Pionairs newsletter #308 - Nov/Dec 2018.
The nearest near-miss of a drone operating too close to a passenger aircraft has been recorded. The UK's Aviation Collision Police reported a drone came within 10 feet of a Virgin Atlantic aircraft preparing to land a Heathrow with 264 passengers on board. The aircraft was still at a height of around 3,200 feet, well above the legal flying limit for drones, where the near-miss occurred.
To date, the Police have not been able to identify the drone operator.
Air Inuit, the airline of Nunavik
Air Inuit was established & started operations in November 1978 by the Makivik Corporation & operations started on June 30, 1978.
Montreal-based Chaperal Charters was acquired in 1984 and its fleet of 2 DHC-6s and 1 DC-3 were incorporated. In 1988, Johnny May’s Air Charters was purchased as a subsidiary company running single engine Otters and Beavers during the float season.
(Owned by the Inuit, the aboriginal people of Canada. Domestic scheduled charter passenger and cargo carrier within the province of Quebec)
(Source: airlinehistory.co.uk)
Today the fleet consists of B737-200, Twin Otter 300 series, Dash-8 300 series, Dash-8 cargo 300, King Air 350, King Air 100, Dash-8 100 combi.
Here we have the timetable issued June 6, 1993 from the collection of Bjorn Larsson.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
Terry Baker, co-founder of the NetLetter scours the internet for aviation-related Trivia and Travel Tips for you, our readers, to peruse.
The UK announced another increase in its Air Passenger Duty (APD)—a departure tax.
This will see the APD for economy-class seats on long-haul flights—more than 2,000 miles—rise by £2 ($2.60) to £80, while premium cabin passengers will see the APD rise £4 to £176. The new rates take effect in spring 2020. The APD for short-haul flights will be frozen.
The UK’s Air Passenger Duty (APD) is the highest passenger tax levied anywhere in the world. Originally introduced in 1994 as a means to pay for the environmental costs of air travel, it has risen by a whopping 824% by 2015.
What started out as £5 ($6.50) for short-haul flights and £10 ($12.97) for long-haul flights, the tax reached £13 ($17) for economy class and £26 ($33) for all other classes.
Passengers flying further than 2,000 miles pay £73 ($95) for economy class and up to £146 ($189) for all other classes. A further rise is planned for April next year.
In a commissioned report, PwC argued that abolishing APD would give a 1.7% boost to the UK economy by 2020. In September, Prime Minister Theresa May came under renewed pressure from airline CEOs to scrap the tax
(Source: atwonline.com (November 1, 2018) and airport-technology.com)

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$1,099 |
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Click Here for complete details.
From the "Horizons" magazine issue dated August 1984. |
Ethiopian Airlines' first 767 arrived in Addis Ababa after a record-setting nonstop delivery flight from Washington, D.C.
The 7,500-mile (12 082 km) trip was the longest flight ever made by a commercial twin-jet airliner. (At the time of the report! - eds)
Ethiopian is the first African carrier to operate the new generation extended range Boeing 767 which has a larger fuel capacity and higher gross weight than other 767 models.
Our cartoon, by Dave Mathias, appeared in the “Between Ourselves" magazine, issued July 1956.
The caption reads, "Then I take it, Miss Thorndyke, your ONLY complaint is the word romantic to describe our All-Inclusive Italian Tour?"
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2018
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
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