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NetLetter #1369 | June 25, 2017 |
Sopwith Pup (replica) "Lucie" - Woodstock, New Brunswick
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the NetLetter, an Aviation based newsletter for Air Canada, TCA, CPAir, Canadian Airlines and all other Canadian based airlines that once graced the Canadian skies.
The NetLetter was created in 1995 by Vesta Stevenson (RIP) and Terry Baker and is published on the second and fourth weekend of each month. If you are interested in Canadian Aviation History, and vintage aviation photos, especially as it relates to Trans-Canada Air Lines, Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and their constituent airlines, then we're sure you'll enjoy this newsletter. Our website is located at www.thenetletter.net
Air Canada News
Air Canada Rouge began installing Gogo Wi-Fi inflight internet on its fleet of 767-300ERs for completion by end 2018.
(Source: SpeedNews May 19, 2017)
Three Technologies Pinpointed as Future of Air Canada Maintenance Ops.
Air Canada is exploring new ways of enhancing its warehouse and parts tracking operations. Artificial intelligence, drone technology and greater enhancements to GPS tracking will shape the future of Air Canada’s maintenance division warehouse and component tracking operations, according to its VP of Maintenance and Engineering, Richard Steer.
He says due to MRO-relevant technologies advancing at a rapid pace, the airline maintenance division is always looking to stay at the forefront of this by exploring new initiatives to enhance its operation. “One of these initiatives included some of the items our teams are now examining include the use of drones within our warehouses,” he says. “These could assist our teams during our audits; to the use of automated delivery vehicles, which could improve of coverage over large areas such as the warehouses in our hubs.”
In recent years, Air Canada has introduced a number of enhancements to its maintenance operation as part of its efforts to drive operational improvements. "Mobility has been a major theme of our transformation and the logistics team was the first to launch this within Air Canada Maintenance by issuing tablet devices to our frontline teams,” Steer says. “These enabled them to move from a stationary workspace to one where transactions can be completed in real-time on the fly.”
Steer adds that Air Canada has also utilized GPS tracking, which he says has produced a great amount of data to put its teams in a position of improved decision making.
(Source: MRO Network Daily May 19, 2017)
Reader Submitted Photos
Len Gauthier sent us this photo -
Taken at CYUY (Rouyn-Noranda Airport) in 1957. On the left Mr. Cossette, local Molson Breweries agent, Jean Béliveau (Montreal Canadiens), and Guy Mainguy, station attendant.
Len was the Duty Manager at Rouyn-Noranda during the 1980's, working with Denis Perrier, Joseph Wojtczak and Marion Terlecki as Station Agents. Later they relocated to the cargo departments in Mirabel and Dorval.
Air Canada operated DC-9 service in CYUY until 1987 when it was taken over by Air Alliance Dash 8’s. Len was Duty Manager in CYUY until 1983.
Frank Pedder has sent us these photos -
Fun times for Purchasing & Supply, Pionairs YUL District, monthly coffee meeting at the Brasserie Le Manoir, Lachine on June 1st 2017.
From the left: Julian Ireland, Jim Biggs, Leon Kolibaiev and Henry Hall.
In this photo we have: Jim Devlin, Eric Pousseur, Jim Biggs, Myles Adams, Denis Leduc and John Gauthier.
TCA/AC People Gallery
ACRA Toronto has its own website
It's finally here - ACRA Toronto has its own chapter website!
To access, go to acraacra123.wixsite.com/yyzacra. Please note this site is for ACRA members, Air Canada employees and retired employees only.
Dragged out of the "Horizons" magazine issue dated August 1981.
An In-Flight first.
A group of Francophones are the first flight attendants in a class to complete a combined four-week in-flight service course and a three week English language course.
The photo was taken upon their graduation, back row from the left: Marie-Josee Bourgeois, Corporate Language Services Manager; Micheline Dupuis, Lynne Comptois, Andree Boutin, Francis Aubin, Cabin Personnel Employment Supervisor.
Middle Row, from left: Yves Lapierre, Lucie Roger, Carole Bourget, Lucie Germain, Suzelle Melot, Ronald Dalbec, Sylvie Drapeau, Jocelyn Labelle, Marie-France Ferron, and Gaetan Deslandes.
Seated from the left: Sylvie Perreault, Chantal Clement along with instructors from AC/CN Linguistic Services, Helen Belair, Jacques Aubin-Roy, Mireille Voyer, Norma Martinello, and Jill Jones.
Heavy traffic on memory lane.
A group of Regional Purchasing & Supply veterans at Toronto International Airport celebrating 25, 30 and 35 year milestones at a gala evening of camaraderie laced with nostalgia.
Shown in the photo of the event seated from the left are: Don Mayo, Rosemary Dart, Cliff Gregory and Ron Haynes.
Standing from the left: Warren Scrivener, Reg Woodcock, Les Stevenson, Bill Brown, Don Wilkinson, Jim Whiteside, Jim Jamieson, Sid Sparks and Bill Ripley. Missing from the photo was Jack Stark.
Issued dated March 1982.
All but two of the 21 Air Canada Recreation Association (ACRA) Presidents met in Montreal hosted by the Montreal ACRA Board of Directors at a get acquainted reception on the evening prior to the meeting.
Harold Miloff, Director, Employee Affairs and Bernie Mller, V.P. Personnel both addressed the gathering,
The attendees are shown from the left: Gisela Hoppert, Frankfurt (standing in for Klaus Berg); Keith Merry, London, England; Bob Browne, St. John's; Frank Jones, Sydney; Brian Murray, Halifax; Rachelle Gallant, Moncton; Joe Holmes, Saint John; Andre Claveau, Quebec City; Diane Drury, Montreal; Bernie Miller; Norm Card, Ottawa; Al Davidson, Toronto; John O'Hare, London, Ontario; Gary Hughes, Thunder Bay; Margaret Livingstone, Winnipeg; Rob Love, Regina; Bob Bateman, Saskatoon; Karen Sargeant, Edmonton, (for Jenny George); Debbie Johnston, Calgary; Corry Smith, Los Angeles; and George Agnew, Vancouver.
Found in the "Altitude" magazine issue dated November 1989.
New flight attendants who had completed their courses during July.
Seated from the left: Chantel Viau, (instructor); Patricia Longtin, Josee Patton, Dimitri Stamadianos, Eva-Marie Sharlock and Marian Laramy (instructor).
Standing from the left: Richard Skrypinski, Laurie Varga, Diane Roy, Alena Hoffmann, Eleni Papadolias, Linda Richards, Isabelle Caron, Simon Lelievre, Kim-Mata Bartsa, Yvon Boisvert, Sandra Goertzen, Antelina Freitag and Christian Giguere.
Alan's Space
Vimy Flight - Birth of a Nation
VIMY FLIGHT is a team of dedicated volunteer pilots and ground support that had the honour of performing a commemorative bi-plane fly-past over the Vimy Ridge Memorial in Vimy, France this April 9, 2017.
They are now poised to bring Vimy home for all Canadians with their Birth of A Nation Tour. From Vimy, France to the birthplace of Canadian confederation, the tour will span the country from coast to coast, engaging with communities to commemorate our Canadian heroes of the past 100 years and celebrate our 150th year of nationhood.
To see the tentative schedule of the cross-country tour, please visit www.vimyflight.ca/tour-schedule.html For Canada Day (July 1, 2017) they are scheduled to be "in the air" between 1:40 - 2:40 and be on display in the afternoon at 3:00 PM at the Canadian Air & Space Museum (Ottawa).

CPAir, Canadi>n People Gallery
From the “CP Spanner” newsletter issue dated July 1968.
On June 17th, 1968, Canadian Pacific adopted a new set of international names for its multi-modal spectrum of services. CP Rail, CP Air, (not Canadian Pacific Airlines or CPA), CP Transport, CP Express, CP Ships, CP Hotels and CP Telecommunications. With a range of bright colours that convey vitality and action. Orange was selected for CP Air.
The emblem for the CP range of products was a circle and a triangle. The circle and triangle extending forward from the trailing edge of tail. Diagonal red band, extending down and back from top of cockpit separates orange upper section from remainder of aircraft in metallic silver. Name CP Air applied to forward part of fuselage.
Found in "the Communicator" the Honolulu magazine issue dated August 1970.
Here we found this photo of Jim Rogers, Honolulu Customer Service Manager of CP Air standing before the newly refurbished ticket counter in the lobby.
Wayne's Wings
Expo '67 - A wonderful memory
Although I enjoy researching and writing about history, I am not usually a nostalgic person. I am much more interested in the present and future but I have found that researching the past and relating events to today’s world can often make history new again.
Due to Canada reaching its 150th birthday this year, I have found myself thinking about my teenage years growing up in Montreal leading up to Canada’s centennial celebration and Expo ’67.
I remember receiving my “passport” to Expo ’67 for my fourteenth birthday just a few days after the opening of the World’s Fair and being very excited riding the new “Metro” train for my first visit the next day.
My father was fascinated by other cultures but never had the opportunity to travel. He enthusiastically led my sister and myself from pavilion to pavilion sharing his knowledge (from years of reading) for each country represented.
The theme of Expo ’67, “Man and his World”, was a prophecy for Canada. I feel extremely fortunate to live in a multicultural country and to have had the opportunity to visit several original countries of friends who now call Canada “Home”.
Click the image below for an Expo ’67 promotional video posted on YouTube.

Reader's Feedback
Captain Dennis Giguere refers to NetLetter nr 1367 and sends this information - re the start-up of Trans-Canada Air Lines.
The modest fleet was actually 5 Lockheed 10A Electras. CF-AZY and CF-BAF and then CF-TCA, TCB and TCC. CF-TCA is located in the National Aviation Museum in Ottawa and CF-TCC is still In flying condition currently stored in an Air Canada hangar in Winnipeg awaiting relocation back to the Royal Western Canada Aviation Museum in YWG.
Of interest is the fact that my late father, Captain Rene Giguere took delivery of CF-TCC on January 6, 1938.
Captain Dennis Giguere, retired
Regarding the photo of the Jim Finlay luncheon in NetLetter nr 1367, Tony Coleman sends these corrections -
Photo of London staff with Jim Finlay, two names incorrect Derek Burell should read Derek Buckell & David Broad should read Peter Broad. Regards Tony Coleman
We show the corrected photo and details –
In the photo they are simply listed ‘left to right’ (no “back row” or “front row”): Roy Ledgerwood, ‘Cec’ McDonald, John Buchanan, Barry Stride, Tony Coleman, John Searle, Helen Hutton, Jack Helsby, Ken Banks, Jim Finlay, Gary Evans, Dave Dougans, Derek Buckell, Bill Ferguson, Doug Stewart, Gib Sale, Alan Horabin, Ken Fletcher, Bob Williamson, Peter Sutherland, Peter Broad and Brian Sygrove.
Odds and Ends
London City Airport (LCY), popular with business travelers, will become the first airport in the U.K. to install a digital control tower, the airport has announced. The tower will be equipped with 16 high-definition cameras that will transmit data to a control center in Swanwick, Hampshire, about 100 miles away, where air traffic controllers will do their job off-site.
Apparently SAAB has two towers in Sweden using the system already and they will build the City Airport system.
Boarding passes could someday become quaint relics for air travellers.
JetBlue Airways plans to test facial recognition check-in for a few flights beginning later this month, and Delta Air Lines plans to let some passengers board with their fingerprints instead of a boarding pass.
The once ubiquitous paper boarding pass is already shunned by many travellers who prefer to use mobile boarding passes on their phones. Now pilot programs could render those obsolete too, as airlines aim to increase convenience for customers, and government agencies look to increase security.
Terry's Trivia and Travel Tips
During the Pionairs AGM held recently in Vancouver, Leslie-Anne Vezina, Manager of Travel and Recognition announced that active AC employees have a flight load APP for their smart phones/tablets that provides flight load information with high accuracy up to 2 hours to flight time.
Leslie-Anne advised that Pionairs and retirees can expect this APP by later this month.
Memories by Lois North which were passed along, verbally, during the Pionairs AGM, April 30th, 2017 - Vancouver to Terry Baker of the NetLetter.
One of the joys of flying in the Maritimes - (this was back in 1958). I was the only Stewardess on the North Star from Sydney to Montreal and a man got on in Halifax, an elderly man, he was probably younger than I am now but he got off, and when he got back on again, (this is before we had gates) he handed me a dollar bill and said "I want to tip you". I said "that's very kind of you but we are not permitted to take tips" and he seemed a bit crestfallen. Anyway, we went to St. John's and he got off again and when he got back on he had his hand behind his back as I greeted him and he said "If you can't take money, can you take these?" and he handed me a bouquet of wild flowers that he had picked along the way back to the aircraft. I thought it was a very insignificant thing but it stayed with me for years.
There were other times all fun.
I remember we were taking an airplane from Halifax to St. John's and we had come in on a regular flight. There were just two guys and myself. Just before we left the airport, crew scheduling called and told us they needed the aircraft. Whether they had a cancellation or what we didn't know, anyway, we just wheeled around back to the airplane again and I ended up sitting up front with the flight crew, sitting in the jump seat. There was nobody in the back. We were over Cape Breton and all of a sudden the old North Star gave a real good “whoomp” and we lost an engine. I kind of looked up and I can't remember who the pilots were now, but the F.O. looked over and said "Oh it's Ok, we just lost one, but we have three others out of the four”.
Later I told one of my grandchildren and they said "Was there any problem when it fell on the ground?" I said "No it just means an engine did not work, it did not fall off". (see Engline Failure in "Smileys" below)
Here's another memory... My husband (he was a Captain) used to fly the lobster run between Stephenville and Boston and if they had extra lobsters in Stephenville, he would buy them, maybe 20 or 30 pounds and he did this all one summer. Many times he would come home with lots of lobsters so we bought a special garbage can to use just for cooking lobsters, but it took awhile to get the water boiling. It was common practice on his way back to Montreal he would call crew scheduling to say he was in-bound and ask them if they would they please call Lois and tell her to put the garbage can on, " I'll be home for supper".
Now how many (that was in 1953) years later - well maybe 40 years later - we were at the TCA alumni at the initial opening and we had been to the Pionairs original meeting. We stayed on for the TCA one and I am sitting in the bar and there is a crew scheduler who I used to know in Montreal who logged most of the flights out for us and he said "You know Lois, I always liked your husband Captain North very much, but there was one thing that really bothered me, he would say "Would you call Lois and tell her I will be home for supper and put the garbage can on".
The crew scheduler said "I considered that most disrespectful". Of course that was also the "code" for me (Lois) to get on the phone and call up our neighbours, who were also Air Canada people, to come over for lobsters - we had lots of fun.
Engine Failure (Prompted by Lois North's story above) An airliner is flying accross country, when the pilot comes on the PA to announce, "we have some bad news. One of the engines just failed and as a result, we will be delayed by 30 minutes."
A bit later, the pilot returns, "we have some more bad news. Another engine just failed, and we will be delayed an additional hour."
Another bit later, "Sorry folks, more bad news. A third engine just failed, and so, since we will be running only on the one remaining engine, the flight will be delayed by another two hours."
At this point, a disgruntled passenger turns to his neighbor and says, "I sure hope that last engine keeps working or else we'll be up here all night!"
This Flt Ops "Cap'n Bly" cartoon by "Jaques" has the caption "Hey, this 550 manual has some good Toronto phone numbers.."
Terry Baker | Alan Rust | Wayne Albertson
Ken Pickford (missing from photo)
NetLetter Staff for 2017
(you can read our bios at www.thenetletter.net/history)
E&OE - (errors and omissions excepted) - The historical information as well as any other information provided in the "NetLetter" is subject to correction and may have changed over time. We do publish corrections (and correct the original article) when this is brought to our attention.
Disclaimer: Please note that neither the NetLetter or the ACFamily Network necessarily endorse any airline related or other "deals" that we provide for our readers. We would be interested in any feedback (good or bad) when using these companies though and will report the results here. We do not (normally) receive any compensation from any companies that we post in our newsletters. If we do receive a donation or other compensation, it will be indicated as a sponsored article or link.